jeudi 16 juillet 2015

Three Scientific Officers - Pigs, Poultry and Ruminants

Three Scientific Officers - Pigs, Poultry and Ruminants/Welfare Outcomes Assessment

Salary: £25,634 – £27,096 per annum

Location: RSPCA, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex

Closing Date: 27 July 2015

The RSPCA is the largest animal welfare charity in England and Wales. Our purpose as the RSPCA is to end cruelty and promote kindness to animals and to alleviate their suffering.

We are seeking to recruit three Scientific Officers committed to animal welfare to join the RSPCA Farm Animals Department. The posts will have a specific focus on either pigs (Ref: SO PIG), or poultry (Ref: SO PTY) or ruminant (Ref: SO RUM) species and will assist the continued development of the RSPCA’s welfare standards for these species, used within the Society’s farm assurance scheme Freedom Food and beyond. The posts entail a further general advisory, advocacy and communication role regarding welfare issues for the species concerned. The ruminants post will include general work concerning Welfare Outcomes Assessment (WOA) of farm animals.

Responsibilities include:

Contributing to the development of the RSPCA welfare standards for the relevant species, including liaison with and provision of scientific/technical advice and support to the Freedom Food scheme and its members.
Provision of scientific and technical input into specific projects, reports and campaigns, both externally and within the RSPCA.
Liaison with the farming and food industries, scientific research sector, UK and overseas governmental and non-governmental bodies.
Representation of the Society externally, including in the media.
Managing welfare assessment information (SO RUM post)
Skills and experience include:

Honours degree in a relevant discipline e.g. animal/agricultural/welfare science.
Good contemporary knowledge of farm animal welfare issues (particularly pigs or poultry) and of the UK livestock farming industry.
Practical experience of working with farm animals (ideally the relevant species); experience of working with/within the livestock industry would be advantageous.
Excellent communication skills and ability to write clear, concise reports for scientific and lay audiences.
Good organizational skills with the ability to prioritise workload.
The Pigs and Poultry posts are permanent, full-time positions; the ruminants/WOA post is initially for a two year fixed term period with the possibility of extension/permanency.

Closing date for completed applications: 27th July 2015

Interviews to take place: 25th August (SO PIG), 27th August (SO PTY) and 2nd September (SO RUM) 2015

For details and an application form please visit the careers section on our website: or write to: or Farm Animals Department, RSPCA, Wilberforce Way, Southwater, Horsham, West Sussex RH13 9RS. Please indicate which post you would be interested in applying for quoting the relevant reference code (SO PIG (pig post), SO PTY (poultry post) or SO RUM (ruminants/WOA post).

Promoting kindness and preventing cruelty to animals

The RSPCA offers excellent benefits including private healthcare, defined contribution pension scheme, childcare vouchers, employee assistance programme and a subsidised staff restaurant.

Charity registered in England and Wales, number 219099

We value diversity and encourage applications from all sections of the community


The Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, invites applications for two research positions as Advanced Postdoc (Oberassistent/in) in the Department of Clinical Research and Veterinary Public Health comprising the Institute of Bee Health, Division of Experimental Clinical Research, Institute of Genetics, Division of Veterinary Anatomy, Division of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Division of Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary Public Health Institute, and Division of Animal Welfare. The positions are intended to aid in qualifying promising young researchers for a career as independent scientists (Habilitation). Positions will be supplemented with a PhD student position. The candidates’ own research should relate to ongoing research projects within the department. A group leader of the host institution will act as primary mentor. Successful applicants are expected to secure external funding, to supervise undergraduate and graduate students, and to participate in the teaching of the host institution. Applicants should have a PhD (or equivalent) in veterinary medicine, agricultural or life sciences. Applications should be submitted to the secretary of the department, Mrs. Balda Streit ( until August 31, 2015. Please contact group leaders in the research area of interest before applying. The application in the form of a single pdf document must include a motivation letter, CV, publication list, and a short outline of the planned research (maximum 1 page). The University of Bern is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to support the compatibility of family and work.

Current vacancies

PhD Studentship: Investigating behavioural and neural/cellular consequences of tooth resection in commercial piglets: implications for welfare.
This vacancy is: Fixed term
Salary: Stipend £14,057
Location: France 12-18 months then Edinburgh subsequent years
Closing Date: Friday, 14th August 2015
SRUC, Scotland’s Rural College, delivers comprehensive skills, education and business support for Scotland’s land-based industry founded on world class, sector leading research, education and consultancy. SRUC’s joint submission with the University of Edinburgh to the Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science subpanel of the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) ranks top in the UK on research power.
Resection of “needle teeth” is practiced routinely worldwide in piglets shortly after birth in many farms in order to limit the lesions these intact teeth might cause to other piglets and the sows teats. Tooth resection, along with other mutilations may represent a major health and welfare concern. Objective evaluation of pain induced by tooth resection is lacking, especially on a long term basis. Only a behavioural approach coupled to a neurophysiological approach will allow such evaluation. Specific behavioural tests designed to detect pain will be developed. We will examine the relationship between tooth resection and pain behaviours over time, and relate these responses to changes in the peripheral, spinal and central neurons associated with pain transduction, transmission and assimilation, and neural pathways associated with anxiety-related behaviour and stress responses (HPA axis). Both techniques of tooth resection (grinding and clipping) that are commonly applied in commercial farms will be compared. Pig behavioural studies will be undertaken at INRA Saint-Gilles, Rennes where post-mortem tissue samples will be collected. Immunochemical and molecular measures on neural tissues will be performed at SRUC and the Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh. Behavioural and physiological consequences of tooth resection with both methods will be interpreted in terms of health and welfare in order to give practical advice to farmers. The successful student will receive training in specific skills (behavioural and neurophysiological techniques and statistical analyses). The specific objectives of the project are: Determine whether tooth resection: (i) influences the display of specific oral/tooth pain behaviour in pigs; (ii) alters the expression of neural indicators of pain and/or nociceptive processing; (iii) increases the central expression of stress/anxiety-related genes; (iv) via clipping or grinding is better tolerated by the animal.
Applicants should have a minimum of an upper second class honours degree (or equivalent) in Animal Science or related Biological/Veterinary/Biomedical Science. Excellent numeracy and communication skills are required as well as an interest animal health & welfare, behaviour, stress and pain neurobiology. The student will initially be based at INRA Saint-Gilles, France for 12-18 months with the remainder of the studentship being based at the Roslin Institute Building, near Edinburgh. The PhD studentship will be supervised jointly by Dr. Armelle Prunier and Dr. Céline Tallet (INRA), Dr. Dale Sandercock (SRUC), Dr. Paula Brunton (Roslin Institute) and will be registered through the University of Edinburgh. This 3.5 year PhD offers a stipend of £14,057 per annum and is funded to pay the University of Edinburgh tuition fees for UK/EU students only. The expected start date is October 2015.
Online applications for this post can be submitted via our website Alternatively application packs can be requested from (phone 0131 535 4028) quoting reference SRUC/1030432/Sandercock. CVs will not be accepted without a completed application form. To have an informal discussion about this studentship, contact Dr Dale Sandercock (UK), (phone +44 131 650 6585) or Dr Armelle Prunier (France)
The closing date for the return of applications is 5pm on 14 August 2015
Please note that you will be asked to register before filling in an online application.
Click here to apply for this post
Important information
Please download and read the following information before proceeding with your application:
SRUC is an equal opportunities employer.
Contact us

SRUC Edinburgh Campus, 
King's Buildings, 
West Mains Road, 
Telephone: 0131 535 4420
Fax: 0131 535 4412

2 assistants de recherche en ethologie, CNRS Moulis, Fr

Possibilités de participer à un projet en cours au CNRS à Moulis, France, étude du comportement agressif et sociale dans les mésanges bleues et grands captifs et sauvages. Nous recherchons deux assistants de recherche pour aider à l'analyse comportementale de vidéos enregistrées dans les mangeoires d'hiver et en captivité. Les bénévoles peuvent également effectuer des analyses de correctifs ornementales à partir de photos et échantillons de plumes par spectrophotométrie. 

Les positions sont les plus appropriés pour les diplômés à la recherche d'une position de doctorat et qui cherchent à acquérir davantage d'expérience de recherche. Bonnes compétences organisationnelles, l'engagement et l'attention aux détails sont nécessaires; expérience précédente avec analyses vidéo serait également souhaitable mais pas nécessaire. Positions commencent dès que possible et se poursuivront en été / automne (dates flexibles). Idéalement, les bénévoles vont passer quelques jours au laboratoire de se familiariser avec les protocoles d'analyses, tandis que les travaux pourront être réalisées à distance. 

Les candidats doivent envoyer une lettre de motivation et CV, y compris les noms et adresses e-mail de trois arbitres potentiels, dès que possible. 

Pour plus d'informations et les applications, s'il vous plaît contacter Enrico Sorato: 
enrico.sorato [ chez ] ou Alexis Chaine: Alexis.CHAINE [ chez ] 

lundi 13 juillet 2015

Appel d’offre : Stage en éthologie/psychologie comparée

Thème : Comportement social chez le babouin de Guinée (Papio papio)

Encadrement : Julie Gullstrand, Nicolas Claidière, Joël Fagot

Durée : du 1er Septembre au 16 Octobre 2015

Laboratoire d’accueil : Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive (LPC)

Site de recherche : Station de primatologie ; Rousset-sur-Arc (13)

Mission : Le stage portera sur les relations sociales du babouin de Guinée. Le stage se déroulera en deux temps :
La 1ère phase (de 2 semaines environs) sera dédiée à la reconnaissance individuelle des sujets de l’étude (groupe de Papio papio), à la formation du stagiaire à la récolte de données comportementales, et à la mise en habituation des sujets.
La 2nde phase (de 4 semaines) sera consacrée à la récolte de données (comportement spontané) suivant un protocole pré-établi.

Profil souhaité : Niveau Bac+2 minimum avec, si possible, une précédente expérience en éthologie. Fort intérêt pour l’animal, notamment le primate, ainsi que pour les recherches portées sur l’éthologie et l’étude de la cognition.

Prise en charge par l’équipe : Hébergement sur le site (dortoir).

Contact : La sélection des candidats se fera au cours du mois de Juillet. Veuillez donc envoyer rapidement votre candidature (CV et lettre de motivation) à :

dimanche 12 juillet 2015

Post-Doc Position

We are opening a post-doctoral fellowship at the Animal Learning and Behavior Lab of the University of Minho, Portugal. Our aim is to recruit a strong candidate in the field of Animal Learning, Animal Behaviour, Behavioral Ecology, Ethology or related areas.

The fellowship has an initial duration of 12 months, renewable up to a maximum of six years. The application deadline is August 31st. 

More information about the fellowship and application process can be found at:

Information about our lab can be found here:

Please feel free to forward/share this email with anyone who may be interested. Any questions regarding the position should be directed to Marco Vasconcelos (

offre de stage

Possibilités de participer à un projet en cours au CNRS à Moulis, France, étude du comportement agressif et sociale dans les mésanges bleues et grands captifs et sauvages. Nous recherchons deux assistants de recherche  pour aider à l'analyse comportementale de vidéos enregistrées dans les mangeoires d'hiver et en captivité. Les bénévoles peuvent également effectuer des analyses de correctifs ornementales à partir de photos et échantillons de plumes par spectrophotométrie.
Les positions sont les plus appropriés pour les diplômés à la recherche d'une position de doctorat et qui cherchent à acquérir davantage d'expérience de recherche. Bonnes compétences organisationnelles, l'engagement et l'attention aux détails sont nécessaires; expérience précédente avec analyses vidéo serait également souhaitable mais pas nécessaire. Positions commencent dès que possible et se poursuivront en été / automne (dates flexibles). Idéalement, les bénévoles vont passer quelques jours au laboratoire de se familiariser avec les protocoles d'analyses, tandis que les travaux pourront être réalisées à distance.
Les candidats doivent envoyer une lettre de motivation et CV, y compris les noms et adresses e-mail de trois arbitres potentiels, dès que possible.
Pour plus d'informations et les applications, s'il vous plaît contacter Enrico Sorato:   ou Alexis Chaine:

mercredi 8 juillet 2015

Field Assistant Position: Tool use in New Caledonian crows

We are looking for a highly motivated assistant to help with field work in New Caledonia, South Pacific. New Caledonian crows habitually manufacture different types of tools from various plant materials and use them to extract embedded prey. We use a range of approaches (including detailed field observations of wild, free-ranging subjects, and controlled experiments with birds in temporary captivity) to improve our understanding of the species’ tool-oriented behaviour.
The field assistant will help with camp maintenance, building equipment, trapping and handling birds, and data collection. This position is a great opportunity to visit an interesting corner of the world, to work with one of the world’s most charismatic birds, and to gain field research experience in behavioural ecology.
You will ideally have a background in science (degree or expected degree in biology or a related area). Previous experience working or living in a tropical country and French language skills are advantageous, but not required. You are expected to be in good physical health, have a committed and positive attitude and do well with early morning starts, long working days and are comfortable living under basic, hot and humid conditions. The time period is 07th August 2015 to 15th October 2015 (exact dates negotiable) and travel costs and basic accommodation are paid for.
To apply, please send an up-to-date CV (with contact details of referees) and a brief letter of interest to Barbara Klump at I am also happy to answer any further questions you may have.


Hiring Organization:
Centre International de Recherches Médicales de Franceville (CIRMF) - Gabon

Position Description:
The CIRMF houses about 50 chimpanzees who are at the moment organized into 7 groups. As it strives to provide the highest standard of care to its primates and to comply with international ethics rules, it seeks to transport them to a new sanctuary encompassing a chain of 4 islands in Gabon. 
The ethologist will be responsible for forming 4 groups of chimpanzees from the 7 existing groups.
The duration of the contract is 6 months.

Masters degree. A PhD in ethology would be desirable. Candidates with extensive experience relevant to this field will also be considered.
Professional experience with chimpanzees in a similar capacity
Very good knowledge of chimpanzee behaviour
Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
Required basic knowledge of spoken French

300 euros per month
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
The CIRMF will also pay for a return flight ticket Libreville - Franceville and will provide a comfortable 2 room flat inside the campus.
The candidate will be responsible for international flight ticket, visa and healthcare insurance costs.

Term of Appointment:
6 months

Application Deadline:
16th of August 2015

Application procedure:
Interested candidates who meet the above qualifications should apply by sending a letter of interest together with their CV and the name and contact of 2 referees to Dr. Barthélémy Ngoubangoye ( and Dr. Michel Halbwax (

Any questions can be addressed to Dr. Michel Halbwax and Dr. Barthélémy Ngoubangoye
Contact Information:
Michel Halbwax
Telephone Number:
00 241 06 30 66 20
E-mail Address:

lundi 6 juillet 2015

M2 Physiologie Neuroscience et Comportement, Université de Bourgogne-Franche Comté, Année Universitaire 2015-2016

Offre de stage pour un sujet de M2 Physiologie Neuroscience Comportement, Année Universitaire 2015-2016, à l'Université de Bourgogne-Franche Comté 

Le sujet proposé ici s’inscrit dans la continuité de travaux menés depuis plusieurs années sur la perception des arômes lors de la prise alimentaire. Toutefois, au-delà des aspects sensoriels (goût, odeur, texture, …) la perception vis-à- vis d’un produit se construit également par les représentations qu’il crée et qui vont orienter le plaisir, le choix, la quantité consommé… 

Dans un premier temps, il s’agira d’étudier les évocations suscitées par le Comté (à l’odeur seulement, en bouche, avec et sans la vue…) dans différentes configurations : (1) association libre, cad sans consignes particulières (2) en association avec un thème (un lieu, un plat, un fruit, une couleur, un animal, un moment…). Des groupes de sujets seront testés (enfants, adolescents, adultes, franc-comtois ou non…) afin de déterminer en quoi la familiarité avec le produit construit les représentations. Les données seront collectées en salle spécialisée d’analyse sensorielle à l’aide du logiciel FIZZ et traitées par AFC (Analyse Factorielle des Correspondances) de façon à faire émerger les grandes tendances représentatives 

Dans un second temps, il s’agira d’évaluer la congruence entre l’odorant proposé en association et le Comté, les sujets devant indiquer s’ils trouvent que l’odorant « se marie bien » avec le fromage ou non. Les sujets « naïfs » ont souvent des difficultés à percevoir les arômes constitutifs du Comté et le premier objectif est de savoir si les odorants présents naturellement dans le fromage (noix, vanille, poivre, lait…) sont perçus comme congruents. Seront également testés des odorants alimentaires (pain, bacon, tomate, melon…) et non alimentaires (fleurs de type lavande, rose, tilleul… produits ménagers…) et surtout des odorants activant la sensibilité trigéminale (picotement, irritation) ou non. 

Le protocole sera réalisé avec des « fourchettes odorantes » permettant de calibrer et l’odorant et la prise en bouche. Cette partie de l’étude sera réalisée auprès d’une population adulte et les données seront collectées en salle spécialisée d’analyse sensorielle à l’aide du logiciel FIZZ. 

Le candidat devra avoir une connaissance des données de base en perception sensorielle et une bonne capacité d’investissement. 

Ce projet s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un partenariat financé (y compris stage M2) avec le CIC (Comité Inter-Professionnel du comté) sis à Poligny. 

Stéphanie CHAMBARON-GINHAC – PhD, Chargée de Recherches 

INRA - UMR Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l'Alimentation (CSGA) 
17 rue Sully - BP 86510 - 21065 DIJON CEDEX 
Tél. +33 3 80 69 35 32 - Fax. +33 3 80 69 32 27 - stephanie.chambaron [ chez ] 

dimanche 5 juillet 2015

Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Feline Friends) (Fixed Term)

School of Life Sciences

Location:  Brayford
Salary:   From £31,342 per annum
This post is fixed term for 2 years
Closing Date:   Wednesday 15 July 2015
Interview Date:   Thursday 06 August 2015 
Reference:  COS033B
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work full-time for 2 years on a Feline Friends Charitable funded project: ‘Visible Signs of Feline Pain’, the post is available  from the 1st September 2015 (or as soon as possible thereafter). Applicants should have a doctoral degree or equivalent, preferably with experience of research or clinical practice in feline pain (candidates with a PhD pending may apply). 

The Research Fellow is expected to operate with a significant degree of autonomy, with knowledge of animal behaviour and pain. The post holder may be required work with more junior researchers. A critical function is liaison with the public and stakeholders throughout the research process, including presentation of reports to the sponsor, academic communities and lay audiences.

This study has three aims:

The first aim is to develop a system to allow owners to recognise pain in cats (this work has been published in part)
The second aim is to develop a system to allow owners and/or vets to quantify pain severity in cats
The third aim is to validate the systems produced.
We are seeking a postholder to help ensure that we deliver on the latter two aims.

The project involves a multidisciplinary team including computer scientists working on automated visual detection systems. The post holder will primarily focus on the clinical and behavioural aspects of the project and its translation into practice, but will be expected to develop a working knowledge of the associated computer based element.

The post-holder will be expected to design, conduct and publish original research findings as well as lay interpretations, so excellent communication and self-management skills at all levels are essential.

The researcher will be required develop in association with the supervisory team a framework for assessing the expression of the affective components of pain in cats and validate this.

 The completion of subsequent aims will demand the following skills and competencies:

Qualitative and qresearch methods,
Ethological methods, including the analysis of facial expressions in cats
Communication skills relating to the translation of science into an accessible medium for the public
Interpersonal skills to work with stakeholders at all levels
Self management, to operate in both clinical and research capacities
 Informal enquiries about the post can be made to Prof Daniel Mills (email:

As a member of the Athena SWAN Charter we are committed to advancing gender equality in STEM, therefore female applicants are strongly encouraged to apply.

Further details:
We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all sections of the community. 

MSc POSITION – University of Manitoba – Department of Animal Science


Date: MSc to start in September 2015 or January 2016.

Subject: Impact of slatted floor design on sow behaviour and lameness occurrence.

Description: This study is part of a research program on housing and management of group-housed gestating sows led by Dr. Laurie Connor, Department of Animal Science, University of Manitoba (UoM), Canada. Overall, the project focuses on determining the most effective slat and gap widths of flooring for group sow housing considering both the comfort of the sow and ease of manure management. In collaboration with another student who will be investigating the engineering and manure management aspects, the MSc student will work on the impact of two slatted floor designs for sows housed in groups with electronic sow feeder on their postural behaviour and activities and the development of lameness problems over two parities. Lameness will be assessed using a force plate measuring weight distribution between limbs and visual scoring of gait and claw lesions. This project will be done in collaboration with Dr. Nicolas Devillers of the Dairy and Swine R&D Centre of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) in Sherbrooke (Qc).
The student will have to participate in the preparation of the experiment, collect production and behavioural data, analyse video recordings, process data, run statistical analysis and write the thesis and a scientific article. The student will be co-supervised by Drs. Laurie Connor (UoM) and Nicolas Devillers (AAFC). The student will be registered at UoM, the experiment will take place at the Glenlea Research Station of UoM. Some analytical work may have to be done at AAFC in Sherbrooke. A stipend will be provided through the research grant.

Candidate skills: 
B.Sc. in animal science, animal biology or veterinary science (Minimum GPA 3.0)
Motivation for the study of animal welfare and behaviour
Knowledge of animal sciences, especially animal behaviour
Knowledge of computer (Pack Office) and statistical analysis
Practical experience in ethology and in pig production would be an asset

For information, please contact Dr. Laurie Connor.

For application, please send a CV, a motivation letter and contact information for two references.
Dr. Laurie Connor
Dept. of Animal Science
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba, R3T 2N2
Phone number: 204 474-9219
Fax: 204 474-7628

Stage : Dynamique du réseau social et du leadership chez les vaches rustiques Highland cattle

Nous recherchons des étudiants (de Licence à Master) pour un stage de deux mois (ou plus à temps partiel, entre le 15 aout 2015 et le 15 janvier 2016) pour une étude comportementale sur les highland cattle (voir ci dessous).
Les étudiants devront posséder leur permis et une voiture afin de se déplacer sur les sites d'étude. Les frais kilométriques leur seront remboursés.
Pour toute candidature, veuillez envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation à et

Sujet de stage
Le pâturage a été retenu comme solution pour exploiter des friches agricoles, mais ceci à condition que :
-Le Mode de gestion soit extensif pour répondre au faible potentiel agronomique des milieux concernés
-Le parturage Techniquement respectueux de l’environnement
-Qu’il soit fait Avec une race supportant les contraintes fortes du milieu (humidité, brouillard persistant...)
-Que les Actions soient sur des sites d’une surface minimale cohérente à proximité des villages

Les Highland cattle sont une race rustique de vaches provenant d’Ecosse (Highland) et donc supportant les contraintes fortes du milieu. Plusieurs troupeaux ont ainsi été répartis dans les Vosges du Nord. Chaque année, des vaches sont prélevées afin d’éviter le surpâturage. De même, ces dernières peuvent changer d’enclos. Ces évènements peuvent entrainer un stress chez les animaux qui peut-être amoindri en étudiant le lien entre le bien-être animal et la socialité. Ceci a déjà été montré chez différentes espèces. Par exemple, le stress dans un groupe peut augmenter si ce dernier est socialement perturbé par le retrait d’individus centraux ou leaders. Il a en effet été montré chez plusieurs espèces que l’investissement dans des relations stables à long terme influençait positivement la qualité de vie des animaux en réduisant notamment leur stress. En déterminant comment et pourquoi les membres d’un groupe choisissent de s’associer avec d’autres individus, ou au contraire de les éviter, des décisions plus efficaces peuvent être prises quant au choix des individus à transférer. Par exemple, les vaches montrent une grande préférence à s’associer avec des individus familiers et présentent des signes de stress et d’inactivité lorsqu’elles sont placées avec des individus non familiers. Des vaches ayant souvent changé de groupes et qui connaissent donc une instabilité sociale durant leur croissance sont moins sociales à l’âge adulte et montrent un taux d’agressions plus élevé envers leurs congénères. Ce stress constant peut également avoir un impact sur le rôle écologique des animaux, dans la sélectivité des plantes par exemple.
Le but du projet est donc d’étudier à long terme (i.e., sur une période minimum de deux ans) les changements sociaux qui se produisent suite au retrait d’individus du groupe et l’impact écologique succédant ce retrait et conséquent au stress des animaux. Ceci se fera en trois points :
- l’étude des interactions sociales positives (toilettage, contact) et négatives (agressions, évitement) ainsi que des associations spatiales des animaux. Ces relations seront analysées grâce à la théorie des graphes
- l’étude du leadership, c’est-à-dire si des individus initient plus souvent que d’autres les déplacements collectifs (et sont suivis par les autres membres). 
- la sélectivité dans le broutage des plantes.

Une comparaison de ces trois points sera faite entre la phase précédent et la phase succédant le retrait d’un ou des individus chaque année. Des comparaisons intra-phase seront également faite afin de voir l’évolution des trois paramètres dans le temps. Le niveau de stress pourra être également connu via un quatrième point qui est la mesure de la corticostérone dans les fèces des animaux ou par pris de sang (faite en février obligatoirement par prophylaxie)

Echéancier : stage de deux mois entre le 15 aout et le 15 janvier

Département d’Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie
Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien
23, rue Becquerel F-67087 Strasbourg Cedex

Cédric Sueur, MCF, DEPE, IPHC, Strasbourg,
Marie Pelé, Ethobiosciences, Strasbourg,

Cédric Sueur, MCF, DEPE, IPHC, Strasbourg,
Tel : 0388107453
Coût et remboursement (si applicable)
Remboursement des frais d’essence
Profil souhaité
Volonté de faire du terrain, permis voiture et voiture nécessaire
Compétences acquises au cours du stage
Prises de données comportementales, analyse statistiques, analyse des réseaux sociaux, écriture d’articles
Noms et adresses mails des trois derniers stagiaires de master 2 de l’encadrant
Thomas Lazarus, M2 2015,
Thibault Boekhy, M2 2015,

Elizabeth Klenschi, M2 2014,

Advanced Postdoc (Oberassistent/in)

The Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Bern, invites applications for two research positions as Advanced Postdoc (Oberassistent/in) in the Department of Clinical Research and Veterinary Public Health comprising the Institute of Bee Health, Division of Experimental Clinical Research, Institute of Genetics, Division of Veterinary Anatomy, Division of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Division of Veterinary Physiology, Veterinary Public Health Institute, and Division of Animal Welfare. 

The positions are intended to aid in qualifying promising young researchers for a career as independent scientists (Habilitation). Positions will be supplemented with a PhD student position. The candidates’ own research should relate to ongoing research projects within the department. A group leader of the host institution will act as primary mentor. Successful applicants are expected to secure external funding, to supervise undergraduate and graduate students, and to participate in the teaching of the host institution. 

Applicants should have a PhD (or equivalent) in veterinary medicine, agricultural or life sciences.

Applications should be submitted to the secretary of the department, Mrs. Balda Streit ( until August 31, 2015. Please contact group leaders in the research area of interest before applying. The application in the form of a single pdf document must include a motivation letter, CV, publication list, and a short outline of the planned research (maximum 1 page). The University of Bern is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to support the compatibility of family and work.

vendredi 3 juillet 2015

Formation en droit de l'animal

Je vous prie de trouver ci-jointes les différentes informations liées à la formation en Droit de l'animal à l'université de Strasbourg: 

PhD student course Ecology of Animal Migration in Lund, Sweden

This November we hold our biannual PhD course on the Ecology of Animal Migration. PhD students working on animal migration and related animal movement topics are encouraged to apply.

Ecology of Animal Migration
International PhD Course
November 2nd - 13th, 2015 Lund University, Sweden

Animals move across different spatial and temporal scales either as part of their daily life or as part of seasonal migrations to exploit resources in the environment. Well known examples are the global scale seasonal migrations in birds, sea turtles, fish and mammals, such as whales and wildebeests. Also movements at smaller scales occur, such as the vertical movements in plankton, the dispersal in soil collembolans and movements of pollinating insects. But what are the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of animal movements?

During this two-week course you will get insight in a number of different methods and approaches to study the migration of birds, insects, fish, amphibians and mammals, ranging from experimental studies in the laboratory to tracking long-distance migration in wild animals. Lectures will be given by international authorities in the field as well as by researchers in the CAnMove Group at Lund University.

For further details and to apply for the course visit:

The course organizers

Anders Hedenström and Rachel Muheim

Rachel Muheim, PhD
Department of Biology
Biology Building B
Sölvegatan 35
SE-223 62 Lund

Phone: +46 46 222 31 93
Fax: +46 46 222 44 25

