mercredi 17 décembre 2008

PhD Scholarships in Psychology and Animal Behaviour

Exeter Graduate Fellowships

The School of Psychology is seeking to appoint a number of PhD students starting in October 2009. The stipend will be approximately £13,000 p.a plus full payment of tuition fees at Home/EU rates (for non EU citizen, there is an additional tuition charge of £8,500k pa). These positions are available to applicants intending to register for an MPhil/PhD in October 2009.

The School of Psychology is an exciting and vibrant place to study, consistently rated in the top 10 Psychology departments in the UK, with particular research strengths in animal behaviour. The successful applicants will be expected to participate in up to 180 hours of undergraduate teaching-related duties per year, including leading small group tutorials, demonstrating, running the statistical helpdesk and marking. The award will be made for 3 years initially, subject to satisfactory performance, but will be renewable thereafter for a further 12 months, thus providing 'guaranteed' financial support in the final year in which the PhD will have to be completed.

We strongly recommend that applicants identify a potential supervisor and discuss potential research projects with the potential supervisor before applying. (See the School's Research<> page and potential supervisors' home pages<> for further information). For Animal Behaviour, see especially: Darren Croft, John Endler, Natalie Hempel, Lisa Leaver and Joah Madden.

To apply for this position please send a CV, a covering letter confirming the potential supervisor and an approx 2,000 word research proposal, indicating at least one specific study you might conduct, and how that study relates to previous work in that field.

Please send your application to:
Fiona Neligan, Postgraduate Secretary, School of Psychology, University of Exeter, Washington Singer Laboratories, Exeter, EX4 4GQ, United Kingdom, or email to

We recommend you contact a potential supervisor no later 5 January 2009Applications must be received by 16 January 2009.

Presentations and Interviews will be held for successful applicants on 12 February 2009 in the School of Psychology.

Dr J. R. Madden
Animal Behaviour Group
School of Psychology
University of Exeter

(+44) 1392 269122