lundi 29 août 2016

Offre de stage Licence ou Master au CSIRO à Darwin (Australie) (volontariat envisageable)

Le Centre de Recherche des Écosystèmes Tropicaux du CSIRO à Darwin en Australie recherche des stagiaires en Licence ou en Master ainsi que des volontaires pour des projets au sein de son laboratoire d'étude de la biodiversité des fourmis. Différents projets sont disponibles, notamment: l’utilisation des fourmis en tant que bioindicateurs de la réhabilitation de site miniers, l'évaluation de la biodiversité des invertébrés dans le nord de l’Australie, ou encore la fondation des colonies d'une espèces de fourmi hautement invasive (Solenopsis geminata). Chaque projet comporte une partie de travail en laboratoire et de terrain. Pour plus d'information, contactez moi à
cette adresse:

PhD position: Food Perception and Categorization in Children, Institut Paul Bocuse/LEAD, Ecully, FR, date limite: 30 sept. 2016

Call for PhD application

Food perception and categorization in children (2-4)
suffering from congenital metabolic diseases

The Research Center of the Institut Paul Bocuse, the Laboratory for Research on Learning and
Development (CNRS UMR 5022), and a leader company in the delivery of foods for patients with
specific nutritional needs, are looking for highly talented candidates for an application to a PhD in
cognitive science.

General aim
The survival of children born with congenital metabolic diseases depends upon the observance of a
very strict diet. Small portions of fruits and vegetables, hypoprotidic foods, and a formula of
different amino acids generally constitute their daily meals. Despite the efforts of the industry to
improve the taste of the amino acids formula, it has been reported that many young children (2-3
years of age) who previously accepted the formula tend to reject it later despite its vital character.
We may reasonably hypothesize that this commonly observed rejection of the formula is due to its
visual appearance that likely mismatches with the early food categories emerging at this moment of
the child cognitive development. This hypothesis is in line with recent evidence on food neophobia in
young healthy children (Lafraire, Rioux, Giboreau, Picard, 2016).
The general aim of the present project is to test this general hypothesis of the central role of vision in
food rejection with children suffering from congenital metabolic diseases. The practical aim is to
identify the various levers (sensorial, cognitive, social) that could facilitate the recognition of the
amino acid formula as a genuine food in order to facilitate its acceptance. More precisely, on the
basis of the experimental results, the PhD candidate will be able to recommend strategies (visual
modes of presentation, parental strategies, etc.) to foster food acceptance and offer the opportunity
of food enjoyment for these children and their families.

Candidate skills
The candidate should hold a recent graduate degree (Master or equivalent) in the field of
psychology, cognitive science, or Life, Food and Environmental Sciences. A real interest in practical
application and transfer to industry is preferable. This position requires autonomy, creativity, and the
proper mindset to conduct a project in a multidisciplinary research center at the crossroads between
fundamental research, applied studies and culinary arts.

Specific tasks
-To elaborate, conduct experiments (in accordance with the methodological criteria of psychology)
-To conduct the statistical analyses of the data
-To publish in peer-reviewed international journals

Application modalities
Candidates are encouraged to email jeremie.lafraire [ chez ] institutpaulbocuse
if they have doubts about whether their profile matches this call.
Please send the following application documents merged in one PDF document to:
jeremie.lafraire [ chez ]
please put “PhD application IPB” as “object” for your email.

Documents required:
- CV
- Cover letter/availability
- One letter of recommendation
- Last university/school reports
- A recent writing sample (optional)

Position type: PhD Student
Primary location: Lyon area
Travel: ≈10%
Research theme: Food perception and categorization in children with congenital metabolic diseases

Scientific advisors:
Jean-Pierre Thibaut, PhD in psychology, professor of developmental psychology (LEAD CNRS -
Universite Bourgogne Franche-Comte - UMR 5022)
Jeremie Lafraire, PhD in Cognitive Science, research scientist in cognitive science at the Institut Paul
Bocuse, (Ecully, 69), associate researcher at the Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS-EHESS-ENS (Paris)
jeremie.lafraire [ chez ]

Duration: 3 years
Deadline for application: September 30th, 2016
Pre-selection notification: October 5th, 2016
Interview: From mid-October in Paris, Lyon or by Skype
Starting date: January 2017

Lafraire, J., Rioux, C., Giboreau, A., Picard, D. (2016). Food rejections in children: Cognitive and
social/environmental factors involved in food neophobia and picky/fussy eating behavior. Appetite, 96, 347-
Thibaut, J. P., Nguyen, S. P., Murphy, G. L. (2016). Body and soul: Do children distinguish between foods
when generalizing biological and psychological properties?. Early Education and Development, 1-13.

Jérémie Lafraire
Chargé de recherche
Research scientist

BP 25 – 69131 ECULLY CEDEX
LIGNE DIRECTE +33 (0)4 72 18 54 61
TÉL +33 (0)4 72 18 02 20
FAX +33 (0)4 72 18 54 69

Doctoral Employment Position in Vienna, Austria

Co-Worker Science Unit (Vienna, m/f)
2016 07

FOUR PAWS is an international animal welfare organisation with Headquarters in Vienna, Austria, and has offices in more than 10 other countries. Founded by Heli Dungler in 1988, the organisation strives for improvements in animal welfare through sustainable campaigns and projects. FOUR PAWS focuses on animals that are directly under human influence, for example stray dogs and stray cats, farm animals, wild animals and companion animals kept in inappropriate housing. FOUR PAWS aims to help animals in need directly and quickly.

We are searching for a positive thinking personality with great affinity to animal welfare as soon as possible:

Co-worker Science Unit (m/f)
Fulltime / Vienna Headquarters

Main duties:
  • Supporting with continuous desktop research concerning scientific animal welfare knowledge, legislation and political situation for Wild Animals, Companion Animals, Farm Animals on national and international level
  • Designing, implementing and supervising an International Monitoring System for relevant scientific topics
  • Developing and maintaining of a database for FOUR PAWS internal knowledge management
  • Communicating and negotiating with stakeholders (e.g. scientists)
  • Participating in the development of new innovative scientific cooperation projects and platforms
  • Writing press releases, statements and scientific papers concerning AW relevant subjects and FOUR PAWS projects as well as representing the Science Unit to the external world in alignment with Director of Science Unit including the participation in national and international congresses
  • Providing organisational, logistical and technical support to the Director of Science Unit

  • Education in the field of Zoology, Biology, Veterinary, Agriculture, Animal Behavior Science or related fields (university degree advantageous)
  • Affinity to scientific work
  • Existing personal network in the scientific field desirable
  • Experienced with Microsoft Office and statistical programs
  • Experienced in writing scientific papers
  • Proficient in English
  • Willingness to travel
  • Excellent communication skills and social competence

What we offer:
  • A dynamic and pleasant working environment in a motivated team
  • A fully integrated and respectful partnership within an international organization
  • An attractive working place with technically advanced infrastructure located close to the center of Vienna **with the great chance to experience the rich culture and history of Austria
  • Work experience in Headquarters of an international organization

We offer you a gross salary of minimum EUR 37.000,- per year, depending on your qualifications, skills and professional experience.

Are you looking for such an opportunity?
We look forward to meeting you!

Please send your application in English, preferably via email, to

offre de stage

OFFRE DE STAGE ETHOLOGIE AVA Automne 2016 5 semaines 

Je recherche deux stagiaires cet automne pour m’assister lors du troisième protocole de ma thèse qui porte sur l’observation du comportement d’un groupe de chats vivant en collectivité dans un enclos du refuge AVA (Aide aux Vieux Animaux) en Normandie. Il s’agirait d’un travail sur le terrain du 19 septembre au 23 octobre 2016. Vos missions se partageront entre l’enclos d’étude à entretenir à horaires précis dans les règles du protocole et sur le reste du refuge où vous pourrez assister les soigneurs durant leurs tâches quotidiennes au contact des nombreux animaux d’AVA. Avec l’aide de votre binôme, ces 5 semaines au coeur du refuge vous permettront d’acquérir une expérience complète dans le domaine du travail en refuge et les observations sur l’enclos d’étude vous apporteront/renforceront des connaissances en éthologie du chat via diverses méthodes d’observation du comportement (observations directes, vidéo, technologies de suivi du comportement). Pour mener à bien ce stage, vous devrez savoir travailler de manière autonome et disposer d’un permis B ainsi que d’un véhicule. Un savoir-faire dans la manipulation et l’approche des chats est primordiale. Si vous êtes motivé(e) par ce stage, merci de m’envoyer vos CV et lettre de motivation à cette adresse : Une convention de stage entre AVA et votre université/école sera requise. Marine PARKER

post doc

See here

mercredi 24 août 2016

Field assistant and/or M2 positions in bird cognitive ecology (French Pyrenees)

We are looking for highly motivated and enthusiastic M2 students and volunteers to help with an exciting field project developed in the French Pyrenees. The overall goal of the project is to understand how inter-individual differences in cognitive abilities is linked to ecology, personality, dominance, social networks and life history in wild great tits (see Cauchoix and Chaine 2016 for more information on our research line). Volunteers/students will help capturing and recording bird behaviours in the wild with up-to-date equipment, participate to experiment in aviary and help with video analysis. These internships will provide the students/volunteers a diverse experience in cognitive sciences, behavioural ecology and evolutionary biology. Additionally, being based at the Station of experimental Ecology of Moulis (SEEM) they will have the opportunity to discover one of the nicest and wildest area in the south of France.
Although some knowledge in ornithology and biology would be a plus, highly motivated applications from any field will be considered with high interest.
Duration of the internship is flexible from 2 to 6 months starting from October 2016.
Volunteers/Students will be under the direct supervision of Maxime Cauchoix (Post Doc, IAST) and will have the opportunity to collaborate with Alexis Chaine (Researcher, CNRS, SEEM).
Cauchoix, M., & Chaine, A. S. (2016). How can we study the evolution of animal minds?. Frontiers in psychology, 7.


Consolidation d’un éthogramme accélérométrique chez le Chat domestique
La prédation exercée par le Chat domestique (Felis silvestris catus) joue un rôle majeur dans la conservation de certaines espèces proies et la prévention de certaines zoonoses. Cependant, les connaissances sur le comportement de chasse du Chat domestique semblent insuffisantes dans notre pays. Une étude conduite de 2010 à 2014 avait pour objectif de contribuer à l’identification de l’influence de facteurs intrinsèques et environnementaux sur le régime alimentaire, l’utilisation de l’espace et le comportement de chasse de chats.
C’est notamment pour étudier le comportement de chasse que des chats ont été équipés lors de cette étude d’unités accélérométriques tridimensionnelles. La technique permet potentiellement de détecter tout un panel de comportement, mais il fallait au préalable être en mesure de bien caractériser la série d’évènements comportementaux typiques menant à un succès de prédation. Pour ce faire, une démarche de validation consiste à associer des évènements comportementaux enregistrés via une vidéo au profil accélérométrique obtenu afin de constituer un jeu de données de référence. Par la suite, une fois l’étape de ‘validation de l’éthogramme accélérométrique’ effectuée, il devient théoriquement possible de reconstituer le budget temps précis de tout individu de l’espèce considérée équipé d’un accéléromètre tridimensionnel. Au terme de cette étude, un premier éthogramme accélérométrique d’une séquence de chasse a été construit.
L’objectif actuel de ce travail de recherche, auquel participera le stagiaire, est donc de consolider cet éthogramme afin de pouvoir, à terme, non seulement relever les évènements de prédation et de consommation des proies mais également reconstituer le budget temps précis de tout individu équipé d’un accéléromètre tridimensionnel.
Description de l’offre
Avec l’encadrement conjoint de Yves HANDRICH, Chargé de Recherche au sein de l’équipe Ecophysiologie et changements environnementaux, au Département d’Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie du CNRS de Strasbourg, et de Marie-Amélie FORIN-WIART, chercheur post-dotorante au sein de cette même équipe, le stagiaire devra :
- Participer à l’association des évènements comportementaux enregistrés via une vidéo au profil accélérométrique obtenu,
- Sélectionner des séquences comportementales permettant de constituer un jeu de données de référence,
- Evaluer la qualité du jeu de données de référence acquis pour réaliser un éthogramme accélérométrique,
- Construire un éthogramme accélérométrique à l’aide de différents algorithmes mathématiques.
L’objectif du stage est d’évaluer le degré d’exhaustivité comportemental auquel on peut prétendre lorsque l’on réalise un éthogramme accélérométrique. Autrement dit, est-on en mesure de différencier des évènements de consommation liés à l’ingestion d’aliments diversifiés chez le Chat domestique ou seulement la consommation d’aliments d’un autre comportement ?
Le stagiaire devra faire preuve de rigueur et d’autonomie, mais également aimer le travail en équipe car il travaillera avec d’autres étudiants. Une maîtrise avancée du logiciel R est souhaitée.
Utilisation et maitrise avancée du logiciel R (compréhension / écriture de scripts).
Analyse de jeux de données.
Sens de l’observation. Appliquer les méthodes d’étude du comportement.
Connaissances en éthologie (éthogramme, codage vidéo) et en écologie.
Aisance à l’écrit et à l’oral.
Maîtrise de l’anglais (lecture d’articles scientifiques).
Niveau : préparation d’un Master II
Savoir-être :
- Forte motivation,
- Rigueur,
- Attentif
Le (la) candidat(e) retenu(e) doit faire preuve de discrétion professionnelle à l’égard des tiers pour tous les faits, informations données ou documents dont il a connaissance dans l’exercice ou à l’occasion de l’exercice de ses fonctions.
Personnes à contacter – Modalités pour déposer une candidature
Pour obtenir des renseignements sur le poste :
Marie-Amélie FORIN-WIART, chercheur post-doctorante (03 88 10 69 16)
Merci d’envoyer un CV détaillé ainsi qu’une lettre de motivation

lundi 22 août 2016


Title: Project on the exploration behaviour of Red Knots at NIOZ (Texel, The Netherlands)
The department of Coastal Systems at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) on Texel, the Netherlands (see:, is seeking volunteers to assist in field-based lab experiments from the 1st of October 2016 to the 31st of March 2017.
These assistants will work as part of an ongoingstudy on the ontogeny of personality of Red Knots (Calidris cantus) carried out at our experimental shorebird facility at the NIOZ.
Work will include:
1) The live-scoring of individual behaviour during exploration tests using open source event logging software
2) Data collection, entry and management
3) Collection of small mollusks (prey) on the mudflats
4) Catching knots from their holding cages and participating in general husbandry
Successful candidates must have experience in handling- and observing birds. Applicants should also be highly motivated and well organized, with capabilities of working both in a group and independently. Lab days can be long and applicants must be prepared to work during weekends and holidays.
The working language at the Institute is English, so good knowledge of the language is required. Assistants interested in these projects should be prepared to live on Texel for the duration of the project. Information about accommodations available at the NIOZ can be found here
( The applicants should be aware that although food collection is outdoors the project evolves around captive animals and will be largely lab based.
The NIOZ is the National Oceanographic Institution of the Netherlands. The research emphasis of the NIOZ is on innovative, multidisciplinary and independent fundamental research in shallow coastal seas and in open oceans. The institute owns its own research vessels, laboratories and the large marine research equipment pool of which much is designed by the institute’s own technical department.
If you are interested in applying please apply (including your cv) via email to
Eva Kok
Department of Coastal Systems Landsdiep 4 1797 SZ 't Horntje (Texel)
The Netherlands

PhD position available Birdsong Neuromechanics

PhD Scholarship in Neuromechanics and Motor Control of Birdsong

We are looking for a biomechanics/engineering/neuroscience PhD candidate to study motor control and biomechanics of sound production in songbirds.
The songbird has proven an invaluable model system to answer some of the most fundamental questions in neuroscience. Especially in studies aiming to understand the neural basis of vocal production learning, a form of imitation learning with strong parallels to human speech learning, songbirds have become a widely used experimental model system. However, we lack mechanistic insights into the function of the motor circuits that generate song. 

The PhD fellow will use combined in vivo, in vitro and ex vivo approaches studying effects of muscle recruitment on sound production. Experimental techniques from biomechanics, neuroscience and voice science will be used, such as high-speed imaging, 3D stereoscopy, muscle mechanics, EMG, sound and kinematic analysis.

The PhD fellow will work under the supervision of Dr Coen P.H. Elemans at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in Odense, Denmark. The Elemans Lab is part of the Sound and Behaviour Group embedded in the Department of Biology, SDU. Our group studies sound communication in all its aspects in a wide range of animals from insects to whales. The applicant is expected to interact with the whole Group, and excellent social skills will be prioritized.
Deadline: August 30, 2016

For more detailed information visit: 

or contact Dr Coen P.H. Elemans (

Senior Lecturer in Animal Welfare

See here


Ph.D/M.S. Student
Starting Spring 2017
The successful individual will be appointed in the Department of Animal and Avian Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park. The aim of the work is to investigate effects of developmental environment on developmental behavioral neurophysiology of poultry, with a focus on poultry well- being and production. 
The student will work under Dr. Rachel Dennis’ supervision. Duties will include the following:
independently conduct animal experiments, collect samples, analyze samples in the laboratory, perform statistical analysis of data and writing research results for presentations at scientific meetings and publication in scientific journals. The successful candidate will carry outindependent experimentation and read scientifically relevant literature. S/he will assist in interpreting the results for publication and provide assistance to Dr. Dennis in writing portions of manuscripts for publication
s in relevant journals. A successful candidate will also assist in experimental design. Please contact Dr. Dennis at with additional questions about the position.
B.S./M.S. in Animal Science, Life Science, Psychology or a related field is required with post doctora
experience highly preferred.Prior laboratory experience, with a strong researchbackground in behavior and/or neurophysiology is required.A strong interest and expertise in data analysis and interpretation and a proven record of successful peer review journal writing, with excellent oral/written communication and interpersonal skills is required. Individuals with knowledge and experience in behavior, histology or high performance liquid chromatography are preferred. A strong work ethic is a must. Candidates with a valid U.S. driver’s license and the ability to lift 50 pounds are preferred.
Salary is highly competitive and commensurate with qualifications. Fringe benefits are offered.
Applicants must apply through by Sept 1st, 2016.
The University of Maryland, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources programs are open to all and will not discriminate against anyone because of race, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, or national origin, marital status, genetic information, or pol
itical affiliation, or gender identity and expression.

Masters internship advert

Title: Can female fish program their offspring to avoid predators?
Predation is an important ecological factor that is known to have effects on a broad range of traits, particularly behaviour. Individuals often reduce activity and hide more often to avoid predators. While predation is a powerful selective force, and genes can determine antipredator behaviour, less is known about the role of maternal ‘programming’ to fine tune the behaviour of her young to short-term fluctuations in predation risk. In this experiment will manipulate the maternal environment of female guppies in the laboratory and test whether mothers can adaptively program their offspring to better avoid predators. Following on from a developmental experiment looking at the effect of risk early in ontogeny, we will re-dose mothers using olfactory alarm cues to simulate predation risk. Focussing on activity rates, among other behavioural traits, we will evaluate the relative importance of early development of the mother vs. more recent information in defining the phenotypes of offspring, and if the maternal manipulation restricts their later life behavioural flexibility.
While this project focusses on behaviour, the student may change the focus to other traits to better suit their interests. Options include life history traits (e.g. growth rates and fecundity), morphology or sexual traits (e.g. colouration and sexual behaviours), among others.

David Mitchell (PhD Candidate), Assoc. Prof. Pete A Biro, Dr. Christa Beckmann
David Mitchell, Email:

Animal husbandry/fish keeping. EthoVision tracking software and behavioural observations. Anaesthetising and photographing fish. Statistics.
Diligence, some statistical basics, interest in behavioural ecology.

Notice that the internship is at Deakin University, Victoria, Australia.

Service civique « Education à l’environnement » aux Glénans

Les Glénans, école de voile associative, développe son projet d’éducation à l’environnement marin auprès de ses adhérents. Il vise à faire découvrir la biodiversité, les écosystèmes marins et littoraux et le patrimoine maritime au cours des stages de voile. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les bases des Glénans de Concarneau (Finistère, 29), Paimpol (Côtes d’Armor, 22) et Vannes (Morbihan, 56) proposent des missions de service civique.
Missions des volontaires :
Les volontaires, tutorés par la chargée de mission, participeront aux actions de sensibilisation et d’éducation à l’environnement :
– Préparation des outils pédagogiques en complétant les outils pédagogiques existants comme « Les guides environnement » des Glénans et en développant ceux destinés aux jeunes publics
– Animation de séances d’éducation à l’environnement auprès de jeunes publics ou d’adultes.
Ces missions permettront aux volontaires de développer :
– Une expérience en animation et en encadrement
– Une expérience en conception et réalisation d’outils pédagogiques
– Une bonne connaissance des richesses naturelles et culturelles du territoire
– Une connaissance de la navigation à la voile
– Des connaissances sur le fonctionnement d’une association
– Un esprit d’équipe
– Un sens de l’organisation et des responsabilités
Quand ?
A compter du 1er octobre 2016 pour une durée de 12 mois.
Plus d’info sur l’association et le projet :
Pour proposer votre candidature, envoyez un CV et une lettre de motivation à Céline Hauzy, chargée de mission :

Ph.D. position, University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada: Object Play Culture and Complex Foraging in Balinese Long-Tailed Macaques

Position Description:
We are currently seeking an independent, conscientious and highly motivated student to embark on a four-year Ph.D. program in the Department of Psychology at the University of Lethbridge, starting in January 2017, under the supervision of Dr. Jean-Baptiste Leca.
The Ph.D. research project will consist of investigating the developmental, mechanistic and evolutionary links between the non-instrumental manipulation of objects (e.g., playing with stones) and complex extractive foraging techniques (e.g., processing difficult foods and using tools) in free-ranging populations of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) living on the island of Bali, Indonesia. This project also aims to quantify the social transmission of group-specific object-oriented behavioral patterns (e.g., object manipulation, stone handling, eye covering play, coconut bashing, nut handling) and experimentally-induced tool use in this primate species, by using network-based diffusion analysis.
Further details about the research project can be found at:
After starting the Ph.D. program, the successful applicant will conduct a first 4-month field study (May-August 2017) at the Ubud Monkey Forest (central Bali). The Ubud population of macaques is quite large (about 700 individuals) and divided into 6 neighboring groups. The monkeys are commensal (i.e., they live in human-dominated habitats, including Balinese temples) and the Ubud Monkey Forest is visited daily by many tourists.
The Ph.D. student will collect social and behavioral data on a large number of immature and adult monkeys (at least 60 individuals/group). Data collection will include a combination of instantaneous group scan sampling (using a pre-established ethogram), as well as pen-and-paper, psion-recorded, and video-recorded continuous focal-animal sampling. Basic ecological sampling (e.g., phenological data, estimation of local stone availability) will also be necessary. The field workload is significant: about 10 hours/day (from 8 am to 6 pm) and 6 days a week. The Ph.D. student will also be responsible for managing the data collected on a daily basis. To do so, the Ph.D. student will work in collaboration with several field research assistants.
In the field, the Ph.D. student will be accommodated in a guest house located in Ubud (maximum 10 minutes by motorbike to the field site), with basic equipment and utilities, including water, electricity, and (probably) wireless internet. Ubud is a conglomerate of villages (with several supermarkets, convenient stores, restaurants, and local Indonesian cafes, aka “warungs”), and is considered the “cultural heart” of Bali. The largest city in Bali is Denpasar, located about 60 minutes away by motorbike.
Required – Applicants should:
• have, or be working toward (by the end of December 2016) a Master’s degree in biology, ecology, psychology, or anthropology, with an emphasis on animal behavior (e.g., ethology, behavioral ecology, cognitive science);
• have excellent GPA and research potential to be eligible and competitive for internal awards, scholarships, fellowships offered by the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Lethbridge;
• have a previous field experience collecting social and behavioral data from large groups of individually recognized free-ranging animals (preferably primates);
• have a detailed knowledge of, and hands-on experience in, behavioral data collection methods (e.g., focal and scan sampling techniques);
• show a positive attitude in the face of long and tiring field work days and unforeseen challenges;
• be physically fit to stand and walk several hours a day under a hot and humid weather, while collecting behavioral data;
• feel comfortable walking around a large group of well-habituated monkeys, which may (occasionally) include getting a monkey jumping on the observer’s shoulders;
• be mentally strong and emotionally mature to spend several months living under basic conditions and being far away from family and friends;
• be able to communicate openly with our team about any problems that may arise;
• possess strong social skills, which include enjoying working and communicating easily within a small team, sharing knowledge, and being teachable.
Desirable – Priority will be given to applicants with:
• good observation skills including patience, persistence and attention to detail;
• a previous experience using handheld data loggers in the field (e.g., field computer/psion and video camera);
• a previous experience with behavioral data scoring softwares (particularly The Observer XT by Noldus);
• a previous experience with social network analyses;
• a previous experience traveling and living in foreign countries and cultures;
• a previous experience driving an automatic motorbike;
• exhibit some flexibility and sensitivity to other cultures;
• fluency in English.
The successful applicant will be selected on the basis of his/her eligibility and high probability to be fully funded by an internal funding package offered by the School of Graduate Studies at the University of Lethbridge. Indeed, provided excellent GPA and research potential, the future Ph.D. student will be competitive for a tuition award (covering Ph.D. tuition fees and other administrative fees at the University of Lethbridge), a fellowship award, a teaching assistantship, and a Dean’s scholarship. This package will be supplemented by a graduate research assistantship from the Ph.D. supervisor, if necessary.
Field research expenses will be fully covered by providing the successful applicant with an adequate financial support from the Ph.D. supervisor’s research grants. This support will include one round-trip international airfare (from Calgary to Jakarta), administrative expenses incurred while in Jakarta (e.g., visa, long-term stay permit, research permit), domestic airfare (from Jakarta to Denpasar in Bali), as well as a monthly research stipend (covering in-country ground transport to field site and field site fees) and basic living support (for accommodation expenses and a daily stipend for food).
The successful applicant is responsible for any additional expenses incurred while in Bali. These expenses include international health insurance, recommended vaccinations, and basic field clothes, footwear and gear. The successful applicant should also provide the Ph.D. supervisor with a proof of international health insurance. Advice about recommended vaccinations and items for life/research in Bali will be provided to the successful applicant.
Term of Appointment:
Application deadline for the Ph.D. program at the University of Lethbridge: October 1, 2016.
Start of the Ph.D. program at the University of Lethbridge: early January 2017.
First field data collection in Bali: from May to August 2017 (4 months).
Application Deadline:
Review of applications will begin IMMEDIATELY.
Due to the upcoming application deadline for the Ph.D. program at the University of Lethbridge (October 1, 2016), short-listed applicants will be contacted to schedule phone interviews as soon as possible. We expect to select the successful candidate by mid-September.
Please submit the following documentation in ONE single PDF file saved with your last and first name in the file name (e.g., “Smith_John.pdf”):
• A detailed cover letter documenting your education, research experience, qualifications (among those listed above), and interest in this position, with an emphasis on your motivation to pursue your Ph.D. research on the topic described above. Please also confirm that you will be available to start the Ph.D. program in early January 2017;
• Your detailed CV, including all relevant degrees, diplomas, certificates, coursework, field courses, field experience, and possible publications/conference presentations;
• A copy of your official undergraduate and graduate (M.Sc. or M.A.) academic transcripts, with the detailed list of courses taken and the corresponding grades, as well as your cumulative GPA (or GPA-equivalent);
• Contact information (including email addresses) of THREE academic or professional references who can attest to your qualifications, including ONE reference who supervised you IN THE FIELD.
Applications that contain more than one file will not be considered.
Your application should be emailed to Dr. Noëlle Gunst (
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, and we shall get back to you as soon as possible, via email.
Contact Information:
Jean-Baptiste Leca, PhD
Noëlle Gunst, PhD
Department of Psychology
University of Lethbridge
Lethbridge, AB
E-mail Address:

mercredi 17 août 2016

Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships, Cornell Lab of Ornithology

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology invites applications for our Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships. These competitive postdoctoral fellowship awards ( support innovative, independent research by early career scholars of exceptional promise. Multiple Rose Fellowships are available annually, with applications due on September 8. All Rose Fellows join a vibrant community of more than a dozen concurrent postdocs within the Rose Postdoctoral Program and interact with many other scholars across a wide range of disciplines.
The Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship awards support individuals pursuing cutting-edge scholarship, while fostering intellectual interaction with multiple Lab programs and Cornell scholars. Any area of inquiry related to the Lab’s mission “to interpret and conserve the earth’s biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds” is appropriate. Potential applicants are encouraged to learn more about the Cornell Lab and our formal programs in Bioacoustics, Bird Population Studies (avian ecology), Citizen Science, Conservation Science, Communication, Education, Evolutionary Biology, Information Science, Macaulay Library (animal behavior), Multimedia Productions, and Public Engagement in Science. Activities involving research and/or outreach spanning several of these areas are particularly encouraged, and therefore each postdoctoral scholar may be co-mentored by two senior Cornell scholars. Projects that foster links to people and units from across Cornell University are likewise welcome. Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the most relevant faculty and staff at the Lab to brainstorm about areas of mutual interest and synergistic projects. We are especially interested in supporting the independent research of individuals who can bring new ideas, approaches, and connections to the Lab, while simultaneously leveraging our existing tools, data, and expertise in science, education, and communication.
Each Rose Postdoctoral opportunity spans up to 24 months via two consecutive year-long appointments at the Lab. Located at the Imogene Powers Johnson Center for Birds and Biodiversity in the 220-acre Sapsucker Woods sanctuary, the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is a vibrant unit within Cornell's University’s College of Agriculture & Life Sciences. More than 200 faculty and staff work at the Lab within our 10 mission-driven programs. Our management and staff are committed to the highest standards of ethics and excellence in all areas of our work.
These appointments provide a competitive salary, Cornell health and other benefits, and funds to help support the Scholar’s research and other professional needs. Start dates are usually flexible within the year following the application. Interested applicants should visit the Annual Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Competition web site ( for more information about the overall Program and about the Rose Fellow selection process.
The application package consists of a cover letter, CV, two-page research proposal, pdfs of up to three representative publications, and names and contact information for three references. Applicants must have received their PhD before beginning their postdoctoral appointment at Cornell. Application materials should be sent as a single pdf file to the attention of Sue Taggart ( Applications for the positions available in 2017 will be accepted until September 8, 2016. The selection committee is chaired by Dr. Irby Lovette (, Fuller Professor of Ornithology and Associate Director for Academic Affairs at the Lab.
Edward W. Rose, known by family and friends as “Rusty,” joined the Lab’s Administrative Board in 1993 and served as its Chairman from 2004 to 2014. Rusty was a brilliant man who inspired everyone at the Lab, not only through his infectious laugh but even more by asking tough questions, expecting excellence, and seeking global impact. Rusty had a deep conservation ethos which he exemplified both in his own actions and through his support of the Cornell Lab and kindred institutions. He was among the Lab’s most enthusiastic promoters of early career scientists, and he always relished learning about their discoveries and accomplishments. Rusty passed away in January 2016, but his legacy endures in many contexts, including the Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowship Program which brings together the Lab’s entire postdoctoral community. Through the generosity of Rusty and his wife Deedie, together with that of fellow board members Larry and Nancy Fuller, Russ and Carol Faucett, and Imogene Powers Johnson, the Lab shall award multiple Edward W. Rose Postdoctoral Fellowships annually.
Cornell University is an innovative Ivy League university and a great place to work. Our inclusive community of scholars, students and staff impart an uncommon sense of larger purpose and contribute creative ideas to further the university's mission of teaching, discovery and engagement. Located in Ithaca, NY, Cornell's far-flung global presence includes the medical college's campuses on the Upper East Side of Manhattan and in Doha, Qatar, as well as the new Cornell Tech campus to be built on Roosevelt Island in the heart of New York City.