Just to remind you that the 1st November deadline for submission of abstracts for the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) unthemed one day conference on ‘Recent advances in animal welfare science’ is fast approaching. The conference is already proving popular and we look forward to announcing a diverse and interesting range of talks soon but we remain interested in hearing from anyone who wishes to make a contribution to the conference on the open subject of recent advances in applied ethology, veterinary and physiological science and the other disciplines that inform our understanding of animals and their welfare; both from those who are well established in this area and from those just beginning to make a contribution.
Submission of interest should include the title of the proposed contribution, the nature of the contribution – talk or poster, the name and full contact details of all contributors and an abstract, which must be in English, and should be no longer than 400 words.
The conference is part of UFAW’s on-going commitment to improving the way we understand and care for animals and is to be held on 30th June 2010 in York, at the city’s medieval Merchant Adventurers’ Hall , Fossgate. The conference aims to provide a forum at which the broad community of scientists, veterinarians and others concerned with animal welfare can come together to share knowledge and practice, discuss advances and exchange views. In keeping with this aim, registration for this meeting has been kept low - £20.00 (lunch not included).