Vous venez de réussir votre master 2 éthologie, écologie, and coe, ce blog est le vôtre! Il vous permet de retrouver différentes offres de PhD, emplois, stages, et même post doc pour les "anciens"... Outil de mise en réseau des informations, ce blog offre à chacun de la liberté de participer et ainsi permettre à tous de trouver au plus vite sa prochaine étape professionnelle. Si vous avez une offre à poster, transmettez la à : marine.grandgeorge@univ-rennes1.fr
mardi 25 août 2009
Neuropsychologist / Cognitive Neuroscientist in Magdeburg
The candidate will carry out research in the fields of:
- Neuroplasticity in normal Aging or age-associated disorders (such as stroke) using fMRI
- Developement of new approaches for the treatment of patients with cognitive or vision impairments (including training and electrical stimulation using TMS or non-invasive current stimulation).
The position is available from the 20.08.2009. Salary is according to German scale for research staff personnel (TVL-13/2).
We are an interdisciplinary team (psychologist, biologists, medical scientists) and work in an exiting neuroscience environment with many collaboration opportunities on campus. We offer a pleasant and productive working environment and support our employees to achieve scientific progress in an internationally competitive environment; only minor teaching duties of medical students. Prior experience in scientific publishing is essential.
Your qualifications are:
- Degree in Psychology or related fields (e.g. Neuroscience, Behav. Biology, Medicine).
- Experience in carrying out competitive research and publish in international journals
- Team spirit and the burning desire to be successful
Please send applications (application letter, CV, representative reprints of published work) via email to nicolle.ferchland [ à ] med.ovgu.de
Prof. Dr. Bernhard A. Sabel.
Institute of Medical Psychology
Medical Faculty
Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg/Germany
Appel d'’offre pour une allocation doctorale
La thèse est à réaliser sous la direction d'Annie Magnan au Laboratoire d'Etudes des Mécanismes Cognitifs à l'Université Lyon2.
Appel d'’offre pour une allocation doctorale
Laboratoire d'’accueil: Etude des Mécanismes Cognitifs -EMC- (Dir. Pr . Olivier Koenig) 5 rue Mendès-France 69676 BRON Cédex
Equipe d'’accueil : Apprentissage, Développement et Troubles du langage (Responsable : Pr Annie Magnan)
Directeur de thèse: Annie Magnan
annie.magnan [ à ] univ-lyon2.fr
Co-encadrement: Jean Ecalle (Pr)
Ecole Doctorale : Neurosciences et Cognition
Thématique :
Evaluation et aide informatisées à l'’apprentissage de lecture (voir l'’appel sur le site de l'’ED Neurosciences et Cognition)
Compétences requises
Master en psychologie cognitive, en psychologie cognitive du développement ou en sciences cognitives.
Maitrise de l'’anglais scientifique (lu et écrit)
Les candidatures sont à envoyer jusqu'’au 4 septembre à l'’adresse suivante
annie.magnan [ à ] univ-lyon2.fr
Les dossiers seront examinés au fur et à mesure de leur réception.
Professeur Annie Magnan
Laboratoire d'Etude des Mécanismes Cognitifs
Université Lyon2
5, Avenue Mendès France
69675 Bron
tél. (33) 4 78 77 24 37
annie.magnan [ à ] univ-lyon2.fr
Doctoral research studentship available at Sussex University
*Closing date for applications: September 14th 2009
Expected start date: October 1st 2009*
Funding is available from Autumn 2009 for a full-time DPhil (PhD) in
the area of self-modelling for control, cognition, and consciousness,
supervised by Prof. Owen Holland and Dr. Anil Seth. The studentship is
part of the EU FP7 project ECCEROBOT: Embodied Cognition in a
Compliantly Engineered Robot (www.eccerobot.org http://www.eccerobot.org/
). Self-modelling, particularly of the body, is a powerful strategy
for controlling the movements and actions of natural and artificial
embodied agents. It is also involved at many levels in the development
and functioning of cognition, and plays a role in several theories of
consciousness. We are seeking a research student to investigate and
demonstrate the use of self-modelling for control and cognition in a
sophisticated humanoid robot, and to extend the approach in the
direction of functions associated with consciousness. For more
details, and for instructions on how to apply, see http://www.jobs.ac.uk/jobs/FK878/Research_Studentship/
Anil Seth, D.Phil.
Reader, EPSRC Leadership Fellow,
Dept of Informatics, University of Sussex,
Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QJ, UK
W: www.anilseth.com, T: +44 1273 678549,
mercredi 19 août 2009
Recent Primate-Jobs postings
Captive Wildlife Specialist, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Research Assistant Madagascar, Bristol Conservation and Science Foundation
Project Protection of Gorillas coordinator / TAF representative in Congo, The Aspinall Foundation
mardi 18 août 2009
Offre de stage en éthologie sur les perroquets
Des informations supplémentaires concernant notre laboratoire sont disponibles sur le site http://www.u-paris10.fr/52780174/0/f...F=cdretho_pres.
mercredi 12 août 2009
Postdoctoral position in auditory neurophysiology: Dept. of Biology, University of Utah.
Our lab is affiliated with the Neuroscience Program, which provides the opportunity for exposure to a wide range of research in neuroethology and neuroscience in general.
The University of Utah is located adjacent to the Wasatch range in northern Utah. Hiking, skiing and fishing are minutes away, and a variety of national parks are a 4-5 hour drive to the south. To apply, please send a CV, statement of research interests, and names and contact information of references to rose@bioscience.utah.edu.
Postdoctoral position in zebrafish sensory neuroscience, Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience/ University of Florida
Related research in the lab centers on the biomechanics of swimming in turbulence, and there are many opportunities to link neurophysiological and biomechanical studies in living, intact animals and to ground-truth our findings in the field. Our research environment is enhanced by neurophysiology faculty and core facilities at the Whitney Lab and on the Gainesville campus (McKnight Brain Institute, Department of Neuroscience at the UF College of Medicine and the Biology Department).
This position offers a rare opportunity to explore the function of a tractable vertebrate hair cell circuit in a model genetic organism. Applicants should have a strong background or interest in electrophysiology. Expertise in molecular techniques and/or computer programming is desirable. This position comes with a competitive salary and benefits package and is funded for 2 years, with additional support expected. Start-date is negotiable, but January 2010 is preferred.
Please email your CV, statement of research interests, and contact information for three references by September 1, 2009 to jliao@whitney.ufl.edu. Consideration of applicants will continue until the position is filled.
James C. Liao, Assistant Professor
Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences
University of Florida, Gainesville
9505 Ocean Shore Blvd.
St. Augustine, FL 32080
Phone: 904-461-4011
Fax: 904-461-4052
Email: jliao@whitney.ufl.edu
Webpage: http://www.whitney.ufl.edu/
PhD position in Groningen
On short term, a PhD position will be available in the division of Experimental Psychology, under supervision of Dr Jacob Jolij. In this project, you will study the interaction between conscious and unconscious visual processing, and how conscious and unconscious visual information influence higher mental processes, such as decision making and social cognition. Research methods include (but are not limited to) TMS, fMRI, EEG, and eye-tracking.
The University of Groningen is a research-intensive university in the north of the Netherlands, with over 20,000 students, ranked in the top 25 of European research universities. The department of Psychology is one of the largest in the Netherlands and offers both Dutch and English language programmes. The division of Experimental Psychology consists of approx. 15 members of staff with research interests such as visual perception, consciousness, cognitive control, memory, attention, traffic psychology, and neurofeedback. Research facilities are excellent, and have recently seen large investments in cognitive neuroscience facilities, such as new EEG labs and a new TMS lab. The department participates in the Neuroimaging Centre of the University Medical Centre.
Groningen is a medium sized city with a historic city centre, and a vibrant atmosphere, generally recognized as one of the most enjoyable cities in the Netherlands. Groningen is well connected to the west of the Netherlands (Amsterdam) and the north of Germany (Bremen).
[The offer]
A PhD bursary for four years, approx. EUR 1550 per month net. During the project you will conduct research and receive training in the Graduate School for Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences.
An MSc or equivalent degree in Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology or related area. Programming skills (Matlab, Delphi) are highly welcome, as is experience with neuroimaging methods. Having spent a period abroad during your studies is an important bonus, too.
For further details about this position, please contact Dr Jacob Jolij, j.jolij [ à ] rug.nl ; +31 50 363 6348, or visit our website: http://www.rug.nl/staff/j.jolij or http://www.jolij.com . If you want to apply, please send your CV, a list of grades, names of two academic referees, and a letter stating your research interests and motivation for this position to Jacob Jolij, j.jolij [ à ] rug.nl
22 Ph.D. positions, Marie Curie Initial Training Network FACETS-ITN, 15 partners in 6 countries
Applicants with an excellent degree (Master of Science, Diploma, earned since September 2005) in Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics and the strong wish to actively contribute to an interdisciplinary research activity are invited to apply at
The application deadline is 20 August 2009.
Dr. Bjoern Kindler
Administrative Project Officer
Kirchhoff Institute for Physics
Room 01.108
Im Neuenheimer Feld 227
D-69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 6221 54 9127
Email: bjoern.kindler [ à ] kip.uni-heidelberg.de
Job opportunity
an advantage, as is general computer proficiency. Applications including a CV, a letter of reference and a 500 word description of the applicant's motivation, should be sent electronically to b.brembs@fu-berlin.de until august 31, 2009. Any inquiries should be addressed at Bjoern Brembs at b.brembs@fu-berlin.de.
Contact Information
Dr. Bjoern Brembs
Freie Universitaet Berlin
Inst. Biology, Neurobiology
Koenigin-Luise-Str. 28/30
14195 Berlin
E-mail: b.brembs@fu-berlin.de
Website: http://brembs.net
lundi 10 août 2009
The lab focus is understanding long-term population dynamics of Florida Scrub-Jays in natural and suburban habitats in south-central Florida. Interns contribute to many aspects of these projects but their duties will primarily focus on searching for and monitoring nests, conducting periodic censuses of color-banded birds, and habituating young-of-the-year birds for subsequent trapping. In addition, interns may have opportunities assisting in off-site surveys for banded and
unbanded scrub-jays, trapping and banding jays, measuring and bleeding young, counting acorns and arthropods, etc. Interns are expected to devote a minimum of 50% of their time to our long-term projects and to devote the rest of their time to an independent project on some aspect
of the ecology of scrub-jays. Internships offer an opportunity for experience in every aspect of scientific research, from project choice and experimental design to oral and written presentations. Applicants should have a very strong interest in birds, natural history and field biology, the ability to work under hot, humid field conditions, and a strong desire to engage in independent research. Most applicants have completed undergraduate work and are contemplating graduate school in their future. Internships include room and board and a $100 weekly stipend and expenses associated with their independent project.
Opportunities for graduate research also exist. Most positions begin in mid-late Jan and extend through Jul, but some flexibility exists and at least one position could begin in early-Mar and extend through Sep. Applicants should send a letter, in which you indicate your interests and aspiration and why you seek an internship, a resume or CV, a summary of courses and grades and the names and contact information of three references by 15 Oct 2008, to DR. SHANE PRUETT, Avian Ecology Lab, Archbold Biological Station, 123 Main Dr. Venus, FL 33960; (PH:
863-465-2571 ext. 228, FX: 863-699-1927, EM: spruett@archbold-station.org). E-mail applications encouraged. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Additional information on these projects can be found at our web site (URL: http://www.archbold-station.org/abs/staff/rbowman/srbowman.htm).
FALL 2009 VOLUNTEER POSITIONS in bird ringing and bird monitoring at Aras and Kuyucuk Research Stations in northeastern Turkey
mardi 4 août 2009
Research Assistant for field work on rhesus macaques on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico
Hiring Organization:
Max-Planck-Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology Leipzig, Germany
Date Posted:
Position Description:
The goal of our long-term study is to investigate the mechanisms underlying paternal kin discrimination in primates. Therefore, we study the development of paternal kin bias by following individuals from birth until they reach maturation. We are currently finishing the 5th year of behavioral observations conducted on the free-ranging rhesus macaque population on the island of Cayo Santiago (Puerto Rico, USA).
The main part of the work will include the collection of behavioral data over several months.
In a training period (December 2009 through March 2010), the assistant will learn:
1. recognizing approx. 350-400 monkeys individually,
2. distinguishing between the 6 troops on Cayo Santiago,
3. collecting focal data using a Psion handheld computer.
During the observation period (April 2010 through December 2010), the assistant will additionally be responsible for
1. editing/cleaning the behavioral data collected
2. collecting ranking information for the males to establish a hierarchy
3. collecting estrus/mating information for the females
4. if required, collecting DNA samples (hair/tissue) from dead monkeys,
5. appropriate storage of samples and updating the database of DNA samples.
During the training as well as the observation period the assistant is expected to work 5 to 6 days a week depending upon the observational schedule. A time off for about 2 weeks is only possible between week 1 and 3 in August 2010.
Priority will be given to applicants with experience in collecting behavioral data from individually recognized mammals (especially free-ranging primates). Furthermore, it is important that the candidate has experienced living in foreign countries. Experience with MS Excel, SPSS and Observer 5.0 is also welcome. Working under tropical conditions demands very good physical condition. After training has finished the assistant must be able to work completely independently (!). The candidate should have the desire and ability to adapt to different cultures (both human and monkeys). Patience, perseverance, organizational and social skills are also needed. Primary work will be conducted in English, but Spanish can be most helpful for living in Puerto Rico. The successful candidate needs to bring an IACUC certification before starting work and proof of a negative TB test (TB testing must be repeated every 6 months).
The position of a research assistant (approx. 1300 Euro/month, plus German health insurance and benefit system) is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for 12 months, including costs of airfare. All other costs such as housing (approx. 200-350 $US/month), health insurance for the US, vaccination and visa costs are not included.
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
see above.
Term of Appointment:
Dec 1st, 2009 to Dec 15th, 2010
Application Deadline:
Sept 15th 2009
Applicants should send their CV, a letter describing their interests in the study of animal behavior, graduate certification and contact information for two references. Please send ONLY email applications.
Contact Information:
Anja Widdig, Junior Research Group of Primate Kin Selection, Department of Primatology, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig 04103
Telephone Number:
++49 (0) 341 3550 233
Fax Number:
++49 (0) 341 3550 299
E-mail Address:
Volunteer Field Research Assistant
Hiring Organization:
PhD student at Washington State University, Evolutionary Anthropology
Date Posted:
Position Description:
Location: Manuel Antonio National Park, Costa Rica
Study Duration: December 2009-August 2010 (third field season)
Position Description: Volunteer research assistants needed to help collect behavioral data on white-faced capuchin monkeys, Cebus capucinus. The focus of this project is understanding how high levels of tourism impact human-primate and primate-primate interactions, particularly intragroup aggression over human resources. Volunteer position--no salary, travel, or room and board funding supplied. More information including a detailed research manual and project photographs are available; if interested contact meredithhcs@aol.com.
Preferred Time Commitment: A minimum time commitment of 6 months is preferred, although some assistants with shorter available times may be considered.
Previous research experience
Familiarity and experience in outdoor/wildnerness settings
Experience with international travel/hot and humid climates
Willingness to work independently
Volunteer position--no salary/funding, travel or room and board provided
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
none provided
Term of Appointment:
6 month time period between December 2010 and August 2010
Application Deadline:
March 2010
Position expects volunteer assistants to work primarily independently following training and to be self-motivated and flexible.
Contact Information:
Meredith Schulte
Costa Rica
E-mail Address:
PhD studentship on macaque social behaviour
Hiring Organization:
Department of Psychology, University of Lincoln
Date Posted:
Position Description:
The University of Lincoln (UK) is offering a number of funded PhD studentships, at least one of these should be on macaque social behaviour. You would work under the supervision of Dr Bonaventura (nickname: Bino) Majolo on one of these three general topics: 1) the development of social relationships, 2) social cognition and decision-making during between-group encounters, 3) social preferences and reciprocity. Projects 1 and 2 will be mainly conducted on wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) in the Middle Atlas Mountains, Morocco, in the field site run by Dr Majolo and Prof. Mohammed Qarro (Ecole Nationale Forestière d'Ingénieurs, Morocco). PhD candidates should be willing to live in Morocco for approximately 15 months (not necessarily consecutive). At the field site, three troops of Barbary macaques are fully habituated to human observers and further troops are potentially available. The third project will be conducted on macaques (Macaca) in labs and research centres in various countries. The University of Lincoln is fully equipped for field work and for experimental studies in captivity or wild. Applicants who would like to discuss the projects further can contact Dr. Majolo (bmajolo@lincoln.ac.uk) but refer to the web site below for the application procedure.
A Master on primate behaviour, evolutionary psychology, cognition or anthropology would be desirable. Applicants must be fluent in English. Experience with primates (preferably macaques) is desirable but not essential. Previous experience of fieldwork is essential for candidates interested in either topic 1 or 2. The work at the field site is physically very demanding. The field site is between 1,400 and 1,900m a.s.l. and weather conditions can vary dramatically across the year, with temperature ranging between 35ºC to -5ºC and snow in the winter months. Hence, interested individuals should be physically fit. The successful applicant will live in the town of Azrou in an apartment block with basic amenities including internet access.
In addition applicants for topic 1 or 2 should:
• Be mentally and physically fit for long days in the field in a challenging environment.
• Be prepared to adapt to living in a foreign culture.
• Be willing to learn French and/or Arabic.
• Be adaptable and able to work both as part of a team and individually.
• Be reliable, patient, enthusiastic and committed to scientific research.
• Driving license is essential.
Differently funded studentships are available: check website below for details.
Term of Appointment:
Three years
Application Deadline:
21st August 2009
Details about the studentships, the application procedure and the application form can be found at: http://www.lincoln.ac.uk/home/postgraduate/pgrstudentships.htm
Contact Information:
Bonaventura (nickname: Bino) Majolo
Brayford Pool
Lincoln LN6 7TS
United Kingdom
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address: