mercredi 25 juin 2008

ATER 2008

Composante Biologie, 67ème section
Vacant du 01/09/2008 au 31/08/2009

Enseignement :
filières de formation concernées
* Licence Sciences et Technologies- Parcours SV Biologie géologie, Parcours SVT et Parcours Biologie des
Organismes et Populations (S5 et S6):
- TD/TP faune dans les UE Ecosystemes terrestres, UE Ecosystemes aquatiques, UE Faune Flore des Milieux
Naturels, UE Faune Flore des Milieux Anthropisés
- TD/TP dans l'UE d'Ecotoxicologie
* Licence SHS Parcours Géographie: UE de Biologie en S1 et S3
* Master Environnement Spécialité Biodiversité Ecosystèmes Continentaux et Marins - Parcours Biodiversité:
- TD/TP dans l'UE Ecotoxicologie approfondie
- TD/TP (terrain) dans l'UE Communautés animales et végétales terrestres
* Prépa CAPES SVT: enseignements (TD) sur les écosystèmes
objectifs pédagogiques et besoin d'encadrement
connaissances de terrain (invertebres) necessaires en vue des sorties en milieu naturel

Recherche :

Caractérisation des communautés et populations d'invertébrés du sol en réponse aux polluants (en particulier
métalliques): atteintes à la structure des communautés in situ, atteintes à la dynamique de population et aux traits
d'histoire de vie d'espèces fonctionnelles.
De solides connaissances sur le fonctionnement de l'écosystème sol et des compétences naturalistes (invertébrés et
flore) sont nécessaires. Des connaissances en stratégies d'échantillonnage, en analyse des données et en
modélisation seraient appréciées.
Laboratoire d'accueil : Ecologie numérique et Ecotoxicologie (UFR de Biologie – Biologie animale –
Contacts :
Nom -prénom de la personne à contacter : LEPRETRE Alain
N° de téléphone : 03 20 43 65 79
N° de fax : 03 20 43 67 32
Adresse électronique :

Proposition de doctorat

Offre d'allocation de recherche à l'intention d'un étudiant titulaire d'un Master recherche.

Unité de recherche : CRPCC (EA 1285), Université Rennes 2

Date d'attribution de l'AR : 1er octobre 2008

Titre de la thèse : Etude longitudinale de la variabilité intra-individuelle du contrôle cognitif chez des personnes âgées souffrant de troubles cognitifs de type MCI.

Connaissances et compétences requises :

Connaissance des outils conceptuels de la psychologie cognitive applicables à l’étude du fonctionnement exécutif attentionnel chez la personne âgée ;
Compétences méthodologiques : planification expérimentale (y compris plans N=1), méthodes longitudinales ;
Compétences en analyse de données et plus spécifiquement dans la modélisation statistique de la variabilité intra-individuelle.

Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 4 juillet 2008

Contact :

Pour plus de renseignements :

Le site emploi du plus prestigieux des magazines scientifiques.

NatureJobs est la rubrique “Emploi” de Nature, célèbre revue scientifique hebdomadaire et revue phare de NPG (Nature Publishing Group), un groupe de presse publiant des journaux et des bases de données en ligne dans les domaines des sciences appliquées, physiques et de la vie et plus récemment, dans le champ de la médecine clinique.

Le site uniquement en anglais, comporte une base données mettant à votre disposition plus de 5 000 offres d’emploi, classées par fonction, région, discipline et organisation/institution ; un magazine de la carrière scientifique pour garder une longueur d’avance et profiter des derniers articles et conseils utiles pour votre carrière et vie professionnelle ; une rubrique "spotlights & regions" vous permettant d’accéder aux informations sur la recherche dans les différents domaines et dans le monde entier.

vendredi 20 juin 2008

Interdisciplinary Postdoctoral Opportunity -- Reproduction/Development -- Indiana University

Indiana University invites applications for a post-doctoral traineeship to be supported by NIH-CHHD via an NIH T32 training grant entitled, 'Common Themes in Reproductive Diversity.' We offer broadly integrative training in the areas of sexual reproduction and development with a focus on the behavior of animals including humans. Research conducted by participants addresses key questions in the development and expression of sex differences, as well as maternal and paternal effects on morphological, sexual, and social development. Indiana University's excellent support for research and its globally recognized strengths in animal behavior, endocrinology, human sexual health, and evolution of development ensure high quality training.

Traineeships include a competitive salary based on current NIH pay scale commensurate with experience and funds to support research and travel. The successful applicant will help foster collaborations among faculty and serve as a professional model for pre-doctoral trainees. A Ph.D. in biology, psychology, neuroscience, chemistry, gender studies or a related field is required. Candidates are invited to make initial contacts with training faculty. To apply, please visit the following website to find instructions and forms to download:

Please e-mail your completed application to Linda Summers at or (less desired) mail it to 402 N. Park Street, Bloomington, IN 47405. The email subject line should read: CTRD Postdoc-Ketterson. For full consideration, applications should arrive by 1 September 2008, although later applications will be considered. The search will continue until the position is filled. Please note that the traineeship must begin on or before April 2009. Minority applicants are especially encouraged to apply. Trainees must be citizens, non-citizen nationals, or permanent residents of the US. Indiana University is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer.

Field Assistant: Brown Mouse Lemur Project: Ranomafana, Madagascar

Hiring Organization: Sarah Zohdy, PhD student, University of Helsinki

Position Description:
In beautiful southeast Madagascar, you will be working with one of the smallest lemurs in the world, the brown mouse lemur (Microcebus rufus). Study site is Ranomafana National Park, where we will primarily work at night studying these nocturnal prosimians. We will be studying aging in a wild population of mouse lemurs. Work involves moderate-strenuous hiking, as well as some laboratory work at the research station. If you have your own project ideas, we can discuss. Data from this 2008 field season may result in possible publications or presentations for volunteer. The work is very rewarding!

No training or experience necessary. Volunteer should enjoy hiking and living outdoors. Must speak English, ability to speak French is also useful, but not required.
Applicants should have some previous animal husbandry experience and at least two years of undergraduate course work in a biology-related field.

None available at the time.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Volunteers must be able to pay their own travel to Madagascar and station fees. I will pay for transportation to and from Ranomafana from Antananarivo, permits, and can provide some field gear and meals.

Term of Appointment:
August-Dec 2008. Negotiable, but the month of October required.
Application Deadline: July 2008

Feel free to contact me with any questions
Contact Information:
Sarah Zohdy
Institute of Biotechnology PO Box 56 (Viikinkaari 9)
Helsinki 00014
Telephone Number:
+358 0440456570
E-mail Address:

mercredi 18 juin 2008

Recherches sur le deplacement des personnes aveugles

Marion Hersh frosch [ à ]

Cher(e)s collegues,

Je suis professeur au Département d'Electronique et Electrotechnique à l'Université de Glasgow en Ecosse et je fais des récherches dans le domaine de la technologie d'assistance pour les personnes aveugles, sourdes et sourd-aveugles. Je me trouve actuellement à Paris òu je mène une enquête sur les expériences de locomotion des personnes aveugles et malvoyantes avec le soutien d'un Leverhulme Research Fellowship (Bourse de Professeur Chercheur de Leverhulme). Les buts des récherches incluent:

- Mieux comprendre le processus de déplacement des personnes aveugles et malvoyantes
- Déterminer de quelles aides, systèmes d'informations et mésures pour l'accessibilité de transports en commun, bâtiments et espaces urbains elles ont besoin pour faciliter le déplacement autonome.

Une partie importante de mes recherches sont les entretiens et questionnaires avec les personnes aveugles et malvoyantes comme experts sur leur propres experiences et besoins. Si vous connaissez des gens aveugles ou malvoyants qui seraient interessés a participer a mes récherches ou vous voulez des informations supplémentaires, pouviez vous me contacter.

Marion Hersh

Offre de thèse, pathologies neurologiques et troubles du....

Objet : Sujet de thèse pour la rentrée universitaire 2008-2009, Ecole Doctorale en Sciences et Santé - ED 368, Université de Picardie Jules Verne.

Sujet : Pathologies neurologiques, troubles du traitement des informations sociales et émotionnelles. Focalisation sur l’empathie

Laboratoire d’accueil: Laboratoire de Neurosciences Fonctionnelles et Pathologies (UMR-8160 / Equipe Attention (Pr. O Godefroy)

Adresse du laboratoire (Site Amiens): Faculté de Médecine, 3, rue des Louvels, 80036 Amiens Cedex 1

Site web éventuel du laboratoire:

Nom du / des directeur(s) de thèse : Olivier Godefroy (directeur, PUPH) ; Harold Mouras (codirecteur, MCU)

Adresse(s) e-mail :

Résumé du sujet de thèse

Accompagnant le vieillissement global de la population française, les maladies neurodégénératives et la compréhension des mécanismes pathophysiologiques sous-jacents représentent des enjeux majeurs en terme de santé publique. Or, dans plusieurs de ces pathologies (Alzheimer, démence frontotemporale par exemple…) apparaissent précocément des troubles comportementaux liés au traitement des informations sociales et émotionnelles parfois même avant les perturbations cognitives. L’étude de l’empathie et des processus neurophysiologiques sous-jacents se situe à l’interface des neurosciences sociales et émotionnelles.

Ce projet de thèse sera destinée à étudier les capacités (et détecter d’éventuels troubles associés) d’empathie chez des patients souffrant de pathologies neurologiques (accident vasculaire cérébral, démence frontotemporale, maladie de Parkinson et Alzheimer). Cette étude sera effectuée au sein du laboratoire de Neurosciences fonctionnelles et pathologies (UMR 8160) dans le service de neurologie (Pr O Godefoy) du CHU d’Amiens. La présence d’une Consultation Mémoire Ressource et Recherche permettra un recrutement et un avancement rapide du travail
de thèse. Les méthodes expérimentales utilisées couvriront un large champ d’investigation et combineront plusieurs approches: (i) psychologie expérimentale au moyen de questionnaires standardisés utilisés dans la littérature et du paradigme d’empathie pour la douleur (développé par l’équipe du Pr Decety collaborant, université de Chicago) ; (ii) psychophysiologie (notamment mesure d’index de la réponse émotionnelle) ; (iii) neuroimagerie fonctionnelle pour
l’étude des corrélats cérébraux associés et de leurs perturbations chez les patients.

L’avancement de ce projet sera assuré par : (i) l’intrication forte de l’équipe avec l’hôpital assurant un recrutement régulier des patients ; (ii) la disponibilité immédiate du matériel expérimental (psychophysiologie et plateau de neuroimagerie fonctionnelle).

Enfin, outre l’aspect novateur de ce projet de thèse, les résultats qui en seront issus auront des retombées médicales, notamment en termes d’indicateur diagnostiques précoces de certaines pathologies neurologiques.

Compétences / Pré-requis :

- Connaissance en neurosciences cognitives, neuropsychologie. Intérêt pour le rôle du cerveau dans le traitement des informations sociales et émotionnelles
- Compétences : statistiques ; programmation (facultatives) ; d’éventuelles compétences en imagerie cérébrale (conception de paradigmes expérimentaux ; analyse de données etc…)

Mots clés :
Pathologies neurologiques, informations sociales et émotionnelles, neuropsychologie

Procédure de candidature :
- Télécharger le document pdf de modalités de candidature à cette adresse :
CODE=1212754290808 LANGUE=0
- Prendre contact au plus vite avec le laboratoire d’accueil (voir informations ci-dessus) pour constitution d’un dossier et transmission à l’école doctorale pour le Vendredi 20 Juin au plus tard
Harold Mouras
Maître de Conférences en Neuroscience
Laboratoire de Neurosciences Fonctionnelles et Pathologies
CNRS - UMR 8160
Faculté de médecine
3, rue des Louvels
80036 Amiens, France
Téléphone: +33 3 22 82 54 42
Portable: +33 6 20 89 07 69
harold.mouras [ à ]

3 years PhD studentship : Enactive learning of juggling

3 years PhD studentship : Enactive learning of juggling (01/09/2008)

We are looking for a highly motivated applicant for the degree of PhD to study learning and transfer of perceptual and motor skills in virtual reality environments, in the context of the SKILLS Integrated Project of the European Commission (FP6-IST-2005-035005-IP). Specific interests in the lab involve multisensory integration, motor control and coordination in sensorimotor systems, based on coordination dynamics and enactive paradigms of interaction between the human operator and the interface system devoted to accelerate skill acquisition.

Abstract of the PhD project: The main objective is to quantify to what extend a multimodal interface which integrates force feedback (haptics), vision and auditory virtual reality improves learning and transfer of motor skills.
This includes:
1) measuring and analysing the behaviour of novices, intermediates and experts participants,
2) set up the training scenarios afforded by the interface,
3) testing the efficiency of the training scenarios for learning and transfer to real world.

Key words: Virtual reality, force feedback, learning, transfer, coordination dynamics, motor control, multimodal integration.
Diploma requirements: Master in Human Movement Sciences, Neuroscience, Biomechanics, Computer Science, Engineering, Psychology, or equivalent degree.

Expected research interests and aptitudes: At least two in the following list : Design of human experiments, computer programming (Matlab), quantitative modelling, biological data processing, sensorimotor control, learning, coordination dynamics, biomechanics, computational neurosciences, enaction.

The position is open immediately for 1 year up to 3 years, and will be filled as soon as an appropriate applicant is identified. The latest starting date is First October 2008.
Monthly salary will be 1650 € (net 1346 € /month).

Interested candidates should send via email statement of research interests, and achievements, their CV, the names of two references, and cover letter to Dr. Julien Lagarde or Dr. Denis Mottet.

Contacts: Julien Lagarde (julien.lagarde [ à ] mailto:julien.lagarde [ à ] ) or Denis Mottet (denis.mottet [ à ] mailto:denis.mottet [ à ] ).

Laboratory: Motor Efficiency and Deficiency, Montpellier 1
University, France.

More details at:

Funding: SKILLS Integrated Project of the European Commission (FP6-
IST-2005-035005-IP) ( ),
Resp. UM1 B. Bardy.

SKILLS IP partners involved: Systems and Technology Integration
Laboratory CEA LIST, Fontenay-aux- roses, France; PERCRO Lab
Sant’Anna Scool for Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy; Queen University
Belfast, Irlande.

Recherche Sujets pour Expérience de Perception Visuelle, Paris


Je mène actuellement une étude en perception visuelle qui s'intéresse aux différences de traitement existant entre le champ visuel droit et le champ visuel gauche. L'étude porte sur la reconnaissance de visages connus. Elle dure 1h et est rémunérée 10 euros.

Attention: Les visages sont principalement des personnalités françaises (présentateurs, acteurs,...) donc je recherche surtout des personnes ayant vécues longtemps en France et qui ont tendance à regarder la télé fréquemment.
De plus, pour des questions techniques, je ne peux accepter que les personnes ne portant pas de lunettes (lentilles acceptées)

Les créneaux disponibles pour le moment sont:
Mardi 17 Juin
De 9h00 à 17h00
Du Mercredi 18 Juin au Vendredi 20 Juin
De 9h00 à 19h00

N'hésitez pas à me contacter dés maintenant si vous êtes intéressé (mais si vous pouvez vous libérer vendredi cela m'arrangerez). Plus vite vous me répondrez, plus vite vous aurez de flexibilité dans le choix et l'heure de passation.
Merci également de m'indiquer si vous avez déjà passé une expérience au sein de notre laboratoire (si oui, sur quoi elle portait) et si vous avez des particularités concernant votre vision (rappel: lunettes non-acceptées).

L'expérience a lieu au Département d'Etudes Cognitives de l'ENS au 29 rue d'Ulm à côté du Panthéon (en face de l'Institut Curie et à côté des Arts Décoratifs).
Si vous êtes intéressé par cette expérience, merci de me contacter par mail ou sur mon portable (06 75 87 58 91) en m'indiquant notamment le jour et l'heure qui vous conviendrez.

En vous remerciant,

Antoine Barbot

Ph.D. Program in computational neuroscience, Hebrew University

The Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computations (ICNC) at the Hebrew University solicits applications for its Ph.D. Program in computational neuroscience. The Ph.D. Program exists since 1992, and currently has about 60 students, with 12-15 new admissions every year.

Graduate studies are expected to last 5 years. Starting from the beginning of the next academic year, course language will be English. The program welcomes students with various backgrounds, including biology, physics, chemistry, psychology, computer science, engineering and mathematics. The program supports its students with comfortable fellowships and covers 50% of the tuition fees. Limited travel allowances are available. For a description of the program, see Examples of Ph.D. theses of ICNC students are available at

The faculty members of the ICNC at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are involved in creating a new and exciting approach to solving the mysteries of the brain, capitalizing on unusually intense scientific collaboration among its members. The center is renowned for its scientific achievements and its unique Ph.D. Program. The center supports cutting edge research projects on brain research; it organizes and sponsors international research workshops; and hosts post-doctorate fellows from around the world who come to take part in research at the ICNC. Selected publications by ICNC members are available at

Candidates should send the following information to Ms. Ruthi Suchi, the administrative director of the ICNC (
Updated CV
A 1-page statement of the scientific interests and objectives of the candidate
Two or more recommendation letters
Transcripts of each university attended, in electronic form or scanned and saved as a .pdf file

Submission deadline for foreign students is July 15. Candidates who will pass the initial screening will be interviewed remotely by the selection committee of the program. Successful candidates will be invited for a personal interview at the Hebrew University.

For further information, please contact Prof. Israel Nelken (director of the program), israel

mardi 17 juin 2008

Applying for post-doc fellowship to work with food-hoarding

A new type of post-doctoral fellowship has been created in the UK, especially aimed at attracting the best and the brightest early-stage post-doctoral researchers (max 6 years out of PhD) to the UK. The applicants need to live outside of the UK currently, and if they do not have a PhD yet should have it before taking up the position. The fellowships are for 2 years, provide a salary, £8000 per year in research funds and £2000 in relocation funds. In addition, if the fellows stay in research after the 2 years, they will continue to receive £6000 per year for the next 10 years (!). This will be a very tough competition, but very attractive to top young post-docs. The applicants have to propose a laboratory in the UK in which they will want to work and the application has to be submitted through the host institution. More information can be found at

I am sending out this e-mail to see if you know of (or are) somebody who might be interested in applying for such a fellowship to come and work in my lab on food-hoarding birds: their behaviour, memory and/or neurobiology. A number of projects would be possible and can be developed in discussion with the applicant. For more information on what we do in our laboratory, please see
The deadline for the Newton Fellowships is August 4th 2008, with decisions announced 3 months later. Fellowships need to be taken up at the latest by March 31 2009. If anyone is interested in applying to come and work in my lab, please contact me before the end of June, so we can discuss the application.


Tom Smulders
Tom Smulders, Ph.D., Lecturer
Institute of Neuroscience

The Henry Wellcome Building for Neuroecology, Newcastle University
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU; Tel:
..44-(0)191-222-5790; Fax: ..44-(0)191-222-5622

Postdoctoral position

Avian Biologist/Ecologist
Avian Ecology Research Opportunity

Institutional Affiliation: University of Washington, Animal Behavior Program

Funding: Division of Fish and Wildlife, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

Location: Rota, Northern Mariana Islands

Job Description: Looking for postdoctoral-level individual to conduct research on the Mariana crow and Rota bridled white-eye on the island of Rota in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Nearly all forest bird species on this small 86 sq km island located in the Pacific are experiencing declines. There is funding through the CNMI Division of Fish and Wildlife to continue Mariana crow and Rota bridled white-eye population ecology research, and similar research on associated native forest birds. The research is located on the island of Rota, near Guam and part of the CNMI. The Mariana Crow is endemic to Rota and Guam. It has been almost extirpated from Guam due to the Brown Tree Snake.

Qualifications: Must have a Ph.D. in relevant field (Biology, Wildlife, etc). This research will require spending approximately 9 months/year on the island catching, banding, radio-tracking, and monitoring birds, and supervising students (undergraduate and graduate). The postdoctoral candidate will also be expected to contribute to reports to US FWS, data analyses, grant-writing and publication in collaboration with the PI and Co-PI. This is a physically challenging position on a remote island and will require a highly motivated individual. Housing conditions are good on the island, but the fieldwork conditions are rough. Thus, candidates must have good physical ability to tolerate the rough terrain and temperature/humidity. Individuals with allergies to wasps/bees should be aware that they are prevalent in some areas of the island and medical care on the island is limited. This position requires that you be a team player as research will be coordinated through the Principal Investigators, the US FWS and the CNMI DFW. The candidate must possess a valid driver's license.

Preferred knowledge, skills and abilities include a working knowledge of crows or similar species, radio-tracking experience, experience with avian field techniques, background in conservation biology, public outreach experience, and experience with supervision, training and coordination of field staff, students and volunteers.

This project has tremendous long-term research potential, as most of the native bird species are endemic to either Rota or the immediate archipelago. The initial funding is available through the local CNMI DFW from now-September 30, 2009, and there is a strong potential for continued funding. The start date is dependent on logistical arrangements. Shared housing will be provided if desired. A vehicle will be provided for the project, so it will not be necessary to ship a vehicle to the island.

To Apply: Send your C.V., letter of application stating your qualifications and interests, and three letters of recommendation to the e-mail or snail-mail address below.

Salary: based on experience
Last Date to Apply: July 31, 2008

Contact: Renee Robinette Ha, Ph.D.
University of Washington
Animal Behavior Program
Box 351525
Seattle, WA 98195
E-mail: (Preferred)
Phone: 206-685-2380 (checked infrequently)

The University of Washington is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

Research assistant: gestural communication in wild chimpanzees

Hiring Organization:
University of Stirling

Date Posted:

Position Description:
I am looking for a student to help in a PhD study of the gestural communication in wild East African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii). The assistant will contribute to the project by watching video footage and noting the presence of gestures and behavioural context.

This is an excellent opportunity for an undergraduate student who would like to proceed towards a graduate degree in primatology or related areas to gain experience in video analyses of primate behaviour.

Students with undergraduate qualifications in psychology, biology, zoology, anthropology or a related discipline are encouraged to apply. I am based in Oxford, so residency in Oxford or easy travelling distance to Oxford is a plus. Access to television to watch the footage on is necessary.

none provided

Term of Appointment:
June 2008

I am looking for someone to start the work as soon as possible (ideally in June 2008). Please email me your CV and email addresses of three referees if you are interested in this work.

Contact Information:
Anna Roberts
3 Bradmore Road
Oxford OX2 6QW
United Kingdom

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:

Questions and Comments

Questions about a specific job listing should be directed to the contact person listed for that job. Questions and comments about using the Primate-Jobs web site can be directed to Ray Hamel, Special Collections/Reference Librarian, at or (608) 263-3512.

Field Assistant: Comparative Socioecology, Population Biology, and Juvenile Behavior in Amazonian Ateline Primates

Hiring Organization:
Dr. Anthony Di Fiore and Christopher Schmitt - New York University

Date Posted:

Position Description:
We are searching for several self-reliant and durable field assistants to work on a field study of the comparative behavior and ecology of howler (Alouatta seniculus), woolly (Lagothrix poeppigii), and spider (Ateles belzebuth) monkeys in primary rainforest at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station (TBS) in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Assistants will contribute to two projects focusing on these species: the first is an ongoing comparative study of social behavior, kinship, and population genetic structure of the three taxa run by Dr. Anthony Di Fiore, the second is a dissertation project comparing juvenile behavior and development run by Christopher Schmitt. Assistants will be responsible for collecting social behavior, foraging, ranging, demographic, and life history data as well as fecal samples for hormonal and genetic analyses from multiple social groups of each species. Other responsibilities may include monthly plant phenological monitoring, tree and trail mapping, data entry, and opportunistic data collection for other ongoing primate studies at the site.

Assistants will not be allowed to collect data for publication
independent of our research projects – e.g. for their own theses. Ideally, this experience will be seen as an internship for your own future research. We do, however, strongly encourage assistants to work with us coauthoring papers based on or stemming from the data they assist in collecting. If you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree that involves fieldwork in the tropics, this should be a fantastic experience, and we hope that an assistant performing well in this position would be interested in joining Dr. Di Fiore’s research team as a graduate student.

Applicants should have a BS/BA in Biology, Ecology, Animal Behavior, Physical Anthropology, Primatology, or a related field. Although previous experience with primates is not necessary, previous experience with animals, camping, or working outdoors is strongly preferred. The ideal applicant should have prior experience with living or working in a foreign country, preferably a developing country in the tropics. Knowledge of Spanish is helpful, but not necessary. Experience with collecting systematic data in a scientific context is preferred, and a strong interest in primate behavior and ecology a must. In general, applicants must be in good physical and mental condition; feel comfortable being far away from family and friends; be emotionally mature, energetic, and very patient; have an excellent eye for detail;
not be afraid of bugs, snakes, or being alone in the forest; have very good social skills, especially in small groups; and be able to maintain a positive and humorous attitude towards challenging and tiring work.

This work will be rigorous and demanding. Assistants will be
expected to work about 12 hours in the field each day, about 25 days out of each month. The terrain in the research site is quite hilly in places, seasonally floods in others, and the climate is often hot, humid, and rainy – this is a rainforest just South of the Equator in which close to four meters of rain falls a year – thus persistence, maturity, dedication, and good humor are very important. Preference will be given to applicants with previous outdoor experience in demanding environments.

Applicants must pay their own round-trip airfare to Ecuador (cost varies) and for travel within Ecuador to and from the research station (circa US$120). Assistants are also responsible for the costs of obtaining a visa to work in Ecuador (circa US$300), for health insurance and immunizations that permit that work (proof of yellow fever immunization is a must; vaccination against typhoid, rabies, hepatitis, etc., are all also strongly recommended), their own personal field clothes and gear, and for daily station fees of US$22 per day (fee includes on-site lodging, laundry, and three meals daily). For highly qualified candidates, partial funding may be available to offset some of the costs of station fees.

Term of Appointment:
Minimum 6 month commitment; 12 month committment preferred. Schmitt will be at TBS to train work with assistants through December 2008 and May-July 2009. Di Fiore will be at TBS periodically between summer 2008 amd summer 2009.

Application Deadline:
Until all positions are filled.

Applicants will be considered year-round for positions beginning in June 2007 and interviewing will commence immediately. Starting dates are negotiable, with multiple positions available. Serious applicants please first email Christopher Schmitt ( to receive a field guide describing the project and the site in more detail. If still interested after reading the guide, please submit via email to BOTH Christopher Schmitt ( and Dr. Anthony Di Fiore ( the following:

1. CV including relevant coursework, previous field/outdoor
experience, and where/how you can be contacted
2. Letter of interest (please include dates you are available)
3. References from three persons (preferably professors or research supervisors with whom you’ve worked closely) in which they provide information about your experiences, skills, and training

Contact Information: Please direct all initial inquiries regarding the application process or project to Christopher Schmitt ( Written inquiries/applications are discouraged but may be sent to:

Dr. Anthony Di Fiore
Department of Anthropology
25 Waverly Place
New York, NY 10003

Website: For more information about the research station,
researchers, and previous work in the area, please see the following websites:

Contact Information:
Christopher Schmitt
25 Waverly Place
New York, NY 10003

E-mail Address:

Questions and Comments

Questions about a specific job listing should be directed to the contact person listed for that job. Questions and comments about using the Primate-Jobs web site can be directed to Ray Hamel, Special Collections/Reference Librarian, at or (608) 263-3512.

Enrichment Technician

Hiring Organization:
WI National Primate Research Center

Date Posted:

Position Description:
The successful applicant for this position will assist the Behavioral Management Coordinator in a variety of tasks related to behavioral enrichment projects involving non-human primates. He/she will assist with social management; assist in identifying special needs animals; work with and train animals to perform specific tasks; assess condition of existing enrichment devices and help with the design and implementation of new ones; assist with organizing and documenting behavioral and physiological data; assist with preparation of presentations and/or manuscripts.

Essential Duties/Responsibilities:

30% Assists with social management of new and existing social groupings. Under the direction of the Behavioral Management Coordinator, contributes to identifying appropriate socialization candidates. Conducts and monitors social introductions of caged primates and assesses compatibility.

30% Identifies and reports any animal with behavioral problems to the Behavioral Management Coordinator and assists in implementing a treatment plan. Conducts regular observations of behavior and when appropriate, works with and/or trains specific animals. Reports any updates and progress to Behavioral Management Coordinator.

20% Assists in the daily implementation of enrichment procedures in all areas as per departmental standard operating procedures and aids with preparation if necessary. Prepares tactile enrichment as part of a treatment plan for animals with behavioral problems.

10% Aids the Behavioral Management Coordinator in overseeing the assembly, repair, and distribution of foraging devices, puzzles, and enrichment objects. Monitor condition of devices and toys, assists staff with replacements as necessary.

5% Assists with the maintenance of an adequate inventory of food related items as part of the enrichment program. Orders inventory under the supervision of the Behavioral Management Coordinator.

5% Assists with documentation of enrichment program and generates progress reports. Maintains organized and up to date records of enrichment implementation, assessment, behavioral interventions and social introductions.

Degree and area of specialization:
Bachelor's Degree required, in a Life Science field preferred (Biology, Animal Science, Psychology etc.)

Minimum number of years and type of relevant work experience:
The preferred applicant will have at least one year of experience in laboratory animal care. AALAS Certification as an ALAT, LAT or LATG preferred. The applicant should have the ability to follow oral and written instructions, have good organizational and interpersonal skills and be able to work independently. The applicant should have knowledge of data entry programs and the ability to use spreadsheets such as Excel, as well as experience with Microsoft Office.

Salary Depending on Qualifications

Term of Appointment:
Renewable appointment

Application Deadline:
June 25, 2008

A criminal background check will be conducted prior to hiring.

Contact Information:
Susan Baculik
1220 Capitol Ct.
Madison, WI 53715

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:

Questions and Comments

Questions about a specific job listing should be directed to the contact person listed for that job. Questions and comments about using the Primate-Jobs web site can be directed to Ray Hamel, Special Collections/Reference Librarian, at or (608) 263-3512.

vendredi 13 juin 2008

Five PhD Studentships available

Biodiversity and associated ecosystem services are fundamental to humanity but are threatened by human activity in a range of sectors. This collaborative project is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency under the STRIVE programme ( It aims to quantify impacts of key sectoral activities on genetic, species and landscape biodiversity and the ecosystem services they provide. In addition, we will test methods for mitigating impacts, carry out in-depth strategic reviews in order to inform national policy decisions, and make recommendations for future strategic research and management.

PhD Positions Available:

Five unique, integrated, 4-year PhD scholarships are available as part of this project, as follows:
1. Sectoral impacts on pollinators and pollination services, primary supervisor: Jane Stout, Trinity College Dublin (
2. Biocontrol in agroecosystems, primary supervisor: Mark Emmerson, University College Cork (
3. Impacts of bioenergy crops on soil carbon sequestration, primary supervisor: Mike Jones, Trinity College Dublin (
4. Road landscaping, native biodiversity and invasion resistance, primary supervisor: Padraig Whelan, University College Cork (
5. Impacts of introduced oysters on native benthic diversity, primary supervisor: Tas Crowe, University College Dublin (

€17,000 per annum tax free studentship, plus EU-fees for four years
***Non EU-residents are welcome to apply but would be required to pay additional fees of ~€5500/year***

Start Date: 01 October 2008 (Aug/Sep 2008 for position 5)

Applicants must have (or realistically expect to achieve) a first or upper second class Bachelors, or Masters degree in a biological science (Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences or similar). Previous experience in carrying out biological field work would be advantageous, and competence in statistical analysis and GIS is highly desirable. Candidates should be enthusiastic, highly motivated, and willing and physically able to undertake extended periods of fieldwork. In addition, applicants must be competent in written and spoken English, and hold a full, clean driving licence.

Further information is available from the respective primary supervisors and

Additional skills are desirable for individual projects as follows:
1. Identification of pollinators, experience in genetic analysis
2. Identification of biocontrol agents (ground predators), identification of arable weeds
3. Experience in plant ecophysiology, measurement of greenhouse gas emissions
4. Experience in taxonomy and ecology of terrestrial plants
5. Experience of diving, boat-handling and identifying marine invertebrates is desirable.

Please apply by sending a letter, outlining your suitability for the post, and your full curriculum vitae, containing the names and contact details (address, telephone, e-mail and fax) of three referees, to the project manager

Jens Dauber
Botany Building
School of Natural Sciences
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2, Ireland
If you wish to apply for >1 post, please send separate letters for each.
Applications by e-mail welcomed. Please note there is no application form to be completed.
Deadline for applications is Friday 13th June 2008.

jeudi 12 juin 2008

un(e) ergonome spécialisé(e)s dans les IHM pour renforcer notre équipe, Puteaux

Le poste est basé à Puteaux dans le 92 (proche La Défense).

Descriptif du poste
Vous serez amené(e) au cours de vos missions à :
- réaliser des études avec des utilisateurs (entretiens collectifs ou individuels, tests utilisateurs)
- concevoir des documents opérationnels en collaboration avec les équipes technique et métier :
Spécifications IHM, spécifications fonctionnelles, expertise, chartes, objectifs d’utilisabilité...
- présenter des rapports d’analyse aux équipes projets en Anglais et en Français.
- gestion de projet

Profil Recherché
- Diplôme de troisième cycle en ergonomie
- Logiciels : Visio, Powerpoint , Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Axure.
- Goût certain pour le travail en équipe
- Rigueur, méthode et curiosité
- Autonomie, capacité d’adaptation à des contextes métier variés
- Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles Français et Anglais

Ce poste nécessite la connaissance de la langue Anglaise.

Vous aimez les challenges et souhaitez participer au développement de l'Ergonomie, rejoignez notre équipe !

Merci d'adresser vos candidatures à :

Karim Tadjene - Usability Manager -
Tel: (+33) 1 47 17 27 25

mardi 10 juin 2008

Breeding Colony Environmental Enrichment Technician

Hiring Organization:
Tulane National Primate Research Center

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Manages the behavioral assessment activities on group-housed primates.

Assists with social management of new and existing social groupings.

Maintains documentation of dominance hierarchies and group dynamics.

Assist with the evaluation of enrichment devices and other enrichment strategies currently in use.

Trains animals to perform specific tasks as requested.

Performs other related duties and responsibilities as assigned

Bachelor's degree with a background in behavioral sciences and 2 years relevant experience OR 4 years relevant experience plus certification as an AALAS LAT OR 6 years of relevant experience plus the ability to follow oral and written instructions and the ability to lift items weighing up to 43 lbs.

Knowledge and experience in observation of nonhuman primates. Familiarity with primate husbandry, relevant regulations and the current literature. Knowledge of behavioral observation techniques and data management

$25,897 - $37,940 with benefits

Term of Appointment:
This is a permanant, full-time position

Application Deadline:
Open until filled

Tulane University is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to excellence through diversity. All eligible candidates are invited to apply for position vacancies as appropriate.

You must apply online for position 102257.

Please also contact Nadia Slisarenko (preferably by email) when you submit an application.

Contact Information:
Nadia Slisarenko
18703 Three Rivers Rd
Covington, LA 70433

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:

Field assistant

Behavioral Ecology and Conservation of the critically endangered brown spider monkeys (Ateles hybridus) in Colombia

Hiring Organization:
Proyecto Primates Colombia

Date Posted:

Position Description:
We are looking for a long-term field assistant to study several aspects of the behavioural ecology and social behaviour of brown spider monkeys, one of the 25 most endangered primates in the world. Proyecto Primates Colombia has been studying these primates for 3 years and the data collected here will be part of a long-term project currently being developed at several sites in Colombia.
Field assistant will be trained in detailed data collection protocols that will continue to describe spider monkeys feeding ecology and ranging patterns. Based on known individuals we are also describing the fission-fusion societies of these primates specifically looking at their sub-grouping patterns and social behaviour. Also, field assistants will be trained on phenological data collection in order to continue estimating fruit availability at the study area.
The study site has a very broken terrain, although we have established a ca. 10 kms trail system that allows us to access most areas of our study group ranges. Thus, field work is physically demanding . You will be working with one or two Colombian students developing their thesis work with brown spider monkeys.

We are ideally looking for assistants that have prior experience working in the field for long periods of time, especially with primates or at least experience living in foreign developing countries. We are looking for persons interested in developing their professional careers in areas like Conservation, Primatology, Ecology and Animal Behavior, with a background (BS/BA) in these areas.Basic skills on Spanish are required.
Applicants must be in good physical conditions (and mental conditions) and should be willing to spend long periods of time in remote areas with a small groups of colleagues and people. Commitment and patience are required to develop the work done in this project. Applicants should have a good attitude towards hard work and skills to overcome challenging situations by yourself and by working with colleagues and local people.
Field work is demanding as behavioural follows are conducted from dawn to dusk for ca. 25 days a month. Thus, we are looking for assistants that are willing to gain field experience and to learn as much as possible during their stay in the project.

Applicants must cover their round-trip airfare to Bogota, Colombia and local travel within the country (around US$ 80). We can cover your stay in Bogota. You should at least have yellow fever, tetanus and hepatitis vaccination. Daily fees are US$15 per day and include the three meals and accommodation at the station.

Term of Appointment:
A 5 to 8 month commitment is required, beginning August-September 2008. Andres Link will train and work with assistants during their first month of field work. All work will be done with at least one Colombian field assistant.

Application Deadline:
Until position is filled

Applicants should submit an electronic copy of:

1. CV including relevant coursework, previous field/outdoor experience, and where/how you can be contacted
2. Letter of interest (please include dates you are available)
3. References from three persons (preferably professors or research supervisors with whom you’ve worked closely) in which they provide information about your experiences, skills, and training.

Please direct all initial inquiries and the required documents to Andres Link ( and Gabriela de Luna (

Contact Information:
Andres Link
25 Waverly Place
New York, NY 10003

Telephone Number:
057-1-6910509 (Bogota, Colombia)

E-mail Address:

jeudi 5 juin 2008

Research Assistant

Hiring Organization:
Columbia University

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Candidate will assist in a non-human primate behavioral study at an institution in the metropolitan New York City area. Will be trained on observational techniques and will subsequently conduct daily observations. Schedule will require a commitment between the hours of 9 am and 1 pm. Individual will have the opportunity to co-author manuscripts related to this study.

This position is ideal for undergraduates located in NYC with an interest in animal behavior, but any person with experience/interest/enthusiasm will be considered.


Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):

Term of Appointment:
July 1, 2008-August 31, 2008

Application Deadline:
June 25, 2008

Contact Information:
Erin Kinnally
1051 Riverside Drive Room 2917
New York, NY 10032

Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

Research Assistant

Hiring Organization:
Michale E. Keeling Center for Comparative Medicine and Research

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Function: To provide technical assistance in carrying out various behaviorally-oriented research projects in the chimpanzee section. This position is supervised by the Research Laboratory Manager and the Principal Investigator of the behavioral research project.

Scope: Participates in research-related activities and projects focusing on cognitive and behavioral research. Participates through the Section of Behavioral Care and Enrichment. This individual will conduct studies examining social cognition in chimpanzees, specifically for projects relating to cooperation, inequity, and economic behavior.


1) Individual will help coordinate and conduct cognitive and behaviorally-related research, including collecting data from activities involving observation and behavioral testing with the chimpanzee colony. Individual will also collect data from records as necessary.
2) May also assist with behavioral management protocols and support other in-vivo studies in chimpanzees.
3) Duties will primarily include working with chimpanzees to collect data. Other duties include computerizing recorded data, verifying data entry, and helping to organize and process reports.
4) Visually and manually perform literature searches and apply findings to related studies.
5) Assist the behavioral scientists in the preparation of presentations, reports and publications.
6) Work cooperatively with other behavioral and chimpanzee care personnel to improve the research, behavioral management, and animal healthcare programs.


1) Manually organize files and data onto desktop or laptop computer.
2) Give oral presentations at professional conferences and on-site training programs.
3) To be knowledgeable of section standard operating procedures (SOP’s) , chimpanzee release and capture procedures, and the behavioral management program.
4) Active participation in department-sponsored training programs is required.

Received: Direct supervision by Research Laboratory Manager and Principal Investigator of research project.
Given: None.

The use of desktop and portable computers is required. Knowledge of Microsoft Office, observational, and statistical software is highly desirable.

Usually good, but individual must be able to work in the environments in which the animals are housed, and in which they are occasionally sedated. The individual must be able to walk on wet slippery floors, climb stairs to the roof, and move freely around in the animal enclosures. Must be able to work regularly outdoors in temperatures ranging from 32°F-100°F and under adverse conditions.

Required: Bachelor’s degree with major course work in one of the basic sciences.
Preferred: Bachelor’s degree in psychology. anthropology, biology, zoology or related discipline.

Required: None.
Preferred: A minimum of 2 years of experience conducting basic or applied research
involving animal models. Experience with Great Apes, especially chimpanzees is desirable. Excellent written and verbal skills and the ability to work independently as part of a multidisciplinary team are also desirable.

Salary is negotiable with Principal Investigator

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):

Term of Appointment:
June 15, 2008 through June 14, 2009

Application Deadline:

Specific details concerning the position, its duties, and salary can be obtained from Susan Lambeth ( or Sarah Brosnan (

Contact Information:
Steve Schapiro
650 Cool Water Dr.
Bastrop, TX 78602

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:

mardi 3 juin 2008

Penelope Bodry-Sanders & Mackarness Goode Animal Husbandry Internship

Hiring Organization:
Lemur Conservation Foundation

Position Description:
The Lemur Conservation Foundation (LCF) is dedicated to the preservation and conservation of lemurs through captive breeding, non-invasive scientific research, education, and reintroduction. At LCF’s 90-acre, non-public, AZA certified Myakka City Lemur Reserve in Florida, the lemurs live naturally in two fenced, pristine forests, yet are readily available for educational and research projects conducted by undergraduate and graduate students from national universities. LCF also conducts the unique Field Training Program, which teaches students field techniques. LCF maintains the Mianatra Center for Lemur Studies at the reserve, a learning center and virtual and digital library about all things lemur that is open for research and education by appointment. In Madagascar, LCF partners with Tampolo Forest Station on the island’s northeast coast, to encourage environmental sustainability and education to help forestall deforestation in addition to promoting collaborative research projects and a researcher exchange program.
The reserve is currently home to seven different species of lemurs in both semi-free ranging habitats and traditional captive habitats. Interns will gain hands-on experience in the many aspects of maintaining an animal collection and contributing to a conservation mission. Responsibilities include daily care of our growing lemur colony, habitat construction and maintenance, behavioral enrichment, maintaining the cleanliness of lemur shelters, assisting with annual physicals and other duties as needed. The work is challenging, dirty, and frequently unglamorous; interns should expect to work in all weather conditions. Consequently, applicants should be in good physical health, extremely reliable, and dedicated. Please note that the Myakka City Lemur Reserve does not house education program animals and physical contact with the lemurs is not allowed.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain advanced experience in a difficult but highly rewarding field. Interns will have the satisfaction of contributing to the physical and psychological well being of the lemurs housed at the reserve as well as directly contributing to the greater mission of conserving these unique and fascinating primates. The highly trained and experienced staff at LCF will work closely with interns.
Typically, interns will work 40 hours per week and must be willing to work weekends and some holidays. The reserve is remotely located and interns must provide their own transportation to and from the nearest town, 25 miles away. A variety of culture and entertainment including state parks, art museums, zoo and botanical gardens and theaters can be found within 40 miles of the reserve.

Applicants should have some previous animal husbandry experience and at least two years of undergraduate course work in a related field (biology, anthropology, animal behavior, zoology or the like).

Interested candidates should send the following:
Letter of introduction describing why you are interested in the internship and what you hope to gain from it

Resume or CV
Two letters of recommendation, one of which should address previous husbandry experience
Transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)

Materials can be sent to Monica Mogilewsky electronically at or by post to PO Box 249, Myakka City, FL 34251. Letters of recommendation should be sent directly from the source.

Interns will receive a $100 per week stipend.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
On site community housing provided; interns must provide own transportation.

Term of Appointment:
January 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009

Application Deadline:
November 1, 2008

Contact Information:
Monica Mogilewsky
PO Box 249
Myakka City 34251
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:

Environmental Enrichment Associate

Hiring Organization: SNBL USA, Ltd.

Position Description:
SNBL USA is a fast growing scientific research company providing preclinical services to biotech and pharmaceutical clients throughout the world. Located in South Everett, Washington, our Company has 385 employees at two locations nationwide, and is continuing to grow. SNBL USA strives to provide the highest quality research and science by encouraging an environment where our employees can generate their own personal successes, one day at a time. We believe that our employees are the key to our continued success.

• Maintain Good Laboratory Practices (GLP).
• Document compliance with environmental enrichment Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for all species.
• Ensure that scheduled animal enrichment is in compliance with research projects by reviewing study protocols and schedules.
• Prepare and distributes enrichment items to all species housed at SNBL USA.
• Perform behavior assessments and animal socialization and complete related documentation and summary reports.
• Develop, implement and evaluate treatment plans for animals that display abnormal behaviors.
• Maintain study and colony data (paper and electronic) as per USDA and GLP requirements and SNBL USA policies.

• BS in a scientific discipline
• 1-2 years working with animals in a scientific research environment
• Excellent communication skills including verbal and written abilities
• Computer skills to include MS Office package and familiarity with data input
• Desire to be part of a growing team

For more information about SNBL USA, Ltd., please visit our website at
SNBL USA, Ltd. offers a competitive compensation and benefits package including health, life, and disability insurance, 401(k), Section 125, and a generous PTO package.
For consideration send resume to:
Contact Information:
Human Resources
6605 Merrill Creek Parkway
Everett, WA 98203
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:

Research Assistant

Hiring Organization:
Disney's Animal Kingdom

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Position Description: Assist in the operation of the Animal Acoustic Communication and Behavior Program at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, Florida, U.S.A. The successful candidate will be trained in acoustical methods and behavioral analyses as needed, and support acoustic research on rodents, primates and the African elephant.

Project Description: Researchers in the Wildlife Tracking Center at Disney’s Animal Kingdom are conducting long-term projects investigating the vocal communication system of the African elephant and the Key Largo Wood Rat, and the effects of ambient noise on primates in zoos. The successful candidate will provide support for these and other projects as needed, including data collection, and analysis of digitized acoustical data and analysis of behavior from video.

Term: This is a one-year contract appointment administered through the University of Central Florida beginning in September 2008. The position may be renewed for one additional year.

Major Duties and Responsibilities
* Assists in data collection and data processing
* Analyzes vocalization and behavioral data according to established methodologies
* Staffs the Wildlife Tracking Center, which is in view of park guests, and actively participates in Guest Interactions as assigned
*Assists in the development of interactive, interpretive experiences with guests in partnership with the scientific and education staff

* M.A. / M.S. in animal behavior or related field, or B.A. / B.S. in animal behavior field with research experience in animal behavior
* Strong analytical skills, detail-oriented
* Previous involvement in research on animal behavior / communication
* Excellent written and oral communication skills for both formal and informal audiences
* Ability to work with others in a fast paced, team oriented atmosphere

Desired qualifications
* Research experience on vocal communication, acoustic analysis, or passive acoustic monitoring
* Knowledge of statistical analyses and SPSS or STATISTICA software

Commensurate with experience

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):

Term of Appointment:
1 - 2 years

Application Deadline:
July 11, 2008

Send cover letter, resume, transcripts, and names and contact information for 3 references to:

Joseph M. Soltis, Ph.D.
Education & Science, Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Contact Information:
Joseph Soltis
1200 N Savannah Circle E
Bay Lake, FL 32830

E-mail Address:

Two volunteer western lowland gorilla and agile mangabey (Cercocebus agilis) field assistant

Hiring Organization:
Dzanga Sangha Protected Areas

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Two volunteer field assistants are required to help with the habituation of western gorillas and/ or agile mangabeys at the Bai Hokou and Mongambe camp in the Dzanga-Sangha Dense Forest Special Reserve, Central African Republic. In addition to western lowland gorillas and mangabeys, the region is exceptional both florally and faunally and renowned for its high mammal densities including forest elephants, chimpanzees, leopards, bongos, forest buffalos and various monkey and duiker species. Responsibilities will primarily include contributing to the habituation of new gorilla groups or the mangabey group, and collecting data on their diet, behavior and ranging activities. Additional responsibilities may include conducting phenology, participating in large mammal surveys, and data entry. Field conditions are very remote, with limited access to modern conveniences ('running water' is a nearby waterfall and solar electricity, intermittent), fresh foods and health care. The candidate must be physically fit and may be required to work long hours in the dense forest under challenging conditions. Daily contact with potentially dangerous animals such as elephants, gorillas, forest buffaloes and venomous snakes can be expected.

Bachelor’s or master’s level students seeking to gain experience in conservation biology, primatology and/or zoology are encouraged to apply. Opportunities to conduct small, independent thesis projects are available providing that studies can be carried out alongside habituation work and that research questions are in-line with the philosophies of the PHP and DSP. Previous field experience would be extremely valuable, though openings can be considered entry-level and a 'stepping stone' for someone who is serious about a career in conservation, field research and/or wildlife eco-tourism. Additionally, candidates are required to be motivated, responsible, flexible, mature and amicable, with an ability to work as part of a multi-national team. Knowledge of French is extremely useful, though a commitment to learn the local Bantu language, Sango, may suffice. Emergency evacuation insurance is mandatory (e.g., S.O.S. Insurance co.).

Candidates are required to seek independent funding (to cover flight, short and long-term visa, and subsistence).

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
The project will provide transport to and from the capital, Bangui. Accommodation in camp is a basic wooden hut. Communication with home countries is limited to email via satellite phone (though internet at the Project's headquarters is available).

Term of Appointment:
One year starting September 2008

Application Deadline:
July 31st

Send letter of interest, CV and 2 reference letters to the email address below: Angelique Todd, WWF Tourism and Primate Habituation Advisor,Dzanga-Sangha Project, Central African Republic

Contact Information:
Angelique Todd
BP 1053
Central African Republic


E-mail Address:

Australian PhD opportunity on sexual selection in squid

We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student with an interest in evolutionary biology and behavioural ecology to undertake a project examining male sperm competition and female promiscuity in an Australian cephlapod, the southern dumpling squid.

The project will
involve field, experimental and molecular components and will be based in Melbourne, Australia. The project will be jointly supervised by Dr. Devi Stuart-Fox (University of Melbourne), Dr Mark Norman (Museum Victoria) and Dr. Bob Wong (Monash University).

For further
information, please contact Devi Stuart-Fox (Email:; Ph: + 61 3 8344 4846)