mercredi 24 septembre 2008


La Ligue de l’enseignement recherche un volontaire pour participer à la conception d’un « Itinéraire de Citoyenneté » sur le développement durable

Statut : volontaire dans le cadre du dispositif du Service Civil Volontaire. Information sur

Durée : 6 ou 9 mois, à partir du 1er octobre 2008

Descriptif de la mission :

« L’Itinéraire de citoyenneté » d’éducation à la citoyenneté est une démarche pédagogique innovante qui s’articule autour des différentes journées de commémoration ou de sensibilisation à partir desquelles des actions citoyennes sont susceptibles d’être mises en œuvre. Ainsi, cette initiative propose aux acteurs de la communauté éducative -scolaires, périscolaires et hors scolaires- une démarche et des outils pédagogiques adaptés pour traiter et encourager une citoyenneté active tout au long de l’année.

La Ligue de l’enseignement, membre du Cidem (Civisme et Démocratie) est pilote d’un nouveau parcours sur le développement durable. La mission du volontaire consistera à accompagner l’élaboration de cette démarche pédagogique :

- Participation au comité de pilotage du projet « parcours civique développement durable »

- Rédaction des comptes rendus

- Assurer le suivi des décisions du comité de pilotage

- Participation aux actions identifiées dans ce parcours, notamment la conception d’un outil pédagogique sur l’empreinte écologique

- Recherches documentaires, d’outils pédagogiques existants

- Rédactions d’articles pour le site dédié

Conditions :

Indemnités de 627 euros / mois

26 heures / semaine

Formations civique et sur la mission assurées en commun avec d’autres volontaires

Poste situé à Paris, prévoir des déplacements en région

Formation supérieure en environnement et /ou économie sociale souhaitable

Grande capacité d’autonomie

Qualité rédactionnelle impérative

Une expérience dans l’animation serait un plus (Bafa)

Candidature :

Lettre + CV sont à adresser au plus tard le 26 septembre 2008 à :

Hélène Guinot

Entretien le 29 ou 30 septembre

Offres d'emploi en Portugal - Recherche - Biologie Marine - Aquaculture - Pêche

Animaux et compagnies

Des annonces de stage et des offres d'emploi ont été actualisées sur le site
FabienneDelfour organise aussi un séminaire qui traitera des Thérapies Asssistées par l'Animal au mois d'Octobre, je vous conseille de vous y inscrire rapidement car les places sont limitées.

Stage M2

Nous proposons un stage de master 2, intitulé: La fourmi d'Argentine : Agressivité intraspécifique et mosaïque des signatures le long des côtes sud-européennes.

et recherchons donc un (e) étudiant(e) de vos masters 2 et motivé(e) par ce stage qui se déroulera à l'Europôle Méditerranéen de l'Arbois près d'Aix en Provence.

Dr. Marielle RENUCCI
I.M.E.P. , CNRS-UMR 6116, équipe IBBC
Europôle méditerranéen de l'Arbois
Bâtiment Villemin, BP 80
13545, Aix-en-Provence, cedex 04
Tel : 33 (0)4 42 90 84 62
Fax : 33 (0)4 42 90 84 48
Emél :

Post doc position in Prague

Acoustic Communication in Pigs and between Pigs and Humans

A 2-4 year post doc position is available starting between November 2008 and January 2009 (the earlier the better) at the Department of Ethology, Institute of Animal Science ( in Prague, Czechia.

The post-doc will work with Marek Špinka
( and his colleagues, looking at the structure and function of calls that pigs produce during mutual interactions, during interactions with the housing environment, in reaction to husbandry practises and in the presence of humans. In particular, the position will include research work on how emotions are encoded in pig vocalizations and how they are decoded from the calls by conspecific and heterospecific listeners. Other specific topics could be worked out with the successful candidate. Overlaps and extensions into the neighbouring areas of pig social behaviour, human-animal relationships and general theory of communication and cognition are possible, depending on the ideas, interests and skills of the candidate.

A successful candidate must have her/his Ph.D. completed (or her/his thesis submitted with a clear perspective of defending it) by the time he takes the position. The candidate must have a record of conducting research in the field of animal behaviour and publishing results in refereed scientific journals. Experience in working with animal communication, especially acoustic communication, will be a bonus. Willingness to learn new methods in recording and analysing acoustic communication is a pre-requisite.

The successful candidate will work as a member of the friendly Department of Ethology team, an animal behaviour research group consisting of about 15 scientists, students and technicians. English will be the working language for the position, although candidates should be aware that communication with non-scientific staff at the Institute may often need help from your local colleagues.

The position is fully funded (research expenses, travel funds, salary) for two years with a perspective of 1-2 year prolongation depending on successful acquisition of external research funds for the third (and fourth) year of research.

The initial salary will be in the range of 22 000 – 27 000 Czech koruna gross (about 900-1100 Euro) per month with salary increases and yearly bonuses dependent on progress and results of the research work. Very affordable and nice accommodation directly in the Institute will be available. Candidates may note that costs of living in Prague (food, transport, leisure) may differ from their home country, in many cases being lower.

Send applications including your CV to Marek Špinka at The deadline for applications is September 30, 2008 or until the position is filled.

Field Assistants: Behavioral Ecology of Phayre's Leaf Monkeys

Hiring Organization:
Andreas Koenig - Stony Brook University

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Field assistants are needed for a research project on the behavioral ecology of Phayre's leaf monkeys (Trachypithecus phayrei) at Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary, Northeastern Thailand. The study is conducted by Andreas Koenig & Carola Borries (Dept of Anthropology, Stony Brook University) and aims to test socio-ecological models regarding costs and benefits of group life, ecology of social relationships, and sexual strategies.

The study area comprises a primary forest (hill evergreen, dry evergreen, dry dipterocarp, pine and bamboo forest) at an elevation of 300-1,300m asl (monsoon climate with cold winters). In addition to 8 primate species, the area harbors e.g., elephants, gaurs, 2 bear species, 8 cat species (including tigers), wild dogs, jackals, snakes (including cobras) and plenty of leeches, mosquitoes, spiders, and ticks.

The work will include: maintenance of a trail system, basic botantical/ phenological work, behavioral observations (e.g., ranging, activity budgets, focal sampling), data entry as well as maintenance of equipment. Most of the work in the forest is off-trail including areas with dense undergrowth and bamboo stands. The field assistants will be trained in Thailand. Basic accomodation is available at the headquarters within the sanctuary (more details available on request).

The work in the forest is demanding (particularly during the rainy season) and field worker rather regularly encounter elephants, forest bisons, bears, packs of wild dogs, snakes, etc. Applicants should be physically fit, self-reliant, and feel comfortable under the conditions described. The ability to ride a motorbike and a car with stick-shift is essential. Applicants should have a BS or BA (Biology, Physical Anthropology or related field) and prior research experience (preferably in Asia). Applicants must be willing to learn the Thai language.

No salary.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
No salary is provided, but transportation and basic living costs on-site will be covered; please note, however, that transportation costs will be reimbursed only after a successful 6-month period on site, i.e., successful applicants have to initially cover their transportation costs. Positions and funding are contingent of our success in grant applications.

Term of Appointment:
13 months, beginning mid-end of June 2009 or later (depending on when funding becomes available)

Application Deadline:
October 30, 2008

Applications should include an application letter, CV/résumé, as well as names, phone numbers and e-mails of 2 references. Applications by e-mail are preferred .

Contact Information:
Andreas Koenig
Dept of Anthropology, Circle Rd, SBS Bldg S-517
Stony Brook, NY 11794-4364

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:

Research Assistant: Howling Monkeys in Tabasco, Mexico

Hiring Organization:
Washington University in St. Louis, Dept. of Anthropology

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Collection of behavioral data on howling monkeys in Pantanos de Centla Biosphere Reserve, Tabasco, Mexico. Some vegetation monitoring and sampling. Some vegetation processing and analyses (e.g. tannins, sugars).
The field sites are located within mangrove swamp forest, and the nature of the research requires that we are in this harsh watery environment on nearly an every day basis in motorboats and kayaks and on foot (~12 hours/day).
The research assistant will be trained by the Principal Investigator before actual data collection begins and will work closely with the PI and at times with the local Chontal Maya.

Must be able to handle intense field conditions. Bilingual (Spanish/English). Some knowledge of animal behavior and data collection preferred but not required. Some knowledge of diplomacy and tact when interacting with local peoples. Some experience with field conditions a plus. Preference will be given to in-country students, especially those from southeastern Mexico.

$100 USD/week.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Housing (shared) and meals will be provided by PI.

Term of Appointment:
January 2009 through January 2010.

Application Deadline:
November 30, 2008

Contact Information:
LeAndra Luecke
CB 1114, One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130

Telephone Number:
618 979-9860


E-mail Address:

Field Research Assistant: Social effects of translocation in threatened Ecuadorian mantled howlers

Hiring Organization:
University of Texas at San Antonio

Date Posted:

Position Description:
I am currently seeking one or more field assistants to work on a field study investigating the social organization of two groups of threatened howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata aequatorialis) in the context of a translocation from a disturbed habitat on Ecuador’s coast, into a protected reserve along the lower Andes where they historically ranged. As such, field assistants will be required to collect detailed behavioral data on the two groups for an extended period both before and after they are translocated. Field assistants will also help in conducting a census of the small howler population at the source site, collecting fecal samples from all population individuals to obtain DNA information, and radio-tracking monkeys after translocation. The project, therefore, provides an ideal opportunity to gain field experience for those interested in both primate social behavior and applied conservation.

Ideally, field assistants will have a Bachelor’s degree in anthropology, biology, or a related field. Prior field experience and/or work with animals is preferred, but not essential. Some travel experience outside of their home country is also helpful (preferably in the tropics), as is a working knowledge of Spanish. Most importantly, applicants must 1) be interested in primate behavior and conservation; 2) be in good physical condition; 3) feel comfortable working long hours in the forest, often alone; 4) be emotionally mature and comfortable far away from family and friends for long periods; 5) not be afraid of bugs, snakes, or spiders; and 6) have patience and the ability to maintain a very good sense of humor under difficult conditions.

Funding is not available at this time, but will be considered for partial reimbursement should it become available, and upon successful completion of the term of the appointment. Field assistants are responsible for their airfare, accommodation, food, medical insurance, immunizations (yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis, rabies recommended), and personal expenses. Accommodation and food is expected to cost approximately $15/day at both sites.

Term of Appointment:
Minimum 6 months, preferably 12 months

Application Deadline:
The project begins in January 2009 and will continue through July 2010. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.

Starting dates and terms of appointment are negotiable. If interested, please submit the following via email:

1) CV
2) Letter or statement of interest
3) At least 2 references with contact information

Contact Information:
Lisa Corewyn
Department of Anthropology, University of Texas at San Antonio, One UTSA Circle
San Antonio, TX 78240

Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

research assistant

Hiring Organization:
Max-Planck-Institute for Evol. Anthropology

Date Posted:

Position Description:
For an ongoing project on feeding behaviour of bonobos at LuiKotale, Salonga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, we are searching for one research assistant. Field work includes behavioral observations of focal animals and fecal analyses. The candidate will be trained by a senior researcher before working independently.

Above average physical condition, high resistance to psychological stress, English language skills, and solid field experience are essential requirements. Candidates with experience in collection of behavioral data and language skills in French will be preferred. Field work requires long-distance walking (up to 30 km per day) and working time often exceed 10 hours.

Given the difficult terrain and the extreme climate, work demands physical fitness and very high motivation. The proximity to persons from other cultures can lead to psychological stress and candidates must be prepared to adapt to difficult living conditions.

300 Euro per month

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
The project covers costs for two domestic flights and for visa. It contributes up to 800 Euro to an international return flight ONLY AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION of the appointment.

The project provides food and accomodation (tents) at the field site. Expenses for food and lodging during stays in Kinshasa ARE NOT COVERED. Expenses for private field equipment, medical supplies, and insurances CAN NOT BE COVERED by the project.

Term of Appointment:
9 months starting in December 2008

Application Deadline:
November 2008

The field site is located in the province of Bandundu. Applicants are expected to search for information about the past and current political situation in the DRC. Candidates should also obtain detailed information about tropical diseases, their risks and their prevention. Before entering DRC, candidates must have a health insurance that covers expenses within Congo, including evaluation for medical treatment.

Contact Information:
Dr. Gottfried Hohmann
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig 04103

Telephone Number:
++49 341 3550 208


E-mail Address:

Chimpanzee volunteer

Hiring Organization:
Stichting AAP

Date Posted:

Position Description:
The chimpanzee department at Stichting AAP rely greatly on the help of volunteers to be able to offer dedicated and a high level of care for our chimpanzees. The chimpanzees in our care have all been rescued from all around Europe, from circuses, illegal pet trade, ex-laboratories and bad zoos that were closed down. The chimpanzee department has grown in size in 2005, and we now house 47 rescued chimpanzees and can still offer a home to others in need.
Working conditions; At present we are looking for volunteers to help prepare food for the chimpanzees, and any other tasks that needs completing.
Stichting AAP has a strict hands off policy, so volunteers have no direct contact with any of the animals.
Working hours; A normal working day starts at 8.30am until 17.10pm. Breaks are taken throughout the day, including two coffee/tea breaks and lunch (13.00-13.45pm). Tea, coffee and lunch are free of charge during your volunteer period. You will be required to follow a three or four day week schedule which will include working in the weekends. All members within the team rotate between a Saturday schedule (Wednesday-Saturday) or a Sunday schedule (Sunday-Wednesday).
Period; We are looking for volunteers that are able to come anywhere between December 2008 and throughout 2009.

Experience working with animals/ primates is desirable. The chimpanzee department communicates in English, due to an international team, so a good level of spoken English is required. You will need to be physically fit to be able to complete the range of tasks in the chimpanzee department. Volunteers must be willing to learn and understand the ethics of Stichting AAP.

Volunteer work in the chimpanzee department is physically demanding, so good physical health is required. Vaccinations to protect you against tetanus, hepA, and hepB are highly recommended, as this will enable you to do additional tasks. A negative TB result is also required, either in the form of a mantoux or an x-ray before you can work around the chimpanzees.
You will need health insurance to cover you during your volunteer period, proof will be asked for.

No salary or funding is available.

Accommodation in our AAP house is free of charge while you are a volunteer at Stichting AAP. Lunch is free of charge on your working days.
You will need to fund all other expenses yourself, including flights or international trains, food during stay, health and travelinsurance etc.
Stichting AAP will refund travel costs to and from work within the netherlands, the full public transportation costs, and some helptowards petrol costs.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Accommodation is mostly available in the AAP house situated in Almere city. This will normally be in a shared bunk bedroom. The kitchen, living room and bathroom are all communal areas. Wireless internet (own laptop required) and a phone line on which people can call in on are available. If you require accommodation please inform us as soon as possible as spaces are limited.

Term of Appointment:
to start from december and throughout 2009. For a three month period.

How to apply.
If you're interested in applying for a volunteer position within the chimpanzee department, please send your resume, letter of interest and the dates that you're available to Miss Caroline Borst, Chimpanzee Complex, Stichting AAP, Postbus 50313, 1305 AH Almere, The Netherlands or email

Contact Information:
Caroline Borst
Kemphaanweg 16 Postbus 50313
Almere 1305 AH

Telephone Number:
+31 (0)36-5238762

Fax Number:
+31 (0)36-5384240


E-mail Address:

Volunteer Field Assistant: Titi Monkey Behavior in Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Hiring Organization:
State University of New York, Oneonta

Date Posted:

Position Description:
I am looking for several volunteer field assistants to help with the long-term monitoring of the social behavior, ecology, and genetics of wild titi monkeys (Callicebus donacophilus) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Field Assistants will be required to do all day follows on the various groups 5 days/week. Assistant responsibilities include recording social and foraging behavior, mapping group movements, entering data, aiding in playback experiments, and collecting fecal samples for genetic analyses.

Previous field work experience or graduate of a qualified field course is preferred. Volunteers should be highly motivated with a strong interest in primate behavior and ecology.

Generally, students should:
1. be in good physical and mental condition
2. be able to cope with early morning starts
3. be comfortable being away from family and friends for long periods of time
4. have a positive attitude
5. be patient and committed

No funding is available at this time. However, it is possible that part of your accommodation will be covered.

Term of Appointment:
February to December 2009. Longer stays are preferred, but a minimum of 3 months is required. Volunteers staying 6 months or longer will receive publication credit.

Contact Information:
Kimberly Dingess
PO Box 316
Davenport, NY 13750

Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:

vendredi 5 septembre 2008

Annuaire des ecoles doctorales

Je souhaitais faire partager la découverte d'un outil : un annuaire des écoles doctorales un peu particulier.
- on entre le mot de ce que l'on veut rechercher,
- il publie en temps quasi-réel la liste des unités de recherche travaillant sur le sujet, et l'établissement de rattachement,
- on choisit une de ces unités et on nous indique alors le nom du responsable de l'unité, ses coordonnées complètes, la ou les ED de rattachement et ses coordonnées...

jeudi 4 septembre 2008

Primate Behavior and Conservation Field Course in Costa Rica

Hiring Organization:
State University of New York, Oneonta

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Danta: Association for Conservation of the Tropics and its academic affiliates (State University of New York at Oneonta and East Stroudsburg University) are pleased to announce their winter 2008/2009 primate behavior and conservation field course.

The field course will be held at El Zota Biological Field Station in North-eastern Costa Rica near the Barro Colorado Reserve. The field station includes approximately 1000 hectares (over 2470 acres) of lush, tropical lowland rain forest. The station is among the largest of its kind in Costa Rica, and is home to a diverse array of wildlife. The fauna includes white-faced capuchins, mantled howling monkeys, black-handed spider monkeys, tapir, jaguar, collared peccary, great green macaws, brown caimans just to name a few. The station is designed to allow students to learn techniques that can be used in field research on ecological, behavioral and conservation questions in the tropics, and in so doing, to conserve the property of the research station.

Course Offerings:

Primate Behavior and Conservation (December 28, 2008 - January 17, 2009). Instructors: Kim Dingess, State University of New York at Oneonta and Dr. Agustin Fuentes, University of Notre Dame.

Ecotravel Experience (January 18-January 25, 2008) Coordinator: Israel Mesen

For more information, please visit our website at or email

We hope to see you in Costa Rica!

The courses are intended for undergraduates or early graduate level students who demonstrate a keen interest in primatology or tropical biology, but have little or no field experience.

Participants may enroll on either a credit or non-credit basis. Credit can be obtained through the State University of New York at Oneonta or through your own institution by way of independent study.


Term of Appointment:
December 28, 2008 to January 25, 2009

Application Deadline:
December 1, 2008

Contact Information:
Kimberly Dingess
Department of Anthropology, SUNY
Oneonta, NY 13820

Telephone Number:


E-mail Address:

Field assistant (volunteer)

Hiring Organization:
Mary Blair, Ph.D. Candidate at Columbia University

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Volunteer field assistant needed for a dissertation project in the central pacific region of Costa Rica. Field assistant will help to locate and follow troops of Central American Squirrel Monkeys (Saimiri oerstedii) and also help with fecal sample collection for genetic analysis.

At least 2 years of undergraduate education, with some coursework in biology
or physical anthropology. Some field experience would be great, but not necessary.
Some Spanish language skills would be great, but also not necessary.
Please email a coverletter, CV or resume and 2 letters of reference to email address below - your reference letter writers should email their letters directly to me, with your name in the subject line.
Make sure in your coverletter to describe your field experience (if any) and
any other relevant experience (such as any international travel), and also describe your personality and ability to work with others.

Not funded (volunteer position)

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Most daily travel will be paid for, but volunteer must pay for own
travel to and from Costa Rica, and for meals & lodging (which is about
$400/month at field location).

Term of Appointment:
February 1 - April 20, 2009

Application Deadline:
October 1, 2008

Contact Information:
Mary Blair
Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Columbia University, 10th Fl. Schermerhorn Ext., 1200 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10025

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:

mercredi 3 septembre 2008

Etude expérimentale du processus de déplacement collectif chez le mouton domestique : leader circonstanciel et panurgisme ?

Descriptif : Le sujet s’insère dans les travaux menés sur l’étude des décisions collectives chez les vertébrés. Les groupes pour la plupart des espèces sont mobiles. Les déplacements engagent le départ d’un ou quelques individus, qui peuvent être suivis ou non par tout ou partie des autres membres du groupe. Les travaux à mener concernent les déplacements collectifs spontanés ou provoqués et la décision de suivre. Le(a) stagiaire participera à toutes les étapes expérimentales du travail.

Les expériences se dérouleront sur 2 périodes, une première qui débutera en novembre 2008 pour une durée de 2 mois, et une seconde de début janvier à fin février. Le logement sera assuré sur place ; les frais de déplacement seront pris en charge par le laboratoire. Le(a) candidat(e) devra préférentiellement être formé(e) à l’étude du comportement animal. En plus du travail expérimental, il/elle assurera un travail de berger durant sa présence sur le terrain. Il/elle manipulera des brebis et pourra être amené(e) à monter sur une tour mirador.

Equipe d’accueil : Comportement Collectifs – Ethologie et Modélisation

Contact : Marie Hélène PILLOT - Richard BON

Centre de Recherche sur la Cognition Animale, UFR SVT, Bât. 4R3, 3ème étage

Tel : 05 61 55 69 13 ; email :,

Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in semi-natural systems

The role of diversity in regulation of ecosystem function and stability is a complex issue; and continued provision of ecosystem services in a rapidly changing world is of particular interest to policy makers. This study will investigate the role that above- and below-ground diversity plays in the maintenance of a range of Ecosystem Services such as carbon sequestration and pollination.

The study will collect data from existing field experiments and new survey sites, and will set up a chronosequence study to examine the role of diversity in the context of successional change. It will utilise a wide range of UK habitats along the productivity-diversity gradient (including grasslands, woodland, and arable set-aside) with a focus on grazed and ungrazed sand dune and saltmarsh grasslands.

The project will collect new and existing data on diversity in plants, insects and soil organisms ranging from macro-invertebrates down to genetic diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizae (by RT-PCR), to examine effects of management intensity on diversity, and its role in maintenance of multiple ecosystem services.

The project will be based in the new Environment Centre for Wales in Bangor, and will use field sites around the UK.

This is a joint studentship with Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Bangor (Supervisor Dr. Laurence Jones), and Bangor University (Supervisor Prof. Davey Jones). We are seeking a strongly motivated individual with a good, relevant degree. The successful candidate will have a strong academic record, specific experience in environmental biology and good computational skills. Both fieldwork and labwork including molecular techniques form major components of the project. Much of the specialist taxonomic work will be contracted out, however some taxonomic expertise in any group: (plants, invertebrates, etc.) would be useful. A full driving licence would be an advantage.

Please contact supervisors (see further information) for more details. Apply by email or post, with CV and a covering letter detailing how your skills and experience make you the best candidate for this PhD. Please include names and full contact details incl. email address of at least 2 referees. Deadline 5.00pm on 26 Sept; interviews week of 6-10 Oct.

Pour plus d'infos....

lundi 1 septembre 2008

URGENT : Proposition de doctorat

Aspects affectifs de la coopération médiée : étude des interactions et de l'expérience vécue dans le support social en ligne

Cette thèse relève de la psychologie ergonomique dans le domaine des usages, des services et de la coopération. Elle visera à étudier le vécu relationnel et affectif des participants dans des interactions à distance. Un objectif majeur sera de comprendre les effets de la médiation, liée à des nouveaux services de communication, sur la dimension affective de l'interaction.

Le terrain d'étude plus spécifique sera celui des blogs et forums professionnels sur lesquels des internautes décrivent leurs difficultés professionnelles et interagissent avec d'autres internautes qui commentent et partagent éventuellement leurs propres expériences de situations professionnelles délicates à gérer. Il s'agit de formes de soutien social et de coaching entre pairs. La notion de coping, très usitée dans le domaine de la psychologie des émotions et du travail, renvoie aux stratégies d'ajustement que les sujets mettent en place pour gérer des situations d'inconfort émotionnel. Le partage social des émotions (Rimé 2005) est une forme de coping qui permet, par le récit de son expérience, de donner du sens aux situations et de s'en distancier par ce processus d?élaboration.

Il s'agira de :
- décrire les types de d'interaction, les processus de mise en récit, les rôles et positionnements adoptés (empathique, directif,...), et leurs effets sur l'état émotionnel et sur la gestion de la situation problématique.
- préciser le vécu relationnel et affectif des participants dans des interactions à distance (le sentiment de confiance/méfiance, la tension/détente,...) et cerner les sources de ces vécus affectifs (perception limitée d?autrui, accords/désaccords, rôles tenus..),
- les interpréter dans des cadres théoriques issus de l'ergonomie de la coopération ainsi que de la psychologie et de la sociologie des interactions et des émotions,
- fournir des préconisations ergonomiques pour la conception de services de support social en ligne.

D'un point de vue méthodologique, deux approches complémentaires sont envisagées :
1. Des observations et analyses des usages spontanés des blogs et forums professionnels, et des entretiens consécutifs avec les participants pour approcher leur expérience vécue:
2. Des situations provoquées avec des sujets volontaires permettant de comparer les effets de plusieurs types de modes de communication (e.g. écrit seul, écrit augmenté, oral) et de plusieurs styles de positionnements sur l'interaction et sur l?expérience affective des sujets.

Profil souhaité

Master 2 en Ergonomie, Psychologie (cognitive, sociale), Psycholinguistique ou Sciences Cognitives. Expérience souhaitée dans l'analyse de corpus langagiers et dans la pratique d'entretiens


LTCI- UMR 5141 - CNRS - Telecom Paris Tech

Département Sciences économiques, humaines et sociales , 46 rue Barrault, Paris 13


Bourse de thèse de trois ans de Telecom Paristech ; Démarrage souhaité : octobre 2008

Suivi de la thèse et contact

Béatrice Cahour

Françoise Détienne

Tel: 01 45 81 83 20/ 83 18


Béatrice Cahour

chercheure CNRS

LTCI .UMR 5141 .Télécom Paris Tech

46 rue Barrault - 75013 Paris - Fr


tél : 33 (0)6 81 06 01 37