mercredi 29 février 2012

2 CDD : IE en psychologie du développement, psychologie cognitive, éthologie , Dijon

Deux postes d'ingénieur d'étude à durée déterminée (le premier pour une durée de 1 an, le second pour une durée de 6 mois) sont ouverts au concours dans l'équipe "Ethologie développementale et Psychologie cognitive" du Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation à Dijon. Il s'agira de participer à une étude sur l'intégration intersensorielle vision-olfaction chez les enfants de moins d'un an.

Les candidats devront être titulaires d'un M2 en psychologie du développement, en psychologie cognitive ou en éthologie, avec une expérience souhaitée (mais non nécessaire) dans l'étude de l'enfant de moins d'un an. Ils devront faire parvenir une lettre de candidature ainsi que leur CV avant le 15 mars 2012 à l'adresse électronique suivante : Jean-Yves.Baudouin [ à ] Toute demande de renseignements peut être faite à la même adresse

Guarda workshop in Evolutionary Biology for master and PhD students

It my pleasure to announce this years Guarda workshop in Evolutionary Biology for master and PhD students. The main aim of the course is to develop the skills to produce an independent research project in evolutionary biology.

The course takes place 16.-23. June 2012 in the Swiss mountain village Guarda. Faculty includes Douglas Schemske, Andrew Read, Sebastian Bonhoeffer and Dieter Ebert (organizer).

The course is intended for master (or Diploma) students and early PhD students.

The web page with all the details can be found under:

Deadline for applications is 15. March 2012.

Dieter Ebert
Universität Basel, Zoologisches Institut,
Evolutionary Biology
Vesalgasse 1, CH-4051 Basel, Switzerland
Tel. +41-(0)61-267 03 60

dimanche 26 février 2012

CUI : Deux animateurs(trices) environnement pour l’association ARC’Avène

L’association ARC’Avène propose deux postes d’animateur(trice) environnement, en CUI de 6 mois, renouvelable.

Association ARC’Avène créée en 1989, gestionnaire des Jardins ethnobotaniques de la Gardie à Rousson.
Nés d’une action citoyenne pour protéger une zone sensible, ces jardins proposent des activités d’éducation à l’environnement pour les scolaires, l’accueil des visiteurs, de groupes, de stagiaires, des animations ponctuelles autour des plantes et des vieux métiers, des actions de valorisation du patrimoine végétal, bâti et culturel, de transmission de savoirs et savoir-faire.

- Animer des ateliers d’éducation à l’environnement sur le site des Jardins (balade sensorielle, balade contée, plantes tinctoriales, la mare et ses habitants, course d’orientation, jeu de piste, compost et plantation…) et hors site.
- Assurer l’accueil, l’information auprès des visiteurs, visites accompagnées.
- Participer à l’organisation et l’animation des manifestations sur les Jardins (Bourse aux plants, Rendez-vous aux Jardins, Automnes singuliers…) et hors site (Vauban, fête de la garrigue….)
- Concevoir des outils pédagogiques
- Secrétariat, communication, coordination

- Être éligible au CUI
- Formation et expériences dans le domaine de l’éducation à l’environnement
- Compétences milieu rivière, jardinage, secrétariat, communication, coordination.
- Connaissances naturalistes (en botanique notamment)
- Capacités rédactionnelles
- Sensibilité associative
- Disponibilité le samedi pour la période de juillet, août, septembre
- Véhicule personnel et Permis B indispensables

Thématique : Education à l’environnement
Secteur d’activités : animation scolaire et grand public
Encadrement : Arc’Avène
Type de contrat : CUI de 6 mois, renouvelable
Nombre de postes à pourvoir : 2
Temps de travail 20h par semaine, travail en fonction du calendrier d’animations scolaires d’avril à juin, club nature le mercredi après- midi, de juillet à septembre en fonction des heures d’ouverture et des besoins sur les jardins
Salaire : SMIC

Modalités de recrutement
Merci d’adresser vos CV et lettres de motivation par courrier ou par mail à l’attention du Président M. Jean-Paul NUEZ, Association ARC’Avène, Ancienne école de Pont d’Avène, 30340 ROUSSON
- Date limite de réception des candidatures : jeudi 23 février 2012
- Entretien d’embauche : entre le lundi 27 et mercredi 29 février 2012
- Prévisions d’embauche entre le 1er et le 15 mars 2012

Soutenir The hyena Fund

The Hyena Fund

Notre mission est simple : nous devons assurer l'avenir de la colonie de hyènes de Berkeley.
Avec votre aide, nous pouvons préserver les hyènes dans cet habitat sauvage unique qu'elles considèrent comme leur foyer.
L'héritage de la colonie de hyènes de Berkeley s'étend sur près de 30 ans. Il s'agit de la plus importante colonie de hyènes tachetées du monde. Là-bas les animaux vivent une vie confortable dans ce centre pour la faune sauvage de près de 15 hectares situé dans les collines au dessus du campus d'UCBerkeley en Californie, Etats-Unis.
Un arrêt des financements a placé ses animaux extraordinaires, certains ayant plus de 20 ans, en grand danger de perdre leur habitat. Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour assurer à ces hyènes de Berkeley qu'elles puissent rester en sécurité. Sans votre aide, ces animaux précieux seront confrontés à un avenir incertain.
Pourquoi est-il si important d'étudier les hyènes ? Les hyènes tachetées présentent des caractéristiques uniques et sont des animaux incroyablement robustes desquels d'importantes leçons peuvent être tirées pour la santé de l'Homme, de l'animal et pour l'environnement. L'étude des hyènes en captivité est aussi importante pour améliorer les efforts de conservation et assurer la pérennité de l'espèce à l'état sauvage.
Ce centre représente une possibilité inégalée d'étudier les hyènes tachetées tout au long de l'année. Mettre en place cette colonie a constitué une réussite que l'on ne peut réaliser qu'une fois dans une vie en raison des coûts et de la logistique que cela présuppose. Une fois fermé, ce centre unique sera perdu pour toujours. Cette colonie est un trésor biologique. Le temps joue contre nous et nous avons besoin de votre générosité.
La vérité c'est que nous aimons les hyènes. Nous travaillons au quotidien avec cette espèce incroyable et savons de première main combien ces animaux sont exceptionnels. Nous tenons profondément aux hyènes de Berkeley et cet appel aux dons vise à assurer leur futur et protéger leur habitat.
Faites la différence et rejoignez notre équipe dans son combat pour la sauvegarde de la colonie de hyènes de Berkeley.
Aidez les hyènes de Berkeley. Faites un don aujourd'hui à : À court terme, notre but est de recueillir 150000$ avant fn février 2012 pour préserver la colonie de hyènes pour un an. À long terme, notre objectif est de créer une fondation pour assurer leur futur.
Pour de plus amples informations sur cette initiative, merci de contacter :
Aux Etats-Unis : Tona Melgarejo, DVM MS PhD. Kansas State University (KSU).
Email: Phone: +1 785.410.1775 En France : Adélaïde Delahaye , Vetagro-sup Email : Phone : +33 (0)

jeudi 23 février 2012

PhD Position: Comparative Cognition Of Apes And Monkeys Under Natural Conditions

Hiring Organization:
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Date Posted:

Position Description:
We are offering a PhD fellowship working on a project that compares experimentally the cognitive abilities of apes and monkeys under natural conditions, starting in July 2012 and running for 4 years.
Our general interest is to understand the evolution of sociality and social cognition. Specifically, we are interested in differences in the cognitive abilities between species within the monophylletic group of primates. This PhD project will compare some aspects of social cognition between chimpanzees and sooty mangabeys using an experimental approach under natural conditions. The PhD candidate will conduct the study with the habituated chimpanzees of the Taï Chimpanzee Project (Côte d’Ivoire) and the sooty mangabeys of the Taï Eco-tourism Project, which will include behavioural observations and experimental manipulations.

MSc (or comparable degree) in Biology, Psychology or Evolutionary Anthropology. Good knowledge in evolutionary biology, animal behaviour and animal cognition are crucial for a successful application. The PhD candidate will need to work independently in a remote and physically demanding tropical forest habitat. She / he will need good social skills to work and live amongst a group of international colleagues with different cultural backgrounds. The successful applicant will need to speak French - or be willing to rapidly learn it. Previous experience with fieldwork and studies in experimental psychology will be beneficial to the application.

Supported by a PhD stipend. In addition the successful candidate is expected to write a research proposal to apply for grant money.

Term of Appointment:
Starting July 2012 (four years)

Application Deadline:
31 March 2012

Applications including a cover letter stating research experience and interests, detailed curriculum vitae, and the names and e-mail addresses of three referees should be sent electronically (ideally two people who can comment on your academic skills and one who can comment on any practical experience you may have). Application deadline is 31 March. The evaluation process will start afterwards, with interviews being held after 15 April.

Contact Information:
Dr. Roman Wittig
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig 04103

Telephone Number:
+49 341 3550 204

Fax Number:
+49 341 3550 299


E-mail Address:

Lab Manager/Research Assistant

Hiring Organization:
University of Rochester - Cantlon Lab

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Professor Jessica Cantlon is seeking a full-time lab manager/research assistant for her Concepts, Actions, and Objects Lab at the University of Rochester (New York). The position will offer the opportunity to engage in a wide array of research methods converging on the topic of conceptual thought. The RA position will focus on the organization of concepts and categories (e.g., faces, numbers, living things) in non-human primates (rhesus macaques and olive baboons) and humans. Techniques will include neuroimaging (functional and structural MRI) and behavioral testing with non-human primates and humans.

Responsibilities will include protocol maintenance, designing and programming stimulus materials, and data collection and analysis.

To apply, please send your CV to

Desired skills include behavioral, neurophysiological, or MRI training with non-human primates, and stimulus programming experience (e.g. E-Prime, RealBasic, MatLab, etc.).

Salary is approximately $30K, depending on experience, plus full benefits.

Application Deadline:
May 2012

Contact Information:
Allison Barnard
430 Elmwood Ave
Rochester, NY 14620


E-mail Address:

Research Scientist, Fisher Center

Hiring Organization:
Lincoln Park Zoo

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Lincoln Park Zoo is hiring a full-time primatologist to work as part of the Lester Fisher Center for the Study and Conservation of Apes. This position designs, conducts, and manages behavioral and cognitive research studies on apes housed at the zoo and may participate in evaluations of field research data. They work closely with the Director of the Fisher Center to initiate new collaborations and assist with strategic research planning for the Center. They manage and/or participate in interdepartmental projects and behavioral projects that involve collaboration between the zoo and other local scientific institutions. They may also participate in collecting data for multi-institutional studies. They assist the Director with planning and fundraising for special projects, including public education programs and special conferences and symposia. Other duties as assigned by the Director of the Fisher Center.

Tasks include participating in all aspects of the scientific method including designing studies, preparing protocols, collecting data, analyzing data, writing manuscripts for publication, and preparing oral or poster presentations for staff and conferences. Tasks may also include working with interns and animal keepers to collect, manage, and analyze data; dissemination of information at scientific meetings; attending scientific lectures at the zoo or other local scientific institutions.

PhD in behavioral science or related field is highly preferred. Significant experience in conducting and publishing primatological research is required.

Contact Information:
Human Resources Department
2001 North Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60614


E-mail Address:

Research Assistant At The Taï Chimpanzee Project (Cote D’ivoire)

Hiring Organization:
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Each volunteer will be observing chimpanzees of one of the three communities of wild chimpanzees that are habituated to human presence. The volunteers will be trained to identify the chimpanzees, learn the behaviours and their way around in the forest. Afterwards they will work independently and collect behavioural observations (focal and ad libitum observational data), as well as urine and fecal samples (for hormonal, bacteriological and virological analysis). The volunteers will collaborate closely with local field assistants and international students alike. They will be responsible for managing the long-term data collection for the community they work with. In addition, at the end of their tenure they will be responsible for training their replacement.

The successful applicant will need to work independently in a remote and physically demanding tropical forest habitat. She / he will need good social skills to work and live amongst a group of international colleagues with different cultural backgrounds, and will need to speak French - or be willing to rapidly learn it. Previous experience in animal behaviour and previous field work will be beneficial.

Volunteers are principally self-funded. However, accommodation at the field site is provided and one airfare (to a reasonable max.) as well as permit fees will be reimbursed after completed tenure.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Students currently living there spend about €150 a month on consumables (food, gas, etc.), which volunteers would need to provide themselves, as well as suitable clothing.

Term of Appointment:
July 2012 – August 2013

Application Deadline:
31 March 2012

Applications including a cover letter stating research experience, detailed curriculum vitae, and the names and e-mail addresses of two referees should be sent electronically. Application deadline is 31 March 2012. The evaluation process will start afterwards, with interviews being held after 15 April 2012.

Contact Information:
Dr. Roman Wittig
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig 04103

Telephone Number:
+49 341 3550 204

Fax Number:
+49 341 3550 299


E-mail Address:

PhD Position: Hormonal Foundation Of Chimpanzees’ Social Behaviour

Hiring Organization:
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Date Posted:

Position Description:
We are offering a PhD fellowship working on a project that investigates the hormonal foundations of chimpanzee’s social behaviour, starting in July 2012 and running for 4 years.
Our general interest is to understand the evolution of sociality and social cognition. Specifically, we are interested in the role that hormones, like cortisol, oxytocin or vasopressin, play in the social life of animals. This PhD project will investigate some aspects of how hormones regulate chimpanzees’ sociality and / or how chimpanzees’ social behaviour modifies hormone levels. The PhD candidate will conduct the study with the habituated chimpanzees of the Taï Chimpanzee Project (Côte d’Ivoire), which will include behavioural observations, urine and fecal collection and hormonal extraction. The candidate will measure the hormone concentrations in the Lab for Field Endocrinology at the MPI EVA under the supervision of Dr. Tobias Deschner.

MSc (or comparable degree) in Biology, Physiology, Neurobiology or Evolutionary Anthropology. Good knowledge in evolutionary biology, animal behaviour and endocrinology are crucial for a successful application. The PhD candidate will need to work independently in a remote and physically demanding tropical forest habitat. She / he will need good social skills to work and live amongst a group of international colleagues with different cultural backgrounds. The successful applicant will need to speak French - or be willing to rapidly learn it. Previous experience with fieldwork and in a hormonal lab will be beneficial.

Supported by a PhD stipend. In addition the successful candidate is expected to write a research proposal to apply for grant money.

Term of Appointment:
Starting July 2012 (four years)

Application Deadline:
31 March 2012

Applications including a cover letter stating research experience and interests, detailed curriculum vitae, and the names and e-mail addresses of three referees should be sent electronically (ideally two people who can comment on your academic skills and one who can comment on any practical experience you may have). Application deadline is 31 March. The evaluation process will start afterwards, with interviews being held after 15 April.

Contact Information:
Dr. Roman Wittig
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig 04103

Telephone Number:
+49 341 3550 204

Fax Number:
+49 341 3550 299


E-mail Address:

mercredi 22 février 2012

Job Vacancy Announcement

Hiring Organization
Institution: Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University (KUPRI)
Department: Center for International Collaboration and Advanced Studies in Primatology (CICASP)

Job Title:
Foreign Research Associate (Postdoctoral position)

Job Description
The Center for International Collaboration and Advanced Studies in Primatology (CICASP), a department of the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, is looking for a primatologist to be appointed as a foreign research associate (a postdoctoral position). Applicants must have a Ph.D. and a strong research background in a domain within the discipline of Primatology. The successful applicant should have a clear plan for research to be carried out on primates, they should be able to publish their research, and they should be willing to work toward promoting the activities of the CICASP department. CICASP works toward fostering international collaboration in Primatology, as well as providing guidance and education in English to graduate students at KUPRI. Fluency in English is essential. As this is foreign research associate position, the nationality of the applicant should be non-Japanese.

Application procedure

Candidates are requested to submit the following documents written in English:
1) CV
2) Detailed account of academic activity and research grant record
3) List of academic publications and reprints
4) Summary of research that the candidate has conducted (about 1000 words)
5) Summary of research that the candidate plans to carry out (about 1000 words)
6) Ideas about how the candidate intends to promote and carry out the educational activities of CICASP (about 500 words)

All of the documents must arrive by the application deadline (March 2nd 2012, Japan time), and should be sent either to: (subject heading: "Application for Foreign Research Associate")
OR to the following address:
Dr. Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Re: Application for Foreign Research Associate)
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
41-2 Kanrin, Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506, Japan

Application Deadline
Opening Date: February 8th 2012
Closing Date: March 2nd 2012 (Japan time)

Term of Appointment
Formal Hiring Date: April 1st 2012
Job Term: 1 year contract, subject to extension on an annual basis

Salary/ funding
The yearly salary is set at approximately 3 million yen per year (approximately $39,000 us dollars at the current exchange rate).

Selection Procedure
A committee will be set up at CICASP- KUPRI to evaluate all candidates, based on the documents submitted. Interviews conducted by CICASP faculty members will be given to select candidates. The final decision will be made by the committee. Each candidate will be informed of the decision as it pertains to him or herself.

mardi 21 février 2012

Field Assistant/Research volunteer at the Inkawu Vervet Project, South Africa

Hiring Organization:
Inkawu Vervet Project, South Africa

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Within the framework of a large collaborative project between the universities of Neuchatel (Dr. R. Bshary), Zurich (Drs. C.P. van Schaik & M. Krützen) and St. Andrews (Dr. A. Whiten) on the evolution of social behaviour in vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), the Inkawu Vervet Project is currently looking for highly motivated field assistants. Applicants that want to use this opportunity as a jumping board to help them pursue a post-grad degree (MSc. or PhD) in Behavioural Ecology, Anthropology, Evolutionary Psychology or any related field are especially encouraged to apply.

Assistants will help 2 PhD-students and 1 on-site post-doc with the habituation of and data collection on a targeted 10 groups of wild vervet monkeys at our field-site in Kwazulu-Natal, South-Africa. Behavioural data (both observational and experimental) and invasive genetic samples (ear-clips) are currently collected on 6 groups (each equipped with GPS/VHF loggers), with an additional 3 groups already identified for habituation in the near future.

Assistants are expected to spend a minimum of 6 months (but 8 to 10 months would be better) in the field in order to qualify for full financial compensation of travel expenses to South Africa, on-site lodging and meals. All applicants are responsible for their own field equipment (hiking shoes, bush clothes, rain gear, etc.), as well as vaccinations and travel insurance. Research equipment (handheld computers, binoculars and VHF-receivers for telemetry) are provided.

Successful applicants are proficient in English, have excellent social skills, and are able to work within a large, interdisciplinary research team under field conditions.

No salary is provided.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Financial compensation of travel expenses, on-site lodging and meals is available (see above).

Term of Appointment:
Positions are open for May 2012.

Application Deadline:
1 March 2012

Applications consisting of a motivation letter (1 page) and curriculum vitae (up to 2 pages) can be sent electronically to Erica van de Waal who can also provide additional information upon request.

Contact Information:
Erica van de Waal
University of Neuchâtel, Emile-Argand 11, CP 158
Neuchâtel, none 2000

Telephone Number:
0041 32 718 31 14

Fax Number:
0041 32 718 30 01


E-mail Address:

Volunteer for Pan African program

Hiring Organization:
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Date Posted:

Position Description:
The Department of Primatology at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany is seeking highly motivated students to collect, enter and process scientific data as part of the Pan African program ‘The Cultured Chimpanzee’ (for more details on this project please see the report in Nature 476, 18 August 2011, pp. 266-269). The projects aims to compile a large data set to answer questions about the evolution of tool use, hunting, life history and social organization in wild chimpanzees with a continent wide approach.

The successful candidates will work at temporary or long-term research sites where they will collect detailed data on chimpanzee demographic and social structure, tool use, behavior and ecology, as well as organic samples for genetic, pathogen and isotope analysis. This will include the set up of arrays of remote video cameras and autonomous recording units at the site; the candidate will be responsible for the maintenance and the proper functioning of these devices. Regular visits to each device need to be done to ensure proper performance, recharging and/or replacing batteries, doing repairs if necessary, as well as downloading data and exchanging the memory cards. Furthermore, the candidate will collect data on food availability, prey species, other sympatric wildlife, human impact and information on additional chimpanzee food sources, including ants, termites, nuts and honey. In addition, the candidate will collect and store fecal, urine and hair samples, as well as environmental samples and bones for isotope analysis.

The candidate will be further responsible for data entry, sample storage, preliminary analysis and monthly reporting of results. Finally, the candidate will also be responsible for coordination of the project activities in the area, the supervision of team members, and managing the field site. The field sites are located in Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon and Democratic Republic of Congo. Positions will be available for a period of 15 months, of which at least 12 months will be spent at the respective site to ensure continuous data collection over an entire year.

The successful candidate should hold an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in biology or a related field. As field work will be extremely demanding, the successful candidate must be physically and mentally fit, able to spend long periods of time away from developed areas and be comfortable with minimal living conditions (no plumbing, electricity, or housing) in extremely remote locations. The candidate must be self-sufficient and able to work independently, capable of learning fast and making decisions on his/her own. He/she also needs to be able to work in a team and communicate well with other team members and the project managers at the institute. Field experience (GPS usage, navigation and camping skills, etc.) is mandatory. He/she needs to be proficient with computers, graphics and spreadsheets, and proficiency in written and oral English or French (in Gabon, DRC, Côte d’Ivoire) is necessary.

We will pay a monthly salary of $300. $200 will be paid each month, and the remaining amount of $1500 will be paid following the successful completion of the field data collection.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Food, tents (for sleeping) and all field equipment will be provided. We will also provide the international flight ticket to and from the field, with half of the amount paid on the candidate’s arrival and the rest paid when the student leaves the field site after one year. Positions will be available from April 2012 onwards. Applications will be considered until the suitable candidates have been chosen.

Application Deadline:
Applications considered until the suitable candidates have been chosen

Contact Information:
Mizuki Murai

E-mail Address:

lundi 20 février 2012


Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Switzerland

'GENETIC BASIS OF COOPERATION': The aim of this PhD-project is to investigate the genetic basis of cooperative behaviour in highly social African cichlids. These fish breed cooperatively in large family groups and have turned into a model species for studies of social evolution based on detailed information about their ecology and behaviour, excellent possibilities for behavioural experiments and recent sequencing of their full genome. We shall pursue a multidisciplinary approach to study the genetic control of cooperative behaviour. This involves behavioural experiments with offspring obtained from a large-scale breeding experiment, analysis of the behavioural data using quantitative genetics tools and identifying candidate genes responsible for variation in cooperative behaviour by an ecological genomics approach. Eligible candidates will have a master’s degree (or Diplom) in Biology and research experience in animal behaviour and a genuine understanding of evolutionary theory. Practical skills in molecular genetics techniques, the application of statistical models and empirical work with fish would be beneficial, but they are not a precondition. The project will be mostly based in Bern, but will involve collaboration with two co-supervisors, Nadia Aubin-Horth (University Laval, Canada) and Mathias Kölliker (University of Basel, Switzerland). The position is part of the Doctoral Research Program ("ProDoc") funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF on “Proximate and ultimate causes of cooperation” and will connect up to 30 PhD students working on animal cooperation by a research network. Supervisor: Barbara Taborsky.

The position is for three years and should preferably start in spring 2012.

The successful candidate will join a bustling research environment consisting of ca. 15 PhD-students and advanced research staff, five technicians and a varying number of master’s students and guest scientists. Besides this Behavioural Ecology group, the Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Bern comprises research groups in Aquatic Ecology (Ole Seehausen), Community Ecology (Wolfgang Nentwig), Conservation Biology (Raphael Arlettaz), Evolutionary Ecology (Heinz Richner) and Population Genetics (Laurent Excoffier). 
Salaries will follow the schemes of the national funding organization of Switzerland.

Closing date: Open until filled, but all application materials, including CV, a summary of research experience, copies of any published or in-press papers, and two letters of recommendation should be received by 15 March 2012 to ensure full consideration. Candidates should indicate in a cover letter when they could take up the position. Please send all application material to the secretary’s office, c/o Marlis Gerteis, Dept. Behavioural Ecology, University of Bern, Wohlenstrasse 50A, CH-3032 Bern, Switzerland; or as e-mail attachments to Please consult our web-page for information on our research: For inquiries please contact

samedi 18 février 2012

Responsable de la Mission « Biodiversité Ordinaire » chez Noé Conservation

Recherche Responsable de la Mission « Biodiversité Ordinaire »
Noé Conservation a pour mission la sauvegarde de la biodiversité par des programmes d’éducation et de conservation sur le terrain. En France métropolitaine, la restauration de la biodiversité ordinaire (par l’élaboration et la diffusion de méthodes de gestion, leur mise en oeuvre et leur suivi) sont une des missions majeures de l’association.
Développer la Mission « Biodiversité Ordinaire » (MBO)
- Suivre et développer les activités du programme « Prairies & Pollinisateurs »,
- Développer la stratégie de la MBO (milieux ouverts, forêts, zones humides, etc.) et la mettre en place,
- Suivre les aspects techniques des partenariats (techniques et financiers) de la MBO,
- Développer la collaboration technique sur le thème de la compensation « Biodiversité »,
- Obtenir des financements pour développer la MBO,
- Superviser les programmes dans leurs différents aspects (techniques, financiers, communication & administratifs), et développer l’équipe MBO,
- Participer au Comité de Direction et aux différentes activités de l’association.
Expérience professionnelle
o Expérience (5 ans minimum) en gestion de projets (montage dossiers, rédaction, suivi, etc.) « Biodiversité » ou « Milieux naturels » (expérience sur le terrain souhaitée)
o Expérience en recherche de fonds (privés & publics)
o Connaissances des thématiques et enjeux liés à la biodiversité en France, connaissances naturalistes (faune / flore)
o Cursus (bac+5/8) en biologie / environnement, école d’ingénieur ou université
o Capacités fortes de gestion, d’organisation et de développement de programmes
o Capacités d’animation d’équipe et d’encadrement
o Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles, excellente maîtrise de l’outil informatique
o Bonne maîtrise de l’anglais
o Sens des relations humaines et du travail en équipe, sens de la communication
o Fortes capacités de travail et dynamisme, sens de la performance et du résultat
o Autonomie
o Intérêt pour la vie associative et esprit militant
Poste basé à Paris (14ème). Rémunération selon qualification et expérience. Merci d’adresser par courrier électronique, avant le 6 mars 2012, lettre de motivation manuscrite, CV détaillé, photo et recommandations :, 
44, rue Liancourt, 75014 Paris.

Stage M1/M2 – Sélection d’habitat chez l’outarde canepetière dans les costières de Nîmes – 6 mois

Public concerné : Master I ou II professionnel ou recherche en écologie.


Centre d’Études Biologiques de Chizé – CNRS UPR 1934
(V. Bretagnolle, Directeur & P. Devoucoux, PhD)
Centre d’Écologie Fonctionnelle et Évolutive de Montpellier – CNRS UMR 5175
(A.Besnard, Maître de conférence)


L’Outarde canepetière, oiseau emblématique des plaines agricoles, a connu un recul dramatique (chute des effectifs de 94% entre 1980 et 2000). Au contraire des populations de l’Ouest de la France, migratrices et en déclin, les Outardes du Sud du pays présentent des dynamiques positives particulièrement en Languedoc-Roussillon ces 10 dernières années.

La population des Costières de Nîmes, présentant une croissance exceptionnelle, a été à l’origine de la désignation en ZPS (Natura 2000) d’un site de 13 500ha. Cette ZPS devrait être impactée d’ici fin 2012 par les travaux de construction d’une ligne à grande vitesse (LGV).

Des études ont été lancées afin d’évaluer les impacts de l’installation de cette infrastructure sur la population et d’en déduire des pistes de réflexion et d’action pour orienter ou engager des mesures compensatoires.

Une partie de ces études s’intéresse plus particulièrement à la sélection d’habitat des femelles et des mâles d’Outardes au cours de la période de reproduction.
Cette étude passe notamment par la pose et le suivi d’individus équipés de balises GPS et d’émetteurs VHF (radio-tracking).

On cherche à connaître plus finement le domaine vital exploité pas les deux sexes en période de reproduction à l’échelle individuelle, en lien avec l’occupation du sol et les autres caractéristiques générales du milieu.


- Recherche bibliographique
- Capture et équipement d’oiseaux
- Suivi des oiseaux équipés par radiotracking
- Numérisation des données sous SIG (MapInfo ou ArcGIS)
- Analyses de données (utilisation du logiciel R)


Volontaire, méticuleux/se, ayant le sens du travail en équipe.
Maîtrise des fonctions de bases des logiciels R et de SIG.
Expérience avérée dans la manipulation d’oiseaux sauvages (baguage, pose d’émetteurs).
Horaires flexibles (travail tôt le matin, tard le soir ; travail les week-ends, jours fériés et nuits possible)
Permis B et véhicule nécessaires
Très forte motivation indispensable


1 119 euros bruts par mois.
Prise en charge des frais de déplacement.

Contact :

Recrutement d’un : Chargé de mission « données inventaires d’espèces»

Recrutement d’un : Chargé de mission « données inventaires d’espèces»
Etablissement : Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Service : Service du Patrimoine Naturel / Pôle : espèce
Lieu : Paris (75) ou Brunoy (91), délocalisation partielle possible
Fonction : Chargé de mission « données inventaire»
Le Service du Patrimoine Naturel (SPN) est un service scientifique du Muséum national
d’Histoire naturelle fournissant un appui scientifique et technique, essentiellement au
Ministère en charge de l’écologie, dans le cadre de différents programmes de conservation
ou de protection de la biodiversité. Le SPN a notamment la responsabilité scientifiques des
inventaires nationaux (faune, flore, habitats) qui sont réalisés en partenariat avec les acteurs
de la connaissance (associations, naturalistes, Conservatoires botaniques nationaux…)
Assurer le bon déroulement de l’acquisition des données d’inventaires d’espèces (faune,
flore) en interface entre la maîtrise d’ouvrage (responsable d’inventaires) et la partie système
d’information (pôle Système d’information).
Appuyer le chef de pôle espèces pour le suivi des inventaires nationaux.
Sous l’autorité du chef du pole espèce et en lien étroit avec le pôle système d’information, le
chargé de mission devra :
- animer le réseau des producteurs de données ;
- assurer la gestion des données de des inventaires espèces ;
- assurer le suivi des inventaires espèces, tenir à jour un catalogue des inventaires nationaux
et alimenter le catalogue des métadonnées
- être le correspondant « données » de ce programme « inventaires nationaux » dans le
cadre de l’INPN
- réaliser des extractions selon les besoins du service ;
- décrire et documenter la méthodologie générale du flux de données de ce programme
Etre titulaire au minimum d’un diplôme niveau bac+5
- Une double compétence naturaliste et gestion de données est recherché
- Une expérience professionnelle pertinente en lien avec la thématique et une bonne
connaissance d’un groupe taxonomique est indispensable.
Maîtrise des outils informatiques notamment des bases de données relationnelles (Access
/ Oracle), connaissances indispensables sur SIG.
- Rigueur scientifique, esprit de synthèse.
- Aptitude à travailler en équipe et autonomie, bonnes qualités relationnelles
Type de contrat : Contrat de droit public à durée déterminée
Rémunération : en fonction de l’expérience
Le dossier de candidature est à envoyer par courriel avant le 10/03/2012 à :
Pour plus d’information, contact :
Patrick HAFFNER, responsable pole espèce (
Laurent PONCET, directeur adjoint du Service du Patrimoine Naturel (
Julien TOUROULT, directeur adjoint du Service du Patrimoine Naturel (

CDD Un chef de projet Listes rouges pour le Service du Patrimoine naturel

Dans le cadre de sa mission « expertise », le Service du Patrimoine Naturel recrute un chef de projet Listes rouges, CDD 1 an.

Le Service du Patrimoine Naturel (SPN) contribue à la mission d’expertise confiée au Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) pour la connaissance et la conservation de la nature. Dans ce cadre, il développe et diffuse des outils (référentiels, protocoles, standards de données…) pour collecter et diffuser les informations concernant le patrimoine naturel, son état et son évolution. Ce travail est mené en lien avec les partenaires concernés : organismes institutionnels, associations…

Le MNHN et le Comité français de l’UICN se sont associés en 2007 pour réaliser la Liste rouge des espèces menacées en France. Ce projet, en collaboration avec les nombreux organismes de références métropolitains et en outre-mer, a pour principal objectif d’évaluer le risque de disparition de l’ensemble des espèces présentes sur notre territoire.

Au sein du pôle « Espèces » et sous l’encadrement du chef de pôle, il ou elle devra :
- Planifier et organiser la réalisation et/ou la mise à jour des listes de référence taxonomiques des groupes d’espèces dont l’évaluation est prévue
- Gérer la récolte et la bancarisation des données nécessaires aux évaluations
- Organiser les pré-évaluations des groupes d’espèces dont le SPN aura la charge et veiller au bon déroulement des pré-évaluations réalisées par les structures partenaires
- Participer à l’animation du réseau des experts identifiés par chapitre
- Participer aux ateliers en tant qu’évaluateur
- Assurer une veille sur les utilisations de la Liste rouge et sur les développements méthodologiques autour des statuts de conservation
- Assurer la communication des résultats des chapitres via l’INPN
- Assurer le suivi des missions confiées MNHN dans le cadre du projet d’élaboration des listes rouges régionales

Partenaires internes (MNHN) : équipe du pôle « Espèces », « Système d’information » et « Référentiels » du SPN.

Partenaires externes : Comité français de l’UICN, Fédération des Conservatoires Botaniques Nationaux, organismes partenaires.

- Expérience professionnelle de 5 ans dans le domaine de la conservation de la nature
- Être titulaire d’un BAC + 5 minimum
- Une expertise dans un groupe d’espèce et une connaissance des réseaux naturalistes français seront des atouts appréciés
- Très bonnes qualités relationnelles, sens de la diplomatie et du dialogue
- Capacités à s’organiser et à travailler en autonomie et en équipe
- Bonnes capacités rédactionnelles
- Savoir utiliser une base de données et un SIG
- Connaissance du projet Liste rouge ou d’autres systèmes d’évaluation du statut des espèces
- Bonne compréhension de l’anglais

- Type de contrat : contrat de droit public à durée déterminée
- Durée : 12 mois (renouvelable)
- Rémunération : en fonction de l’expérience du candidat
- Date de prise de fonction : 15 avril 2012
- Lieu : Paris

Modalités de recrutement
Le dossier de candidature est à envoyer avant le 4 mars 2012 à avec la mention candidature « Chef de projet Listes rouges ».

Ce dossier comprendra :
- un curriculum vitae détaillé,
- une lettre de motivation.

Pour toute précision, les candidats sont invités à prendre contact au préalable avec :
- Patrick Haffner, chef du pôle « Espèces » (

Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
Maison Buffon – CP 41
75231 PARIS Cedex 05

CDD : Un(e) chargé(e) de mission « données inventaires d’espèces »

Le pôle « espèce » du Service du Patrimoine Naturel recrute un(e) chargé(e) de mission « données inventaire » en CDD.

Le Service du Patrimoine Naturel (SPN) est un service scientifique du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle fournissant un appui scientifique et technique, essentiellement au Ministère en charge de l’écologie, dans le cadre de différents programmes de conservation ou de protection de la biodiversité. Le SPN a notamment la responsabilité scientifiques des inventaires nationaux (faune, flore, habitats) qui sont réalisés en partenariat avec les acteurs de la connaissance (associations, naturalistes, Conservatoires botaniques nationaux…)

- Assurer le bon déroulement de l’acquisition des données d’inventaires d’espèces (faune, flore) en interface entre la maîtrise d’ouvrage (responsable d’inventaires) et la partie système d’information (pôle Système d’information).
- Appuyer le chef de pôle espèces pour le suivi des inventaires nationaux.

Sous l’autorité du chef du pôle espèce et en lien étroit avec le pôle système d’information, le chargé de mission devra :
- animer le réseau des producteurs de données ;
- assurer la gestion des données de des inventaires espèces ;
- assurer le suivi des inventaires espèces, tenir à jour un catalogue des inventaires nationaux et alimenter le catalogue des métadonnées
- être le correspondant « données » de ce programme « inventaires nationaux » dans le cadre de l’INPN
- réaliser des extractions selon les besoins du service ;
- décrire et documenter la méthodologie générale du flux de données de ce programme

Conditions administratives requises
Être titulaire au minimum d’un diplôme niveau bac+5
Qualifications requises
- Une double compétence naturaliste et gestion de données est recherché
- Une expérience professionnelle pertinente en lien avec la thématique et une bonne connaissance d’un groupe taxonomique est indispensable.
- Maîtrise des outils informatiques notamment des bases de données relationnelles (Access / Oracle), connaissances indispensables sur SIG.
- Rigueur scientifique, esprit de synthèse.
- Aptitude à travailler en équipe et autonomie, bonnes qualités relationnelles

Etablissement : Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
Service : Service du Patrimoine Naturel / Pôle : espèce
Lieu : Paris (75) ou Brunoy (91), délocalisation partielle possible
Fonction : Chargé de mission « données inventaire »
Type de contrat : Contrat de droit public à durée déterminée
Rémunération : en fonction de l’expérience

Procédure de recrutement
Le dossier de candidature est à envoyer par courriel avant le 10/03/2012 à

Pour plus d’information, contact :
Patrick HAFFNER, responsable pole espèce (
Laurent PONCET, directeur adjoint du Service du Patrimoine Naturel (
Julien TOUROULT, directeur adjoint du Service du Patrimoine Naturel (

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle
Service du Patrimoine Naturel
36 rue Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
Maison Buffon – CP 41
75231 PARIS Cedex 05

PhD position: Ewe-lamb behaviour and lamb survival

PhD stipend available

$NZ 25,000/yr (for 3-years) plus $4,000 towards fees

Title: Ewe-lamb behaviour and lamb survival

Institute of Veterinary Animal and Biomedical Sciences
Massey University
Palmerston North
New Zealand

Increased fecundity in the New Zealand sheep flock has the potential to result in increased lamb losses which is both an economic and welfare concern. The proposed PhD project will examine new-born lamb behaviour and ewe and lamb bonding in multiple born lambs under pastoral based conditions. If you are interested please contact Paul Kenyon ( or Kevin Stafford ( as soon as possible for more details. The aim is make a decision on a suitable applicant in late February.

jeudi 16 février 2012


Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern, Switzerland

'GENETIC BASIS OF COOPERATION': The aim of this PhD-project is to investigate the genetic basis of cooperative behaviour in highly social African cichlids. These fish breed cooperatively in large family groups and have turned into a model species for studies of social evolution based on detailed information about their ecology and behaviour, excellent possibilities for behavioural experiments and recent sequencing of their full genome. We shall pursue a multidisciplinary approach to study the genetic control of cooperative behaviour. This involves behavioural experiments with offspring obtained from a large-scale breeding experiment, analysis of the behavioural data using quantitative genetics tools and identifying candidate genes responsible for variation in cooperative behaviour by an ecological genomics approach. Eligible candidates will have a master’s degree (or Diplom) in Biology and research experience in animal behaviour and a genuine understanding of evolutionary theory. Practical skills in molecular genetics techniques, the application of statistical models and empirical work with fish would be beneficial, but they are not a precondition. The project will be mostly based in Bern, but will involve collaboration with two co-supervisors, Nadia Aubin-Horth (University Laval, Canada) and Mathias Kölliker (University of Basel, Switzerland). The position is part of the Doctoral Research Program ("ProDoc") funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNF on “Proximate and ultimate causes of cooperation” and will connect up to 30 PhD students working on animal cooperation by a research network. Supervisor: Barbara Taborsky.

The position is for three years and should preferably start in spring 2012.

The successful candidate will join a bustling research environment consisting of ca. 15 PhD-students and advanced research staff, five technicians and a varying number of master’s students and guest scientists. Besides this Behavioural Ecology group, the Institute of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Bern comprises research groups in Aquatic Ecology (Ole Seehausen), Community Ecology (Wolfgang Nentwig), Conservation Biology (Raphael Arlettaz), Evolutionary Ecology (Heinz Richner) and Population Genetics (Laurent Excoffier). Salaries will follow the schemes of the national funding organization of Switzerland.

Closing date: Open until filled, but all application materials, including CV, a summary of research experience, copies of any published or in-press papers, and two letters of recommendation should be received by 15 March 2012 to ensure full consideration. Candidates should indicate in a cover letter when they could take up the position. Please send all application material to the secretary’s office, c/o Marlis Gerteis, Dept. Behavioural Ecology, University of Bern, Wohlenstrasse 50A, CH-3032 Bern, Switzerland; or as e-mail attachments Please consult our web-page for information on our research: For inquiries please contact

offre : Imagerie cérébrale et sommeil dans la maladie d'Alzheimer (Caen), fin : 25 fevr. 2012

URGENT : L’Unité INSERM U1077 dirigée par Francis Eustache à Caen mène un projet d'imagerie multimodale dans la maladie d'Alzheimer, comprenant notamment une étude en IRM fonctionnelle d’activation et une évaluation du sommeil.

Nous recherchons un étudiant de très bon niveau, titulaire d'un master II de Neuropsychologie ou de Neurosciences (ou obtention dans l'année), souhaitant faire une thèse et travailler sur ce projet, sous la supervision de Gaël Chételat et de Géraldine Rauchs.

Réponses urgentes souhaitées pour pouvoir répondre aux appels d’offre des bourses doctorales.

Envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation à Géraldine Rauchs : rauchs [ à ]
Date limite de candidature : 25/02/2012

Géraldine Rauchs, PhD
Inserm-EPHE-UCBN U1077
Neuropsychologie et neuroanatomie
fonctionnelle de la mémoire humaine
GIP Cyceron, Bd H Becquerel, BP 5229, F-14074 Caen Cedex
Tél. +33(0)2 31 47 01 34 Fax +33(02) 31 47 02 75

PhD studentship, the control of eye movements, in Giessen

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship to work with Alexander Schütz and Karl Gegenfurtner at Giessen University.

The position is for students interested in the control of eye movements and their relationship to visual perception. The successful applicant will be responsible for setting-up laboratory experiments, recruiting and testing participants, analyzing data, developing models and publication of results. Some of our relevant work is described in a recent review article published in the Journal of Vision (

The lab offers excellent facilities for studying visual perception and motor control in a stimulating, multi-national and multi-disciplinary research environment ( The city of Giessen is a small university town, located in the center of Germany just 60 km north of Frankfurt.

Applications are invited from candidates with a higher degree (diploma or MS) in subjects related to aspects of neuroscience including psychology, computer science, biological sciences, and engineering. Applicants should have knowledge and skills in at least one of the following areas: computer programming; visual psychophysics; experimental psychology; eye tracking. Of course, applicants are expected to have a strong interest in human visual perception and eye movements.

The position is for two years initially and can start anytime between April and August 2012. Salary is according to German salary scale 65% TV-H 13 or equivalent. Full applications with the usual materials should be sent before March 15, 2012 via Email in PDF format to gegenfurtner [ à ] or alexander.schuetz [ à ]

Do not hesitate to contact us for informal inquiries.

Alexander Schütz and Karl Gegenfurtner
Prof. Karl Gegenfurtner, Abteilung Allgemeine Psychologie
Justus-Liebig-Universität, Otto-Behaghel-Str. 10, 35394 Giessen
phone: +49 641 9926100
mailto:gegenfurtner [ à ]
fax: +49 641 9926119

PhD position

A BBSRC-funded PhD studentship is advertised in the Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour. The closing deadline is the 24th of February.

Details can be found here:

For further information please contact Dr John Skelhorn:

Foreign Research Associate (Postdoctoral position)

Hiring Organization:
Kyoto University Primate Research Institute

Date Posted:

Position Description:
The Center for International Collaboration and Advanced Studies in Primatology (CICASP), a department of the Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, is looking for a primatologist to be appointed as a foreign research associate (a postdoctoral position). Applicants must have a Ph.D. and a strong research background in a domain within the discipline of Primatology. The successful applicant should have a clear plan for research to be carried out on primates, they should be able to publish their research, and they should be willing to work toward promoting the activities of the CICASP department. CICASP works toward fostering international collaboration in Primatology, as well as providing guidance and education in English to graduate students at KUPRI. Fluency in English is essential. As this is a foreign research associate position, the nationality of the applicant should be non-Japanese.

Candidates are requested to submit three copies of the following documents written in English:

1) CV
2) Detailed account of academic activity and research grant record
3) List of academic publications and reprints
4) Summary of research that the candidate has conducted ( about 1000 words)
5) Summary of research that the candidate plans to carry out (about 1000 words)
6) Ideas about how the candidate intends to promote and carry out the educational activities of CICASP (about 500 words)

All of the documents must arrive by the application deadline (March 2nd 2012), and should be sent to the following address:

Dr. Tetsuro Matsuzawa (Application for Foreign Research Associate)
Primate Research Institute, Kyoto University
41-2 Kanrin, Inuyama, Aichi 484-8506, Japan

PhD in hand as of the start of the appointment.

The yearly salary is set at approximately 3 million yen per year (approximately $39,000 us dollars at the current exchange rate).

Term of Appointment:
1 year contract, subject to extension on an annual basis (beginning April 1st, 2012)

Application Deadline:
March 2nd, 2012

A committee will be set up at CICASP- KUPRI to evaluate all candidates, based on the documents submitted. Interviews conducted by CICASP faculty members will be given to select candidates. The final decision will be made by the committee. Each candidate will be informed of the decision as it pertains to him or herself.

Contact Information:
Dr. Tetsuro Matsuzawa
41-2 Kanrin
Inuyama, Aichi 484-0094

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:
Questions and C

Volunteer Research Assistant for Azafady Conservation Programme

Hiring Organization:

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Volunteer Research Assistant for the Azafady Conservation Programme

Location of Post: Based in Fort Dauphin and working throughout bordering communes in Anosy Region

Supervisor: Research and Project Co-ordinator

Background of the post:

Azafady is a UK registered charity and Malagasy NGO working in partnership with disadvantaged communities to improve living standards and quality of life in positive coexistence with the fragile and unique local environment. Founded in 1994, the organisation works in 30 of the most impoverished villages on the globe and in the urban centre of Fort Dauphin, south and south east Madagascar, home to a population of some 300,000 people.

Azafady’s Environment Department and the Azafady Conservation Programme (ACP), which accepts international volunteers to work on Azafady’s conservation projects on the ground, are working in tandem with local people to aid the conservation of the threatened forests in the south east of Madagascar. The Azafady Conservation Programme collects data essential for conducting research on the endemic and threatened flora and fauna, in particular lemurs, herpetofauna and endangered palms. The ACP also implements community conservation initiatives such as environmental education in the village school, conservation club, conservation through English lessons, fuel-efficient stove building and World Environment Day festivities, as well as supporting the Environment Department’s reforestation projects. The Environmental Department has established a reforestation project which provides local communities with over 30,000 trees per year, reducing the human impact on the native forests.

ONG Azafady is now looking to recruit a motivated and dynamic individual to assist the Coordinator of the Azafady Conservation Programme. The person will work with our local staff and assist with co-ordinating volunteers in conducting field research on the endemic and endangered flora and fauna of Sainte Luce, approximately 40km north of Fort Dauphin. The individual will be expected to manage and supervise the research projects in the absence of the coordinator and assist the Project co-ordinator in all aspects of their job role. This will involve assisting in the induction and instruction of international volunteers in research methods and daily tasks while ensuring volunteers are happy and satisfied with the programme wherever possible. You will also be required to assist the Project coordinator with data entry/analysis, report writing, organising equipment and communicating with Azafady staff and the local community.

Duties and responsibilities

The research assistant will work in collaboration with Azafady Malagasy staff in the following activities;

• To assist in the development and implementation of the research programme for the coastal littoral forest fragments in Sainte Luce
• To ensure the project targets are met
• To assist in the organisation and logistics for the research programme including equipment and the resources required for the research
• To implement, with the assistance of international and Malagasy staff, the research required to complete the projects organised by the Project co-ordinator.
• To supervise volunteers during their time in the field
• To monitor data collection in the field
• To assist in training of volunteers in the field research techniques required to implement the programmes
• To ensure good communication and team relations with Volunteers, Azafady staff and local staff
• To assist the Project coordinator in the organisation of research excursions
• Any other tasks the Director/ Project Coordinator deems necessary within the broad remit of this role
• Able to commit for a period of one year

Personal specification:

• Demonstrate sound knowledge and keen interest in conservation issues
• A qualification in a related discipline
• Specialist knowledge of either primatology, herpetology, botany or environmental education is desirable
• Able to or willing to learn to safely handle and identify reptiles and amphibians
• Previous experience living or working in a developing country would be an asset
• Good IT skills
• Ability to grasp and carryout instruction in challenging environments and maintain a good sense of humour
• First aid certificate
• Working Knowledge of GPS and/or GIS is an advantage
• A good degree of initiative, motivation and commitment
• Excellent organisational and time management skills is a must
• Excellent oral and written communication skills
• Ability to work under pressure and be flexible and accommodating
• Ability to work as part of a dynamic and multicultural team
• Good degree of fitness for working in difficult terrain under tropical conditions
• Ability to spend long periods of time in basic camping conditions


Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Pay and conditions – Food and local transport will be provided whilst on projects. All other costs will need to be covered by the candidate, including accommodation when in town.

Application Deadline:

Anyone interested in applying for this position should send a detailed CV and a cover letter explaining how their skills and experience match the requirements in the Job Description to Mark Jacobs, by email or by post. The closing date for applications is February 29th 2012.

Contact Information:
Mark Jacobs
Studio 7, 1a Beethoven Street
London W10 4LG
United Kingdom

Telephone Number:
+ 44 (0) 20 8960 6629

Fax Number:
+ 44 (0) 20 8962 0126


E-mail Address:

Field assistant on bonobo communication, DR Congo

Hiring Organization:
Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology

Date Posted:

Position Description:
We are looking for a volunteer field assistant for a project on
communicative development of bonobos in the wild. The field site
LuiKotal is located in a remote forest area in the southern sector of
Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. The task will be
the collection of focal video data and scan data of bonobo
mother-infant-interactions. This involves long-distance walking in
difficult terrain under very warm and humid climatic conditions.

The position requires above average physical fitness, a high degree of
discipline, self-motivation and responsibility, high stress resistance,
and language skills in French and English. Candidates with experience in
field research in Africa and/or behavioral data collection will be

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Accommodation and living expenses at the camp (lodging in tents, food)
as well as at the flight from Kinshasa to the camp and back will be
covered by the project.The international flight to and from Kinshasa and
expenses for staying in Kinshasa will not be covered.

Term of Appointment:
July 2012 – End of December 2012 (6 months)

Application Deadline:
Applications will be considered as they are received. They should include a CV and a short letter of motivation.

Contact Information:
Paul Kuchenbuch
Seewiesen, none 82319

Telephone Number:
+49 8157 932 - 242


E-mail Address:

lundi 13 février 2012

Position of a Postdoctoral Scientist at INRA Dijon

Soils host a huge biodiversity (microbes and fauna) of which our understanding remains very limited. Our lack of knowledge is related to: the small size of the soilborne organisms; their immense diversity; the difficulty in isolating them; and the great heterogeneity of their habitats across different scales. However, recent progress in the molecular characterization of soil biodiversity offers the exciting prospect of exploring its complexity and better understanding its functioning.
The EcoFINDERS (Ecological Function and Biodiversity Indicators in European Soils) project will result in: at the scientific level, increasing our knowledge of soil biodiversity and its role in ecosystem services across different soils, climate types and land uses at the technological level, the standardization of methods and operating procedures for characterizing soil biodiversity and functioning, and the development of bioindicators at the economic level, the assessment of the added value brought by cost-effective bioindicators, and of cost effectiveness of alternative ecosystem service maintenance policies.
A position of a postdoctoral scientist will be available starting April 1st at INRA Dijon for one year. Funding will be by the European Commission FP7 program (ECOFINDERS project, The work will be performed in the Plant/Microbial Interactions department in the research group headed by Pr. D. Wipf and Pr. D. Redecker.
The task of the postdoctoral scientist will be to generate and process sequences of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi from large-scale field surveys (454 sequencing) and to develop neutral and functional gene markers to
assess diversity of AMF. 
PhD. Demonstrated experience in microbial ecology, preferably involving mycorrhizal fungi. Experience using molecular techniques. Good command of scientific English. Motivation and teamworking abilities.
Interested candidates should apply for the position until February 22, 2012 by sending a motivation letter and a CV with publication list by Email to
UMR 1347 Agroécologie, AgroSup/INRA/uB
Pôle Interactions Plantes-Microorganismes
BP 86510, 17 rue Sully, 21065 Dijon cedex, France