Vous venez de réussir votre master 2 éthologie, écologie, and coe, ce blog est le vôtre! Il vous permet de retrouver différentes offres de PhD, emplois, stages, et même post doc pour les "anciens"... Outil de mise en réseau des informations, ce blog offre à chacun de la liberté de participer et ainsi permettre à tous de trouver au plus vite sa prochaine étape professionnelle. Si vous avez une offre à poster, transmettez la à : marine.grandgeorge@univ-rennes1.fr
vendredi 23 avril 2021
Post-doc position Slukvin lab WNPRC
mardi 20 avril 2021
In short:
We are looking for a candidate to work on signal processing and machine learning techniques for use in computational bioacoustics in order to study human nature interactions in green areas.
Application guidelines:
jeudi 15 avril 2021
Offre de stage- 8 semaines
Offre de stage de terrain sur le frelon asiatique
Qui sommes-nous ?
M2i Biocontrol, entreprise spécialisée dans le biocontrôle animal et végétal mais aussi de la santé humaine, recherche un ou une stagiaire pour une période de 8 semaines (stage non rémunéré) dans le cadre du projet Lotapis. Ce projet vise a développer des solutions de biocontrôle contre le frelon asiatique, Vespa velutina.
Le stagiaire devra :
- Collecter des données sur le terrain selon un protocole particulier
- Identifier les échantillons collectés (identification d’insectes)
- Organiser les données collecter afin de les analyser
Remarque : le stagiaire pourra être amené à accompagner d’autres actions sur le terrain en fonction des besoins de l’équipe.
Niveau requis : BTS ou plus
Compétences indispensables :
- Conditions physiques adaptées à des travaux en extérieur dans différentes conditions météorologiques et à des terrains « accidentés »
- Bonne capacité organisationnelle pour l’identification des données
- Rigueur
- Ne pas être allergique aux piqures d’hyménoptères (abeilles, guèpes, frelons)
Compétences requises mais non indispensables :
- Compétences en entomologie pour la reconnaissance des espèces
Début du stage : dès que possible
Appel candidature - Thèse en éthologie - LEEC
Un projet de thèse est ouvert à candidature au Laboratoire d'Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée de l'Université Sorbonne Paris Nord. Le candidat ou la candidate retenu(e) aura à défendre ce projet auprès de l'Ecole Doctorale Galilée au mois de juin prochain afin d'en obtenir le financement.
mercredi 14 avril 2021
Offre de thèse
mardi 13 avril 2021
Offre de thèse sur le chant des oiseaux
Un sujet de thèse est proposé dans le Laboratoire Ethologie Cognition Développement (LECD) de l’Université Paris Nanterre (https://lecd.parisnanterre.fr/). Nous recherchons un(e) candidat(e) motivé(e) pour concourir à une bourse de thèse de l'Ecole Doctorale 139 (ED 139 - Connaissance, langage, modélisation https://ed-clm.parisnanterre.fr/). En cas de succès, le/la candidat(e) se verra attribuer une bourse de thèse de 3 ans qui débutera en septembre 2021. Le doctorat portera sur le sujet suivant : L’impact du bruit anthropogénique sur le chant des rouges-gorges, mâles et femellesLe chant chez les oscines (oiseaux chanteurs) a longtemps été considéré comme l’apanage des mâles. Cependant, ce type de productions sonores existe aussi chez les femelles mais a été relativement peu exploré. Etudier le chant des oiseaux femelles, en comparaison avec celui des mâles, devient aujourd’hui une nécessité. Lorsque les oiseaux chantent, ils doivent faire face à différents types de contraintes liées à la transmission des signaux acoustiques. Pour les espèces vivant en zone urbaine, le bruit anthropogénique a un impact négatif, particulièrement sur la communication longue distance. Les oiseaux utilisent différentes stratégies pour contrecarrer le masquage acoustique provoqué par ce bruit. Jusqu'à présent, aucune étude n'a recherché s’il existait des différences chez les oscines entre les mâles et les femelles dans les stratégies qu’ils développent pour s’adapter à l'impact du bruit anthropogénique. Le rouge-gorge (Erithacus rubecula) est un bon modèle pour répondre à cette question. Il colonise très fréquemment le milieu urbain et les oiseaux des deux sexes chantent. Les objectifs de cette thèse seront d’étudier : 1) si les femelles rouges-gorges développent les mêmes stratégies que les mâles pour contrecarrer le bruit, 2) si les adaptations du chant au bruit influencent négativement les performances vocales chez cette espèce et si, dans l’affirmative, 3) la performance vocale est compromise de la même façon chez les deux sexes. Les expériences seront menées, sur le terrain, sur différentes populations de rouges-gorges vivant en Île de France. Durant la thèse, le ou la candidate réalisera des observations sur ces oiseaux en milieux urbain et rural, des captures et des baguages, des enregistrements sonores, des caractérisations du bruit anthropogénique présent dans les milieux de vie des rouges-gorges, des expériences de playbacks sur le terrain et des analyses de signaux acoustiques (utilisation de logiciels dédiés de type Avisoft SAS-LabPro).
lundi 12 avril 2021
Kalahari Meerkat Project looking for volunteers from June 2021 onwards
We offer our volunteers extensive training in field- and data skills such as animal handling, radio-tracking, observing animals in the wild and working with databases. Accommodation and food will be provided, and we will contribute €300 towards travel expenses following successful completion of the 12-month field season. We also offer a limited number of full travel stipends for applicants from the African continent.
Successful applicants usually have a good degree in the biological sciences and will be enthusiastic, hardworking and physically fit. As it takes some time to learn the necessary field skills, we will only consider volunteers who are able to stay for 12 months, and applicants should be in possession of a driving license. Due to Covid-19 restrictions we will require new volunteers to self-quarantine onsite for a period of two weeks. Please visit our website (https://kalahari-meerkats.com/kmp/volunteering/) for more info and details on how to apply.
Master projects and research assistants in parrot cognition
Projects available for Master’s/Bachelor’s students and self-funded Interns in Comparative Cognition Research Station at Tenerife, Spain run collaboratively between the Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology and the Loro Parque Foundation
The Max-Planck Comparative Cognition Research Group (CCRG)
invites applications from Postgraduate/Undergraduate students and Interns who want to assist in research projects and bird care, enrichment and management. The CCRG is part of collaboration between the Max-Planck Institute for Ornithology, Germany, and Loro Parque Fundación (LPF) in Tenerife, Spain. We are currently carrying out several projects on parrot intelligence. We work with mostly tame, captive parrots of LPF, which owns the largest collection of parrots and genetic reserve in the world (approximately 350 subspecies) for conservation and research purposes. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact us to request information about ongoing projects. Selected applicants will gain experience in the field of cognitive research, as well as working with and training exotic parrots in a highly dynamic international research environment. A unique opportunity!
Preferable time of joining: It is highly preferable if students can join by April-May 2021
Logistics: The projects for Master’s/Bachelor’s theses and internships require minimum of 4 months but ideally 6 months of continuous commitment at the research station in Tenerife, Spain. Accommodation can be provided in a shared student apartment (Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain).
Important skills/qualifications:
Selected candidates need to have:
• High motivation and commitment to the care of our birds
• Preferably pursuing Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Biology/ Psychology/Animal Science or related subjects.
• Reliability, efficiency and ability to work independently
• Confidence to interact with animals
• Good verbal English skills
• Good teamwork attitude and social skills
Submit your request!
For more information on how to apply, please email Dr. Anastasia Krasheninnikova (akrashe@orn.mpg.de), the Msc Esha Haldar (ehaldar@orn.mpg.de) or the Msc. Sara Torres (storres@orn.mpg.de).
jeudi 8 avril 2021
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Project Coordinator, Lesio Louna Reserve Congo (Protection des Gorilles)
ToR Coordinator, Projet Lesio-Louna (PLL), Congo-Brazzaville
The Lesio-Louna Reserve was created the 31/12/99 by presidential decree. It is a Congolese government reserve and a Congolese government text. The Reserve was expanded through another presidential decree on 20/07/2009. The main aims of the Lesio-Louna Reserve are given as:
- To assure the reintroduction (“réinsertion”) of orphan gorillas;
- To protect the gorillas and the ecosystem of the reserve;
- To organise and promote education, training, outreach, and biodiversity research;
- To promote and develop, in collaboration with appropriate services, tourism (“de vision”);
- To organise, with local community participation, an integrated system of natural resource protection in the reserve.
Projet Lesio-Louna (PLL) management structure
The Projet Lesio-Louna is a collaborative project between the Ministry of Forest Economy of the Congolese government (MEF-Congo) and The Aspinall Foundation, for the management of the Lesio-Louna Reserve (RNGLL). The project Coordination team consists of representatives of both partners, usually comprising a Reserve Manager (“Conservateur”) and one or two Assistants (“Conservateur Adjoints”) from MEF-Congo, and a Coordinator and Administrator from Aspinall. Project staff are employed by the different partners depending on their roles in the project.
Responsibilities of PLL Coordinator
- Supervision and management of Aspinall-Congo staff (administrative and field staff)
- Transmission of official letters to MEF and validation of time sheets and PALF payslips
- Maintain and develop cooperation with TAF partners in Congo (MEF,ACFAP, EU and others)
- Programme project activities in collaboration with the project coordination team
- Liaise with other NGOs inside and outside the country
- Coordinate a wildlife management plan in general, and in particular for the gorillas of the reserve, before and after their reintroduction, and ensuring the welfare of the gorillas under the care of the project.
- Improve wildlife monitoring with camera-traps in the RNGLL, including a particular emphasis on the habitat of Bouvier's red colobus and other endangered wildlife in the region in accordance with ongoing projects (currently including IUCN-SOS and BIOPAMA projects).
- Improve overall monitoring of the reserve including the most remote areas
- Develop of a management plan for the RNGLL
- Prepare steering committees in accordance with the memorandum of understanding with MEF
- In collaboration with the Administrator, respond to concerns about project at a local level and notify the Director of overseas projects
- Update websites with the support of the Administrator
- Establish and supervise a maintenance schedule for project vehicles, boats, buildings and other equipment
- Write grant proposals as agreed with TAF's Director of Overseas Projects
- Ensure appropriate training and supervision of all staff with specific managers
- Report to TAF's Overseas Projects Director on project progress (monthly and annual reports, plus regular WhatsApp communication)
Report to MEF-Congo and
ACFAP if necessary and as agreed
with TAF's Overseas Projects Director
Reporting to TAF Director of Overseas Projects
Location of work
Most of the time will be spent in the Lesio-Louna Reserve, based at the Abio II camp but with time also at other field camps in the Reserve, and on camping missions. Some work will need to be undertaken in the capital city of Brazzaville.
Accommodation will be provided in the Lesio-Louna Reserve, and in Brazzaville when necessary.
Paid annual leave of absence of six weeks during the period of the contract or pro rata on the basis of completed calendar months.
Medical insurance and evacuation cover will be provided.
Length of contract
The contract is for a period of two years from date of signing.
Starting at £20,000 per annum depending on experience.
Rations/ Benefits
10,000XAF per day perdiems / one return flight ticket per 12 month period
Sophia Fagan
Application deadline
Stage libre d'été : Ethologie_Babouins
Etude du comportement spontané et des relations sociales chez le babouin de Guinée (Papio papio) sur la plateforme CCdP Nous sommes à la recherche de stagiaires en éthologie, si possible avec expérience dans l'observation de primates, pour la période allant du 15 juillet au 31 août 2021. L'étude portera sur le comportement spontané et les relations sociales chez le babouin de Guinée (Papio papio) sur la plateforme CCdP (Comportement et Cognition du Primate). Une colonie de babouins de Guinée (hébergée à la Station de Primatologie de Rousset) accède librement à une batterie de systèmes de conditionnement opérant (ADLM). Ces systèmes permettent d’étudier la cognition du primate selon un principe de participation volontaire des sujets. Le stage se déroulera en 3 étapes : une 1ère phase consistera en l'apprentissage de la reconnaissance individuelle des sujets (19 individus) et de l'éthogramme générale du babouin, une 2nde permettra l'entrainement à la récolte de données comportementales sur la colonie en suivant le protocole de recherche, et enfin la 3ème phase (d'un mois) servira à la récolte de données pour l'étude. Ce stage s'adresse aux étudiants voulant compléter leur expérience en éthologie. Pour candidater, merci d'envoyer CV et lettre de motivation à julie.gullstrand@univ-amu.fr
mercredi 7 avril 2021
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Project Coordinator, Lesio Louna Reserve Congo (Protection des Gorilles)
ToR Coordinator, Projet Lesio-Louna (PLL), Congo-Brazzaville
The Lesio-Louna Reserve was created the 31/12/99 by presidential decree. It is a Congolese government reserve and a Congolese government text. The Reserve was expanded through another presidential decree on 20/07/2009. The main aims of the Lesio-Louna Reserve are given as:
- To assure the reintroduction (“réinsertion”) of orphan gorillas;
- To protect the gorillas and the ecosystem of the reserve;
- To organise and promote education, training, outreach, and biodiversity research;
- To promote and develop, in collaboration with appropriate services, tourism (“de vision”);
- To organise, with local community participation, an integrated system of natural resource protection in the reserve.
Projet Lesio-Louna (PLL) management structure
The Projet Lesio-Louna is a collaborative project between the Ministry of Forest Economy of the Congolese government (MEF-Congo) and The Aspinall Foundation, for the management of the Lesio-Louna Reserve (RNGLL). The project Coordination team consists of representatives of both partners, usually comprising a Reserve Manager (“Conservateur”) and one or two Assistants (“Conservateur Adjoints”) from MEF-Congo, and a Coordinator and Administrator from Aspinall. Project staff are employed by the different partners depending on their roles in the project.
Responsibilities of PLL Coordinator
- Supervision and management of Aspinall-Congo staff (administrative and field staff)
- Transmission of official letters to MEF and validation of time sheets and PALF payslips
- Maintain and develop cooperation with TAF partners in Congo (MEF,ACFAP, EU and others)
- Programme project activities in collaboration with the project coordination team
- Liaise with other NGOs inside and outside the country
- Coordinate a wildlife management plan in general, and in particular for the gorillas of the reserve, before and after their reintroduction, and ensuring the welfare of the gorillas under the care of the project.
- Improve wildlife monitoring with camera-traps in the RNGLL, including a particular emphasis on the habitat of Bouvier's red colobus and other endangered wildlife in the region in accordance with ongoing projects (currently including IUCN-SOS and BIOPAMA projects).
- Improve overall monitoring of the reserve including the most remote areas
- Develop of a management plan for the RNGLL
- Prepare steering committees in accordance with the memorandum of understanding with MEF
- In collaboration with the Administrator, respond to concerns about project at a local level and notify the Director of overseas projects
- Update websites with the support of the Administrator
- Establish and supervise a maintenance schedule for project vehicles, boats, buildings and other equipment
- Write grant proposals as agreed with TAF's Director of Overseas Projects
- Ensure appropriate training and supervision of all staff with specific managers
- Report to TAF's Overseas Projects Director on project progress (monthly and annual reports, plus regular WhatsApp communication)
- Report to MEF-Congo and ACFAP if necessary and as agreed with TAF's Overseas Projects Director
Reporting to TAF Director of Overseas Projects
Location of work
Most of the time will be spent in the Lesio-Louna Reserve, based at the Abio II camp but with time also at other field camps in the Reserve, and on camping missions. Some work will need to be undertaken in the capital city of Brazzaville.
Accommodation will be provided in the Lesio-Louna Reserve, and in Brazzaville when necessary.
Paid annual leave of absence of six weeks during the period of the contract or pro rata on the basis of completed calendar months.
Medical insurance and evacuation cover will be provided.
Length of contract
The contract is for a period of two years from date of signing.
Starting at £20,000 per annum depending on experience.
Sophia Fagan
Application deadline
Urban Howler Monkey Project Assistant Supervisor (Paraguay)
Fundación Para La Tierra (a small, grassroots Paraguayan conservation NGO) is looking for a new Assistant Supervisor for the Urban Howler Monkey Project, based in the city of Pilar and Ñeembucú Wetlands Complex, Paraguay. In this role you’ll supervise undergraduate and master’s level primatological studies at an ecological research station, contributing to our understanding of these unique monkeys.
Role summary
You will work under PLT’s resident primatologist (Rebecca Smith) to develop and supervise intern projects from the moment an intern books through until the publication of their study where applicable. You will offer both intellectual and logistical support for interns carrying out projects at PLT, including project design, coordination of fieldwork, data analysis and manuscript writing. You will be responsible for ensuring that internships are carried out to a high standard and result in interns leaving happy with what they have learned and achieved. You will be responsible for the physical organisation of papers, literature reviews, project proposals, results and raw data.
You will also have the opportunity to design your own primatological research project (subject to the approval of the PLT primatologist and Scientific Council).
Role competencies
- Computer skills including excel, word, lightroom/photoshop.
- Field experience working with wild primates – particularly in carrying out behavioural studies (experience with Central and South American monkeys is a bonus but not essential).
- Experience in supervising projects and people.
- Good understanding of statistical analyses (preferably with experience in R, SPSS, Python etc.).
- Familiarity with GIS (especially QuantumGIS).
- Educated to Masters degree level in primatology or anthropology.
- Manual driving license with 4x4/off-road experience.
- Bilingual -English and Spanish (fluency in English is essential).
- Record of scientific writing with peer-reviewed publications
Main tasks and responsibilities
- Correspond by email (copying the Executive Director and Primatologist into the conversation) with interns before they arrive at the site, ensuring they meet all pre-arrival deadlines, and assisting in the production of a quality research proposal.
- Meet with each intern once or twice each week, depending on necessity, in a formal setting to discuss any aspect of their project, especially assisting with troubleshooting and data analysis. Be available at other times to answer their questions.
- Coordinate and contribute to the initial setup of intern project methodologies (in collaboration with the PLT Primatologist) both on paper and in the field, motivating them and ensuring a strong start to their fieldwork stage.
- Following initial set-up, visit each internship project at least twice per month, enforcing deadlines for written and presentation aspects of project development and providing feedback and support in these assignments.
- Collect and collate all digital materials related to each intern in the “intern database”, including, but not limited to, literature reviews, project proposals, raw data, photographs, statistical analyses, papers consulted, presentations and outcomes.
- Organise and facilitate intern presentations, communicating the details of presentations to all staff in advance via the shared calendar.
- Coordinate with the Volunteer Coordinator to ensure interns have volunteer support when necessary.
- Submit project updates and publication progress to the Executive Director and Primatologist.
- Supervision of remote interns by organising weekly meetings and making sure they get all the help they need through all the different steps of their project.
- Contributing to extra PLT projects such as developing online courses or any other ongoing or new projects.
- Contribute to furthering PLTs mission wherever possible, including using non-science skills to assist in project development.
- When necessary fulfil domestic responsibilities including but not limited to cooking meals, cleaning dishes, doing shopping, coordinating recreational activities, and managing PLT home projects.
With this position, you’ll have the opportunity to work with a young and ambitious team of conservationists within a fast-growing and unique organisation in the neotropics. The post begins with a 6 month unpaid trial period (full bed and board are covered). At the end of a successful trial period there is the opportunity for a long-term role to be discussed.
Primatology is a highly neglected discipline in Paraguay and you’ll be contributing to ground-breaking research. To apply, please send your CV, a cover letter, two professional or academic references and one character reference to rebecca@paralatierra.org. The recruitment process will also include a Zoom interview, and a written project proposal for a theoretical research project. No closing date - rolling applications until the right candidate is found. Some training for the role will also take place remotely.
To unsubscribe from this group, please e-mail primate-job+unsubscribe@g-groups.wisc.edu from the e-mail address that you are subscribed with. Unsubscribe requests will not be successful if that e-mail address forwards to your current address, and the request comes from the latter. If you have difficulty unsubscribing, please e-mail pin@primate.wisc.edu and not the entire group. Thank you for your understanding!
Offre de thèse
Concours de l’école doctorale « Environnement-Santé »
Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (Dijon)
Titre du projet : Effets relaxants et stimulants des odeurs et des musiques : investigation comportementale et psychophysiologique d'une intermodalité paradoxale.
Directeur de thèse et du co-directeur : Renaud Brochard et Sophie Donnadieu
Contact: renaud.brochard@u-bourgogne.fr et sophie.donnadieu@univ-smb.fr
Sujet de thèse détaillé accessible à l’adresse suivante domaine « Environnement » : https://e2s.ubfc.fr/concours-2021-sujets-et-calendrier/
Résumé: L'objectif de ce projet de thèse sera de caractériser, qualitativement et quantitativement, les effets d'activation (relaxants/stimulants) de stimulations odorantes et musicales chez l’Homme, en présentations seule (unimodale) ou conjointe (multimodale). Il s’agira d’en décrire les mécanismes fonctionnels sous-jacents, qu’ils soient spécifiques à une modalité sensorielle ou bien partagés, et ce, à partir de mesures comportementales (e.g. perception de durées, échelles d'émotions auto-rapportées), physiologiques (rythme cardiaque, respiratoire, réponse électrodermale...) et EEG (analyses temps-fréquence). Plus précisément, il s'agira de mieux comprendre pourquoi la présentation conjointe d'odeurs et de musiques relaxantes n'entraine pas de bénéfice cumulatif d'effets notamment lors de la récupération suite à un "stress cognitif" (épreuves mobilisant fortement les ressources de traitement). Plusieurs hypothèses seront testées pour répondre à cet apparent paradoxe intermodal : la surcharge sensorielle, l'incongruence des représentations sémantiques associées aux stimuli olfactifs et musicaux et le couplage sensorimoteur de l'activité oscillatoire du cerveau. L'intensité des stimuli olfactifs sera manipulée de sorte à tester les effets d'activation en présentation consciente ou non. Les co-variables potentielles concernant la modalité olfactive seront le caractère alimentaire ou non des odeurs, leur valence hédonique et leur familiarité. Concernant la modalité auditive musicale, nous intéresserons au tempo, à l'instrumentation et au genre des musiques. A terme, ce projet de thèse est susceptible de fournir des bases théoriques et des données expérimentales contrôlées aux stratégies d'enrichissement perceptif utilisées dans des cadres commerciaux (marketing sensoriel) ou thérapeutiques (musico-et aromathérapies).
Abstract : The general aim of the present project is to characterize, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the relaxing and arousing effects of olfactory and musical stimulations in human adults by presenting them either separately or conjointly. We will describe the underlying functional mechanisms, may they be specific of a single modality or shared by both. This will be achieved by using behavioral measures (e.g. time perception and motor, tasks or self-reported judgments), physiological indices (heart rate variability, galvanic skin response, respiratory rate) and EEG (time-frequency analyses). More precisely, we aim to better understand why the simultaneous presentation of relaxing scents and music do not display cumulative benefits, e.g during the period of recovery that follows mild "cognitive stress" (involvement in highly demanding tasks). Several hypotheses will be tested in order to explain this intermodal paradox: sensory overload, semantic incongruence of associated representations or entrainment, by stimuli, of the sensorimotor cerebral oscillatory activity. We will manipulate the concentration of the odorants in order to test for conscious and unconscious relaxing effects. Edibility, pleasantness and familiarity of odors as well as musical tempo, timbre and genres we be considered as potential co-variates. Eventually, this doctoral work could provide theoretical bases as well as experimentally-controlled data for perceptual enrichment strategies developed for commercial (sensory marketing) or therapeutic purpose (musico-and aromatherapy).
Lieu et Unité de recherche : Centre des Sciences du Goût et de l’Alimentation CSGA UMR 6265 UBFC-CNRS-INRAE-AGROSUP (Dir.: Loïc Briand). Equipe d’appartenance : Ethologie développementale et psychologie cognitive (Equipe 7, Resp: Benoist Schaal), Dijon.
Connaissances et compétences requises : L'étudiant.e devra avoir suivi une formation de Master 2 en psychologie expérimentale, neuropsychologie, éthologie et/ou neurosciences cognitives. Une bonne connaissance des protocoles expérimentaux en psychologie cognitive est requise. Une expérience concrète dans la collecte et l'analyse de données EEG chez l'Homme serait un atout supplémentaire (mais pas un prérequis) pour tout potentiel candidat. Il (elle) devra disposer de bonnes aptitudes de rédaction et d'expression orale, en français et en anglais. Enfin, des connaissances dans le domaine de la musique seront les bienvenues même si elles ne sont pas obligatoires.
Pour tous renseignements, merci de contacter renaud.brochard@u-bourgogne.fr et sophie.donnadieu@univ-smb.fr
jeudi 1 avril 2021
Capacités attentionnelles visuelles intra et interspécifique des enfants aux troubles du spectre autistique et enfants au développement typique
Les informations sur le site de l'école doctorale : https://theses.doctorat-bretagneloire.fr/bs/theses-2021