lundi 30 janvier 2017

Inra (France) is recruiting 32 scientists

L'Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (Inra) est un organisme public de recherche scientifique finalisée, réunissant plus de 10 000 agents sur l'ensemble du territoire national. Premier institut de recherche agronomique en Europe, ses recherches concernent les questions liées à l'agriculture, à l'alimentation et à la sécurité des aliments, à l'environnement et à la gestion des territoires, avec un accent tout particulier en faveur du développement durable.

L'Inra recrute 32 chercheurs (H/F) par voie de concours pour renforcer ses équipes. Ces recrutements sont ouverts aux candidats titulaires de doctorat (ou équivalent) dans des disciplines scientifiques très variées telles que la nutrition humaine, le microbiote intestinal, la génétique (végétale, animale, quantitative), la dynamique et la génomique des populations, la neurobiologie des comportements, la nutrition animale, l'écophysiologie végétale, l'écologie fonctionnelle et comportementale, la modélisation de parois végétales, la biotechnologie et le génie des procédés, la biologie des systèmes et la biologie de synthèse, la santé animale, les mathématiques et informatique pour le vivant et l'environnement, l'économie, la sociologie et les sciences des organisations.

L'inscription en ligne est ouverture jusqu'au 1er mars 2017.

Toutes les informations utiles pour candidater (profils, guide du candidat, dossier de candidature) sont disponibles sur le site Web de l'Inra :

A PhD position at Antwerp: Tracked around the clock

Lesser black-backed gulls, a long-lived migratory seabird, were commonly assumed to be generalists. However, this poorly characterizes the foraging habits of individual gulls - individuals tend to specialize on one foraging strategy. Such inter-individual variation in the use of an ecological niche is increasingly recognized as an ecologically relevant, but as yet underappreciated phenomenon. Its adaptive significance likely depends on: (a) the predictability of a food resource and the heterogeneous environmental conditions throughout the annual cycle, (b) how foraging specialization co-varies with other behavioural (“personality”), physiological or life history traits, and (c) whether consistency in foraging restrains behavioral plasticity, and thus the ability to adapt to environmental changes.
The implementation of new state-of-the-art GPS tracking devices developed by UvA-bits (www.uva- and the installation of a high tech sensor network (LifeWatch Infrastructure, coordinated by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest, INBO) recently allowed to collect extremely detailed and relevant information about the movements and foraging behavior of individual birds throughout the annual cycle. Since 2014 >100 individual lesser black-backed gulls have been fitted with such GPS tags. This extensive data set provides unique opportunities to study the variation of foraging specialization and its functional consequences in a life history context. The postdoc will focus on the analysis of this extensive dataset containing observations of individually marked (color-ringed) birds and the recordings obtained from the GPS tracking system. In addition, the postdoc will closely collaborate with 3 PhD-students appointed at the University of Antwerp, respectively the University of Gent, who concentrate on investigating under field conditions how parental decisions about the level of investment into their current offspring vary with the ability of an individual to respond to its biotic and abiotic environment.
We are seeking a highly motivated, enthusiastic and creative person with a PhD in biology. You will have experience with analyzing GPS-tracking data and abilities in the application of GIS. You will be familiar with statistical packages such as R and with applying modern movement ecology approaches. You have competency and enthusiasm for the processing of large data sets. Demonstrated publication record and fluency in English are required. You must have good communication skills and be able to work in a team, experience with fieldwork would be helpful.
The post is a full-time two-year post-doctoral position with possible extension depending on performance and project funding, fixed term from 1 April2017 to 1 April 2019.
To apply, please send in a single pdf file: (a) a statement of your research interests, motivation and suitability for this position, and (b) your CV including a list of publications and (c) the contact details of two references. Applications are to be sent to Consideration of applications will commence on the 1st of March 2017, and continue until the position is filled.
For informal enquiries please contact Prof. Wendt Müller, Prof. Luc Lens, or Dr. Eric Stienen

jeudi 26 janvier 2017

Master Projects – Parental decisions in Lesser Black-backed Gulls

Parents have to take numerous factors into account in order to optimise their reproductive decisions.
These factors include aspects of their own intrinsic capacity as well as many aspects of their social  nd ecological environment. In this project we investigate (a) how lesser Black-backed gulls achieve  efficient within-pair coordination and potentially equality in reproductive investment and (b) how  foraging specialisation both in terms of degree (generalist-specialist spectrum) and type  (anthropogenic, terrestrial, or marine) of specialisation affects their reproductive success. 

Project (a): The student will focus on partner coordination in Lesser Black-backed Gulls and do fieldwork during the breeding season (from mid-April until mid-July 2017). During the fieldwork  breeding pairs will be observed and cameras will be set up to monitor their behaviour at the nest.
The fieldwork will also involve the measuring and weighing of chicks to follow their development and fledging success. After the field season the videos will be analysed with the programme “The ObserverXT” at the University of Antwerp.  

Project (b): Stable isotopes show a step-wise enrichment with trophic level and are deposited in  tissues of the consumer. Depending on the timing that a tissue developed, this method allows  obtaining dietary information over different snapshots throughout the reproductive cycle. The student will collect samples throughout the breeding season and process them in the lab for stable isotope analysis.
We are looking for two enthusiastic master students, who like working in the field/lab and can cope with at sometimes difficult working conditions. Previous field experience is desirable, but not  essential. Fieldwork will take place in Vlissingen (the Netherlands), a driving license is a prerequisite. Data will be analysed in the statistical programme R, and previous experience is an advantage.
If you are interested, please get in touch with Marwa Kavelaars (
or look for more information on:

Proposition de stage de Master 2

Année universitaire 2016-2017

Unité d’accueil : UMR Agroécologie – Pôle Gestion Durable des Adventices
Encadrement : Alice Charalabidis (; Stéphane Derocles (; David Bohan (
Dates du stage : printemps-été 2017 (6mois) 

Les enjeux environnementaux tels que le déclin de la  biodiversité (Gaba et al., 2014) ainsi que la demande sociétale et les contraintes législative appellent à la nécessité de mettre en place des solutions alternatives à l’utilisation intensive de produits phytosanitaires. Les carabes (Coleoptera : Carabidae) granivores sont des consommateurs abondants de graines d’adventices dans les agroécosystèmes ( Thiele 1977, Honek et al. 2003, Menalled et al. 2007, Frank et al. 2011, Ward et al. 2014). Se déplaçant essentiellement au sol, ils consomment les graines issues des pluies de semences avec des taux de consommations pouvant atteindre des valeurs extrêmes de 1000 graines/m²/jour (estimation) (Honek et al. 2003). Ainsi, les carabes représenterait un agent de lutte biologique à favoriser dans les agroécosystèmes de par le service écosystémique de régulation des adventices qu’ils assurent (Kromp 1999).
Dans les paysages agricoles, les carabes sont organisés en communautés complexes. Au sein de ces communautés carabiques, la diversité des espèces présentes et la diversité de leurs traits peut induire de la compétition (intra ou interspécifique) pour les ressources alimentaires et/ou de la prédation (interspécifique ou cannibalisme). Ces différentes interactions pourraient avoir un effet sur l’efficacité du service écosystémique de régulation des adventices en modifiant les comportements liés à la consommation des graines par les carabes. Des études ont montrés l’existence de comportements spécifiques d’agrégations ou d’évitements chez les carabes, en réponse à la présence d’indices chimiques laissés sur le sol par des individus conspécifiques (Guy et al. 2008). Par conséquent, les carabes semblent capables d’ajuster leur comportement face à la présence d’individus de la même espèce. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que la présence d’autres espèces serait aussi perçue par les carabes et pourrait induire une modification de leur comportement de consommation des graines en fonction du type d’interactions rencontré (compétition, prédation ou les deux simultanément).

Objectifs du stage
Le stage aura donc pour objectifs de tester l’effet de la présence effective de prédateur et/ou de compétiteurs sur les comportements alimentaires (consommation de la ressource en particulier) d’un coléoptère carabique granivore. Le stage sera organisé en deux projets complémentaires. Le premier projet testera l’impact de la présence de compétiteurs et de prédateurs sur la consommation de graine de carabes granivores en laboratoire (i.e. via l’utilisation de microcosmes où l’individu focal sera placé dans différentes situations de compétition et/ou de prédation sur une échelle de temps de plusieurs jours).
Le second projet sera d’étudier à une très large échelle spatio-temporelle l’impact de la diversité des communautés carabiques et de la présence de compétiteurs et de prédateurs au sein de ces communautés sur le service de régulation des graines adventices assurés par les carabes granivore. Pour cela, l’approche consistera à  analyser une base de données issue de campagne d’échantillonnage de carabes dans 257 parcelles cultivées et effectuée sur 4 années au Royaume-Uni.

Mission du stagiaire :
Dans le cadre du projet d’expérimentation en laboratoire :
- Mise en place d’un protocole ;
- Capture en plein champ des carabes qui seront utilisés en expérimentation
- Elevage et maintien des carabes échantillonnés en captivité au laboratoire.
- Réalisation de l’expérimentation en laboratoire : tests dans différentes conditions répliquées (présence de compétiteurs et/ou de prédateurs)
- Analyse statistique des données récoltées.

Dans le cadre de l’analyse de la base de données :
-        Apprentissage du fonctionnement de la base de données
-         Analyse statistiques : mise en évidence des liens entre la présence de quatre espèces de carabes et des espèces adventices présélectionnées

Compétences particulières requises :
– Ecologie (des connaissances en écologie comportementale sont un atout)
– Maitrise des outils bureautiques et de recherche bibliographique
– Rigueur, esprit de synthèse, autonomie, sens de l’initiative et capacités à travailler en équipe
– Connaissance de la mise en place et la réalisation de protocoles de laboratoire
-        Connaissances des analyses statistiques et du logiciel R
-        Intérêt pour l’échantillonnage de plein champ

Le ou la stagiaire sera rémunéré(e) conformément à la législation des stages. Permis de conduire hautement souhaité.

Formation souhaitable: Master 2 en comportement, écologie comportementale, écologie ou dernière année école d’ingénieur agronome.


Frank, S.D., Shrewsbury, P.M. & Denno, R.F., 2011. Plant versus prey resources: Influence on omnivore behavior and herbivore suppression. Biological Control, 57(3), pp.229–235. Available at:
Gaba, S. et al., 2014. Agroecological weed control using a functional approach: A review of cropping systems diversity. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 34(1), pp.103–119.
Guy, A.G. et al., 2008. Avoidance of conspecific odour by carabid beetles: a mechanism for the emergence of scale-free searching patterns. Animal Behaviour, 76(3), pp.585–591. Available at: [Accessed November 4, 2014].
Honek, A., Martinkova, Z. & Jarosik, V., 2003. Ground beetles (carabidae) as seed predators. european journal of entomology, 100, pp.531–544.
Kromp, B., 1999. Carabid beetles in sustainable agriculture: A review on pest control efficacy, cultivation impacts and enhancement. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 74(1–3), pp.187–228. Available at:
Menalled, F.D. et al., 2007. Impact of agricultural management on carabid communities and weed seed predation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 118, pp.49–54.
Thiele, H. V, 1977. Carabid beetles in their environment  w. s. H. B. H. H. L. M. Lindauer, ed., Springer - verlag.
Ward, M.J. et al., 2014. Giant Foxtail Seed Predation by Harpalus pensylvanicus (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Weed Science, 62(4), pp.555–562. Available at: [Accessed December 16, 2014].

Masters in Animal Behavior and Conservation

Our unique MA program prepares students for careers related to animal behavior and offers interdisciplinary courses that apply ecological and evolutionary principles to the study of behavior, communication, cognition, welfare and conservation science. Our students work with our faculty and develop skills in research and work in research labs and wildlife facilities. See

mercredi 25 janvier 2017

PhD Comparative-developmental PhD available at the University of Durham

The development of empathy and socio-emotional competence in children and great apes
I have a PhD position available in the Psychology Department, University of Durham, UK with coverage of UK/EU student fees plus stipend, starting in October 2017.
The capacity to perceive, share and understand other’s affective states represents an important component of successfully navigating the social world. Given the complex nature of our societies, these abilities are especially important for humans; nevertheless, the ability to perceive and effectively respond to the affective states of others can confer adaptive benefits to any social animal; indicative of an evolutionary continuum. In this regard, empathy-related responding should not be expected to be uniquely human. Developmental research has shown that, in humans, empathy-related responding emerges in tandem with other socio-emotional skills, which includes forming and maintaining social relationships, behaving appropriately in social situations and effectively regulating one’s own emotions. Although insights from nonhuman animals lag behind what is known for humans, a growing body of research has demonstrated evidence of various forms of empathy in a range of animal species.
Nevertheless, little is yet known about how empathy and socio-emotional competence develop in animals and to what extent there is overlap with the ontogenetic patterns observed during human infancy/childhood. Great apes represent pertinent comparative candidates in this regard, given their close genetic relationship to humans and relatively extended periods of ontogeny.
The main aim is to conduct a comparative analysis of the development of empathy and socio-emotional competence in children and immature great apes. The project will involve a combination of observational and experimental approaches that build on existing approaches in the literature, with the goal being to develop novel tasks and measures that enable direct species comparisons. The methodologies are expected to include eye-tracking techniques, playback experiments and observations of naturally occurring behaviours. The manner in which great apes and children communicatively express and perceive affective states also provide insights into underlying sociocognitive and affective processes. Therefore, the second component will involve exploring communicative behavior during emotionally arousing situations, from both producer and receiver perspectives.
Child research will take place in British nurseries/science museums in the Durham area. 
Ape research (bonobos or chimpanzees) will potentially involve a combination of captive/sanctuary and field research. Training into observational and experimental techniques will be provided. Research grants to cover field research will need to be applied for by the student during the first year.
Good BSc degree in Psychology, Biology or (Biological/Evolutionary) Anthropology with excellent project mark; Experience conducting behavioural research with animals and/or experience of fieldwork in remote conditions; Experience interacting with children/infants, Excellent communication skills, including working in a team. Eligibility for full DBS clearance.
Relevant Masters degree; Experience of behavioural data collection with animals under field conditions; Experience of conducting child/infant research; Proficiency in French (if research conducted in DR Congo) and/or proficiency in learning new languages. Strong candidates will also be able to suggest independent ideas for complementary research questions that could be answered (e.g. mother-infant relationships, peer behaviours, measures of emotion regulation).
This project offers full coverage of student fees plus stipend for UK/EU students (approx. £14 000/year) for three years. Fieldwork travel costs are not available so will need to be acquired by the student during the first year through application to grant funding (with my assistance).
Interested candidates should apply by emailing me at:, with the subject header: ‘PhD Application- YOUR NAME’. Please provide the following:
1. CV
2. Cover letter indicating how you meet the essential and desirable requirements
3. Research proposal consisting of:
a. An outline of how the comparative development of empathy/socioemotional competence could be investigated. This involves a brief summary of some potential research questions you would like to address and how you might tackle them (Max. 300-500 words)
b. An outline of any complementary research questions that could also be answered. Please state the research question(s) and how you could address it (e.g. methodology). Max. 250 words.
The deadline for applications is 03 March 2017. The top candidates will be invited for interview (in person, or via skype) in late March 2017, with a view to offering positions by April 2017.

mardi 24 janvier 2017




La FONDATION FYSSEN a pour objectif général “de promouvoir sous toutes ses formes l’analyse scientifique des mécanismes logiques du comportement animal et humain ainsi que leur développement ontogénétique et phylogénétique”.

La FONDATION FYSSEN attribuera un certain nombre d’allocations d’études post-doctorales.
Ces allocations doivent permettre la formation et le soutien de chercheurs de niveau post-doctoral travaillant dans des domaines de recherche qui répondent aux objectifs de la Fondation.
La Fondation souhaite soutenir plus particulièrement les recherches dans les domaines tels que :

Éthologie - Psychologie
Anthropologie sociale
Paléontologie humaine - Archéologie

Date de mise en ligne du formulaire de candidature : 13 février 2017
Date limite de dépôt du dossier de candidature  : 6 Avril 2017 à 12h00, heure française

Cliquez ici

Call for Applications

Département de biologie de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure
46 rue d'Ulm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05
Call for applications:
Assistant Professor position in Neurosciences
at the Ecole normale supérieure
The Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) is one of the leading research and teaching institutions in France and belongs to the Research University “Paris Sciences et Lettres”, a cluster of elite teaching and research institutions in Paris. The Biology Department of the ENS ( focuses on four main research areas, Developmental Biology, Neuroscience, Functional Genomics, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and has established close links in research and teaching with the other ENS departments (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geosciences…) and PSL partner institutions.
Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Neurosciences
Basic qualifications
Candidates must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree by time of application. French candidates
must be qualified in one of the following CNU sections: 65, Biologie cellulaire;
66, Physiologie; 69, Neurosciences.
The Assistant Professor will join one of the teams at the Institute of Biology of ENS (IBENS)
in the Neuroscience or Developmental Biology sections. She or he will contribute to the
excellence of IBENS research with an outstanding track record and research project, in an
area that may range from molecular and genetic analysis of receptor function to network
dynamics and behavior, including neurodevelopment. The Assistant Professor will have
access to the animal houses and experimental, imaging, genomics and computational facilities
at the IBENS.
The Assistant Professor will also have strong teaching and mentoring skills, or for those
without an extensive background in teaching, a commitment to make this a core component of
their professional portfolio. She or he will participate in teaching several neurosciences
courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels (the courses offered by the Biology
Department can be found here:
Appropriate expertise, in particular a solid knowledge/experience of electrophysiology, will
be appreciated. Teaching can be performed in English. In addition, the Assistant Professor
will be involved in ENS entrance examination tasks.
The formal application should be deposited on Galaxie (https://galaxie.enseignementsuprecherche. between February 23 and March 30 2017

vendredi 20 janvier 2017



Comparative Cognition Research Group, Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology, Tenerife, Spain

The Max-Planck Comparative Cognition Research Group (CCRG) invites applications of Masters students and volunteer research assistants. The CCRG forms part of the collaboration between the Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany, and the Loro Parque Fundación (LPF), Tenerife, Spain. We are currently running various comparative research projects on social and physical cognition in parrots. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us to enquire about the ongoing projects. Successful applicants can expect to gain a solid insight in the field of Animal Cognition/Experimental Psychology and gain experience in working with psittacids in a dynamic, international research environment. The research is carried out on captive parrots of the LPF, which holds the largest parrot collection and gene reserve in the world (ca. 350 subspecies) for conservation and research purposes.
Voluntary research assistant position /Master Project start and end dates are flexible but preference will be given to students who can start in January 2017. The position requires a minimum of 4 months, but ideally 6 months, continuous commitment at the research station in Tenerife, Spain. Free accommodation in a shared student apartment can be provided. Successful applicants will be responsible for their own transportation expenses to and from the research station (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain).
Important skills/qualifications:
Successful candidates will have:
·        completed a degree in Biology or any related field
·        a strong interest in comparative cognition
·        high motivation and commitment to the project
·        reliability, efficiency and an ability to work independently
·        confidence to interact with animals
·        previous research experience
·        good verbal and written English skills
·        initiative to develop the project
·        good team work attitude and social skills (shared accommodation between 3 students)

To apply:

Please send your CV and a cover letter reporting any relevant experience you have and motivation to participate in the project to Dr. Auguste von Bayern ( ) or Dr. Anastasia Krasheninnikova  ( ). Contact details of 2 referees may be requested.