dimanche 28 février 2016

ShoreFin Volunteer Opportunity at Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre, New Quay, Wales‏

The Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre (CBMWC) is recruiting a volunteers to become part of the ShoreFin Team throughout the 2016 field season (March-November). Initiated in 2014 ShoreFin is our dedicated land-based bottlenose dolphin photo-identification (Photo-ID) project whose aim is to build up an understanding of bottlenose dolphin site usage within the New Quay bay area, to find out which individuals visit New Quay bay and to find out more about the ecology and life history of these animals.

Building on our work from the 2014 season the ShoreFin team will be responsible for conducting opportunistic land-based photo-ID of bottlenose dolphins in the New Quay harbour area and for sorting, matching and cataloguing the images captured along with those taken during our boat surveys. At the end of the project you will be expected to produce a detailed report of the findings from the project. Our ShoreFin Project reports are available to download from our website (www.cbmwc.org/shore-fin-project).


The Cardigan Bay Marine Wildlife Centre is based in New Quay, west Wales, UK. Since 1996 we have been dedicated to raising awareness of the local marine environment through education and research. Using boat-based and land-based surveys, photo-ID and acoustic studies we monitor bottlenose dolphin, harbour porpoise and Atlantic grey seal populations in the Cardigan Bay Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and wider Irish Sea. We also run a busy visitor centre as well as an education and activity room which offers marine educational and awareness raising activities for families, school and groups. In April 2015 we became part of the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales and will be delivering the trusts Living Seas programme.

What You Will Gain

Volunteering for the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales at CBMWC is a fantastic opportunity for you to make a positive contribution to marine wildlife conservation and meet new people who share your interests. You will learn about the species and habitats in Cardigan Bay, gain experience in field work, wildlife photography, photo ID, data entry, report writing and much more. You will receive training in land and boat based marine mammal surveys, use of a digital SLR camera and photo ID software. Past volunteers have gone on to further education, work as MMO's and to work for conservation and government organisations.

Tasks include:

Responsible for photographing the bottlenose dolphins (and other marine mammals) in New Quay bay Responsible for sorting, matching and cataloguing bottlenose dolphin photographs taken from land and boat surveys Analyse data and write the ShoreFin end of season project report Maintain up to date procedures for all aspects of CBMWC photo-ID work Assist with compiling the CBMWC bottlenose dolphin photo-ID catalogue Provide regular updates and images for our Facebook and Twitter feeds Provide information for our dolphin adoption scheme Provide regular project updates to the CBMWC Science Officer You may also be requested to assist with other aspects of our work, such as field surveys, data entry, manning our visitor centre and educational activities.

Essential skills and qualifications:

Experience with digital SLR cameras and wildlife photography Mature and responsible attitude as you will be using expensive camera and computer equipment Proactive with the ability to work independently and unsupervised Flexible approach to work as you will be required to work outside of normal office hours Ability to work closely with others as part of a small team IT skills An interest in wildlife and conservation Excellent verbal and written communication skills Fluency in English Ability to work and live closely with others as part of a small team

Desirable skills

Experience using ArcGIS
Experience of statistical analysis
Report writing skills
An interest and knowledge of British cetaceans A background in biology/marine biology/environmental science

Volunteering Dates:

The successful applicants must be available to start on 14th March (or as soon as possible) and volunteer for the entire field season until 31st October. Flexibility in working hours is essential as the photography work will need to be undertaken opportunistically when the dolphins are in the survey area so you must be prepared to work outside of normal working hours.

Volunteer fee:

An administration fee of £45 will be required from all successful applicants.

Accommodation and expenses:

Shared accommodation in a comfortable and fully equipped house will be arranged for successful volunteers (where required) at a cost of £55 per week, including bills. Please be aware that volunteersshare same sex bedrooms. Volunteers are responsible for their own food, travel and accommodation costs.

Due to payment arrangements with the house owners, accommodation costs are required in advance to cover the cost of each block so before applying please ensure that you can cover this and all other expenses.

To apply:

Download a volunteer application form from our website www.cbmwc.org/volunteer/shorefin-volunteers and email it along with a CV and covering letter (no more than one side of A4) outlining how you meet the personal specification and your motivations for applying to volunteer@cbmwc.org with ‘ShoreFin Volunteer 2016’ in your subject line.

Position will be filled as soon as suitable applicant is found.

For further information

Visit www.cbmwc.org

If you have any questions please email volunteer@cbmwc.org with an appropriate subject line or call Laura on 01545 560224.

Our volunteering programme is supported by the Volunteering in Wales Fund via Wales Council for Voluntary Action.

Analyse de l’invasibilité des communautés végétales et animales des berges de cours d’eau aménagées.

Sujet de stage niveau Master 1 ou 2 ou fin d’École d’Ingénieur
Année 2015/2016
Laboratoire : Irstea, EMGR Directeur : F. Veron
Intitulé de l’équipe : «Dynamiques et gestions des écosystèmes de montagne»
Nom du responsable du stage : P. Cavaillé
Adresse : 2, rue de la papeterie
38402 Saint-Martin-d’Hères (France)
Tél. : 04 76 76 28 54 Email : paul.cavaille@irstea.fr
Spécialité MASTER ou École d’Ingénieur:
Biodiversité – Écologie – Environnement
Ce sujet vise à caractériser les invasions par les espèces exotiques des différents cortèges faunistiques (coléoptères terrestres, macrofaune benthique) et floristiques sur les parties immergées et émergées des berges aménagées. L’objectif est de comprendre comment les ouvrages d’ingénierie écologique et de génie civil contribuent à l’établissement de ces espèces exotiques, et quels peuvent être les interactions entre les différents compartiments.
On cherche à mieux connaître les capacités des différents types de berges restaurées à favoriser ou à résister aux espèces exotiques envahissantes. Les résultats obtenus pour les différents types d’aménagement de berge seront comparés avec ceux observés sur les berges naturelles qui serviront de référence. Ces investigations seront menées à la fois sur les parties terrestres et aquatiques de la berge.
Ce projet ambitionne de fournir des outils pour une meilleure compréhension des processus d’invasions biologiques sur les berges aménagées, dans la perspective de mieux contrôler le développement des espèces exotiques envahissantes.
Les berges de cours d’eau constituent des milieux à l’interface des écosystèmes aquatiques et terrestres, fournissant un grand nombre de fonctions et services écologiques d’importance. Ils assurent entre autres un rôle de corridor écologique, de filtration des eaux et de récréation pour les populations locales. Les milieux riverains naturels sont également reconnus pour leur grande biodiversité qui s’avère disproportionnellement élevée par rapport à leur étendue.
Même si l’érosion des berges est de plus en plus reconnue comme un processus géomorphologique nécessaire au maintien du bon fonctionnement hydromorphologique et écologique des rivières, les ouvrages de stabilisation de berges sont inévitables si l’on veut protéger les infrastructures (transport, bâtiments…) de l’érosion et des inondations. Ces ouvrages de protection de berge peuvent être limités à des techniques lourdes comme l’enrochement, le bétonnage et l’endiguement, mais peuvent également représenter une plus grande naturalité, en faisant appel aux techniques d’ingénierie écologique. Ces dernières techniques connaissent un fort développement et concernent maintenant des linéaires de plus en plus importants le long des berges de cours d’eau. Étonnamment, très peu d’études ont concerné l’invasibilité de ces ouvrages par les espèces exotiques, notamment dans des approches abordant à la fois les communautés animales et végétales.
Approches & matériels utilisés:
1. Le stage débutera par une analyse bibliographique faisant le point sur les différentes approches liant les cortèges floristiques et faunistiques sur les berges de cours d’eau. Cette analyse sera complétée par une synthèse des méthodes statistiques permettant de mettre en lien les données.
2. Le stagiaire devra ensuite s’approprier un jeu de donné existant sur les espèces exotiques des communautés végétales et animales (coléoptères et macroinvertébrés benthiques) de différents types de berges et procédera à l’analyse de ce jeu de données, en s’attachant à mettre en relation les caractéristiques spécifiques et fonctionnelles des différents taxons le long du gradient de naturalité
3. Le stagiaire valorisera son travail d’analyse par la rédaction d’un rapport structuré de type article scientifique (contexte et bibliographie – problématique et hypothèse scientifique – analyse statistique et résultats – discussion).
Diplômes, compétences, expérience et niveau de formation souhaité :
 Formation initiale : Bac+4 (formations recommandées : Écologie végétale, écologie de la restauration, botanique, statistiques et rédaction scientifique.)
 Compétences recommandées :
• Savoir-faire statistiques et en écologie,
• Maitrise de logiciels de statistiques (R…),
• Capacités rédactionnelles et de synthèse,
• Rigueur, capacités d’initiative, aptitude au travail en équipe.
Rémunération du poste occupé :
554,40 euros/mois*
* Conformément au Décret 2009-885 du 21 juillet 2009 et de la circulaire du 23 juillet 2009 relative aux modalités d’accueil des étudiants de l’enseignement supérieur en stage dans les EPST.
Durée du stage :
Environ 6 mois, si possible à réaliser en 2016 (à adapter en fonction du calendrier de l’étudiant).
Modalités des candidatures :
Adresser par voie numérique une lettre de motivation et un curriculum vitae à :
Paul Cavaillé et André Évette (paul.cavaille@irstea.fr et andre.evette@irstea.fr)

PhD Studentship

Scotland’s Rural College
PhD Studentship - Ewe and lamb behaviour and lamb mortality during the periparturient period – effects of nutrition and genotype

The PhD Fellowship is a joint research project between Teagasc, Athenry, Ireland and SRUC, Edinburgh. SRUC delivers comprehensive skills, education and business support for Scotland’s land-based industry founded on world class, sector leading research, education and consultancy. Our 1350 staff are located on 6 campuses and around 40 business units across Scotland and the North of England. SRUC’s joint submission with the University of Edinburgh to the Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science subpanel of the Research Excellence Framework (REF2014) ranks top in the UK on research power.

Teagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority in Ireland - is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture (farming & forestry) food industry and rural communities. The Teagasc mission is to support science-based innovation in the agri-food sector and the broader bioeconomy that will underpin profitability, competitiveness and sustainability. Teagasc is a client-based organisation employing approximately 1,100 staff at 55 locations. Teagasc has significant resources in research and KT areas. At Athenry it has its main sheep research facility consisting of 128 ha, 1180 breeding ewes and replacements.

Lamb mortality is a significant welfare concern in sheep farming, and a constraint to the profitability of sheep farms. This project will investigate the impact of ewe nutrition in pregnancy on lamb mortality, and how this might be modified by the age and genotype of the ewe. Most lamb mortality occurs in the first 24 hours after delivery, thus the project will focus on this period to understand how ewe and management factors can influence relevant characteristics relating to survivability. The student will conduct a risk assessment for lamb mortality, identify the main causes of lamb death in Teagasc flocks, and conduct focused experimental studies to understand the impact of nutrition, ewe age and genotype on the expression of ewe and lamb behaviours at birth.

Students are expected to have a good first degree (at least 2:1 or equivalent) in a relevant area (such as biological subjects, agriculture, veterinary science). A Masters degree in a relevant area would also be desirable as would practical experience of working on a farm, especially with lambing ewes. This 4 year studentship is due to commence around 1st September 2016. The student will be based largely at Teagasc in Ireland, where the animal work will be conducted, but will spend some time in Edinburgh to complete the behavioural analyses. The fellowship provides a stipend of 16,600 per annum. The student will be registered at the University of Edinburgh. The studentship is funded to pay the tuition fees of UK/EU nationals only. Non UK/EU nationals must provide evidence of funds to cover the international student tuition fee level (this would be approximately £14,000 per year).

Online applications for this post can be submitted via our website www.sruc.ac.uk/jobs Alternatively application packs can be requested from audrey.johnstone@sruc.ac.uk      Tel 0131 535 4028 quoting reference SRUC/1030678/Dwyer. Please note that CV’s will not be accepted without a completed application form. If English is not an applicant’s first language, a recent IELTS/TOEFL certificate should be submitted with the application as evidence that the candidate meets the language requirements for PhD study at Edinburgh University. To have an informal discussion about this studentship, contact Prof Cathy Dwyer, cathy.dwyer@sruc.ac.uk, +44 131 5359338 or Dr Tim Keady: Tim.keady@teagasc.ie +353 91 845835

The closing date for the return of applications is 5pm on 8th April 2016.

mardi 23 février 2016

PhD-position exploring individual variation in animal cognition

Job description
A fully funded 4-year PhD-position open to all nationalities, is offered in the subject of ethology, in the research group of Hanne Løvlie, Linköping University. The job entails to conduct research on the causes and consequences of variation in animal cognition, and we are particularly interested in links with animal personality. Cognitive processes are fundamental, but explanations to individual variation are still poorly explored. Animal personality (i.e. consistent individual behavioural responses), has recently experienced considerable research attention. Personality and cognition are predicted to be linked, but the causality and consequences of this relationship are still unknown. We have demonstrated individual variation in various cognitive tasks and observe links between learning speed and personality, in our model species the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus). The fowl is a particularly suitable for this type of research due to the possibility of combining extensive understanding of behaviour, physiology and genetics, to apply a strong experimental design while examining behaviours under natural conditions or in the lab.
The successful applicant is a highly motivated and talented candidate with a MSc-degree in biology (or equivalent), with a specialization in animal behaviour, evolutionary biology, neurobiology or similar. Research experience in experimental animal behaviour, sound statistical knowledge and analytical abilities are merits, as is experience in scientific writing. Very good knowledge of written and oral English is required. Both good cooperation skills and the ability to work independently are emphasised. The successful candidate should be enthusiastic about animal behaviour and handling birds.
What we offer
Linköping University is a modern, innovative university with over 27000 students and 3900 employees. Biology offers excellent lab and avian housing facilities. The successful candidate will be part of the AVIAN behavioural genomics and physiology group, and the Centre of Excellence for Animal Welfare Science (in collaboration with SLU Uppsala). Linköping is a popular university city, and is the 5th largest city in Sweden. It is located in central Sweden, just 2 hours from Stockholm, with proximity to the beautiful nature of Östergötland, as well as recent and pre-historic history, and cultural attractions. 
Salary and duration
According to present rates at the university (starting at 25 000Sek/month), including health insurance
and other benefits, for 4 full years. A short-term position may be offered to a very promising candidate to ensure that the required experiences are acquired prior to start. The position can be combined with < 20% teaching within the biology undergraduate program, which will extend the position accordingly.
Starting date
The position is available immediately, and start date will be set according to agreement.
Application procedure
The application should include a 1-2 page cover letter describing your research experience and interests, and your interest in this project, and a full CV (including name and contact details of 2 references who are willing to provide letters of support). Transcript of grades and copy of a relevant publication may be required at a later stage. Application should be sent as one PDF to hanne.lovlie@liu.se. The position is open until filled, and applications will be reviewed continuously, but for full consideration please apply by 31st of March 2016.
For more information, please contact Hanne Løvlie (hanne.lovlie@liu.se), tel +46 (0) 13-286681.

lundi 22 février 2016

PhD Candidate in “Which specific brain projections are involved in natural reward?” at the Department of Psychology

Application deadline: 6. March 2016
Ref. no 2016/1692

The University of Tromsø, Faculty of Health Sciences, has a PhD position vacant (from 1/4/2016) for applicants who wish to obtain the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD)

The position is attached to the Department of Psychology and the research group Behavioral Neuroscience and Human Development. Project director and main advisor is associate professor Eelke Snoeren.

The appointment is for a period of three years.

The PhD position is for a fixed term, with the objective of completion of research training to the level of a doctoral degree. Admission to a PhD programme is a prerequisite for employment, and the programme period starts on commencement of the position. The PhD Candidate shall participate in the faculty’s organized research training, and the PhD project shall be completed during the period of employment. Information about the application process for admission to the PhD programme, application form and regulations for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) are available at the following address: https://en.uit.no/om/enhet/forsiden?p_dimension_id=88108

Further information about the position is available by contacting associate professor Eelke Snoeren, phone +47 7764 9215, e-mail: eelke.snoeren@uit.no.

The application must be submitted electronically via the application form available on this page (www.jobbnorge.no).

The position’s affiliation
The Faculty of Health Sciences has approximately 800 staff members, 280 phd-students and 2500 students. The Faculty of Health Sciences is divided into seven departments. More than 70 staff members have their workplace at the Department of Psychology (IPS). The department consists of 7 research groups covering all major areas of psychology, including cognitive psychology, neuroscience, social, developmental and clinical psychology. IPS
provides education for psychology students at a Bachelor and Master-level as well as a specialized study program for clinical psychologists.

The Research group in Behavioral Neuroscience and Human Development is pursuing active research in topics within the field of neuroscience in both rats and humans. The main topics are sexual motivation (rats) and cognitive aging (humans). The group currently consists of 4 staff members, a technician and 3 PhD students.

The position’s field of research/research project and other duties
The PhD candidate will be part of the project “Which specific brain projections are involved in natural reward?”, a project investigating the brain mechanisms underlying sexual motivation and behavior in rats. One of the techniques used in the study is optogenetics. Eelke Snoeren will be the main supervisor.

The project encompasses a wide variety of methods and experience with the following techniques will count in favor of the applicant: working with live rats, observations and analysis of animal behavior, optogenetics, brain surgery, and immunohistochemistry. The possession of an ethical animal course certificate is considered another advantage.

Qualification requirements
The successful applicant must fulfil the requirements for admission to the faculty’s PhD programme, cf. Regulation for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) at UiT, The Arctic University of Norway. In addition, he/she be able to document proficiency in English equivalent to Norwegian Higher Education Entrance Qualification, refer to the website about PhD regulations at UiT.

This position requires a Master’s degree in any relevant field. Nevertheless, a degree within the areas of (behavioural) neuroscience, biomedical sciences or biology is highly desirable.

The candidate should have at least a professional working proficiency in English with strong communication skills, and be able to work both independently and as part of a team. 

Working conditions
The nominal length of the PhD programme is three years and the normal period of employment is three years. Shorter periods of employment may be approved if the PhD Candidate has already implemented parts of the PhD programme or when the appointment is based on previous appointments in fixed term positions (PhD Candidate, Research Assistant or the equivalent), such that the total time of the PhD programme is three years.

Remuneration for the position of PhD Candidate is in accordance with the State salary scale code 1017 (or code 1378) (or both codes depending on qualifications). A compulsory contribution of 2 % to the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund will be deducted.

The applicants will be assessed by an expert committee. During this assessment process, emphasis will be attached to the applicant’s potential for research as shown by:
  • Master’s thesis or equivalent
  • any other academic works, and                                   
In addition, consideration may be given to work experience or other activities of significance for the implementation of the PhD studies. This includes experience from popularization and experience/education from other types of dissemination. Information and material to be considered during the assessment must be submitted by the stipulated deadline.

The applicants who are assessed as the best qualified will called to an interview. The interview shall among other things aim to clarify the applicant’s personal suitability for the position.

The application must be submitted electronically via the application form available on this page (www.jobbnorge.no).

The application must include:
  • Letter of application
  • CV (containing a complete overview of education, supervised professional training and professional work)
  • copies of:
    • diploma and transcript from your Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
    • diploma and transcript from your Master’s degree or equivalent
    • diploma supplement for completed degrees
    • documentation of English language proficiency
  • List of works and description of these (see below). The list of works shall contain the following information:
    • author(s), the work’s title
    • for articles: the journal’s name and volume, the first and last page of the article, year of publication
    • for publications: publisher, printer, year of publication, number of pages
  • The works (published or unpublished) which the applicant wishes to be taken into consideration during the assessment process must be submitted
  • List of references with contact information.

All documentation that is to be evaluated must be certified and translated into English or a Scandinavian language.

Information and material to be considered during the assessment must be submitted by the stipulated deadline.

Questions concerning the organisation of the working environment, such as the physical state of the place of employment, health service, possibility for flexible working hours, part time, etc. as well as questions about the PhD programme may be directed to the telephone reference in this announcement.

UiT has HR policy objectives that emphasize diversity, and encourages all qualified applicants to apply regardless of their gender, functional ability and national or ethnic background.

UiT is an IW (Inclusive Workplace) enterprise, and will emphasize making the necessary adaptations to the working conditions for employees with reduced functional ability.

Personal data given in an application or CV will be processed in accordance with the Act relating to the processing of personal data (the Personal Data Act). In accordance with Section 25 subsection 2 of the Freedom of Information Act, the applicant may request not to be registered on the public list of applicants. However, the University may nevertheless decide that the name of the applicant will be made public. The applicant will receive advance notification in the event of such publication.