jeudi 30 novembre 2017

Proposition de stage Master 1

Effet de la durée de développement du couvain de l’abeille domestique (Apis mellifera) sur la reproduction de Varroa destructor
Laboratoire d’accueil : INRA, Centre de Recherche Provence‐Alpes‐Côte d’Azur, UR 406 Abeilles et Environnement ‐ 228, route de l’Aérodrome –84914 Avignon Cedex 9 – France
Responsable du stage : Alexis Beaurepaire
Durée : 2 mois

Dans  un  contexte  de  déclin  avéré  des  abeilles,  nous  disposons  dans  l'unité  de  deux populations d'abeilles qui survivent bien aux différents stress puisqu’elles n’ont pas été traitées contre parasites et maladies depuis 1999. Elles représentent un formidable espoir pour l'apiculture qui ne dispose à ce
jour que de solutions chimiques à efficacité limitée, mais aussi pour l’environnement et la biodiversité
car ces abeilles sont potentiellement capables de recoloniser les cavités naturelles pour établir leur nid
à partir duquel elles pourront assurer la pollinisation des fleurs sauvages et cultivées. Nous souhaitons
comprendre  par  quels  mécanismes elles  ont  acquis  cette  résistance  pour  pouvoir  développer  des
méthodes  de  contrôle  du  parasite  alternatives  durables.  Pour  cela,  nous  nous  focalisons  sur  les
interactions entre Apis mellifera, Varroa destructor, leurs virus et leur environnement (biotope). 

Objectif et démarche
Nous souhaitons analyser l’effet de la durée d’operculation du couvain d’ouvrières et de mâles d’Apis
mellifera sur la reproduction (nombre de descendants fertiles produits) de Varroa destructor. Le but
de  ce  stage  est  de  comparer  la  durée  d’operculation  de  colonies  survivantes  et  témoins  afin  de
comprendre si le temps de développement du couvain influence la dynamique des populations du
parasite.  Pour  cela,  la/le  stagiaire  sera  en  charge  de  participer  au  développement  d’un  protocole
expérimental et de le mettre en œuvre sur le rucher de l’unité. 

‐  Aide au développement et à la mise en œuvre d’un protocole expérimental
‐  Analyse de données
‐  Rédaction d’un rapport
Etudiant Master 1 (Bac +4)
‐  Rigueur scientifique
‐  Connaissances de base en écologie comportementale et interactions hôte‐parasite 
‐  Sens du travail d’équipe
‐  Organisation et autonomie
‐  Goût pour le travail de terrain
‐  Pas d’allergie aux piqûres d’abeilles

‐  Possibilité de logement sur place

Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation à

Multiple PhD positions available in collective behavior and decision-making in Konstanz, Germany

Interested in joining an exciting, interdisciplinary research community with a focus on collective animal behavior and decision-making
This year, multiple PhD positions across 3 different research groups are available through the International Max Planck Research School in Organismal Biology. 

Available projects include:

From sensory perception to action: Active sensing in insects

with Einat Couzin-Fuchs, University of Konstanz

Communication, social structure, and collective movement in animal groups

with Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin, University of Konstanz

with Iain Couzin, Max Planck Institute / University of Konstanz

Applications are due January 15, 2018.

More information on all projects can be found at and

Konstanz is an historic city in southern Germany on the shores of Lake Constance, and at the gateway to the Alps. The University of Konstanz one of the nine “elite universities” in Germany. The University has almost 12,000 students and is situated on a hill overlooking Lake Constance, the Island of Mainau and Mainau Forest. The campus is a short cycle or bus ride from the city center which has a large and well preserved old town (Altstadt), and a vibrant day and nightlife, including many museums, galleries, and parks. Our local airport is Zurich, which is 50 mins away by car and approximately 1 hour by direct train link.

We are  highly international community and our working language is English (no knowledge of German is necessary).

mercredi 29 novembre 2017

PhD - Bath & Bristol - Sex role evolution: phylogenetic analyses of mating and parenting in vertebrates

PROJECT TITLE:  Sex role evolution: phylogenetic analyses of mating and parenting in vertebrates

Main Supervisor:  Professor Tamás Székely, University of Bath, UK
Co-Supervisor: Dr Daniel J Field, University of Bath, UK
Co-Supervisor:  Prof Innes Cuthill, University of Bristol. UK

Project Enquiries:

Project Background
A general trend in social behaviour is that females tend to be the caring sex, whereas males focus more on mating; however there are illuminating exceptions. This division of sex roles has far-reaching effects on ecology, physiology and life histories of males and females. The causes, however, of sex role differentiation have remained controversial. This PhD project is focused on understanding the causes of sex role evolution in vertebrates using phylogenetic approaches.

Project Aims and Methods
This PhD project will focus on vertebrates (i.e. fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals) that exhibit particularly well-studied sex role behaviour. The PhD project has three objectives:

1.  to investigate the association between key components of sex roles: courtship, competition for mates, pair bonding and parental care;
2.  to examine the influence of variation in ecology, life-history and social environment on sex roles;
3.  to investigate the multi-way feedbacks between sex roles, environment, life histories and the social environment using phylogenetic tools.

These objectives will be addressed using (i) detailed information on courtship, pair bonding and parental behavior collected by Prof Szekely’s team from multiple bird populations, and (ii) across vertebrates based on published data in the literature.
This will be a challenging and stimulating project that can potentially produce cutting edge results. The student will not only benefit from the excellent facilities at Bath and Bristol, but also from interacting with top international scientists involved in the project. Fieldwork in exotic locations can be negotiated.

The ideal candidate has a strong interest in evolution, phylogenetic methods and behaviour, and direct experience working with any vertebrate taxon. Excellent quantitative skills are required to perform phylogenetic comparative analyses and run mathematical simulations. Innovative thinking will be necessary to draw links between disparate sources of data.​

The training will focus on three major skills:
1. Phylogenetic analyses: this includes inferring phylogenies and using trees in a comparative framework for testing macroevolutionary hypotheses. Training in computational and advanced statistical methods will be a focus of this PhD;
2. Fieldwork including experimental design, behavioural observations, estimating ecological and life-history variables in the field;
3. Transferable skills including research planning, statistical analyses, paper writing, presentation and communication skills.

References / Background reading list
1.  Remeš, V., R. P. Freckleton, J. Tökölyi, A. Liker & T. Székely. 2015. The evolution of parental cooperation in birds. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, US 112: 13603-13608.
2.  Prum, R. O., Berv, J. S., Dornburg, A., Field, D. J., Townsend, J. P., Lemmon, E. M. and Lemmon, A. R., 2015. A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing. Nature 526: 569-573.
3.  Cuthill, I. C. et al. 2017. The biology of color. Science 357: 470-475.
4.  Liker, A., R. P. Freckleton & T. Székely. 2013. The evolution of sex roles in birds is related to adult sex ratio. Nature Communications 4: 1587.

mardi 28 novembre 2017

Offre de stage sur les chats (AVA) Hiver 2018 (7 semaines)

Lieu : Refuge AVA (Aide aux Vieux Animaux), Cuy-Saint-Fiacre, Normandie
Durée : du lundi 8 janvier au samedi 24 février 2018 (7 semaines)
Contact :

Recherche sur l’éthologie du chat domestique

Je  recherche  plusieurs  stagiaires  cet  hiver  pour m’assister lors du 8ème et dernier protocole de ma
thèse  en  éthologie  portant  sur  l’observation  du comportement  d’un  groupe  de  chats  vivant  en
Vos  missions  quotidiennes  se  partageront  entre  la gestion des chats de l’enclos d’étude et l’assistance aux  soigneurs  dans  leurs  tâches  au  contact  des nombreux animaux d’AVA.
Avec  l’aide  de  l’équipe  du  refuge  et  de  vos encadrantes  (Brunilde  Ract-Madoux  (éthologue)  et
moi-même), ces 7 semaines au cœur d’AVA et d'un protocole de recherche vous apporteront une réelle expérience  du  travail  en  refuge  et  de  meilleures connaissances  en  éthologie  du  chat  via  diverses méthodes d’observation du comportement.
Pour  mener  à  bien  ce  stage,  vous  devrez  savoir travailler  de  manière  autonome  (mais  aussi  en équipe)  et  faire  preuve  d’initiatives.  Un  savoir-faire dans  la  manipulation  et  l’approche  des  chats  est primordiale.  La  disposition  d’un  permis  B  (et  d’un véhicule) sera nécessaire et un budget logement est à prévoir.
Si vous êtes motivé(e) par ce stage, merci de m’envoyer au plus vite vos CV et lettre de motivation.
Une convention de stage via votre université/école/mission locale/pôle emploi sera requise.


Company  Reneco International Wildlife Consultants
Job category  Permanent position
Job locations  Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job context  Reneco’s  mission  is  to  implement  an  overall  conservation  strategy  aiming  to  restore  and preserve  the  endangered  North  African  and  Asian  native  houbara  bustard  populations (Chlamydotis  undulata  and  Chlamydotis  macqueenii).  To  achieve  these  goals,  Reneco  has developed  a  multidisciplinary  approach  in  different  centres  and  countries  combining fundamental and applied research in such varied areas as ecology, biology, physiology, captive breeding,  veterinary  medicine,  with  an  in-depth  expertise  in  the  reinforcement  of  wild
More particularly, research efforts aim to increase general knowledge on both species and their habitats to provide useful tools for conservation planning at a large scale and in various environments. In addition, the success of the programme and its impact on the environment has to be carefully assessed.
Job description  The  holder  of  this  position  will  focus  on  houbara  production  in  captivity,  with  a  particular emphasis  on  the  egg  production,  incubation  and  chick’s  growth,  investigating  the  effects individual traits, captive environment and breeding management.
The successful candidate will have the following responsibilities:
Protocol  edition  and  follow  up  of  their  application  /  team  training  and  coordination/  data analysis / report edition  / scientific papers edition /  international communication (congress) / conduct regular research meeting (students, fieldworkers) / student supervision.
Skills required  The successful candidate should hold a PhD degree with an education well rounded in breeding biology, reproduction physiology, incubation and nutrition,.
Complementary  knowledge in the following topics would  be an asset:  animal behaviour, ex-situ
conservation and genetic.
He/She must be able to move in several countries within Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.

Language requirements
Fluency in English
Additional valuable abilities
Ability to work in a multicultural and multinational environment.
Mobility across all Reneco’s projects in Middle East, Asia and North Africa.
Start date  2018
Salary  Commensurate with experience
Additional benefits
Full medical insurance, travel allowance, length of service gratuity, provisions for accommodation
To submit an application


Company  Reneco International Wildlife Consultants
Job category  Permanent position
Job locations  Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job context  Reneco’s  mission  is  to  implement  an  overall  conservation  strategy  aiming  to  restore  and preserve  the  endangered  North  African  and  Asian  native  houbara  bustard  populations (Chlamydotis  undulata  and  Chlamydotis  macqueenii).  To  achieve  these  goals,  Reneco  has developed  a  multidisciplinary  approach  in  different  centres  and  countries  combining fundamental and applied research in such varied areas as ecology, biology, physiology, captive breeding,  veterinary  medicine,  with  an  in-depth  expertise  in  the  reinforcement  of  wild
More particularly, research efforts aim to increase general knowledge on both species and their habitats to provide useful tools for conservation planning at a large scale and in various environments. In addition, the success of the programme and its impact on the environment has to be carefully assessed.
Job description  The  holder  of  this  position  will  focus  on  research  and  development  of  captive  breeding techniques  applied to bustard species, with a  particular emphasis on the  effects of husbandry techniques  in  outdoor  and  indoor  (controlled  environment)  on  individual  condition  and reproduction.
The successful candidate will have the following responsibilities:
Protocol  edition  and  follow  up  of  their  application  /  team  training  and  coordination/  data analysis / report edition  / scientific papers edition /  international communication (congress) / conduct regular research meeting (students, fieldworkers) / student supervision.
Skills required  The  successful  candidate  should  hold  a  PhD  degree  with  an  education  or  experience  well rounded in breeding biology, reproduction physiology, animal behaviour, and bird husbandry.
Complementary  knowledge  in  the  following  topics  would  be  an  asset:  ex-situ  conservation,
artificial reproduction in controlled environment.
He/She must be able to move in several countries within Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.
Language requirements
Fluency in English
Additional valuable abilities
Ability to work in a multicultural and multinational environment.
Mobility across all Reneco’s projects in Middle East, Asia and North Africa.
Start date  2018
Salary  Commensurate with experience
Additional benefits
Full medical insurance, travel allowance, length of service gratuity, provisions for accommodation
To submit an application


Company  Reneco International Wildlife Consultants. LLC.
Job category  
Permanent position
Job locations  
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Job context  
Reneco’s  mission  is  to  implement  an  overall  conservation  strategy  aiming  to  restore  and  preserve  the  endangered  North  African  and  Asian  native  houbara  bustard  populations (Chlamydotis  undulata  and  Chlamydotis  macqueenii).  To  achieve  these  goals,  Reneco  has developed  a  multidisciplinary  approach  in  different  centres  and  countries  combining fundamental and applied research in such varied areas as ecology, biology, physiology, captive breeding,  veterinary  medicine,  with  an  in-depth  expertise  in  the  reinforcement  of  wild populations.
More particularly, research efforts aim to increase general knowledge on both species and their habitats to provide useful tools for conservation planning at a large scale and in various environments. In addition, the success of the program and its impact on the environment has to be carefully assessed.
Job description  
The holder of this job will  focus on the  movement ecology and behaviour  of houbara  (wild and captive-bred  released)  with  emphasis  on  1)  dispersal  and  migration  behaviour,  2)  drivers  of birds movements, 3) relationships between movement and bird fitness (survival and breeding),and 4) flying and orientation behaviour.
The successful candidate will have the following responsibilities:
Fieldwork  and  experiment  protocol  edition  and  application  /  team  training  /  data  analysis  / report  edition  /  scientific  papers  edition  /  international  communication  (congress)  /  conduct regular research meeting (students, fieldworkers) / student supervision.
Skills required 
The successful candidate should hold a PhD degree with  an education well rounded in animal ecology,  behaviour  and  conservation  biology.  More  particularly  a  profound  knowledge  in  the analysis of movements is required.
A comprehensive knowledge in the following research topics would be an asset: habitat use and selection / foraging ecology / in and ex-situ conservation / reintroduction biology
He / She must have good experience of fieldwork, and must be able to move in several countries within Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa.
Language requirements
Fluency in English.
French, Arabic or Russian will be an asset.
Additional valuable abilities
Ability to work in a multicultural and multinational environment.
Mobility across all Reneco’s projects in Middle East, Asia and North Africa.
Start date  2018
Salary  Commensurate with experience
Additional benefits
Full medical insurance, travel allowance, length of service gratuity, provisions for accommodation
To submit an application

Offre en éthologie, Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes, Paris

Nous recherchons un(e) stagiaire pour une étude éthologique sur le groupe de aras araraunas de la Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes.

La durée de ce stage est de 2 mois et pourrait commencer dès février 2018 (ou plus tard en fonction des convenances). Il sera co-encadré par Aude Bourgeois et Elodie Rey.

Si vous êtes intéressés par cette offre, vous pouvez envoyer votre CV et lettre de motivation à : elodie.rey [ chez ]

Offre CDD 6 mois

L’équipe Pegase du laboratoire d’Ethologie animale et humaine de Rennes propose un CDD de 6
mois à partir de janvier 2018 pour travailler sur un projet de recherches en éthologie du cheval (bienêtre). Le travail consistera en analyses de données existantes, recueil et analyse de nouvelles données.
La  localisation  sera  répartie  entre  la  Station  Biologique  de  Paimpont  et  l’Ecole  Nationale
d’Equitation à Saumur.
Le/la candidat(e) devra disposer d’un master ou doctorat en éthologie et ne pas craindre d’approcher
les chevaux.  Le salaire sera fonction du niveau (Bac +5 ou Bac+8).  Il est indispensable d’avoir le
permis B et un véhicule personnel est souhaitable.
Merci  d’envoyer  vos  CV  et  lettres  de  motivation  à  et  pour  le  17  décembre  au  plus  tard.  Un  entretien  avec  les  candidats
présélectionnés est prévu la semaine du 18 décembre.

Postdoctoral positions for primatology/bio-Anthropology working in China

1. Specially-appointed professor focusing on primatology/bio-anthropology

2. Post-doctoral Scholar on primatology

Deux offres pour des post doc à Sun-Yat Sen University,  Canton, Chine.

Open positions – Comparative fMRI on speech processing

Open positions Comparative fMRI on speech processing

We are looking for excellent researchers to join the MTA-ELTE 'Lendület' Neuroethology of Communication Research Group (led by Attila Andics) to study social, vocal and verbal processing capacities of dogs, pigs and humans in a comparative neuroscientific framework. The group is hosted by the Department of Ethology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, a world-leading centre of ethological and brain imaging research in dogs. In particular, this new project aims at distinguishing common mammalian traits and human-specific traits in the neural processing of vocal and linguistic signals, using behavioural and neuroimaging methods (with awake, unrestrained animals).

The ideal candidate 1) has a strong background in cognitive neuroscience and psycholinguistics, 2) has a PhD/MSc/MA degree in neuroscience, psychology, biology, linguistics or a related discipline, 3) has a good publication record, 4) has ample experience in fMRI experimental design and advanced data analysis, and 5) is skilled at math and programming -- however, all these points may be negotiable in case of an otherwise very strong application. Furthermore, the applicant is expected to have advanced English skills, a specific interest in the neural mechanisms of auditory and speech processing, to be enthusiastic and dedicated to strive for scientific excellence, to be able to work independently, but also in a multidisciplinary team, and to supervise students.

The successful applicant(s) will work on comparative fMRI studies on speech processing: design, conduct, analyze and publish brain imaging experiments with dogs, pigs and humans. The full-time position(s) are initially for 1 year, with possible prolongation for up to 4 years. Starting date: from January 2018, but negotiable. Salary depends on experience (350-550 kHUF/month with a PhD, 240-340 kHUF/month without a PhD).

Please send your CV, a motivation letter and contact information of one reference to Attila Andics (

Application deadline: 5 December 2017.

Further information about the group:

vendredi 24 novembre 2017

Doctorat : sélection sociale & défenses anti-parasitaires du Coucou - U. Helsinki, Finlande

Dr Rose Thorogood, from the Information Ecology & Evolution research group at the University of Helsinki is looking for outstanding candidates to study for a PhD project.
Salary (€2500 per month, before tax) and research funding is available for up to 4 years (includes a probationary period to assess the candidate’s ability to finish a PhD thesis in the remaining time), starting from 1.03.2018, or as soon as the best applicant is available.  To apply, please submit your application by 31.12.2017 (see here for more information :
The successful candidate will take part in a project discovering how social environments influence the evolution of brood-parasite host defences, and conduct experiments in the field in Oulu, northern Finland at an established study site. Here, redstarts are the cuckoo’s main host and they use the nest boxes we provide. The specific research questions can be modified in accordance with the background and interests of the candidate. 
Suitable applicants will hold Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees with courses in evolutionary biology, behavioural ecology, or animal cognition. Fieldwork experience is highly desired, and a willingness to work independently is essential. You should also be able to demonstrate an ability to write and speak fluently in English as it is the working language of science and the research environment.
The PhD will be also be supervised by Dr Robert Thomson (FitzPatrick Institute of African Ornithology, University of Cape Town, South Africa) and Dr Jukka Forsman (University of ulu). There will be opportunities for mobility to each of these institutions and support for attending international conferences.

jeudi 23 novembre 2017

Recherche étudiant pour stage de M1 "Ethologie humaine - Piétons"

Influence de la culture sur le comportement social de traversée des piétons :
de Strasbourg à Nagoya, Japon.

Au moment de traverser une voie de circulation, les français ont la lourde réputation d’être peu disciplinés et de traverser n’importe quand et n’importe où, contrairement à certains de leurs voisins européens. Mais qu’en est-il réellement ? Lorsqu’un piéton traverse une rue, il doit trouver son équilibre entre gagner du temps, en traversant le plus vite possible, et éviter d’être blessé suite à une collision avec un véhicule, en restant sur le trottoir. L’information sociale, c’est-à-dire celles des autres piétons, est également importante dans le processus de décision de traversée. Une fausse information, c’est-à-dire une traversée au feu rouge, peut est risquée pour l’individu qui fait confiance à cette dernière. La culture peut-elle influencer la perception qu’a le piéton des risques encourus lorsqu’il traverse une rue ? Les étudiants analyseront les données de Nagoya (Japon) et de Strasbourg afin de mieux comprendre les processus de décisions chez ces derniers et l’influence de la culture.


Références :

Sueur, C., Class, B., Hamm, C., Meyer, X., & Pelé, M. (2013). Different risk thresholds in pedestrian road crossing behaviour: a comparison of French and Japanese approaches. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 58, 59-63.

Pelé, M., Bellut, C., Debergue, E., Gauvin, C., Jeanneret, A., Leclere, T., ... & Sueur, C. (2017). Cultural influence of social information use in pedestrian road-crossing behaviours. Royal Society open science, 4(2), 160739.



Cédric Sueur
Maîtres de conférences à l’Université de Strasbourg
Equipe Ethologie Evolutive
Marie Pelé
Docteur en éthologie
Ethobiosciences : Cabinet d’Expertise et de Recherche en Bien-être et Comportement Animal

Département Ecologie, Physiologie et Ethologie, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, UMR 7178 CNRS Université de Strasbourg, 23 rue Becquerel, 67087 Strasbourg cedex 2

Profil souhaité
Intérêt pour la quantification et la rigueur scientifique. Patience.

Compétences acquises au cours du stage
Méthodes d’échantillonnage des comportements, analyse vidéo, analyse statistiques, analyses de courbes, connaissances en sciences de la décision et comportement.

lundi 20 novembre 2017

Proposition de stage de master 2

Sujet de stage M2 : Développements de leviers méthodologiques en analyse texturale de micro-usures dentaires : les cercopithécidés comme cas d’étude.

Responsable de stage : Gildas MERCERON
Tel : 05 49 36 63 05  E-mail :
Laboratoire d’accueil : IPHEP (UMR 7262 CNRS & Université de Poitiers)
Co-responsable (s) + affiliation : Arthur FRANCISCO (Institut Pprime)  
Mots clés : Développement, Analyse de surface, Alimentation, Primates
Pré-requis : Connaissance en anatomie dentaire, Des compétences en R, voir Python seraient un plus pour ce sujet.

Résumé (contexte, problématique, objectifs, échantillonnages éventuels, calendrier, etc.)  :
Les micro-usures dentaires nous renseignent sur le régime alimentaire des dernières semaines de vie d’un animal. Des développements méthodologiques depuis 15 ans ont permis de quantifier automatiquement les textures 3D des micro-usures dentaires en s’affranchissant des erreurs d’observateurs et donc en proposant une meilleure répétabilité.
Néanmoins, un seuil semble avoir été atteint dans les analyses. Ainsi, il est difficile de discriminer des espèces ayant des compositions alimentaires présentant des similitudes mais néanmoins différentes. Ainsi, un babouin semi-terrestre présente un fort recouvrement de ses paramètres texturaux avec un cercocèbe occupant la canopée. Bien que les deux taxons aient en commun la consommation d’objets durs, le babouin ingère des aliments beaucoup plus variés et notamment des herbacées monocotylédones. Deux leviers sont identifiés pour dépasser ces limites :
1)  Intégrer une étude des paramètres sur différentes facettes dentaires coupantes ou écrasantes. Elles ont des fonctions différentes et interviennent à différents instants de la mastication. Il est donc attendu que les signaux fournis soient complémentaires, et donc non redondants.
2)  Explorer la variabilité des paramètres texturaux sur la surface scannée ; les analyses proposent à ce jour une unique valeur par surface pour chacun des paramètres. Des travaux menés par Arthur Francisco dans le cadre du projet ANR TRIDENT ( explorent d’autres statistiques que la seule valeur moyenne des paramètres, le tout associé à une approche de décision automatique.
Le matériel d’étude sera composé de primates cercopithécidés actuels: il comporte des espèces avec des habitudes alimentaires distinctes (folivorie, frugivorie, granivorie, opportunisme) et modes de locomoteurs variés depuis les formes terrestres aux taxons purement arboricoles : Theropithecus, Papio, Chlorocebus, Macaca, Lophocebus, Semnopithecus, Colobus, Rhinopithecus. 

Proposition de stage de master 2
Ce matériel dentaire est déjà moulé, une partie a déjà été scannée. L’étudiant devra donc compléter les acquisitions au sein de l’IPHEP, puis explorer les alternatives analytiques développées dans le cadre du projet TRIDENT aux analyses fractales multi-échelles (Scott et al. 2006) et à la simple application de la norme ISO (Schulz et al. 2010). Comme mentionné dans les pré-requis, le candidat doit être à l’aise avec le langage R. Une connaissance du langage Python sera également bénéfique pour ce sujet, mais n'est pas forcément éliminatoire.
Modalités particulières de la Convention :
Outre le travail au sein de l’iPHEP (CNRS et Université de Poitiers), le candidat sera amené à se rendre à l’IUT d’Angoulême (un séjour de 4 semaines est envisagé) où est basé Arthur Francisco. Cela sera nécessaire pour s’approprier voir développer les outils analytiques élaborés par le collègue.

Gratification du stage et frais de recherche pris en charge sur projet ANR 2018-2021 (projet Diet-Scratches ; G. Merceron)
Références bibliographiques
Calandra, I. and Merceron, G. 2016. Dental microwear texture analysis in mammalian ecology: DMTA in ecology. Mammal Review 46:215–228. doi:10.1111/mam.12063.
Percher, A.M., Merceron, G., Nsi Akoue, G., Galbany, J., Romero, A. and Charpentier, M.J. 2017. Dental microwear textural analysis as an analytical tool to depict individual traits and reconstruct the diet of a primate. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. doi:10.1002/ajpa.23337.
Ungar, P.S., Grine, F.E. and Teaford, M.F. 2008. Dental microwear and diet of the Plio-Pleistocene hominin Paranthropus boisei. PLoS One 3:e2044

PhD advert in affective neuroscience/animal welfare

Drs. Colline Poirier and Melissa Bateson are looking for a PhD student to work at the interface of affective neuroscience and animal welfare at the Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle, UK.
The goal of the project is to investigate the effect of stress on brain structure and function in non-human primates using behavioural and computational neuroimaging approaches.

Details about the project and how to apply are available here:

Applications are due by 1 February 2018 and the anticipated start date is September 2018.

Note that tuition is fully paid only for UK/EU applicants, not for non-EU ones. Please circulate widely as appropriate.

jeudi 16 novembre 2017

PhD studentship: Managing social dynamics to improve dairy cow health and welfare.

The Animal Health & Welfare Group within the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge is offering a fully funded BBSRC DTP iCase Studentship tenable over 48 months.

Project Title: Managing social dynamics to improve dairy cow health and welfare.

The multidisciplinary project is designed to provide the student with comprehensive training in applied animal behavioural science and the use of remote and distributed sensing technologies to provide decision making insight to improve animal health and welfare. The successful candidate will attend DTP training courses and events and will spend at least three months with the Industrial Partner (Cambridge Animal Technologies Ltd).

Candidate requirements: Candidates should have or be expected to obtain a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree and/or postgraduate qualification in animal, veterinary or applied biological sciences. Applicants with experience of animal behaviour science and handling of large data sets / statistical modelling would be particularly welcomed.

Further information:

Closing date for applications is 31 January 2018, expected start date is 1 October 2018.

mercredi 15 novembre 2017

Post-doc and RA positions available in St Andrews, Scotland - Animal welfare, acoustics and behaviour.

We are currently recruiting two 3 year positions to the Mechanisms of Behaviour research group (MoB), within the School of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK. These positions will be part of a BBSRC funded project headed by Dr Karen Spencer and Dr Pralle Kriengwatana (Glasgow) entitled 'Laboratory soundscapes: optimising acoustic environments for avian welfare'. Candidates will need experience of running behavioural tests, working with birds and undertaking lab analysis of biological samples. 

For more details please see the following urls where all assessment criteria can be found:
Research Fellow - AR2012SB - (full time) Closing date 7th December -

Funded PhD position

Funded PhD position -
Investigating Social Learning in
 the Earliest Stone Tools using Computer Simulations
(Interdisciplinary project – related fields include archaeo-informatics; modelling; simulation; computer science; material science; mathematics; solid geometry)
Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology;
 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences; University of Tübingen; Germany.
Three-year PhD position working in the research group Tools and Culture among Early Hominins", part of the large-scale 5-year ERC funded project STONECULT.
Background: Cultural adaptations have allowed humans to colonise the planet. While discovering the roots of human culture has been described as one of the 125 most important scientific questions of our time (Science, 2005, anniversary issue), it remains unclear when such forms of culture first arose in our lineage. Progress in this area has been hampered by a lack of null-models (or referential frameworks) for different cultural scenarios against which the significance of different forms of early stone tools can be evaluated. Simulation, like agent-based modelling, is a promising tool to provide these models.

As part of the STONECULT project the PhD candidate will use published data (as well as data that our team continues to produce) to write software that can repetitively and realistically knap, in 3D, flakes from virtual stone cores. The reliability and validity of the simulation will be tested against cores and flakes created in controlled experiments (these data already exist) and against flintknapping experiments.  Once the knapping process has been simulated with reasonable external validity, the program will then generate virtual assemblages following increasingly complex knapping rule sets (null models or referential frameworks).  These virtual assemblages will then be analysed using standard archaeological methods and compared with published data sets on the earliest stone tool assemblages.  The required physical, quantitative models for knapping were not available until very recently. Thus, this program will be the first of its kind, and its implementation will be an academic challenge. Under supervision, the candidate will have to translate these empirical findings (experimental knapping of real stone in the laboratory that leads to complex 3D patterns) into programming code. The production of this program requires an interdisciplinary treatment, extending beyond programming skills, and may include mathematics, physics, material science, archaeology and general understanding of empirical testing. We are aware that this specialized combination of skills will not be present at the start of the PhD, and thus represents no hindrance. Skilled members of the supervision team will lead the candidate in producing the software so that this combination of skills will instead be acquired by the candidate along the way. Overall, this project will lead to the education of an interdisciplinary researcher with intermapping knowledge at the interfaces of fields such as informatics, mathematics, physics, material science and archaeology. Such a student will gain valuable practical and theoretical expertise, which should place him/her in a good starting position for a scientific career (either by continuing interdisciplinary or by specializing in one of the involved scientific areas).  The project will follow Open Science guidelines and the source code will be made freely available at the end of the STONECULT project.

This PhD will be supervised by STONECULT’s PI Dr. Claudio Tennie – together with the two external STONECULT collaborators Prof. Harold Dibble (the University of Pennsylvania) and Dr. Shannon McPherron (MPI EVA, Leipzig). In addition, further local supervision at the professorial level will be provided in uncovered relevant fields (e.g. in material science, mathematics, computer science etc. – depending on the gaps of knowledge and expertise of the chosen PhD candidate).

Applicants should be interested in working in an interdisciplinary and dynamic team of international researchers from different academic backgrounds. The successful candidate should expect to work as part of a large consortium, consisting of several PhD and Postdoctoral researchers.
·       Highly motivated
·       Masters level background (we are principally open to any background field)
·       An ability to work independently and efficiently, as well as working as part of a team
·       An ability to think in the abstract
·       A willingness to implement, improve and test systems
·       An interest in the affected fields
·       The ability to program – or strong indications for fast learning curve in programming
·       Strong communication skills
·       Both oral and, especially important, good written language (English) skills to document the software and publish papers
·       Some background in at least some of the following (or related) fields: (Computational) Archaeology; Computer Science; Material Science; Mathematics; Solid Geometry
·       Willingness to present results in international, peer-reviewed journals and at conferences (posters/talks)
·       An interest or ability to analyse archaeological material culture
·       Experience working with 3D modelling
·       Experience in Python programming and perhaps physics engines
Once engaged within the project, the student will be encouraged to suggest additional complementary research questions that can be answered through simulation and modelling and/or with additional data.
Starting date will be beginning of 2018. The employment (German pay scale E13 TV-L, 50%, provided for a total duration of 3 years) will be arranged by the administration of the University of Tübingen. Funding includes material costs, a desk space, computer and accommodation and travel expenses to selected conference (note: no tuition fees are charged in Germany).

The University of Tübingen is one of Germany’s eleven universities in the top ‘Excellent’ class, one of Europe’s oldest universities, and currently ranked 89th in the world. The city of Tubingen is an international town with over 28,300 German and international students, sharing the colourful bustle and typical atmosphere of a young and cosmopolitan students' town. The Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology is housed in the Institute of Pre- and Protohistory of the University of Tübingen and houses diverse collections of archaeological finds, fossil hominid material, ethnographic finds, as well as a wide range of photographic and written documentation from field projects. See for more information on doing a PhD in Germany.

Disabled persons will be preferred in case of equal qualification. The University seeks to raise the number of women in research and teaching and therefore urges qualified women academics to apply for this position.


If you are interested in this position, please send your application in English (except external certificates) with the usual documentation:

·       Cover letter (1-2 pages), detailing why you are a suitable candidate for the project – for example, your qualifications, interests, and relevant experience. Please indicate your earliest possible starting date.
·       Curriculum Vitae (including publications, if any)
·       Copies of most relevant certificates
·       Names and addresses (including email) of three referees (please make sure that these referees are reachable in the weeks following the deadline for applications – apologies from our side for this partly falling in the Christmas period)

Please send all the above in electronic form (all in one single pdf-file, i.e. including all the documents listed above), to Claudio Tennie ( and, in CC, to Elisa Bandini (

Dr. Claudio Tennie (the group leader and PI on the STONECULT project) will invite the top candidates for interview (in person or via skype) early in 2018 (likely in the first week of January), with a view to offering positions ASAP thereafter.

Deadline for applications is 12:00 (midday, German time) the 22nd of December, 2018. For further background information, see: (and especially the links contained therein to projects and subprojects). For any practical questions, please contact Elisa Bandini via email.