lundi 27 février 2017

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

School of Biological and Chemical Sciences -  Postdoctoral Research Assistant
 Ref: QMUL10825

The Department of Biological and Experimental Psychology at Queen Mary University of London is seeking to recruit a (Postdoctoral) Research Assistant to support a new Leverhulme Trust ( funded project to investigate the genetics of numeracy and the evolutionary basis of number.

We are inviting applications for an opportunity to work on a project at the interface between cognitive neuroscience and human genetic using zebrafish as model organism.
It has long been recognized that non-human animals can discriminate collections of objects on the basis their numerousness. This ability is thought to be based on the existence of an evolutionarily conserved system for approximating numerical magnitude.  However, there is currently no evidence that the same neural mechanisms underlie representation of numerousness among vertebrates nor that the same genes are involved. Here we use behavioural and genetic analysis of wildtype and mutant zebrafish, coupled with analysis of human genome data, to test the hypotheses that the ability to represent numerousness is genetically controlled and has an evolutionarily conserved neural basis.
As shoaling animals, zebrafish use numerosity to guide behaviour and decisions. Using automated operant conditioning we train zebrafish to perform numerical tasks and identify genetic variants influencing performance.  Our general hypothesis predicts that genes found to influence human performance of exact numerical tasks will influence zebrafish performance of approximate tasks and vice versa.
The ideal candidate will have previous experience methodologies in molecular genetics and behavioural tasks and a strong interest in neurodevelopmental traits.  Analytical and computational skills are desirable. 
The project is a collaboration between human geneticists (Silvia Paracchini, Brian Butterworth) and fish behavioural scientists (Caroline Brennan, Giorgio Vallortigara).  The successful applicant will work closely with, and under the supervision, of Dr Caroline Brennan (PI).  He/she will be working in close association with other scientists involved in the project both in the UK and Italy
We are looking for highly motivated and experienced post-doctoral candidates from the EU or UK with demonstrable experience in behavioural or molecular genetics.
The position is full time and for a fixed 3 year period available from April 2017. The starting salary is £36,064 per annum. Benefits include 30 days annual leave, defined benefit pension scheme and interest-free season ticket loan.
For further information about the School and Department, please see
For informal enquiries, please contact: Caroline Brennan, via
To apply, please visit the Human Resources website on and search for reference QMUL10825
Enquiries about the application process should be directed to
The closing date for applications is 6th March 2017. Interviews will be held as soon as possible following the closing date. The successful candidate must be able to start by 1st June or as soon as possible thereafter.
Valuing Diversity & Committed to Equality

Job Posting

Strategic Alliances Manager
American Humane Farm Program & American Humane Conservation
Location: Washington, DC, USA

Please look at this link

PhD position: Real-time pig aggression monitoring using image analysis

On behalf of Prof. Daniel Berckmans – M3-BIORES - KU Leuven, Belgium I would like to inform you about a PhD position: Real-time pig aggression monitoring using image analysis.
Maybe you know an appropriate person for this exciting challenge.
Could you please forward him/her this profile description?


The Department of Psychology at Hunter College of the City University of New York (CUNY) invites applications for a tenure–track position at the Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor Level in Animal Behavior and Conservation. We seek an outstanding educator and researcher who will contribute effectively to both the undergraduate and graduate teaching programs at Hunter College, CUNY. We are particularly interested in candidates who will contribute to mentoring graduate students in our vibrant MA program in Animal Behavior and Conservation ( and Ph.D. programs at CUNY. Scholars whose work cuts across existing departmental content areas (e.g., Neuroethology, animal cognition, conservation, animal welfare, or animal communication) are highly encouraged to apply.

Duties: Performs teaching, research and guidance duties in area(s) of expertise. Shares responsibility for committee and department assignments including administrative, supervisory, and other functions.
More information about the department can be found at

Ph.D. degree in area(s) of experience or equivalent. Also required are the ability to teach successfully, demonstrated scholarship or achievement, and ability to cooperate with others for the good of the institution.
Other Qualifications: A strong research program is essential. Applicants should have an active research program in applied or basic research in Animal Behavior, with special consideration to research involving animal communication, animal cognition, human-animal interaction or welfare, urban ecosystems or conservation that can attract undergraduate and graduate students. Postdoctoral research experience is a plus. The potential to obtain external funding is necessary.
Candidates should have an outstanding record of scholarly publications and a history of extramural funding or exceptional promise commensurate with their career trajectory.
We seek an individual with a strong commitment and ability to work with diverse student populations

Salary is commensurate with experience and will be determined by the CUNY salary structure. CUNY offers a competitive compensation and benefits package to its faculty, covering health insurance, pension and retirement benefits, paid parental leave, and savings programs. We also provide mentoring and support for research, scholarship, and publication as part of our commitment to ongoing faculty professional development.

Click on the "Apply Now" button and follow the application instructions. Please have your letter of application, curriculum vitae, research statement, statement of teaching Philosophy (including summaries of teaching evaluations if possible), 1-2 representative publication with names and email and postal addresses for up to three individuals familiar with their research and teaching experience who can be contacted for recommendations. Please note that the required material must be uploaded as ONE document. The document must be in .doc, .docx, .pdf, .rtf, or text format- and name of file should not exceed ten (10) characters. Incomplete application packages will not be considered.

In addition, please have your references email their letters of recommendations directly to the Search Committee via email:

Open until filled with review of applications to begin March 6, 2017.

CUNY Job Posting: Faculty
CUNY encourages people with disabilities, minorities, veterans and women to apply. At CUNY, Italian Americans are also included among our protected groups. Applicants and employees will not be discriminated against on the basis of any legally protected category, including sexual orientation or gender identity. EEO/AA/Vet/Disability Employer.

jeudi 23 février 2017

Job title: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Zoology 1 FTE

Salary:  £38,428 to £50,396 pa inclusive of London Weighting Allowance
Applications are invited for a full-time, without-term Lectureship/Senior Lectureship in Zoology. We welcome applicants with expertise that complements and interacts with current research strengths in the Department of Life Sciences and our research centres and who can contribute to our teaching in Biological Sciences and Zoology.  We are particularly interested in applicants with research interests in vertebrate biology, for example: conservation, ecology, behaviour, evolutionary theory, physiology.
The Department of Life Sciences includes staff working in the areas of Anthropology, Biosciences, Health Sciences and Sport Sciences.
The University of Roehampton is the most research intensive modern university in the UK, with some of the highest regarded academic departments in the country.
This is an exciting time for the university, with investment in new curricula, the construction of a new £35m state-of-the-art library and student accommodation, the development of a number of external partnerships across the globe and plans for more doctoral scholarships.
We have a strong emphasis on supporting our students to reach their full potential in order to launch themselves onto successful graduate careers.  We are ranked the best modern university in London in major UK league tables and we are embarking on a radical programme of enhancement in learning and teaching across all our academic areas.
The University has a beautiful, vibrant parkland campus, is located in the heart of south-west London and offers excellent facilities for researching, learning, teaching, and working.
For an informal discussion about the post, please contact Professor Anne Robertson on (0)20 8392 3456 or
To find out more information about the role and what we’re looking for, please visit the Working at Roehampton section of our website where you will find full details, how to apply, as well as further information about the benefits of working for us.
The closing date for completed applications is: Monday 6 March 2017.
It is hoped that interviews will be held during weeks commencing 15 and 22 May 2017.
The University is an equal opportunities employer.

mercredi 22 février 2017

CDD Assistant(e) de recherche, PICNIC lab, ICM, Paris

Details in French can be found below.

The PICNIC lab of the ICM (Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière) is looking for a research assistant to work on a project with a population of congenitally blind people.
This person has to have good social skills as they will need to recruit, coordinate the arrival of and brief blind and sighted individuals.
It's a half-time job, hours are flexible in principal but should concord with the subjects and the availability of the imaging facilities. The proposed salary is SMIC * %time.
Start date: Beginning of March
Duration: 5 months (until the end of July)
Having a certain experience in research is a bonus.

Interested parties should contact Sami ABBOUD ( s [ chez ] ) as soon as possible.
Any questions are welcome.



Missions principales
• Il s’agit d’un emploi d’assistant de recherche, dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche portant sur le fonctionnement cérébral chez des sujets aveugles depuis leur naissance, et faisant appel à l’imagerie cérébrale.
• L’assistant de recherche sera encadré par un étudiant en thèse et par son directeur de thèse
• Le rôle de l’assistant sera essentiellement de :
• Recruter des sujets aveugles (ainsi que des sujets contrôles voyants), en contactant avec des personnes déjà identifiées pour avoir déjà participé à ce type de recherche, mais aussi en prospectant auprès d’associations, de services médicaux, de réseaux sociaux, etc.
• Organiser la venue des participants ainsi recrutés pour les séances de test et notamment d’imagerie cérébrale. Ceci suppose la gestion des créneaux horaires, des transports en taxi, si besoin du logement à l’hôtel, etc.
• Le cas échéant, participer à l’accueil des participants lors de leur venue
• Aider à compléter les formulaires administratifs requis par la recherche (fiches d’inclusions, etc)

Conditions de collaboration
• Fourchette de rémunération brute : SMIC
• Il s’agit d’un poste
• à mi-temps
• sur la période du 1er mars (flexible) au 31 juillet 2017
• éventuellement prolongeable en fonction de l’avancement de la recherche


Savoir-faire et savoir-être
• Les qualités requises sont :
• Excellentes qualités relationnelles
• Rigueur et capacités d’organisation
• Une maîtrise convenable de l’anglais
• Une certaine familiarité avec l’environnement de la recherche

Offre de service civique animation nature fédération des chasseurs de l'Oise

VSC animation nature
Mission principale
Réaliser des animations nature auprès du Grand Public, majoritairement des enfants de 4 à 15 ans.

Objectifs directs de la mission
(sous tutelle et avec l'aide de divers outils et documents pédagogique)
- apporter des connaissances rurales au Grand Public
- sensibiliser les publics à leur patrimoine naturel
- dévoiler et faire prendre conscience aux publics des enjeux environnementaux actuels
- valoriser une image écologue et écologiste aux yeux des publics

Objectifs indirects de la mission
(avec l'aide du tuteur)
- influencer les publics au respect de la nature
- encourager les publics aux activités naturalistes
- impliquer les publics à la gestion et à la valorisation de leurs espaces et de leurs espèces.

Missions secondaires
(avec l'aide du tuteur)
- mise en place de programmes pédagogiques
- créations de supports et d'outils pédagogiques.

Cette mission est également l'occasion d'étoffer ses connaissances naturalistes.

Lieu et contexte de la mission 
La mission se déroulera principalement au sein de la Maison de la Chasse et de la Nature d’Agnetz. Des animations en déplacement peuvent avoir lieu ponctuellement.
Il s’agit uniquement d’éducation à la nature et l’environnement, la chasse n’est pas abordée dans le programme et aucun prosélytisme en faveur des activités cynégétique n’est effectué.

Profil recherché
Le poste requiert motivation, dynamisme et ponctualité.
Le volontaire devra faire preuve de pédagogie et être doué d'un bon contact avec le public.
Des connaissances naturalistes de base sont également demandées.

Toutes compétences additionnelles sont les bienvenues (logiciel de traitement d'image, création de supports, photographie,...).
Le volontaire devra être en mesure de se déplacer de son domicile au lieu de travail.

Début de la mission: 27 mars 2017 Durée : 6 mois Candidature :
Envoyez votre candidature par mail à l’animateur nature de la fédération départementale des chasseurs de l’Oise à l’adresse « » ou déposez directement votre candidature à la maison de la chasse et de la nature, 155 rue Siméon Guillaume de la Roque, 60603 Agnetz.