lundi 30 octobre 2017

MSU assistant professor companion animal & scholarship of teaching

Assistant Professor Animal Science
Companion Animal Biology and Management
Department of Animal Science
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824

The Department of Animal Science at Michigan State University is seeking applicants for a 9-month, tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level (70% Teaching, 25% Research, 5% Service). The successful candidate filling this position will join a diverse group of over 45 faculty dedicated to scholarship through teaching, research, extension and public service, and who support an enthusiastic and dynamic population of over 500 undergraduate students engaged in a wide range of activities. The successful candidate will contribute to the teaching mission of the department by teaching or co-teaching approximately 2 courses per semester including leading an introductory undergraduate course in companion animal biology and management, and instructing and contributing to teaching of other animal science courses as appropriate, such as introductory animal science, behavior and welfare, anatomy and physiology, or nutrition. The successful candidate will conduct and publish research in the scholarship of teaching and learning in STEM disciplines with a focus on the animal sciences, including student learning outcomes and assessment, as well as participate in collaborative research in animal science. Establishment of a competitively funded program to support scholarly work is expected. The candidate will also engage in co-curricular activities including undergraduate research. Advising and mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students is expected, as well as service in the form of outreach and leadership activities within the university, greater community and profession.
Candidates must possess a PhD in animal science, zoology or closely related field, or a DVM, and have expertise in companion animal biology. Demonstrated experience and training in teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning is required. Candidates must be knowledgeable in and have the ability to assess and use student learning outcomes data within the department. Candidates must also have excellent communication skills and be able to lead and work within teams of animal scientists with various disciplinary foci.
To apply, applicants must submit an application at the MSU Human Resources site at  and upload a letter of application including statement of teaching and research qualifications, a vision statement outlining goals and philosophy for undergraduate teaching, copies of graduate school transcripts, a curriculum vita, and names and contact information for three references.
For questions about the application process, please contact Robbyn Davenport, 517-884-7853,
For questions about the position, please contact, Dr. Karen L. Waite, 517-432-0383
To ensure full consideration, all application materials must be received by December 15, 2017
Applications will be accepted until a suitable candidate is found.
Michigan State University is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. The University actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities.

PhD opportunity: robotic models of bat echolocation

Applications are invited for a Ph.D. position on robotic models of bat echolocation, under the supervision of Dieter Vanderelst.

The successful applicant will be working on robotic models of sonar
based prey capture, navigation or object recognition in echolocating
bats. For more information on my previous and ongoing research in this
area, please visit my website,

This position is located in the Center for Cognition, Action &
Perception (CAP) at the Department of Psychology, University of
Cincinnati. CAP is a multidisciplinary research center fostering
collaborations between researchers across UC departments and colleges,
including Psychology, Biology, and Engineering. See for more information about the center.

The successful applicant will enroll in the Doctoral Program in
Experimental Psychology. The program covers tuition, most fees and
provides a stipend of around $17,000/ year.

The application deadline is December 5, 2017. The Interview Day for the
Doctoral Psychology program will be held on February 23, 2018. Based on
the review of applications, Interview Day will be by invitation only.

Please visit the website of the Ph.D. program in psychology
( and the Experimental Psychology Postgraduate
Program ( for more information about the program
and the application process. For more information about potential
research projects, please contact me directly:

My appointment spans the departments of Psychology, Biology, Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, and Mechanical and Materials
Engineering. If you are interested in joining my research through the
graduate programs in Engineering or Biology, I encourage you to apply to
those programs:

- Biology:
- Electrical Engineering and Computer Science:
- Mechanical and Materials Engineering:

The University of Cincinnati is an Affirmative Action / Equal
Opportunity Employer.

vendredi 27 octobre 2017

Offre : Les bases neuronales de la mémoire temporelle chez le macaque rhésus, Institut des Sciences Cognitives, Bron, Fr, date limite: 15 dec. 2017

Sujet : Les bases neuronales de la mémoire temporelle chez le macaque rhésus.

Alors que des corrélats de la perception temporelle ont été mis en évidence dans l'hippocampe et le striatum chez le rongeur, le singe et l'homme; ce projet a pour but d'élucider la nature des interactions entre ces structures lors de différents processus mnésiques impliquant des durées temporelles à différentes échelles.

Equipe : Institut des sciences cognitives, CNRS, sous la direction de Sylvia Wirth.

Méthode : Electrophysiologie chez le macaque Rhésus, analyse de données, MATLAB

Profil recherché : Master Neuroscience, ou physiologie, avec capacité de programmation (matlab).

Durée, horaires : 3 ans

Type de contrat : financé par l'ANR

Contacts : sylviawirth [ chez ]

Date buttoir : 15 décembre 2017

Assistant babylab au Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Université Paris Descartes, date limite: 26 nov. 2017

Intitulé du poste : Assistant babylab
Affectation : Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception UMR 8242
Lieu de travail : 45 rue des Saints-Pères 75006 Paris
Nom et fonction du supérieur hiérarchique direct : Thierry NAZZI
Dates souhaitées de contrat :
Date de début : 01/01/2018 Date de fin : 31/12/2019

Quotité de travail : Temps complet
Eléments de rémunération : approximativement 1641.05€ mensuel brut


- Résumé du poste

Le babylab du LPP est un important centre de recherche sur le développement des nourrissons, cherchant à comprendre le développement langagier et cognitif précoce.

Les tâches accomplies pourront évoluer selon les compétences de l’agent recruté. L’agent travaillera en lien avec deux autres ITAs aussi en poste au babylab.

L’agent aura un rôle crucial de soutien à la recherche, nécessaire au bon fonctionnement du babylab. Il aura un rôle crucial dans l’organisation du travail des doctorants/postdoctorants non-francophones (nécessité d’un niveau d’anglais parlé correct), en collaboration avec deux autres ITA travaillant dans le babylab.

- Missions et activités essentielles

L’agent devra assurer les missions suivantes (en collaboration avec deux autres ITA travaillant dans le babylab) :

§ Recruter les parents avec leurs bébés
§ Organiser et coordonner le fonctionnement du babylab
§ Gérer les bases de données des familles
§ Gérer l’organisation administrative du babylab
§ Préparer les salles d’expérimentation,
§ Ranger et nettoyer l’ensemble des installations du babylab, …)
§ Organiser la logistique des expérimentateurs (notamment aux doctorants/postdoctorants non-francophones : traduction, accueil des parents, explications sur le déroulé de la visite/de l’expérience
§ Aider à la passation des expériences (pour les doctorants/postdoctorants non-francophones et pour les tâches nécessitant 2 expérimentateurs)

- Contraintes particulières

- travail le samedi (avec récupération d’un jour en semaine)
- vacances estivales au mois d’août (le babylab étant alors fermé)

- Compétences requises

L'agent devra maîtriser les compétences suivantes :

§ Bonnes capacités relationnelles (au sein du babylab et avec les familles et les bébés)
§ Travail en équipe
§ Sens de l’organisation
§ Adaptabilité
§ Compétence bureautique (microsoft office)
§ Anglais parlé et lu correct

- Pour candidater

Merci d’envoyer :
- un CV
- une lettre de motivation

à thierry.nazzi [ chez ] avant le 26 novembre 2017 à minuit

dates des interviews : semaine du 4 au 8 décembre 2017.

jeudi 26 octobre 2017


Agency:  University of Groningen - Location: Groningen, The Netherlands.
Job description: we are seeking four volunteers to help us collecting breeding and behavioural data in two different populations of Pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) next spring 2018 (two volunteers will work in one population located in The Netherlands and the other two volunteers will work in Sweden; estimated start April 1st 2018-end of June 2018). Our current research focuses primarily on identifying how natural selection act on animal “behavioural syndromes” (or personality) and on testing the role of dispersal in the process of adaption to climate change. The candidates will work closely with an international team consisting of one post-doc, two PhDs, one technician and several students. Duties include intensive behavioral observations (aggressiveness and boldness), mist netting (for a translocation experiment), nest monitoring, bird handling (ringing, measuring), data entry and data management.
Qualifications: Candidates should have a BSc in Biology or a related field in preferably have proven experience with bird handling and/or behavioural observations in the field. Candidates should be highly motivated, willing to work independently, well organized and have a valid drivers’ license. Field work will involve long hours and work in the week-end while still maintaining a positive attitude. We will provide housing in the lovely field site in Drenthe (~60 km south Groningen, The Netherlands) and/or in Sweden (field sites near Lund). Non-EU applicants should make sure that they eligible for extended stay in Europe.
Applications will be accepted until February 2018 or until the position is filled and should include (1) a statement that highlights relevant experience, and (2) a short resume or CV and contact information for references (up to 2). Send applications to: Marion Nicolaus (EMail:;  Conservation Ecology Group, Groningen Institute for Evolutionary Life Science (GELIFES), University of Groningen, PO Box 11103, 9700 CC Groningen, The Netherlands; For more information about the lab visit: (URL:

mercredi 25 octobre 2017

PhD opportunity: Winner and loser effects on competitive performance

We are looking for a suitable candidate for a 4-year PhD project investigating the factors influencing winner and loser effects on competitive performance, as part of this year's BBSRC SWBio Doctoral Training Partnership. This interdisciplinary project bridges evolutionary biology and sports science and will be based with me (as the main supervisor) in the Centre for Research in Animal Behaviour at the University of Exeter ( Co-supervision will be provided by Prof. Alastair Wilson (Biosciences, Univ. Exeter), Dr Rachel Arnold (Department of Health, Univ. Bath) and Dr Mark Wilson (Sport & Health Sciences, Univ. Exeter).

The project is one of several competing for funding within the SWBio DTP. More details about the project, eligibility requirements and how to apply are available at

Please feel free to get in touch with me if you would like any further information before applying.

Stage M2: Variabilité de réponses aux stress multiples chez le goujon

Structures d’accueil :
ECOLAB Laboratoire écologie fonctionnelle et environnement
EDB Laboratoire Evolution & Diversité Biologique
118, route de Narbonne – Bâtiment 4R1 31062 Toulouse Cedex 9
Ecolab : Quentin Petitjean : & Séverine Jean : EDB : Lisa Jacquin :
Dates du stage (début et fin) : Février 2018 – Juillet 2018 (modulables)
Les écosystèmes aquatiques sont soumis à un nombre important de facteurs stress environnementaux d’origines anthropique et naturelle. La nature complexe et multi-variée de ces stress rend difficile toute prédiction quant aux capacités de réponse biologique des organismes qui y sont soumis, en raison notamment (i) des interactions potentiellement synergiques ou antagonistes entre processus de défense face aux différents stress comme les polluants et les parasites et (ii) de la variabilité naturelle des capacités de défense physiologique entre individus et populations d’une même espèce. Par exemple, (i) les métaux lourds peuvent provoquer une altération du système immunitaire qui peut compromettre la capacité des organismes à faire face aux stress parasitaires. Inversement, les parasites, en déclenchant une réponse immunitaire coûteuse et en modifiant l’équilibre physiologique de l’organisme, sont susceptibles d’affecter les capacités de détoxification des contaminants de leurs hôtes. L’exposition conjointe aux stress chimiques et parasitaires dans les écosystèmes aquatiques est donc susceptible de modifier profondément la physiologie et le comportement des organismes aquatiques comme les poissons, et d’affecter la dynamique des interactions hôte-pathogènes dans le milieu naturel. De plus, (ii) il existe des disparités importantes de sensibilité inter- et intra-populations qu’il est important de prendre en compte pour anticiper les conséquences des contaminants sur les populations aquatiques, notamment à l’échelle d’un bassin versant.
Objectifs: Plus précisément, le stage consistera à (1) mesurer les réponses physiologiques (stress oxydatif, immunité, réserves énergétiques) et comportementales (activité, socialité) de goujons (Gobio occitaniae) face à un stress chimique (métaux lourds) et parasitaire (injection d’un mélange d’antigènes visant à mimer une attaque parasitaire). (2) La sensibilité de différentes populations prélevées le long d’un gradient de contamination dans le bassin de la Garonne sera comparée. Ces expériences permettront d’étudier la variabilité intra et interpopulation de réponses aux stress multiples dans des populations naturelles.
Etapes : Des goujons seront prélevés au début du stage le long d’un gradient de contamination dans des populations déjà caractérisées par l’équipe. Ces populations seront exposées en laboratoire à un cocktail réaliste de métaux représentatif des stress chimiques de leur environnement naturel et/ou à une injection d’antigène stimulant leur système immunitaire. L’étudiant participera aux campagnes de capture des individus et aux expositions contrôlées en laboratoire. Il assurera l’acquisition des données comportementales (vidéos) ainsi que certaines mesures des traits physiologiques (stress oxydant, immunité).
Compétences souhaitées: rigueur et goût pour le travail en laboratoire, travail en équipe. Compétences acquises pendant le stage: analyses physiologiques, analyses de comportement.
Pour candidater, merci de nous envoyer CV et lettre de motivation à et et
Références :
-Gandar A, Laffaille P, Marty-Grasset N, Viala D, Molette C, Jean S. 2017 Proteome response of fish under multiple stress exposure: effects of pesticide mixtures and temperature increase. Aquatic Toxicology 184:61-77
-Gandar, A, Jean, S, Canal, J, Marty-Gasset, N, Gilbert, F, Laffaille, P 2016. Multi-stress effects on goldfish metabolism and behavior. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 23:3184-94
-Jacquin L, Dybwad C, Rolhausen G, Hendry A, Reader S. 2017 Evolutionary and immediate effects of crude oil pollution on exploration behaviour in Trinidadian guppies. Animal Cognition 20:97-10
-Jolly S, Jaffal A, Delahaut L, Palluel O, Porcher J-M, Geffard A, et al. 2014. Effects of aluminium and bacterial lipopolysaccharide on oxidative stress and immune parameters in roach, Rutilus rutilus L. Environ Sci Pollut Res. 6;21(22):13103–17.
-Marcogliese DJ, Pietrock M. 2011. Combined effects of parasites and contaminants on animal health: parasites do matter. Trends Parasitol. 27(3):123–30.
-Petitjean Q*, Gandar A* (co-first authors), Jacquin L, Côte J, Jean S, Laffaille P. Stress responses in fishes: from molecular to evolutionary processes. In prep for Biochemical and Comparative Physiology A
-Shinn C, Blanchet S, Loot G, Lek S, Grenouillet G. 2015. Phenotypic variation as an indicator of pesticide stress in gudgeon: Accounting for confounding factors in the wild. Sci Total Environ. 538:733–4

Suivi écologique d’une population de mésanges

Lieu : Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé, 79360 ou Niort 79000
Dates: durant la période mars-juin 2018
Durée approximative: deux mois
Domaine : Ecologie
Niveau académique : Licence 3, Master 1 

Objectif : Suivi à long-terme de 2 populations de mésanges (milieu urbain et forestier).
Depuis plusieurs années, deux populations de mésanges sont suivies chaque année dans deux milieux contrastés (milieu urbain et forestier). Ce suivi a pour objectif de comprendre les bénéfices et contraintes qu’un mode de vie urbain peut engendrer chez une espèce généraliste.
Dans ce contexte, les objectifs scientifiques de ce stage sont multiples et le stagiaire se focalisera sur un des projets suivant :
(1) Comprendre l’impact négatif que peut induire un environnement urbain sur la reproduction.
(2) Examiner l’influence des conditions environnementales sur la phénologie (date de ponte).
Le stagiaire participera également très activement à l’objectif suivant :
(3) Poursuivre le suivi démographique à long terme de deux populations de mésanges.
Référence bibliographique :
Biard et al. (2017) Growing in cities : an urban penalty for wild birds? A study of phenotypic differences between urban and rural great tit chicks. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 5:79.
Méthodes : Capture, baguage, mesures biométriques, suivi du succès reproducteur des individus, prise de sang.
Compétences requises : Volonté de travailler sur des animaux sauvages ; Capacité d’organisation ; Connaissance en écologie.
Compétences appréciées : Expérience de terrain (manipulation d’oiseaux : baguage, prise de sang) ; Expérience de laboratoire.
Valorisation : Expérience de recherche ; Expérience de terrain. Ce stage pourrait éventuellement se poursuivre par un stage de Master 2.
Encadrement : Le stagiaire travaillera en étroite collaboration avec trois chercheurs du Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (Frédéric Angelier, Bruno Michaud & François Brischoux).
Rémunération : stage non rémunéré
Pour plus de détails et pour faire acte de candidature, transmettre un CV et une lettre de motivation à l’adresse suivante : (Frédéric Angelier)

lundi 23 octobre 2017

Post-doc Position : Single unit and LFP analysis in human epileptic patients

Single unit and LFP analysis in human epileptic patients
Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinière, Paris, France

The « EpiMicro » group, within the Pr Stephane Charpier’s team, at the Brain and Spine Institute (ICM) in Paris, is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to participate in a project on intracerebral recordings with macro and microelectrodes in epileptic patients. The ICM is a recently created institute focusing on basic and translational research in neuroscience and is located in the heart of Paris within the largest European hospital.
The general goal of this project is to improve knowledge on pathophysiology of epilepsy, in particular the interictal events and the epileptic seizures. With the development of intracerebral recordings with microelectrodes in our epileptic patients, we are now able since several years to perform continuous intracerebral recordings at different scales, from usual macroelectrodes to single neuron recordings, in the interictal period but also during seizures, in multiple intracerebral areas.
The main role of the position will be to perform electrophysiological analysis of intracerebral signals at different periods: during the interictal period and preictal period and to study the link with multiunit/single unit activities in cortical areas.
The doc /post-doc will be integrated in a multidisciplinary team including researchers, engineers, clinical electrophysiologists, neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons. He/she will receive a full assistance from an engineer for the data acquisition and storage. In addition, he/she will have inputs from several researchers/methodologists in signal analysis.
The candidate should have a PhD or equivalent in Signal analysis or Neuroscience related field. Expertise in signal processing and good analytical skills (MATLAB) are required, notably in spike sorting analysis. Since the analytic approaches needed for this study have been extensively developed and used in animals, previous experience in animal in vivo or in vitro experiments is a plus.
The starting date is November 2017. The proposition is for an initial period of 24 months with possible renewal. The competitive salary will be according to experience. The candidate will also have access to the French system benefits.
Keywords : intracerebral recordings, microelectrodes, epileptic patients, spike sorting
Thanks for forwarding a CV, a cover letter and names of 2 references to :Pr Vincent

Laboratory Assistant Post in Rat Social Cognition

We are advertising a 4 month Laboratory Assistant post to work on a project exploring
Social Discrimination in Lab Rats.

Based at The University of Lincoln, UK.
The post would involve:
•             Behavioural and experimental data collection on socially housed rats
•             Coding and basic analysis of data
•             Animal Care
For more details please visit the official job advertisement: 
Application deadline is: 2nd November.
The post would ideally suit a graduate or postgraduate looking to gain extra research experience in the field of animal behaviour and cognition. 
If you have any questions, please email me ( or Teresa Romero (

vendredi 20 octobre 2017

Sujet de stage Master M2 - Année 2018

Laboratoire "Ecologie et Biologie des Interactions"
Equipe "Ecologie Evolution Symbiose"

Titre du stage : Relations entre organisation sociale et cognition chez les Isopodes terrestres
Relationship between social organization and cognition in terrestrial isopods
Encadrant(s) : 
1) Yves CAUBET, MCU, Univ. Poitiers, UMR CNRS 7267 EBI-EES, 05 49 45 35 61,
2) Freddie-Jeanne RICHARD, MCU, Univ. Poitiers, UMR CNRS 7267 EBI-EES
Mots clés : Socialité – Comportement – Cognition – Évolution

Résumé :
Contexte scientifique :
Les relations entre capacités cognitives et organisation sociale ouvrent un champ  prometteur d’investigations aussi bien sur le plan théorique  qu’expérimental.  Excepté  pour  quelques  espèces  modèles  emblématiques,  la  cognition  chez  les  invertébrés  est  un domaine  encore  méconnu.  Dans  cette  optique,  les  Isopodes  terrestres,  malgré  un  nombre  restreint  d’espèces,  présentent  des atouts  indéniables  par  la  variété  de  leur  organisation  sociale  et  la  richesse  de  leurs  adaptations  écologiques.  D es  publications récentes  du  laboratoire  et  d’autres  équipes  ont  démontré  la  complexité  des  facteurs  sous -tendant  l’expression  de  leurs comportements sociaux.  Les relations symbiotiques que les isopodes terrestres ont développées ouvrent plus largement enco re la richesse de ce modèle d’invertébrés terrestres.
Nous  proposons  dans  ce  sujet  d’approfondir  l’étude  des  capacités  cognitives  de  l’espèce  Armadillidium  vulgare  (la  mieux documentée)  en  termes  d’exploration  spatiale,  d’attraction  interindividuelle  et  d’apprentissage  afin  d’initier  une  étude comparative d’espèces choisies pour leur variété dans les stratégies sociales et écologiques. L’hypothèse sous -jacente, supportée par des études pilotes récentes (distribution libre et idéale ; effet social sur l’apprentissage spatiale), est que les choix individuels et collectifs, dans le cadre écologique des interactions sociales, sollicitent des aptitudes cognitives facilitatrices.
Le  plan  expérimental  mettra  en  œuvre  des  tests  comportementaux  standardisés  permettant  d’évaluer  des  indices  cognitifs  en termes  de  perception  du  milieu  et  d’apprentissage.  Cette  évaluation  permettra  aussi  à  terme  de  mesurer  l’impact d’endosymbiontes sur ces performances et d’évaluer leur conséquence, dans une perspective évolutive, sur la stratégie sociale.
Hypothèses testées dans le projet :
•  Le gradient de socialité observable parmi les Oniscidae peut être corrélé à un gradient cognitif
•  L’impact d’endosymbiotes sur les performances cognitives de son hôte peut inférer sur ses comportements sociaux

Techniques, méthodologies mises en œuvre : 
Le  projet  nécessitera  des  analyses  automatisées  de  trajectométrie  et  d’activité  réalisées  à  l’aide  de  la  chaîne  d’acquisition  et d’analyse Noldus Ethovision XT 12 et du logiciel dédié Neighbour-In ainsi que des observations comportementales visuelles.
Au vu des résultats certaines analyses chimiques en Chromatographie en phase gazeuse pourront être implémentées.
Une revue bibliographique sur le groupe devra également être réalisée afin de placer les résultats obtenus dans une perspective évolutive.

Références bibliographiques : 
1)  Caubet,  Y.  &  Richard,  F.-J.  2015. NEIGHBOUR-IN: Image processing software for  spatial analysis of animal  grouping.  Zookeys, 515: 173-189.
2)  Templé,  N.  &  Richard,  F.-J.  2015.  Intra-cellular  bacterial  infections  affect  learning  and  memory  capacities  of  an  invertebrate. Frontiers in Zoology, 12:36
3) Broly, P. & Deneubourg, J.-L.  2015. Behavioural Contagion Explains Group Cohesion in a Social Crustacean.  PLoS Computational Biology. 11 (6)
Compétences particulières souhaitées : 
Rigueur – Créativité – Autonomie – Compétences en statistiques multivariées bienvenues

Offre de post doc Ecologie Comportementale Lyon

Le laboratoire Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés (Lyon) propose un post doc financé en écologie comportementale pour travailler sur la pollution lumineuse en 2018. L’offre complète peut être obtenue à l’adresse suivante :

mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Annonce pour un post-doc

Offre d’emploi : post-doc position :”Effect of artificial light at night on the behavior and physiological status of the Common toad”
Type de contrat : CDD
Type de poste : Post-doctorat
Formation requise : PhD Biology
Durée du contrat : 12 mois
Rémunération : Catégorie A en fonction de l’expérience, sur la base de la grille de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche, ingénieur d’études
Prise de fonction : 01/02/2018
The  University  of  Lyon  (UdL),  a  community  of  universities  and  institutions,  bringing  together  12 institutions of higher education in Lyon Saint Etienne, is looking for a post -doctoral fellow.

Research  unit  and  location:  UMR  CNRS  5023  LEHNA,  The  research  will  be  conducted  in  the  team Ecophysiology  Behaviour  and  Conservation  in  the  LEHNA  ( The LEHNA laboratory works on different thematic from evolutionary to environmental sciences  at  different  organization  levels  (ecosystem  to  individual).  It  is  one  of  the  65  research  units  of Lyon 1 University counting 45000 students including 1800 PhD students.
Working time per week: 37h – 100%
Address: Darwin C & Forel, 3-6 Rue Raphaël Dubois, 69622 Villeurbanne
Gross Salary: approx. 2600,00 €
Description research project and main tasks:
Artificial  light  at  night  (ALAN)  is  an  increasing  phenomenon  worldwide  generated  mostly  by  urban  areas  and transport networks. Recent reviews have highlighted the biological and ecological effects  of ALAN on biodiversity, but  also  the  knowledge  gaps.  Physiological  and  behavioral  disruption  can  affect  individual,  population  and potentially  scale  up  at  the  ecosystem  level.  Some  animal  groups  may  be  particularly  exposed  because  of  their activity  pattern.  Amphibians  are  nocturnal  nature  and  their  night  vision  is  very  sensitive.  Individuals  exposed  to ALAN  may  experience  disruption  of  their  behaviour,  especially  the  performance  of  prey  capture.  The  global unfavorable  conservation  status  of  this  vertebrate  group  makes  it  a  primary  targets  of  ALAN  studies  for Conservation biology.
The  candidate  will  investigate  the  effects  of  increasing  exposure  to  ALAN  on  the  foraging  behavior  and  the physiology of the Common toad, a ubiquitous anuran that can stand some level of urbanization. The work is labbased.  The  hired  person  will  carry  out  indoor  experiments  on  the  foraging  behaviour  of  adult  toads exposed to increasing levels of ALAN. He/She will also carry out physiological assays to quantify the stress level of animals in regards to ALAN exposition.

Skills:  The  candidate  must  show  publication  record  in  the  field  of  behavioral  ecology  and/or
ecophysiology.  Skills  in  the  design  of  experiments  and  experience  in  the  field  of  stress  physiology  are required.
Its  work  will  be  part  of  a  multidisciplinary  project  (ecology,  geography)  on  ALAN  aiming  quantifying biological effects in that species and mapping these effects on a large wetland (>1000 km²) area located on the border of Lyon, the second largest French city.
Interested candidates should submit the following electronic documents:
  A cover letter including succinct research statements.
  Curriculum vitae including a complete list of publications (all peerreviewed/non-peer reviewed journal articles, conference contributions, books, etc.).
  Contact information of two professional references (referees will be contacted after the final candidates have been shortlisted).
Contacts:  Proposition  should  be  send  to  Thierry  Lengagne  (  and  Isabelle  Di  Raimondo  (  before the 15th November.

lundi 16 octobre 2017

Zoo Postdoc, Belgium

Postdoctoral Researcher
Animal Welfare Science

Antwerp Zoo Centre for Research and Conservation
Antwerp, Belgium

Review of applications will begin on 15 October, 2017 and will continue until the position is filled.
Contact: Zjef Pereboom (

Open research position on Socio-Cognitive Dynamics at ISTC-CNR, Rome, Italy

The Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies at the Italian National Research Council announces the opening of a postdoctoral position in Social and Cognitive Dynamics. The fellowship - funded by the Institute for Informatics and Telematics of the Italian National Research Council - is established to honour the memory of Rosaria Conte, Research Director and founder of the Laboratory of Agent Based Social Simulation at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies in Rome, where the position will be housed.                           

Rosaria Conte is especially known for her work regarding the cognitive bases of the social action, with particular attention on norm-based behaviour and various mechanisms promoting it, in particular reputation and gossip. She pioneered work on agent-based simulation and applied this innovative approach to shed light on the bidirectional dynamics between individual agents and over-individual structures. Her studies mostly contributed to advance the understanding of social order and conflict, as well as the evolution of social institutions. The Social and Cognitive Dynamics fellowship is intended as a way to continue developing Rosaria Conte’s work and ideas, reflecting her many inter-disciplinary interests alongside her commitment and enthusiasm for mentoring younger researchers.

Competitive applicants will be creative, independent, and have expertise in one or more of the following topics: cooperation, collective action, social norms, reputation, trust, opinion dynamics, self-organisation, signalling, responsibility, heterodox economics, techno-social systems. We are open to applicants with an interdisciplinary focus from cognitive sciences, computational social sciences, behavioural social sciences, social psychology and other related fields, with a preference for computational and experimental approaches.

The position will include substantial freedom to develop a research project based on the researcher’s own ideas and interests.
While highly desirable, a PhD is not an essential requirement. We will also consider candidates who are nearing the end of their PhDs. 
The position is for one year (with possibility of renewal) and complete applications are due by November the 20th. The successful applicant is expected to start as soon as possible.

For additional info and documents, see

UFAW LINKs: Lectureship in Human-Animal interactions and ethics at RVC


This form summarises the purpose of the job and lists its key tasks.
It may be varied from time to time at the discretion of the College in consultation with the postholder.

Job Title: Lecturer in Human-Animal Interactions and Ethics

Job ref no: PPS-0219-17

Grade: 7

Department: Pathobiology and Population Sciences

Accountable to:  Head of Animal Welfare Science and Ethics Group

Responsible for N/A

Job summary:
·        To contribute to the overall objectives of the PPS department and Animal Welfare Science and Ethics (AWSE) group in provision of excellent teaching, research, outreach and administration.
·        To organise, deliver and contribute to teaching, administration and assessment for the RVC’s BSc Biological Science Animal Behaviour Welfare and Ethics pathway, BVetMed Professional Studies programme and other undergraduate and postgraduate courses.
·        To conduct active research complementary to the College’s current research programmes and participate in associated dissemination and outreach activities.
·        To model a respectful, effective, collaborative, collegial and supportive working relationships with all staff in the Animal Welfare Science and Ethics group and across the College to strengthen integration of animal welfare activities throughout the College and ensure delivery of optimum teaching, research and College procedures.
·        To contribute to delivery of the RVC’s strategic plan, the attainment of overall performance goals, objectives and standards for teaching and research.

Competency: Teaching and Learning Support
Key tasks:
  • To demonstrate full engagement and commitment to deliver effective and quality teaching and advancement of the subject.
·        To design and deliver teaching and assessment activities associated with theoretical and practical elements of BSc Biological Sciences (Animal Behaviour Welfare and Ethics) and other undergraduate and postgraduate courses related to animal behaviour, welfare and ethics, including sharing best practice.
·        To design, deliver and act as an interdepartmental point of contact for teaching and assessment activities associated with theoretical and practical elements of ethics, jurisprudence and professionalism throughout the Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and BSc Veterinary Nursing programmes.
·        To serve as an academic tutor for undergraduate and/or postgraduate students.
·        To design, supervise and assess appropriate undergraduate and postgraduate student research projects.
·        To participate in student recruitment activities (open days and taster days).
  • To contribute fully to the AWSE group’s support for students engaged with animal behaviour, welfare and ethics, including extracurricular activities.

Competency: Analysis and Research
Key tasks:
  • To prepare/contribute to research grant applications complementary to the College’s current research programmes.
  • To conduct/contribute to active research complementary to the College’s current research programmes.
  • To actively disseminate research findings through appropriate fora to ensure maximum impact.
  • To follow College policies and practices associated with data protection and management and publications approval.
  • To prepare ethics approval and risk assessment forms for research projects as appropriate.
  • To contribute to ethical review board activities including review of research proposals and provide subject expertise.

Competency: Communication
Key tasks:
§  To demonstrate a high level of inter-personal skills when engaging with other individuals in the RVC or external contributors to teaching, research and administration.
§  To effectively communicate with other Animal Welfare Science and Ethics team members, colleagues across the College and students using a range of methods.
§  To contribute to RVC open days and support recruitment of students to RVC courses.
§  To generate well written reports and oral presentations when required.

Competency: Teamwork and Motivation
Key tasks:
  • To engage in regular team meetings, being receptive to diverse viewpoints and promoting inclusivity and support the group in implementing strategic objectives.
  • To contribute to administration and management of the post-holder’s section of the department.
§  To be knowledgeable of all College support systems in order to be a point of support and advice for members of the team and be able to direct to the appropriate support networks as necessary.
  • To demonstrate by example the RVC’s core purposes, vision, mission and values to all RVC colleagues, students, collaborators and visitors.
  • By positive example, to respect and demonstrate the RVC’s core values of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, trust, respect and leadership.
  • To promote equal opportunities in accordance with the College’s Equality Strategy.

Competency: Liaison and Networking
Key tasks:
  • To contribute to the positive advancement of relationships between the Animal Welfare Science and Ethics group and other groups within the college.
  • To contribute to the positive advancement of relationships between the Animal Welfare Science and Ethics group and external organisations.
  • To contribute to the internal committee networks.

Competency: Work Environment
Key tasks:
  • To be responsible for ensuring the health and safety of self and others, by safe employing working practices and complying with the College's Health and Safety Policy, and attending relevant training as required.

To deliver services effectively, a degree of flexibility is needed, and the post holder may be required to perform work not specifically referred to above.


This form lists the essential and desirable requirements needed in order to do the job.
Applicants will be shortlisted solely on the extent to which they meet these requirements.

Job Title: Lecturer in Human-Animal Interactions and Ethics

Job ref no: PPS-0219-17

Grade: 7

Department: Pathobiology and Population Sciences

Accountable to: Head of Animal Welfare Science and Ethics Group

Responsible for: N/A

*A and/or I
*A and/or I
Knowledge and

A veterinary qualification registrable with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.

A PhD or relevant postgraduate qualification such as DipECAWBM in an area of research relevant to RVC’s research programmes.

A period of training in animal welfare, anthrozoology and/or ethics research.

Detailed knowledge of ethical frameworks relevant to animal welfare and veterinary practice.





Knowledge of animal welfare relevant legislation, especially UK and EU.


Teaching and Learning Support

Experience, proficiency and interest in teaching and assessing undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Experience of research project supervision or co-supervision.



A relevant teaching qualification.

Experience of course development & module leadership.

Experience in teaching anthrozoology and / or animal ethics.



Analysis and Research

A record of research and
publication in peer reviewed
journals related to animal welfare, ethics or anthrozoology.


Evidence of contribution towards ethical review processes.

Ability to undertake, publish and generate funding for own research.


Excellent communication and
interpersonal skills and
ability to build good
Professional relationships.

Excellent level of written English.

Proficiency in computer literacy including Word, PowerPoint, Excel and email.


Experience of outreach activities.
Teamwork and Motivation

Adopts a collaborative approach to working with various staffing groups in order to promote excellence, especially in teaching and research, and achieve a more effective working environment.

Good organisational and planning skills, ability to meet deadlines/prioritise.

Flexibility and an openness to change in response to organisational needs.

Demonstrate commitment to working in accordance with College policies to include equality and diversity and harassment and bullying.





Liaison and Networking
Interest in disseminating information and discussing research and teaching with stakeholders.
Experience in disseminating information, discussing research and collaboration with stakeholders.

Experience in consultancy or advising key stakeholders in the capacity as subject expert.