mardi 29 septembre 2009

Asistente del Campo en Ecuador

Hiring Organization:
PhD Student

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Necesito un asistente voluntario de investigación, para ayudar en la recogida de datos comportamentales de monos. Este es un oportunidad buena para ganar experiencia en el trabajo de campo, y también ofrece la possibilidad de publicar un articulo, siempre y cuando de la participación en el proyecto sea continuale.
Este proyecto estudia el effect de la presencia humana en el comportamiento de los monos. El asistente ayudará a un estudiante de doctorado a llevar a cabo experimentos en grupos de monos en dos areas de studio: una con cazadores, y una sin cazadores. Durante los experimentos, el asistente grabará datos de comportamiento utilizando una grabadora de video y sonido, y un GPS.

Necesitará entusiasmo y disfrutar del intense trabajo de campo. No necesita experiencia previa con equipo de grabador o GPS. Es preferible que usted tenga experiencia en el campo, y de investigación, y una formación en biología. El asistente puede trabajar en otros proyectos si lo desean, pero no podra interferer con el calendario de trabajo.

No hay un sueldo.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Se proporciona alojamiento y manutención, y se pagaran el viaje de ida y vuelta entre Quito y Parque Nacional de Yasuni.

Term of Appointment:
Octobre 2009 - Septiembre 2010

Application Deadline:
30 de Septiembre

Por favor mandarme un CV y una pagina con declaración de interéses y las fechas con su disponibilidad cuanto antes y no más tarde del 30 de Septiembre a:
Para más información sobre la investigación y el trabajo, mandarme un correo electronic o visita la pagina web.

Contact Information:
Sarah Papworth
Imperial College London, Biology Campus
Ascot SL5 7PY


E-mail Address:

White-faced Capuchin Field Assistant - Costa Rica

Hiring Organization:
Whitney Meno - UC Davis

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Aiding in the collection of my PhD research on the development of antipredator behavior in 5 well-habituated groups of white-faced capuchin monkeys in Lomas Barbudal Biological Reserve in Costa Rica. Long-term research has been conducted at this field site for almost 20 years and assistants working at this field site are provided with rigorous field training that has translated into an excellent graduate school acceptance rate. For more information on the long-term research at this site, field conditions, and application instructions:

My research uses boa constrictor and rattlesnake models to examine how antipredator behavior changes with age in young capuchins and whether capuchins use social referencing during predator encounters. The field assistant will aid in the placement of the snake model and will be in charge of videotaping the behavior of the focal individual during the snake encounter. Once the assistant has learned to identify individual monkeys they will be able to help with other aspects of the experiments as well as video analysis.

We will be living at the guard station located in the Lomas Barbudal Biological Reserve. This means we will be isolated from towns except for bimonthly food shopping trips and a short monthly vacation. On a positive note, we will be living next to a forest, river, and extensive trails which provide recreation for days off. Living in close proximity to some of the monkey groups allows us to sleep in slightly later than those living in town. Also, living with park guards will provide ample opportunity for enhancing your Spanish proficiency.

Background in biology, previous field experience, and some knowledge of Spanish preferred. Applicants need to be physically fit and mentally tough as field work will involve early mornings, extreme heat, lengthy days, and long hikes carrying heavy backpacks full of equipment and water. Please read the following guide that describes conditions at the field site:

A small monthly stipend may be provided depending on funding.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Food and lodging will be provided. Up to $600 of plane ticket will be reimbursed upon completion of the field season. You must provide your own medical insurance.

Term of Appointment:
January-May 2010

Application Deadline:
Nov. 15, 2009

Please send a complete job application (see to Whitney Meno ( and CC: Susan Perry ( Put "application for field assistant position" in the subject of your email.

Contact Information:
Whitney Meno


E-mail Address:

La SFECA fait peau neuve!

La Société française pour l'Etude du Comportement Animal s'est dotée d'un nouveau site, plus moderne, plus convivial et très illustré.
L'adresse web est la suivante :


RESEARCH ASSISTANTS needed for studies of Maui Parrotbill, a critically endangered honeycreeper, as well as other native forest birds, on Haleakala, Maui, Hawaii.
6 positions are available for a period of 20 weeks, starting 8 Feb 2010.
Maui Parrotbill are rare (502+116) and birds and their nests may be extremely difficult to find. This is a field based research position but assistants will be responsible for both field and office duties. Primary field duties will be: (1) locating and re-sighting Maui Parrotbill and other native forest birds; (2) mapping pairs and individuals through the season for each study site; (3) locating nests, collecting field data on nest sites and reproductive behavior and determining nest success or failure; (4) conducting transect counts for Maui Alauahio in each study area; (5) conducting monthly point counts for all native and non-native species. Field duties may also include (6) maintaining alien predator control grids of rodenticide bait stations and mechanical traps; (7) aiding crew leaders with mist-netting and banding of Maui Parrotbill, Akohekohe and other forest birds; (8) invertebrate sampling and sorting; (9) continued trail and field site maintenance; (10) assisting staff with other ongoing projects. Office duties include, but are not limited to office, vehicle and grounds maintenance, data entry, report writing, administrative clerical work, and preparation and maintenance of field equipment. Field duties are extremely physically challenging. Remote research sites require 9-12 hour hike across Haleakala crater at 5,000-9,000 ft elevation, living and working in small teams in extremely wet (annual rainfall up to 400 inches), cold, muddy and steep rainforest conditions at high elevations. Helicopters will be used to re-supply field camps. Basic aviation safety training is available. Work schedule will include 10-14-day field trips with alternating days in the office and re-supplying, as well as staffing an additional hike-in field site that may be accessed on a daily basis. Preference will be given to applicants who have experience with passerine research, re-sighting color-banded forest birds, nest searching and nest studies, and experience and safety training for wilderness settings.
Assistants must be able to work and live in remote field camps under extremely physically demanding conditions, to work independently and responsibly, have a good work ethic, take personal initiative and must have a valid drivers license. Desirable qualifications include a B.S. in ecology, biology, ornithology, botany or similar field; research with endangered birds; passerine re-sighting experience, point count experience, nest searching for forest birds; mist-netting and banding; small mammal trapping; GIS skills; Wilderness First Aid certification.
Benefits include: $1300 a month, housing and most field equipment, limited transportation on Maui and an opportunity to work in pristine native rainforest and gain field experience in avian conservation with a highly endangered species and in ecosystem management. Applicants must provide their own airfare to Kahului, Maui.
To apply, please complete an application online at (URL: and upload a letter of interest and resume with 3 references (with phone numbers and email addresses) by 15 Oct 2009. If you have further questions you can contact us at (EM: with “MAPA job 2010” in the subject heading.

Offre de stage/assistant de recherche

Etude de la coopération chez les mâles Macaca sylvanus
Odile Petit, CR, HDR CNRS, Strasbourg et Annie Bissonnette, Post-doctorante, Université de Göttingen
Quatre mois, du 15 octobre 2009 au 15 février 2010
Affenberg, Salem, Allemagne
Le stage consiste à participer à un travail de recherche en éthologie, visant à élucider les mécanismes de coopération chez le macaque berbère. Les animaux étudiés sont élevés en groupe social (60 individus) dans un parc d’une vingtaine d’hectares en semi-liberté. Le rôle de l’assistant de recherche sera de participer aux expériences de coopération instrumentale ainsi qu’au dépouillement des données.
-Profil requis-
Avoir une formation de niveau bac + 3 minimum en biologie.
Etre observateur, rigoureux, et apprécier la vie à la campagne.
Aucune, une participation de 100 euros par mois sera donnée pour une contribution aux frais d’hébergement selon les résultats de demande de financement.
Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation par courrier électronique à :
Odile Petit

Postdoctoral Positions in Collective Animal Behaviour, Princeton University

Openings are available for postdoctoral research in collective animal behavior in the CouzinLab at Princeton University. Further information about this multi-disciplinary lab can be found at:

Areas of particular interest include experimental (field or laboratory) studies of collective decision-making and animal grouping behavior, evolutionary models of collective behavior and the use of high performance computation to study the underlying mechanisms and evolution of collective behavior, from that among cells, to swarming insects and schooling fish.

To apply, please send a CV and a statement of research interests to Professor Iain D. Couzin, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 08540, USA. Electronic applications and informal inquiries are welcome and should be sent to

Princeton University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and particularly welcomes nominations of women and members of underrepresented minority groups.

Iain D. Couzin
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology,
Princeton University,
Princeton, 08540, USA.
Office: 609-258-8786
Mobile/Cellular: 609-712-2003

6e Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA

Les 6e Journées Scientifiques du CNFRA se dérouleront les 1er (13h30) et 2 octobre 2009 à Paris au Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle,amphithéatre d'entomologie, 45 rue Buffon.
Ces journées scientifiques, réalisées en accord avec l'IPEV, sont organisées par une équipe de jeunes chercheurs. Leur but est de promouvoir la recherche polaire et sub-polaire ainsi que de favoriser des rencontres interdisciplinaires.
Elles seront l'occasion de présentations orales et des posters par des doctorants, de jeunes chercheurs et des chercheurs confirmés.

Jeudi 1er octobre 2009
13h00 Ouverture des 6èmes Journées Scientifiques / Accueil des particpants
13h30 Discours d’ouverture. R.Schlich
13h40 La campagne CEAMARC à bord de l’Aurora Australis : plan d’échantillonnage, déroulement à bord et premiers bilans. R. Causse, F. Busson, J.-F. Barazer, S. Chilmonczyk, G. Denys, A. Dettaï, M. Eleaume, L. Hemery, S. Iglesias, B. Metivier, S. Mouge, B. Richer de Forges, T. Silberfeld, G. Lecointre, G. Duhamel, C. Ozouf- Costaz et N. Ameziane
14h40 Des échinodermes océanographes. M. Eléaume, R. Beaman, M. Riddle, S. Rintoul, L. Hemery, N. Améziane
15h00 Pause café / Session Posters
15h45 Protéger et exploiter la « poule aux oeufs d’or » : les politiques islandaises de gestion des ressources marines en temps de crise A. Geistdoerfer, E. Mariat-Roy
16h05 La fonte du plus gros glacier français : la calotte Cook (îles Kerguelen) E. Berthier, R. Lebris, L. Mabileau, L. Testut, F. Rémy
16h25 Analyse de la Halocline Arctique à partir de données observationnelles de 1997 à 2009 : premiers résultats P. Bourgain, JC. Gascard
16h45 Relations de parentés et phylogéographie au sein d’une famille de téléostéens : les Liparidae A.C. Lautredou
17h05 Session Posters
18h00 Fin de la session Posters

jeudi 24 septembre 2009

Post doctoral fellow

Hiring Organization:
University of Pittsburgh

Date Posted:

Position Description:
A post doctoral position is available in viral immunology within the Center for Vaccine Research at the University of Pittsburgh. The successful applicant will study the role of dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of human immunodeficiency virus infection using the nonhuman primate/simian immunodeficiency virus model (PLoS Pathogens 5: e1000413, 2009). The position is available immediately and is for an initial period of two years. Please send curriculum vitae and names and contact information of three references to: Dr. Simon Barratt-Boyes, 9046 Biomedical Science Tower 3, University of Pittsburgh, 3501 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. Email: Tel: 412 383 7537.

PhD or equivalent. Experience in flow cytometry and cellular immunology desirable.

$39,000 annual salary plus benefits

Term of Appointment:
Two years

Position has an immediate start date

Contact Information:
Simon Barratt-Boyes
9046 BST3, 3501 Fifth Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217

Telephone Number:
412 383 7537

Fax Number:
412 624 4577

E-mail Address:

Primate ecologist (for masters/doctoral student opportunity)

Hiring Organization:
Gola Forest Programme

Date Posted:

Position Description:
The Gola Forest Reserves, the last tropical lowland rainforest in eastern Sierra Leone, are home to some rare and unique species such as the pygmy hippo, western chimpanzee, Jentink’s duiker, zebra duiker, white-necked Picathartes and the olive colobus monkey. In late 2008, the Gola Forest Programme began habituating a group of Diana monkeys with the objective of studying the ecology of this threatened species.

Since this time, and throughout the habituation process, we have collected baseline data on habituation behavior, diet, ranging, and activity budgets. There is also a concurrent phenology study underway in the area. At present, the monkeys are semi-habituated and we expect them to be fully habituated very soon.

The location of the group is in Gola East, where a sub-office/house is located. Currently, the research house has accommodation for 1-2 researchers, has solar power, and running water (including a flush toilet). The monkey group is located close to the research house and there is a 100 m x 100 m grid system to facilitate monkey follows.

Starting in November 2009, we are opening up this group to external researchers for field research. In particular, we are looking to collaborate with a graduate student to continue on with our ecological studies and conduct more detailed research to further our objectives of determining the ecological requirements of this species. We are most interested in topics on feeding and ranging ecology, especially seed dispersal, and how we can apply this information in management plans.

Must be enrolled as a masters or doctoral student

Previous experience collecting behavioral/ecological data on primates highly desirable, although similar experience with other mammals or birds comparable

Previous experience working in a developing country desired

Must be able to live in independently, sometimes as the only expatriate, in a remote rainforest

Be able to work in a very humid environment

Have the characteristics of flexibility, patience, and a good sense of humour

200 euros/month

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
For the collaboration, we can provide:

-use of study group without research fees
-free accommodation with housekeeping/laundry services
-reimbursement of Sierra Leone visa fees
-some logistical help
-to and from airport-Gola forest transportation
-scientific guidance and support from staff conservation scientists
-possible use of previously collected ecological data on the Diana monkeys as well as phenology data

In return, we would require

-detailed report(s) of research findings to the Gola Forest Programme
-depending on the level of involvement of our scientific staff, and the amount of data used from our database, authorship on any resultant publications by the student.
-contribution of data collected to our database, but with a signed MoU stating authorship on any resultant publications authored by the Gola Forest Programme staff, using the da database, will include authorship of the contributor

A signed MoU regarding this collaboration will be required, in particular for all issues surrounding usage of data by either the student or the Gola Forest Programme

Term of Appointment:
committment of at least 6 months, but a longer time desired

Application Deadline:
16 October 2009

Please send a cover letter explaining why you are interested in this collaboration, which school you are attending, what topic you are pursuing for your thesis, and your availability as well as your CV listing 3 references to Jessica Ganas at the below listed email contact

Contact Information:
Dr Jessica Ganas
164 Dama Road
Sierra Leone

Telephone Number:
+232 (0)76 271 091

E-mail Address:

mercredi 23 septembre 2009

4 mois, expérimentation sur l'impact de substances alimentaires sur le comportement et l'émotivité des chevaux domestiques, Chamberet

Recherche stagiaire ou ingénieur d'étude/de recherche pour mener une expérimentation sur l'impact de substances alimentaires sur le comportement et l'émotivité des chevaux domestiques pour une durée 4 mois. Le contrat débutera mi-octobre. Les expérimentations se dérouleront à la station expérimentale de Chamberet en Corrèze, les analyses et la rédaction du rapport et des publications seront réalisées au sein de l'UMR 6552 EthoS de l'Université de Rennes 1.
Cette recherche sera co-encadrée par Martine Hausberger, Marie-Annick Richard-Yris et Séverine Henry. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez nous contacter à l'adresse suivante: severine.henry [ à ]

Séverine Henry, PhD
Maître de Conférences / Lecturer
UMR CNRS 6552 Ethos "Ethologie Animale et Humaine"
Station Biologique de Paimpont
Tel.: +33.(0) / +33.(0)
Fax.: +33.(0)
E-mail: severine.henry [ à ]

jeudi 17 septembre 2009

Wild bird care in the garden

A scientific look at large scale, do-it-yourself, wildlife management
UFAW International Animal Welfare Symposium, Zoological Society of London, London UK
4th (and, possibly also, 5th) May 2010
In recent years, there has been a huge growth of interest in feeding garden birds in many countries. In the UK, the amounts provided make a significant contribution to the annual food requirements of many bird populations. At a time when human changes to the environment are a major threat to many other species, garden bird feeding is grass roots, do-it-yourself wildlife management on a large scale.
Whether we like it or not, in meeting the needs of the vast and rapidly growing human population and in tackling the associated environmental consequences, the whole world is becoming a managed environment. Can lessons learned from caring for free-living backyard wildlife be applied more widely to help conserve biodiversity and to avoid adversely affecting wildlife welfare?
The aim of this symposium is to consider these questions and to share the results of recent research and advances in understanding on various aspects of the feeding and management of garden birds (matters that UFAW and others have been working on together in recent years through the Garden Bird Health Initiative – see Topics will include nutritional aspects, effects on breeding and survival, epidemiology of diseases, and technological advances.
Call for expressions of interest in attending or presenting papers or posters:
We would like to hear from anyone involved in garden bird care and management, human/bird interactions, wildlife management and related subjects who would be interested in making a contribution to the symposium on the feeding and care of garden birds particularly as it relates to their health, welfare and conservation.
Please let us know if you wish to receive further information about this symposium. If you are interested in presenting a poster or abstract please submit a provisional title as soon as possible. Thereafter, the deadline for submission of abstracts is 1st November 2009. Abstracts must be in English and be no longer than 400 words and should include the name and full contact details of all contributors.
The meeting may be expanded from a one-day meeting on 4th May, to include the 5th May 2010 also. This will be decided and announced in due course.
Other details:
Details of registration fees will be published later, once the length of the meeting is decided. Registration will include a copy of the programme of the symposium containing abstracts, and refreshments. Delegates will however have to make their own lunch and accommodation arrangements. Contact UFAW for further information.
The symposium is being held in the Zoological Society of London’s Huxley Lecture, which is located on the opposite side of the road to the main entrance to London Zoo and to the right (ZSL, Outer Circle, Regent's Park London NW1 4RY). Camden Town, on the Northern line, is the closest underground station.
Background to UFAW:
UFAW, the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare, is an internationally-recognised, independent, scientific and educational animal welfare charity. The organization promotes high standards of welfare for farm, companion, laboratory and captive wild animals and those with which we interact in the wild (Registered Charity No 207996 (Registered in England) and Company Limited by Guarantee No 579991).
Contact Details:
Stephen Wickens, Development Officer, UFAW, The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, AL4 8AN, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 1582 831818; Fax: +44 (0) 1582 831414; Website:; Email:

Scientific Editor and Communications Officer

The International Society of Zoological Sciences (ISZS) is a non-profit, non-partisan and professional society representing zoologists around the world. It is governed by an international board of researchers, currently represents over 20 000 zoologists and is responsible for a coordinating a number of programs such as working groups, major meetings and research projects.

The ISZS is seeking a dedicated Scientific Editor and Communications Officer (one position) to assist management of the Society’s scientific peer-reviewed journal Integrative Zoology and coordinate communications across the range of Society activities.

This position will involve the following duties:
1. Handling journal submissions and coordinating publication according to deadlines and schedules
2. Liaise with a variety of stakeholders: authors, reviewers, copy editors, typesetters, Editorial Board members
3. Accurate and comprehensive record-keeping
4. Technical and English editing of some manuscripts (the majority of content is submitted at high level English)
5. Producing a range of communication/marketing materials (newsletters, reports, presentations, conference proceedings, Editorials, brochures, fliers)
6. Management of a soon-to-be launched ISZS website and web content development
7. Marketing and promotion of the Journal and Society
8. As this position is the public face of the Society, you will also work with members and be responsible for membership management

Skills required:
1. Native-speaker of English
2. Attention to detail
3. High-level written and communication skills
4. The ability to work as part of small team in a cross-cultural environment
5. Good command of Microsoft Office (Word, Publisher, Excel) and Adobe Professional
6. A tertiary degree
7. An appreciation for scientific concepts, structure and processes (a degree in science is desirable, but not essential for this position)
8. Experience in international marketing and relationship building (with national and international organizations)

This position is full-time and located at the International Society of Zoological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Candidates in China and abroad are encouraged to apply. Annual salary will vary depending on your level of experience and qualifications. The Academy will provide a working visa and medical insurance.

To be considered applicants must address the duties and skills above in a cover letter and submit a full CV to by 1 October 2009. Interviews will be held mid-October and the successful candidate will be expected to commence shortly after (some flexibility here).

Queries can be directed to or +86 13718168728. Please see for more information about the ISZS.

Field Assistant for Howler Monkeys in Mangrove Project, Tabasco, Mexico.

Hiring Organization:
Washington University in St. Louis, Dept. of Anthropology

Position Description:
Assistance with collection of behavioral and feeding behavior data on Mexican mantled howlers (Alouatta palliata mexicana) and Black howlers (Alouatta pigra), vegetation plots, identification and collection of plants, processing plant samples for analysis and making herbarium samples, assistance with interviews of local people, interpretation and translation from Spanish to English. Job includes operation of a motor boat and canoe (training provided).

Fluency in Spanish, English.
Some field experience in collection of animal behavior preferred, but can provide training.
Willingness to spend long days on the water and inside the mangrove and interact with local people.

Volunteer position.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Housing and food is provided.
Travel is not compensated.

Term of Appointment:
September 15 until November 23, 2009 and/or January 5 through March 31, 2010.

Application Deadline:
open-ended through February 2010.

Can fulfill social services requirement for students in Mexico, or field credits for students, through the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México.
*please email materials to me, as I am in the field and cannot receive regular mail at this time.

Contact Information:LeAndra LueckeCB 1114, One Brookings DriveSt. Louis, MO 63130USA

dimanche 13 septembre 2009

Post doctoral position in nonhuman primate research

A postdoctoral position will be available starting in September 2009 for an NIH-funded study on social network dynamics and aggression in rhesus macaques at the California National Primate Research Center. This position involves long hours of observations on groups of 80-180 individuals. The position is for one year with possible opportunity for renewal. Interested applicants should contact Dr. Brenda McCowan at bjmccowan@ucdavis.erdu for additional information.

Brenda McCowan, PhD
Associate Professor, Applied Ethology
Program Director, CNPRC Primate Behavioral Management Program
Population Health & Reproduction
School of Veterinary Medicine
1024B Haring Hall
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 754-7373 (phone)
(530) 752-5845 (fax)

California National Primate Research Center
Hutchison Drive and County Road 98
University of California, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
(530) 752-5119 (phone)
(530) 754-8166 (fax)

Inter Vivos

Inter Vivos ( propose depuis 2006 des interventions et des stages dans le domaine du comportement animal. Les formations s'adressent à un public varié. Elles abordent une grande variété de thèmes traités sur différentes espèces, depuis les animaux familiers jusqu'aux chevaux, en passant par les ongulés sauvages et les primates. Les stagiaires sont des scientifiques, des passionnés ou des professionnels comme des éleveurs ou des techniciens qui trouvent avantage à améliorer leur connaissance en éthologie et à mieux cerner les méthodes et les objectifs de la recherche éthologique. Beaucoup viennent pour mieux comprendre les scientifiques dans leur démarche de récolte et d’interprétation de l’information et choisissent les modules en fonction de leur utilité dans leur travail présent ou futur. Pour changer son regard sur l’animal, rien de tel que de l’interprétation à chaud corrigée/relativisée par des professionnels aguerris qui savent expliquer et illustrer les grandes questions de l'éthologie.

samedi 12 septembre 2009

Effets de la restriction calorique périnatale sur les performances locomotrices et cognitives chez un prosimien malgache (Microcebus murinus)

En milieu naturel, les microcèbes gris sont confrontés à une saisonnalité marquée de leur environnement. Leur activité (rythme biologique) et leur physiologie sont adaptées à cette saisonnalité, et notamment aux variations cycliques des ressources alimentaires. Toutefois, entre années, les ressources alimentaires peuvent être fortement variables.
Cependant l’on sait qu’au cours de la période périnatale la restriction calorique altère le développement de nombreux paramètres physiologiques ce qui par la suite affecte le comportement (Morgane et al., 1993; Armitage et al.,2001). L’objectif du stage sera de quantifier les performance cognitives et locomotrices d’individus dont les mères ont été soumises à une restriction calorique durant la période périnatale.
Une expérience de restriction calorique a été mise en place en conditions de laboratoire, sur 24 femelles durant la période de gestation et d’allaitement. Afin de savoir si les capacités locomotrices ainsi que la mémoire spatiale et émotive des jeunes sont affectés par cette restriction alimentaire, différents tests leur sont présentés :
- test locomoteurs (test du rotarod, test de saut)
- tests cognitifs (test de Barnes, test d’alternance spontanée, Openfield).
Le stagiaire devra effectuer les différents tests impliquant un groupe de 15 individus âgés de 9 mois avant leur passage en reproduction.
Compétences requises :
L’étudiant devra avoir un intérêt certain pour l’éthologie et la cognition et faire preuve de rigueur et de patience.
Contacts pour demande d’information complémentaire et/ou candidater à ce stage :
Cindy Canale ( et Pierre-Yves Henry (, 01 60 47 92 28)
Période du stage : du 1 au 25 septembre. Celui-ci pourra être prolongé selon l’intérêt de l’étudiant.
Possibilité de logement peu onéreux sur place.
Coordonnées du laboratoire :
UMR 7179 CNRS MNHN CF, Département Ecologie et Gestion de la Biodiversité, Muséum
National d’Histoire Naturelle, 1, avenue du Petit Château, 91800 Brunoy, France

PhD position

Hormones, Metabolism and Behavior:
Interactions and Causal Relationships
We are looking for a PhD candidate to study causal influences of hormones on alternative male reproductive tactics in the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio). The main aim of our research group is to understand the evolved physiological mechanisms that allow animals to behave adaptively in a changing environment. In the proposed study we want to test for a causal influence of hormones on social behavior while taking into account interactions between the different hormones and resting metabolic rate. The study will be based at the University of Zurich and all experiments will be conducted with a captive colony, for which the PhD student will be responsible. The study will use methods of hormone manipulations via implants, hormone measurements, measurements of oxygen consumption (RMR) and behavioral observations. See the summary below.
We are seeking a highly-motivated, independent candidate with excellent organizational skills. The ideal candidate has a background in animal behavior, behavioral endocrinology, or physiology, some experience with animal handling, laboratory work, and experience in experimental design and statistical analysis of data. A degree equivalent to a diploma or MSc in Biology is required. Good knowledge of written and spoken English is essential. The working language in our group is English. Some knowledge of German would be beneficial for living in Switzerland but is not necessary.
The PhD student will be responsible for the captive colony of striped mice (1 room), including cleaning of cages and all other aspects of animal care. Management of a captive colony of rodents includes euthanizing striped mice to keep the size of the colony down and after experiments. The student will have to visit of course of laboratory animal care at the University of Zurich, paid by us.
The student will be supervised by Dr. Carsten Schradin and be part of the research group studying striped mice ( The student will be based at the Department of Animal Behavior at the Zoological Institute of the University of Zurich ( Zurich is a highly attractive city in beautiful surroundings, with a multinational population, and many educational and recreational opportunities (
The position is funded for two years, and the salary follows the Swiss National Science Foundation scale (CHF 39 600 for the first year, CHF 42 600 for the second year). The student is expected to apply for funding for a third year and for research expenses from other foundations, for example from the Forschungskredit, a foundation based at theUniversity of Zurich ( The student will get full support from Dr. Carsten Schradin when applying for additional grants.
The earliest starting date is January 2010.
Deadline for application is the 8th of October, and interviews will take place at the end of October. If not enough suitable applicants applied by this deadline, a second call will be released and interviews will then take place January 2010.
Please send your application including a CV (as PDF), PDFs of publications (published, in press or in preparation), PDF of your diploma or master thesis, a letter outlining your past research and particular motivation for this position (max. 2 pages), as well as contact details of 2 referees to
PD Dr. Carsten Schradin
Research Associate, Zoological Institute, Department of Animal Behavior,
University of Zurich, Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland.
Tel: +41 - (0)44 635 5486
Fax: +41 - (0)44 635 5490
(Tel. secretary: +41 - (0)44 635 5271)
Honorary Researcher at the School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand,South Africa.
Succulent Karoo Research Station, Goegap Nature Reserve, Private Bag X1, 8240 Springbok, South Africa.
The newly established field of endocrine ecology has increased our knowledge about how physiological mechanisms enable animals to be successful and survive in challenging environments. However, so far most studies are correlative, especially in mammals. If experiments are conducted, interactions between hormones are normally not taken into account, nor are the possible effects of hormones on other important physiological parameters such as metabolic rate. Since 2001 we have conducted field studies on the African striped mouse (Rhabdomys pumilio) in the Succulent Karoo desert. The striped mouse is now one of the best studied mammal species in the field of endocrine ecology, enabling the planning of experiments under controlled laboratory conditions. It is a useful example to study the influence of hormones on social behavior because it shows extraordinary social flexibility. Males have three different social tactics that differ physiologically: (i) philopatric group-living males have low testosterone and prolactin levels, high corticosterone levels and high resting metabolic rate (RMR), (ii) solitary living roamers have high testosterone, low prolactin and corticosterone levels and low RMR, while (iii) dominant but sociable group-living territorial breeders have intermediate testosterone levels, low corticosterone but high prolactin levels and high RMR. In the proposed study we want to test for a causal influence of hormones on social behavior while taking into account interactions between the different hormones and RMR. Testosterone and corticosterone levels will be increased by implants and prolactin levels decreased via the drug Cabergoline. Based on my field studies it is predicted that testosterone influences care-giving behavior negatively, risky behavior positively, and aggressive behavior moderately, while possibly influencing prolactin levels positively, corticosterone levels negatively and RMR negatively. Corticosterone is predicted to have a negative influence on testosterone but increases RMR. Prolactin is predicted to have a positive effect on care-giving behavior while reducing the motivation to visit additional females for mating, reducing testosterone levels and possibly increasing RMR. The study will follow an integrative approach, using the results from field studies to plan experiments under controlled laboratory conditions, while taking possible interactions between different hormones and between hormones and metabolic rate into account.


Uppsala University hereby declares the following position to be open for application:

PhD student in medical sciences, neurophysiology, especially motion vision

at the Department of Neuroscience.

We are looking for a motivated person to join a project investigating the brain’s analysis of motion vision. The aim of the project will be to investigate how visual information is processed and analyzed at the neuronal level. With intracellular electrophysiology we can see how single neurons respond to visual input, and then especially to small objects that move relative to the remaining visual surround. We are especially interested in understanding how simple nervous systems execute complicated analyses, and the underlying processes generating neuronal selectivity. The research will potentially involve training in behavioral studies, neuroscience and programming.

Suitable background is a masters or equivalent (like civil engineering) in biology or computer science. Good grades are warranted. Experience in one or several of the following subjects is beneficial: neuroscience, sensory biology, programming, behavioral studies, electrophysiology, entomology. It is important that you are focused on results, are structured and independent and strongly motivated. You should also be good at communicating in English, and you should be able to work independently as well as part of a group.
A PhD position normally includes 4 years of full-time studies. Department duties such as teaching can amount to a maximum of 20%. Salary is based on local guidelines at Uppsala University.

Uppsala University is striving to achieve a more even gender balance and men are especially encouraged to apply.

The application should include a short letter detailing research interest and relevant experience, your CV, copies of relevant diploma and University transcripts, and a copy of your undergraduate thesis (or draft) and other relevant publications. The application should also include name and contact information of two adequate reference persons.

For more information please contact Karin Nordström, phone +46 18 471 4195, web page:, e-mail: Union representatives are Anders Grundström, SACO , +46 (0)18 4715380, Carin Söderhall, TCO/ST, +46 (0)18 4711996, and Stefan Djurström SEKO +46 (0)18 4713315.

The application should be sent to: Registrar's Office, UFV-PA 2009/2038, Uppsala University, Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala, or faxed to: +46(0)18-4712000; or e-mailed to: Applications should arrive no later than 1 October, 2009. If application is sent by fax or e-mail, original documents must be sent by mail within one week after the application deadline.

Proposition de stage en éthologie des primates à l'Université de Provence, Rousset

Quantification de la préférence manuelle pour la manipulation d’objets et la communication gestuelle chez le babouin olive (Papio anubis) et le macaque rhésus (Macaca Mulatta)

Jacques Vauclair, Professeur de l'Université de Provence et Hélène Meunier, Post-doctorante

Quatre mois, du 15 octobre 2009 au 15 février 2010

CNRS Station de Primatologie - 13790 Rousset, France

Le stage consiste à participer à un travail de recherche en éthologie, portant sur les préférences manuelles chez deux espèces de primates non humains, le babouin olive et le macaque rhésus. Les animaux étudiés sont élevés en groupes sociaux, à la station de Primatologie de Rousset. Le rôle du stagiaire sera de participer à la sélection des animaux, à la préparation du matériel expérimental et aux tests comportementaux.

-Profil requis-
Avoir une formation de niveau bac + 2 minimum en biologie ou psychologie.
Etre observateur, rigoureux, et apprécier le contact avec les animaux.

-Conditions de travail-
Temps plein, du lundi au vendredi.
Indemnité mensuelle nulle.

Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation par courrier électronique à :
Hélène Meunier
tél: +33(0)6 42 42 15 23

Two field assistants needed

Hiring Organization:

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Position Description:

Two field assistants are needed to support, help and control field monitoring teams with data collection on wildlife in Tai National Park, Côte d’Ivoire. Tai National Park is a World Heritage Site, counting 140 mammal species, including 9 species of diurnal primates. It harbours the largest remaining population of chimpanzees in Côte d'Ivoire. Furthermore, Tai National Park is one of the largest protected rainforest remnants of the Upper Guinean forest block.

The biomonitoring in Tai National Park is already implemented and follows standard line transect methodology.


The appropriate candidates are expected to hold at least a Bachelor's degree and possess some understanding of basics statistical concepts (of the line transect methodology).

They should have prior field experience, preferably under hot/humid climate. They should be able to work independently and in isolated conditions (camping, with limited access to modern conveniences).

Conversational level of French language is required


300 euros per month

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):

Travel costs, visa, health insurance, and accommodation will be covered. Furthermore, a one-month training will be provided in Leipzig, Germany and in Côte d'Ivoire.

Term of Appointment:

6-8 months

Application Deadline:

as soon as possible

Contact Information:

Claudia Nebel

Deutscher Platz 6

Leipzig 04103


Telephone Number:

+49 341 3550 200

Website: and

E-mail Address:

Field Assistant- Behavioral Endocrinology, Capuchins, Costa Rica

Hiring Organization:
Colleen Gault- affiliated with the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Living Links Center of Emory University and the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project

Position Description:
I am looking for a field assistant to collect behavioral data and fecal samples (for hormonal analysis) on a well-habituated population of wild capuchin monkeys that have been studied in Costa Rica since 1990 as part of the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project. Information about the field site, past publications, working conditions, and application instructions are available on the following website:
Read the detailed guide about working conditions (available in pdf form from the above site) before applying. The position advertised here is for a project affiliated with the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project, but life will differ in several critical ways that will make this position appeal more or less to particular applicants relative to the position offered by Dr. Susan Perry.
1) You will not live in the big house in town but in a small house bounded by forest & mango orchard outside a small farming village next to the Lomas Barbudal Reserve
a. You will have fewer colleagues with which to socialize or to have to tolerate (only me and another field assistant)
b. Thus, you will either learn more Spanish, get through your reading list, or take up a hobby. You will also have to spend a greater percentage of vacations houseguarding.
c. Public transport (to airports, beach, etc) will be less accessible for emergencies, vacations, and visitors, but is still easy relative to many field sites (about 2km from frequent buses).
d. You will not have to drive on the treacherous Pan-American highway every day and night
e. Capuchins & Howlers will be in your backyard
f. Local discos will not keep you awake until 3am with thunderous bass.
2) Data collection will involve all day (12-13 hours) rather than
10-minute follows of individual monkeys
a. You must observe with the same monkey and all their
interactions from dawn to dusk each day and will only have an
immense sense of accomplishment after several successful
days rather than after 10 successful minutes.
b. If the focal doesn't stop neither do you. This sometimes
makes it difficult to eat, drink, or relieve yourself in any
b. You will observe the ‘whole story’ behind the monkey drama
for your focal, rather than broken pieces.
c. This is protocol is too difficult in the rainy season so data is
not collected July - late November
3) You will collect a great deal of fecal samples
a. Capuchin feces smell like fruit, and are thus much less
disgusting than yours, your dog’s or your cat’s.
b. You will spend 2-3 days/month drying & processing feces,
which is tedious, but a break from all-day follows.
4) You won’t be taking detailed data on Sloanea processing
5) I will be visiting local elementary school to teach kids about the monkeys & the forest. You will be able to choose your level of involvement in this, but it will be a great way to be less of an outsider in the community in which you'll live.

Anyone can apply, but we prefer candidates with some course work in animal behavior, some prior field experience, and some Spanish language skills. Some of these requirements can be waived for candidates that are exceptionally well qualified in other ways.
Must have medical insurance. Must be willing to work extremely hard, as our schedule is grueling. Please read the guide:


Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Room and board are provided, and up to $600 is provided for the plane fare, contingent upon completion of the work agreed upon. You must provide your own medical insurance and cover your own medical costs. This internship provides extremely intensive training, and trainees from the first 16 years of the Lomas Barbudal Monkey Project have had 100% success in their graduate school applications (N=23 applicants to grad school).

Term of Appointment:
November 15th 2009 - June 30th 2010 or January 3rd 2010 - June 30th 2010

Application Deadline:
Decisions will be announced by October 1st, 2009, but will be made on a rolling basis.

Contact Information:
Colleen Marie Gault


E-mail Address:

Research Scientist

Hiring Organization:
Wa National Primate Reseach Center, University of Washington

Position Description:
The University of Washington (UW) is proud to be one of the nation’s premier educational and research institutions. Our people are the most important asset in our pursuit of achieving excellence in education, research, and community service. Our staff not only enjoys outstanding benefits and professional growth opportunities, but also an environment noted for diversity, community involvement, intellectual excitement, artistic pursuits, and natural beauty.

Founded in 1961 by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Washington National PRIMATE Research Center (WaNPRC) provides specialized resources for nonhuman PRIMATE research studies applicable to the solution of significant human health problems. An overview of WaNPRC research, organization and facilities can be found at

Our PRIMATE Center has an opportunity for Full Time RESEARCH SCIENTIST 4 to manage the PRIMATE Center's NHP Psychological Well Being program. The PWB Program is an essential component of WaNPRC’s Research Resources division, providing federally-required services and documentation that may be requested by IACUC, AAALAC, USDA and others who require information regarding compliance with the Federal Animal Welfare Regulations. The PWB Program Coordinator oversees all aspects of the Program, and takes a central role in writing most protocols, reports, publications, and research designs as well as pertinent grant applications. This position supervises the activities of the PWB Program Behavior Case Manager, Research/Enrichment Technologists, and undergraduate students earning academic research credits. The Coordinator chairs PWB meetings, and represents the group at various other meetings. The PWB group, under the direction of the Coordinator, demonstrates exemplary teamwork, communication, accountability, and commitment to research. The PWB Program Coordinator works under the general direction of the Associate Director for Research Resources; supervision and guidance relate largely to overall programmatic objectives, critical issues, new concepts, and policy matters. The PWB Program Coordinator actively participates in communication and collaboration with the Behavioral Management Consortium, a group of behavioral managers from all eight National PRIMATE Research Centers.

Additionally, the person in this role will perform the following position duties and responsibilities:

Research Activities: Planning and executing laboratory research on psychological well-being and environmental enrichment: Discuss research design, data collection, and related research activities with staff; analyze data, consult literature, write manuscripts for publication; present research and participate in workshops and forums at scientific meetings.

PWB Program Development: Write grants and other materials as requested by the WaNPRC Director or Associate Director for Research Resources. Develop and maintain the mission of the PWB Program through regular internal meetings and writing standard operating procedures.

Consortium and Other Communication: Email and other communications pertaining to environmental enrichment and psychological well-being issues within and outside the Center; e.g., topical communications with PWB staff; spearhead requests for enrichment-related caging modifications and enrichment device fabrication; requests for exemptions to the Environmental Enhancement Plan; responding to requests for expert advice from outside the Center; meeting with visitors, including IACUC, USDA, AAALAC. Collaborate with behavioral specialists from other PRIMATE Centers as part of the Behavioral Management Consortium to develop standardized tools for behavioral assessment and best practices for behavioral management.

Administrative Activities: Review budgets, Budget Activity Reports, overseeing expenditures on PWB budget. Select, supervise and train staff; performance management; sponsor and oversee selection of participating students, who assist in enrichment and data collection activities in exchange for undergraduate research credits (UW Department of Psychology).


PhD in Animal Behavior (Psychology, Biology, or Zoology) or PRIMATE Behavior (Psychology or Anthropology) or related field.

5 Years experience working in a facility with Non-Human PRIMATEs (NHP).

2 years experience in supervision and team-building.

Familiarity with current NHP environmental enrichment and psychological well being issues and literature.

Familiarity with U.S. Animal Welfare Regulations, (USDA, AAALAC, IACUC)

Must have suitable educational and research background to qualify for an affiliate faculty position in an academic department to sponsor undergraduate research credits.

Excellent written and oral communication skills.

Demonstrated proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and statistical software.

Ability to attain proficiency in custom database programs related to animal records.

Familiarity with current NHP environmental enrichment and psychological well being issues and literature.

Equivalent education/experience will substitute for all minimum qualifications except when there are legal requirements, such as a license/certification/registration.


Record of NHP research related publications.
Demonstrated successful grant writing experience.

Term of Appointment:

Application Deadline:
October 16, 2009

To apply for this position go to the University of Washington's Hires Web Site:
Complete the profile assessments and enter your resume into the UW Hires System.

Conditions of Employment:
Employment is contingent upon successful completion of health assessment at the UW's Employee Health Clinic. The health assessment may include but is not limited to tuberculosis clearance, measles clearance, serum banking, and immunizations, such as tetanus and vaccinia, physical exam and/or review of work health history, x-rays, and/or assessment to wear positive or negative respiratory protective equipment. These health assessments will be repeated periodically during work assignment. May be required to work with and take specific precautions, against and/or be immunized against potentially infectious agents. Specific precautions may include wearing respirators and/or protective clothing. Employee is personally responsible for following health & safety and security policies and procedures.

Application Process:

Part of the application process for this position includes completing an on-line assessment to obtain additional information that will be used in the evaluation process. The assessment will appear on your screen for you to complete as soon as you select "Apply to this Job" on this job announcement. You have the option to begin the assessment or postpone it BUT once you begin the assessment, it must be completed at that time. If you postpone the assessment, it will appear on your "My Jobs" page to take when you are ready. Please note that your application will not be reviewed, and you will not be considered for this position until the assessment is complete. If you have already completed this assessment for another position, you will not be asked to complete it again.

The University of Washington is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. To request disability accommodation in the application process, contact the Disability Services Office at 206.543.6450 / 206.543.6452 (tty) or

Contact Information:
Brian Culver
Primate Center, 3000 Western Ave Suite B-411
UW, Seattle, WA 98195-7331

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address: