Vous venez de réussir votre master 2 éthologie, écologie, and coe, ce blog est le vôtre! Il vous permet de retrouver différentes offres de PhD, emplois, stages, et même post doc pour les "anciens"... Outil de mise en réseau des informations, ce blog offre à chacun de la liberté de participer et ainsi permettre à tous de trouver au plus vite sa prochaine étape professionnelle. Si vous avez une offre à poster, transmettez la à : marine.grandgeorge@univ-rennes1.fr
mardi 20 décembre 2011
Field assistants
VOLUNTEERS - AVIAN FIELD ASSISTANTS - Agency: Max Planck Institute for Ornithology - Location: Seewiesen, Germany. Job description: we are seeking two volunteers to help us collecting breeding and behavioral data on Great tit (Parus major) next spring 2012 (volunteer 1: estimated start March 1st 2012- end of July 2012 and volunteer 2: estimated start April 1st 2012-end of July 2012). Our current research focuses primarily on identifying how natural and sexual selection act on animal “personalities” and behavioral plasticity. The candidates will work closely with a large international team consisting of several post-docs, PhDs and students. Duties include behavioral observations (e.g. aggressiveness, provisioning behaviour), nest monitoring, bird handling (ringing, bleeding, measuring), data entry and data management.
Qualifications: Candidates should have a BSc in Biology or a related field in preferably have proven experience with bird handling. Candidates should be highly motivated, willing to work independently, well organized and have a valid drivers’ license. Field work will involve long hours and work in the week-end while still maintaining a positive attitude. We will provide housing for living. Non-EU applicants should make sure that they eligible for extended stay in Europe. Because our study area has a lot of ticks, accepted volunteers will need to be vaccinated against Tick Born Encephalitis (TBE or FSME).
Reimbursement of vaccination costs is possible. Applicants should also be aware that Lyme disease is prevalent in the area. Applications will be accepted until February 2012 or until the positions are filled and should include (1) a statement that highlights relevant experience, and (2) a short resume or CV and contact information for references (up to 2). Send applications to: MARION NICOLAUS (EM: mnicolaus@orn.mpg.de) Max Planck Institute for Ornithology; Dept. Behavioural Ecology & Evolutionary Genetics; Eberhard-Gwinner-Strasse 5; 82319 Seewiesen, Germany. For more information about the lab visit: (URL:http://www.orn.mpg.de/mitarbeiter/dingemanse1.html).
VOLUNTEER ASSISTANTS needed for field study of avian breeding biology in China. at Alabama A&M University, USA and Beijing Normal University, China.
Location: Central China. Duration: 3-4 months. Job Type: Volunteer. Number of
Openings: 1-3 for each project. Job Description: VOLUNTEER ASSISTANTS needed for field study of the breeding biology of birds in central China. Two projects are available: 1) breeding behavior of Black-throated Tit and Silver- throated Tit (starting on 1st Feb, until May); and 2) breeding behavior of Hair-crested Drongos and Black Drongos (from May to Aug). Duties include mist- netting and banding birds, searching nest, taking blood samples, observing behavior, radio-tracking, data entry, as well as any other works involved in the field. The study site is located in the Dongzhai National Nature Reserve, Henan Province, China. Assistants will work with students from Beijing Normal University, China and Alabama A&M University, USA. All expenses in China during work period (i.e. housing, foods, and local travels, etc) will be covered, but there is no salary, and the assistants are responsible for their travel to and from China. Volunteers will have opportunities to learn avian field research skills, see many Chinese endemic bird species, and experience the Chinese tradition and culture. Qualifications: Previous experience with birds is preferred, but not necessary. Basic training such as bird banding, radio-tracking, will be provided. Volunteers are expected to have strong interest in birds and animal behavior, physically fit and be willing to work for long and irregular time in the field, and share rooms with others. To
Apply: To apply, please send via email a cover letter, a resume and the recommendation letter from at least two references to JIANQIANG LI (EM:
lidove.bnu@gmail.com) for the tit project and to LUIS BIANCUCCI (EM:
luis.biancucci@gmail.com) and LEI LV for the drongo project (EM:
FIELD ASSISTANTS – Virginia Commonwealth University. Location: Allegheny Mountains of Virginia.
Field assistants (4) needed to conduct Golden-winged Warbler surveys and monitoring of reproduction in the Alleghany Mountains of Virginia, 2 hours west of Charlottesville. These positions are to support a conspecific attraction field experiment. Three assistants are needed from ~April 20 until June 30 and one is needed until mid August. Applicants should be willing and able to work alone in remote conditions, work well in a team, and have excellent bird observation skills. Applicants should have some previous field experience, preferably with birds, and have a valid driver’s license. Salary is $1400/month, plus housing. Applicants must be willing to work six days per week, spend long hours in the field and potentially camp for one day at a time with other field technicians. The Allegheny Mountains region is home to the Washington and Jefferson National Forests with ample opportunities for hiking and camping. To apply, email a letter of interest, resume, earliest starting date, and contact information of three references to LESLEY BULLUCK at the Virginia Commonwealth University (EM: lpbulluck@vcu.edu). Also, feel free to contact Lesley via email if you have any questions.
Research Assistant for PrimatesPeru; Behavior, communication, ecology and space-use in callitrichids in southeastern Peru
Hiring Organization:
Washington University in Saint Louis
Date Posted:
Position Description:
Position Description: Research assistants will be assisting main researchers in an investigation of a community of callitrichids in a long-term study at two sites in southeast Peru: a biological field station called CICRA located on the Los Amigos river, and the CCRST, a more rugged site that is barely known to science. While CICRA is fully equipped to sustain long-term projects, with laboratory space and large public areas, the CCRST is definitely more of an adventure with our team likely being the single team on site. As such, the CCRST is slightly cheaper to stay at than CICRA, but all volunteers will be required to spend 2 weeks at CICRA training before moving to the CCRST. Assistants will work on monitoring the behavior, ecology, communication and reproduction of groups of four primate species.
CICRA: Saddleback tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis), emperor tamarins (Saguinus imperator) and Goeldii's Monkey (Callimico goeldii) costing ~$1500/month
CCRST: Saddleback tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis), white-lipped tamarin (Saguinus labiatus) and Goeldii's Monkey (Callimico goeldii) costing ~1000/ month
Here are some of the specific tasks you will participate in:
1. Line transect surveys of primates
2. Daily follows of individual monkey groups
3. Behavioral observations during follows
4. Positional data recording (GPS) on ranging patterns of groups
5. Vegetation sampling
6. Recording locations and monitoring plant feeding sites
4. Setting up and monitoring traps
5. Assisting during processing of animals once trapped (when applicable). This will include:
a. Photographing individuals
b. Recording data as obtained from the individuals
c. Collecting DNA samples (painlessly, and with NO harm to the individual)
This is a great opportunity for a student interested in a graduate program in biology, conservation, ecology or anthropology. You will learn how to record behavioral data, track primates using sound as well as radio telemetry, and conduct focal follows on individual animals. In depth-training through the use of audio-visual aids and field demonstrations on tropical field biology in general will be provided to all accepted candidates.
A minimum of a 2-month commitment is required. If your situation is special and you can stay for longer, please contact us. We are accepting volunteers immediately for the months of March to July. Should an individual be able to work beyond this period, they will at least have to begin during the aforementioned months in order to be trained; indeed we are specifically looking for students who can stay on for longer than July to continue monitoring of groups until December.
Fill out the application at http://www.primatesperu.org/how-you-can-help/raoa and have a recommendation letter from a reliable reference sent via email to primatesperu@gmail.com within 2 weeks of completing the online application. All letters must come directly from the reference and not from the applicant. Decisions will be made quickly and on a rolling basis, beginning in the last week of January. We expect to be able to accommodate ~8 research assistants for the summer.
A detailed job description can be found here: http://primatesperu.org/howyoucanhelp/volunteerreq
Ideally, volunteers should have past experience working or living in a tropical country, preferably in South America. More importantly, a background in science that allows you to understand the scientific method, basic research terminology, and maintenance of data records is vital.
Past Experience
The qualifications we are looking for in a research assistant are:
Degree or expected degree in a life science or anthropology
Knowledge of at least basic Spanish
Good physical and mental health
Ability to hike long distances (6 miles) in a day
Ability to carry a moderately heavy pack
Cheerful, optimistic approach to work
Ability to be independent of family and friends for extended periods
Commitment to the project during days of work (5/6 days a week)
Ability to work with Microsoft Office and Excel for data entry/backup
No fear of snakes, insects, etc.
There is no salary or funding provided to first-time volunteers
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
The costs of the project include meals and lodging, but travel to the sites is outside of the project costs.
Term of Appointment:
2 month commitment, 3 is preferred, beginning in March 2012 until July or further.
Application Deadline:
December 31st, and rolling until positions are filled.
The earlier applications will benefit, as applicants are accepted on a rolling basis from the beginning of 2012. For further instructions, visit www.primatesperu.org and look under "How you can Help" . Please direct all correspondence to primatesperu@gmail.com
Contact Information:
Mrinalini Watsa
E-mail Address:
jeudi 15 décembre 2011
Agency: Max Planck Institute for Ornithology - Location: Seewiesen, Germany. Job description: we are seeking two volunteers to help us collecting breeding and behavioural data on Great tit (Parus major) next spring 2012 (volunteer 1: estimated start March 1st 2012-end of July 2012 and volunteer 2: estimated start April 1st 2012-end of July 2012). Our current research focuses primarily on identifying how natural and sexual selection act on animal “personalities” and behavioural plasticity. The candidates will work closely with a large international team consisting of several post-docs, PhDs and students. Duties include behavioral observations (e.g. aggressiveness, provisioning behaviour), nest monitoring, bird handling (ringing, bleeding, measuring), data entry and data management. Qualifications: Candidates should have a BSc in Biology or a related field in preferably have proven experience with bird handling. Candidates should be highly motivated, willing to work independently, well organized and have a valid drivers’ license. Field work will involve long hours and work in the week-end while still maintaining a positive attitude. We will provide housing for living. Non-EU applicants should make sure that they eligible for extended stay in Europe. Because our study area has a lot of ticks, accepted volunteers will need to be vaccinated against Tick Born Encephalitis (TBE or FSME). Reimbursement of vaccination costs is possible. Applicants should also be aware that Lyme disease is prevalent in the area. Applications will be accepted until February 2012 or until the positions are filled and should include (1) a statement that highlights relevant experience, and (2) a short resume or CV and contact information for references (up to 2). Send applications to: Marion Nicolaus (EMail: mnicolaus AT orn.mpg.de) Max Planck Institute for Ornithology; Dept. Behavioural Ecology & Evolutionary Genetics; Eberhard-Gwinner-Strasse 5; 82319 Seewiesen, Germany. For more information about the lab visit: (URL: http://www.orn.mpg.de/mitarbeiter/dingemanse1.html).
Offre d’emploi d’été : travaux de terrain sur la Côte-Nord
Nous recherchons 2-3 étudiants de premier cycle pour participer à des travaux de recherche portant sur les micromammifères de la Côte-Nord (Québec).
Description du projet :
Le projet vise à mieux comprendre l’impact de la coupe forestière sur les micromammifères de la Côte-Nord. Les travaux de terrain devraient inclure la capture de micromammifères, le suivi télémétrique d’individus et des relevés de végétation.
Conditions de travail :
- Travail en milieu éloigné, logement en camp forestier et sous la tente (Côte-Nord)
- Durée des contrats : de mai à août 2010 (environ 16 semaines).
- Salaires : selon les normes de l’Université Laval.
Qualités requises :
Le(a) candidat(e) devra être autonome, motivé(e), endurant(e), capable de travailler en équipe durant de longues périodes, dans un environnement isolé où pullulent les insectes hématophages.
- Être étudiant au baccalauréat (biologie ou foresterie).
- Avoir un permis de conduire valide.
- Atouts : être éligible à une bourse « CRSNG-emploi d’été » (date d’échéance des demandes de bourse : 21 janvier 2012).
Documents à fournir avant le 7 janvier 2012
- Une courte lettre de motivation,
- Un CV,
- Une copie de vos bulletins universitaires,
- Les coordonnées de trois personnes (références)
De préférence par courriel
Hélène Le Borgne
Laboratoire de Daniel Fortin
Département de biologie, local 4046
Pavillon Alexandre-Vachon
Université Laval, Sainte-Foy
Québec G1K 7P4, Canada
Fax : 418-656-2043
Courriel : helene.le-borgne.1@ulaval.ca
mercredi 14 décembre 2011
Stage en agro-écologie
L’Agrocampus Ouest, Centre d’Angers (Institut National d’Horticulture et de Paysage, INHP), UMR BiO3P propose un stage de 6 mois au sein du projet Brassinse « De la parcelle au paysage : changer d’échelle pour changer de stratégie de gestion des insectes ravageurs des brassicacées légumières » (programme PICLég).
L’effet positif de la végétation aux bordures de champs sur l’abondance et la diversité des ennemis naturels des ravageurs est bien documenté. Cet effet s’explique par la présence dans ces bordures de ressources complémentaires (nectar, pollen) et supplémentaires (hôtes ou proies alternatifs) ou simplement par la fonction refuge des bordures qui constituent un habitat non-perturbé (hivernation). Par conséquent, l’implantation de zones enherbées en bordures de champs est envisagée pour favoriser la régulation naturelle des ravageurs. Cependant, l’augmentation des populations d’auxiliaires n’entraine pas toujours une réduction correspondante des populations de ravageurs sur la culture. De nombreux autres facteurs influencent l’activité des ravageurs et certaines espèces de la végétation spontanée sont des plantes hôtes des ravageurs. Une meilleure connaissance des interactions entre végétation de bordure, auxiliaires, ravageurs et plantes cultivées est indispensable afin d’augmenter l’efficacité de l’implantation de zones non cultivées aux abords des cultures.
Objectif du stage
Le sujet proposé s’inscrit dans les projets Brassinse (Piclég) et PBI-Pays (Pôle Agronomique Ouest) qui visent à analyser les relations pouvant exister entre la structure de l’environnement parcellaire et du paysage entourant les parcelles cultivées, et le développement des populations des insectes ravageurs des cultures de brassicacées légumières. L’objectif du stage sera d’identifier les espèces de plantes aux bordures de champs qui influencent les populations des ravageurs et de leurs ennemis naturels. Les études précédentes (2010, 2011) ont révélé une corrélation négative entre les dégâts sur les choux plantés en bordures et la diversité en plantes entomophiles. A partir de ces données acquises depuis 2 ans, les plantes entomophiles les plus fréquentes et dont la présence est corrélée avec une présence importante d’auxiliaires seront suivies plus spécifiquement cette année. De plus, la présence des ravageurs sera observée sur les plantes hôtes potentielles, notamment sur les brassicacées sauvages présentes dans les bordures. Un suivi des dégâts à l’intérieur des parcelles et des relevés floristiques dans les bordures adjacentes seront réalisés afin de vérifier si l’influence de la végétation observée sur les dégâts des plantations en bordures se manifeste aussi à l’intérieur de la parcelle. L’effet de la végétation sera comparé avec celui des paramètres paysagers en utilisant une cartographie SIG. Ces travaux se dérouleront à Angers et sur une zone d’étude entre Angers et Saumur dans le Maine-et-Loire.
- Développer un dispositif de piégeage des insectes et un protocole d’observation à partir de données bibliographiques
- Analyser la végétation en bordure de champs (relevés floristiques)
- Suivre régulièrement la colonisation par les insectes ravageurs (pucerons, mouches des légumes, lépidoptères défoliateurs) et leurs ennemis naturels (prédateurs et parasitoïdes) ainsi que les dégâts occasionnés dans les cultures.
- Analyser les données
- Réaliser un rapport de stage
Profil souhaité
- Cursus Universitaire ou Ingénieur/e en biologie ou agronomie avec de solides bases en écologie
- Connaissances en botanique et en entomologie
- Intérêt pour le travail de terrain
- Notions de base en SIG
- Intérêt pour l’analyse des données et les statistiques
- Permis de conduire
Conditions de travail
Stage de 5-6 mois, M2 de préférence, période à déterminer entre mars et août 2012
Stage basé à Angers, Agrocampus Ouest, Centre d’Angers, Institut National d’Horticulture et de Paysage (INHP), UMR BiO3P
Indemnités : 417 € net par mois
Merci d’envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation à Armin Bischoff (MCF Ecologie végétale) armin.bischoff@agrocampus-ouest.fr et Bruno Jaloux (MCF Entomologie) bruno.jaloux@agrocampus-ouest.fr
Biotope recherche un(e) Chargé(e) d’études Entomologiste H/F – CDI pour son agence à Bron
Depuis 18 ans, Biotope est le premier acteur privé de l’ingénierie écologique et de la conservation de la nature, au service de la protection de la biodiversité, de l’aménagement durable et de la diffusion des connaissances naturalistes. Entreprise de dimension internationale, à la pointe de l’expertise écologique et de l’innovation en R&D, Biotope est également une agence de communication environnementale et une maison d’édition naturaliste reconnue.
Rejoindre Biotope, c’est intégrer une entreprise à la croissance soutenue qui vous garantit des postes à haute valeur ajoutée, l’acquisition de compétences avérées et une évolution de carrière rapide.
Pour renforcer son agence à Bron, BIOTOPE recrute :
Un(e) Chargé(e) d’études Entomologiste H/F – CDI
Missions principales
Dans le cadre des études qui lui seront confiées, il/elle travaillera sous la direction des chefs de projets pour :
- La préparation et la réalisation d’expertises de terrain
- L’analyse de données et leur cartographie
- La rédaction de textes, de rapports et de notes de synthèse
- Le recueil d’informations auprès d’associations ou de partenaires
- La réalisation de recherches documentaires sur les thèmes d’études
- La réalisation de prises de vue photographiques lors des études
Profil, connaissances et expériences recherchés
- Bac +3 ou plus
- Expérience concrète dans l’expertise et la gestion des espaces naturels
- Compétences réelles dans l’expertise entomologique : une bonne connaissance des principaux groupes (lépidoptères diurnes, orthoptères, odonates, coléoptères phytophages et saproxylophages) est requise, une connaissance approfondie pour certains d’entre eux est souhaitable.
- Maîtrise parfaite des techniques d’inventaire
- Expérience du contexte Natura 2000 (docobs, études d’incidence)
- Approche pluridisciplinaire des missions (naturalistes, usages, aspects techniques)
- Connaissance du droit de l’environnement (droit français et européen)
- Connaissance du réseau scientifique national et associatif
Qualités professionnelles requises
- Esprit d’équipe, esprit d’analyse, excellente organisation et rigueur
Détail du poste à pourvoir
- Poste : CDI à temps plein basé à Bron
- Rémunération : selon expérience + avantages (tickets restaurant, mutuelle, primes, participation)
- Début du contrat : Février 2012
Candidature (lettre de motivation + CV) à adresser à :
ereynaud@biotope.fr copie à recrutement@biotope.fr
en précisant la référence suivante CE-ENTOMO-69-1211
Candidature travailleur handicapé bienvenue
Présentation de l’entreprise : www.biotope.fr
Nous vous invitons également à consulter l’ensemble de nos offres d’emplois sur notre site internet : http://www.biotope.fr/index.php?theme=recrutement et à déposer votre candidature dans le Module CVTHÈQUE http://www.biotope.fr/cvtheque_biotope/ afin que nous puissions vous contacter rapidement
pour d’éventuelles offres émises tout au long de l’année.
En remplacement d’un congé maternité, la LPO Haute-Savoie recrute un(e) chargé(e) de vie associative et d’éducation à l’environnement. En interaction directe avec la directrice de l’association et l’équipe permanente, les missions se déclineront de la manière suivante :
- réalisation du LPO infos, revue trimestrielle de l’association avec le comité de rédaction, mise en page, impression et diffusion
- accompagnement des bénévoles et stagiaires, organisation des rencontres à leur intention
- gestion et développement du site internet, page Facebook (mises à jour, programmation de l’agenda,…)
- relations avec les partenaires institutionnels, avec le réseau LPO
- interventions dans le cadre d’actions de communication : contact avec la presse locale, rédaction d’articles, de communiqués de presse, contribution à l’Oiseau mag’
- suivi administratif
- accueil téléphonique
- organisation des différentes rencontres internes (aspects logistiques) –CA, réunions mensuelles, assemblée générale…-
- organisation des manifestations grand public (demandes autorisation, logistique, contact bénévole, envoi d’invitations…) et de la journée des refuges LPO
- préparation des chantiers de protection des amphibiens (courriers aux communes, mise en place du chantier,…)
- ponctuellement, animations scolaires et grand public : contact avec les enseignants, établissement du planning des interventions, suivi, création d’outils pédagogiques
• Profil recherché:
- compétences naturalistes et ornithologiques
- maîtrise des outils bureautiques
- très bonnes capacités rédactionnelles
- expérience en milieu associatif et en éducation à l’environnement
- niveau BAC + 2
• Qualités requises :
- sens de l’organisation
- aptitudes relationnelles, sens de la communication et de la coordination
- dynamique, motivé et disponible
• Durée hebdomadaire de travail : 35 heures par semaine.
• Horaires de travail (à titre indicatif): du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et de 13h à 17h.
La présence du salarié pourra être requise de façon très ponctuelle en dehors des horaires de travail habituels et en week-end.
• Contrat : CDD 5 mois du 2 janvier 2012 au 31 mai 2012 (période d’essai de 1 mois), groupe C, coefficient 280, de la convention collective nationale de l’animation
• Salaire mensuel : 1601.64 € brut
Permis B et véhicule personnel obligatoires
Poste basé à Metz-Tessy, intervention sur le département de la Haute-Savoie.
Envoyez lettre de motivation + CV par courrier ou courriel au plus tard le 23 décembre 2011 à l’attention de Anne Dejean, directrice, aux adresses suivantes :
LPO Haute-Savoie
24 rue de la Grenette
Stage de recherche (L3-M1) :Rôle de la variabilité comportementale sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques
Stage de recherche en Ecologie Aquatique
Rôle de la variabilité comportementale sur le fonctionnement des écosystèmes aquatiques
Période du stage : Avril-juin 2010 (dates exactes à préciser)
Lieu du stage: Station d’Ecologie Expérimentale du CNRS à Moulis (SEEM), 09200 Moulis
Possibilité de logement gratuit sur place
Encadrants :
- Dr Simon Blanchet
Laboratoire d’Ecologie Expérimentale du CNRS à Moulis, 09200 Saint Girons, France.
Email : simon.blanchet@EcoEx-Moulis.cnrs.fr
Website : http://simon.blanchet1.free.fr/
- Dr Julien Cucherousset
Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique, UMR 5174 Université Paul Sabatier / CNRS, 118, Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France.
Email : julien.cucherousset@univ-tlse3.fr
Website : http://www.juliencucherousset.fr
- Dr Julien Cote
Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique, UMR 5174 Université Paul Sabatier / CNRS, 118, Route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse, France.
Email : julien.cote@cict.fr
Website : http://www.juliencote.fr/index.htm
Description et objectifs du stage:
La variabilité comportementale est une caractéristique majeure des populations naturelles qui a des conséquences tant évolutives qu’écologiques. Des travaux très récents ont démontré qu’il existait une forte variabilité comportementale inter-individuelle, c’est-à-dire entre les individus d’une même population. La variabilité comportementale peut avoir des effets sur la dynamique des populations et les interactions interspécifiques, toutefois il n’existe aucune étude à ce jour qui a testé si la variabilité inter-individuelle pouvait également affecter le fonctionnement des écosystèmes.
L’objectif de ce stage est de participer à une étude visant à tester si la variabilité comportementale observée au sein des populations pouvait affecter le fonctionnement d’un écosystème aquatique dulçaquicole. Dans ce contexte, les étudiants auront pour objectifs :
(i) de quantifier la variabilité comportementale existant chez une espèce commune de poisson d’eau douce,
(ii) de tester si cette variabilité peut avoir une influence sur la structure et le fonctionnement de l’écosystème.
L’étude sera conduite en aquarium puis en mésocosmes extérieurs durant les mois d’avril et mai 2012. Le modèle d’étude sera une espèce typique des cours d’eau européens, le vairon (Phoxinus phoxinus). L’étudiant(e) participera à la mise en place du design expérimental en concertation avec l’équipe de recherche. Il (elle) assurera la gestion opérationnelle de l’expérience, mènera les expériences comportementales ainsi que les mesures écosystémiques dans les mésocosmes. Il (elle) analysera ensuite les échantillons (plancton, invertébés), puis mènera l’analyse statistique des données, avant des les interpréter en regard de la littérature existante.
Le (la) stagiaire sera logé(e) gratuitement à la Station d’Ecologie Expérimentale de Moulis. Les candidats (étudiant(e)s en L3 ou M1 en écologie ou équivalent) devront faire preuve d’un fort intérêt pour et d’une bonne connaissance de l’écologie. Autonomes et rigoureux, les candidats doivent faire parvenir par email un CV et une lettre de motivation.
Mots-clés: Comportement, poissons, eau douce, invertébrés, zooplancton, réseaux trophiques, communautés aquatiques, écologie fonctionnelle.
Conférence : IVe journées francophones des sciences de la conservation : du 2 au 4 mai 2012 à Dijon
Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à participer aux IVe journées francophones des sciences de la conservation qui se dérouleront du 2 au 4 mai 2012 à Dijon (France). Ces journées francophones s’adressent aux chercheurs et aux gestionnaires de l’ensemble des sciences de la conservation (de l’écologie aux sciences humaines) intéressés par les aspects fondamentaux et plus appliqués de la gestion de la biodiversité, par les écosystèmes marins et terrestres, de tous les groupes taxonomiques et à toutes les échelles de biodiversité. Elles se dérouleront sous forme de communications orales et de posters qui porteront sur des travaux innovant en sciences de la conservation.
Vous trouverez sur le lien suivant la première circulaire d'annonce de ces journées :
et des informations complémentaires sur notre site web dédié :
mardi 13 décembre 2011
University of Edinburgh: Chancellor's Fellowships
The University of Edinburgh, a global top 20 University located in one of the world`s fine cities, is making a major investment in the future of its academic staff with the appointment of prestigious tenure-track Fellowships across all disciplines. These 5-year Fellowships are intended to support outstanding candidates at the start of their independent academic career. Up to 100 positions are available.
A Chancellor`s Fellow will already show the ability to conduct world-leading research and exhibit clear potential to become an international leader in their discipline. The Fellow will be able to concentrate on research in the first instance, acquiring the full duties of University Lecturer across the period of the Fellowship. Subject to satisfactory review at the end of 3 years, the Fellow will move to an open contract on the University academic staff.
Appointment will normally be made on the Lecturer scale (£36,862 - £44,016), dependent on experience, and in exceptional circumstances a more senior appointment may be made. Some positions are available with immediate effect and it is expected that successful applicants will be in post from August 2012.
Applications containing a detailed CV and a 1-page outline of a proposed research programme should be made online at www.jobs.ed.ac.uk to meet one of the closing dates below. General advice may be obtained by emailing chancellorsfellows@ed.ac.uk and specific details may be obtained from the appropriate Head of School.
Salary Scale: £36,862 - £44,016
Vacancy details
• Vacancy Reference: 3015150
• Department: University of Edinburgh
• Job Title: Chancellor's Fellowships
• Job Function: Academic
• Job Type: Full Time
• Live Date: 01-Dec-2011
• Expiry Date: 16-Apr-2012
• Salary Scale: £36,862 - £44,016
• Internal job: No. Anybody can apply for this position.
• Further Information: Further Information
• Conditions Of Employment: View Conditions of Employment
Offre de Stage M1
Offre de stage visant préférentiellement les étudiant(e)s de Master 1.
2 mois (avril - mai ou mai – juin 2012), stage non rémunéré.
Signatures individuelles et variations interindividuelles des comportements de communication chez la femelle canari domestique (Serinus canaria).
L’étude de la communication animale montre que les signaux varient entre les émetteurs et que ces variations peuvent permettre la reconnaissance individuelle. Chez les oiseaux chanteurs les études sur la reconnaissance individuelle se sont principalement focalisées sur les vocalisations des mâles et les vocalisations des femelles sont encore peu étudiées. Par ailleurs certaines différences interindividuelles sont consistantes dans diverses situations et contextes, et stables dans le temps. Par exemple, il a été récemment montré que les comportements de communication de mâles de mésange charbonnière étaient reliés aux variations interindividuelles de leurs comportements exploratoires.
Pour cette étude, il s’agira d’enregistrer les vocalisations et les préférences de femelles canari au cours de deux cycles de reproduction et de déterminer
A) comment les cris et les préférences des femelles varient au cours de ces deux cycles
B) si on peut déterminer une signature individuelle à partir de ces cris
C) si les variations interindividuelles dans les comportements de communication des femelles peuvent être reliées à leurs préférences pour des chants
Le ou la stagiaire devra 1) faire passer les tests de préférences 2) analyser les cris des femelles à l’aide du logiciel Avisoft 3) Analyser les vidéos 4) Entrer et analyser les données issues de cette expérimentation.
L’intégralité du stage se fera au Laboratoire d’Ethologie et Cognition Comparées de l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (située à 20 min de Paris), sous la supervision de Mathieu Amy et Gérard Leboucher.
Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation à Mathieu Amy : mamy@u-paris10.fr
Executive Director, Primate Conservation Alliance
Hiring Organization:
PASA - Pan African Sanctuary Alliance
Date Posted:
Position Description:
The Pan African Sanctuary Alliance seeks a dynamic Executive Director with exceptional leadership experience, proven relationship management skills, and a deep commitment to meeting the urgent challenges faced by in-situ primate conservation in Africa.
For more than a dozen years, PASA has been saving the lives – and the future - of gorillas and chimpanzees, bonobos, drills and more across the vast continent of Africa. We deliver essential support to member sanctuaries including training and materials for veterinary healthcare, community engagement and sanctuary sustainability; and sourcing global partnerships that bring intellectual, technical and financial resources to the field.
PASA is widely recognized by the international conservation community and by national governments across Africa as the largest/highest quality primate rescue and conservation network on the continent.
- Overall scope of position and duties -
The Executive Director is responsible for the successful operation and performance of the overall organization. S/he will be responsible for ensuring the continued success of PASA’s programs; continuing to foster a culture of respect, achievement and fiscal stability; recruiting, retaining and developing a skilled and motivated staff and board; increasing philanthropic support; and building external visibility with funders, primate conservation leaders and other key constituents.
As the leader of an alliance of primate sanctuaries throughout Africa, the Executive Director is also responsible for responding quickly to crisis situations, for balancing the needs of diverse organizations, and for effective communications in French and in English.
Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive Director oversees an annual budget of approximately $400,000 and a current staff of 2. S/he will work with the Board and staff to refine our compelling position in the marketplace through strategic planning and will develop and implement a plan to achieve financial stability and smart growth.
- Major Responsibilities include: -
Strategic Leadership – Demonstrate strategic vision and exceptional leadership skills in working with board, staff and key constituents to determine longer-term-impact goals, to recommend short & long-range implementation plans and to follow through on successful delivery.
Fundraising – Play a leadership role in PASA’s fundraising efforts by working closely with the staff and Board to sustain and grow existing funding, while establishing new relationships and engagement opportunities with prospective donors to increase the organization's resources and donor pool, with particular emphasis on strengthening individual giving through a major gifts program.
Board Development and Management - Build a positive working relationship with the current Board members, pro-actively contribute to the selection and recruitment of Board members, tap the potential of direct relationships and contacts and support the Board to fulfill its governance and fundraising functions.
Financial and Administrative Management –
Budget: Oversee the development of budgets for submission to the Board; work within budgetary constraints to effectively deliver core programs
Reporting: Ensure the Board is regularly informed on the organization’s financial status through proper and timely financial reporting;
Systems: Ensure adequate and appropriate accounting and controls for funds, physical assets, and other property; understand and implement adequate risk management requirements and controls for the organization including financial, personnel, Board, property, and reputation.
Donors: Ensure that all donated funds are properly accounted for, that donors are thanked on a timely basis and that progress reports are submitted to grantors on a timely basis.
Community Outreach - Actively seek to expand awareness and impact of PASA by serving as the primary spokesperson for the organization; ensure that its programs are consistently presented in a strong, positive image; clearly articulate its mission, vision, programs and impact on the community; cultivate and maintain strong relationships with other conservation organizations.
The Executive Director will be a seasoned nonprofit leader with a longstanding commitment to excellence and service. S/he will be a coalition-builder, skilled communicator, proven fundraiser and influencer across PASA’s diverse constituencies (including sanctuaries, governments, law enforcement, volunteers, board members, donors, conservation organizations).
The Executive Director will have at least 5 years of relevant senior-level leadership experience in a conservation-related organization. The ideal candidate will be a dynamic and forward-thinking individual who has shown success in building widespread support for an organization through collaborative efforts with internal and external stakeholders.
The Executive Director will have highly-developed organizational skills, and be able to coordinate diverse projects and synthesize various sources of information in order to provide timely response to communications in a 24/7 arena. S/he will also have the ability to coordinate activities in Africa, Europe and North America – often under time and money constraints – while keeping the health of the organization and its member sanctuaries paramount.
The Executive Director will have a good understanding of effective, forward-looking financial budgeting and implications for nonprofits. Success in developing and managing the growth of a nonprofit organization is beneficial. Candidates with knowledge of the conservation community will be given strong consideration.
An undergraduate degree is required; an advanced degree is preferred. Proficiency in French is required; fluency is highly desirable.
The PASA Executive Director will be an employee of the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance, Inc., an equal opportunity employer. The position is full-time, 40 hours per week, and the geographic location is flexible. Some travel is required, as are irregular hours.
Commensurate with experience.
Term of Appointment:
This position is not for a fixed term and does not have an end date.
Application Deadline:
This position is now open.
Interested candidates, please forward a letter of motivation and resume / CV to recruitpasaprimates@gmail.com.
Contact Information:
Susan Lutter, CA
E-mail Address:
Field manager
Hiring Organization:
Kakamega Monkey Project (based at Columbia University)
Date Posted:
Position Description:
Field manager needed to participate for ~13 months in long-term research project on the social behavior of blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) in a rain forest in western Kenya (Kakamega Forest). Current research focus is on competition and cooperation among adult females with their group-mates, including grooming, feeding tolerance, and joining in territorial defense against neighboring groups, and variation in such behavior, as well as in reproduction, as a function of group size. Field manager has the following duties: (1) collecting behavioral and baseline life history data through observation (and occasional fecal samples), (2) conducting daily data entry and quality control in the evenings and possibly at other times, (3) overseeing local staff of ~4, and (4) maintaining effective communication with PI offsite.
Data collection presumes learning (i) to recognize about 150-200 individual animals in 6 habituated social groups, (ii) the behavioral repertoire of the species, and (iii) the coding scheme. Data collection into notebooks or onto data sheets includes ad libitum records, systematic focal animal follows of individual adult females, and all-occurrences sampling of aggressive encounters, both dyadic and between groups. Data entry and management require speed and accuracy in typing, comfortable familiarity with Excel, Word and computers generally, and facility with attending accurately to detail. Ability to speak and write clearly and correctly in fluent English is a must.
Candidate will be trained on site by experienced field personnel and PI, who will be on site during a portion of Summer 2012. This is a teamwork-oriented position, and the ability to work closely with others is critical. Some liaison with a local conservation education group may also be part of the work.
Great opportunity for someone wishing to gain field research experience in a serious way (you will get your feet wet, both literally and figuratively!), including taking on a position of responsibility. Animals are well habituated, so the monkey watching is excellent for a forested environment. The Kakamega Forest has a very high diversity of birds as well, plus all the other creatures (plants, insects, snakes, etc) that one would expect to find. This project has a long history of working successfully with field assistants, and can provide references to serious candidates. Nearly all prior field assistants have moved on to graduate school or other research positions.
Check out websites at:
Applicants must have completed an undergraduate university degree with focused studies in relevant areas of science.
In addition, two kinds of relevant EXPERIENCE are mandatory: first, some kind of significant foreign travel or living experience, preferably to/in a developing country (and ideally in the tropics), and second, some experience working on a scientific research project (i.e. collecting and working systematically with data), ideally an observational/behavioral project, and even more ideally in the field. Interest in mammalian behavior, and relevant course work (animal behavior, primate behavior) is presumed.
In addition, applicant must have certain QUALITIES: s/he must be energetic, patient, open, responsible, flexible, healthy, able to work independently but also as part of a team, and highly motivated. Applicant must also be hardworking and able to keep going, and cheerfully! Our schedule is demanding and unconventional (3 days work, 1 day off), up to 9 hrs field time per day (less during rainy season), approximately 1-2 hours per evening (on average) for data collation and processing (even on “off” days), and 3 weeks off (in 2-3 chunks, not all at once) over the year. The position is not ideal for someone who needs a lot of personal time, nor for someone who easily feels lonely. The ideal applicant must be comfortable being unplugged and far away from easy communication with the “outside world” (mobile phone and modem-based email possible, but sometimes things just don't work!), and comfortable with other conditions and risks that are simply part of tropical fieldwork (such as limited healthcare, relatively monotonous diet, rare confrontations with noxious plants or animals). This is very intense work -- if your main goal is not gaining scientific research experience, you will probably not be happy in this position.
Non-smoker preferred. Fluent English and accurate touch-typing (i.e., without having to look at the keys) is mandatory.
Evidence of the above qualifications must be presented as part of application (see below for further details).
3 references will be required. These cannot be from personal friends or family. It is not necessary to provide reference reports on initial application, but please include referees' names, contact information, and a brief note as to how they know you.
A modest but adequate monthly stipend will be available to cover living costs in Kenya. (Stipend for the first two months will be reimbursed retroactively after successful completion of this trial period.) Funding is also available to reimburse airfare to Kenya and travel from Nairobi to fieldsite; however, this will not be disbursed until you have completed the full period. Finally, costs of procuring immigration and research clearance documents (about $250) will be covered, but again, only after successful completion of your term. A successful applicant must have her/his own health insurance, and should plan to bring a year’s supply of antimalarial drugs. Malaria can be a problem in the area, and willingness to protect oneself chemically and physically (repellant, bednets) is important!
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Reasonably comfortable free housing will be provided at the field site (small house in forest station village, solar power for lights, laptop, and battery charging, but no major appliances, limited running rain water). Binoculars can also be provided if needed.
Term of Appointment:
13 months minimum period, beginning around June 1, 2012.
Application Deadline:
Position will be filled by first suitable candidate on a rolling basis. The position is not filled as long as this notice is still posted.
Interested persons should make contact via email initially. Please send a copy of your application to mc51@columbia.edu, and use “YOURNAME Field Manager” in the subject line. Your application should consist of ONE document (attachment) with ALL relevant information (and your last name as the first word in the title, e.g. Smith_2011_application.pdf). PDF documents preferred.
Please include the following information: (1) how you fit the qualifications and duties outlined here (please address the required personal qualities and experiences SPECIFICALLY, using the descriptions in this posting); (2) how this opportunity fits your ambitions/plans in the shorter and longer terms (why do you want to do this, and why at this stage of your life; what’s in it for you? how does the 12 month duration fit your plans?); (3) your nationality, current residence (city, country), age, and whether you are a student (or if not, when you last were); (4) your CV or resume, if you have one, including the names and contact information (ideally email) of at least three referees, and a brief description of how you know them. You may include any other information about yourself that you think might be relevant. We will follow up with a phone interview for the most suitable candidates, or an actual on-site interview (an advantage) if you can get yourself to New York.
Sorry, but please do not apply if you do not have the two types of requisite experience outlined in the Qualifications section above. If you have any doubts whatsoever about the fit of your personal qualities to the demands of this project, it would be best to describe them for future discussion.
Contact Information:
Marina Cords
1200 Amsterdam Avenue, 10th floor
New York, NY 10027
Telephone Number:
212 854 7337
Fax Number:
212 854 8188
E-mail Address:
Assistant Professor - Primatology
Hiring Organization:
Department of Anthropology, University of Califiornia, Davis
Date Posted:
Position Description:
The Department of Anthropology at the University of California, Davis, invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Primatology.
This position is a nine-month appointment within the Department of Anthropology. The proposed beginning date is July 1, 2012. Teaching duties include four courses per academic year (quarter system) at the introductory, advanced undergraduate, and graduate level, including an introduction to biological anthropology (Human Evolutionary Biology). The candidate will develop additional classes, perform undergraduate and graduate advising, and supervise graduate and undergraduate student research. The University of California, Davis, and the Department of Anthropology are interested in candidates who are committed to the highest standards of scholarship and professional activities, and to the development of a campus environment that supports equality and diversity.
Deadline for application submission is December 15, 2011. Applicants should prepare a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests and goals, a copy of one publication representing your current research, and the names and addresses of three referees. Applications must be submitted online to http://anthro.facultysearch.ucdavis.edu. Address letters to: Tim Weaver, Primatology Search Committee, Department of Anthropology. Address administrative questions to Grace de Guzman, phone: 530-754-4936; fax: 530-752-8885; email:gdeguzman@ucdavis.edu.
The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action institution and prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation/preference and gender identity/expression. This employer offers employment benefits to domestic partners and spouses of employees.
We seek an anthropologically trained primatologist. The successful applicant will show a clear plan for a continuing program of research that complements current faculty strengths within the Anthropology Department and across campus, including the California National Primate Research Center. Preference is for candidates who have an active field or laboratory research program.
Contact Information:
Mary Dixon
Department of Anthropology, UC Davis
Davis, CA 95616
Telephone Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail Address:
samedi 10 décembre 2011
Postdoctoral Position in Applied Ethology and Welfare
The Section of Reproduction and Behavior, Department of Clinical Studies – New Bolton Center, School of Veterinary Medicine - University of Pennsylvania is looking to fill a postdoctoral position starting March 1, 2011 (or sooner if possible), under the direction of Thomas D. Parsons, VMD, PhD. Talented individuals are being recruited to join a research program that addresses the social behavior and welfare of gestating sows housed in large groups. Specific projects explore the notion of animal personality and the delineation of behavioral phenotypes in large pen gestation as well as their possible genetic basis. Work will be carried out at the recently renovated Penn Vet Swine Teaching and Research Center that houses a 200 sow herd and provides a unique opportunity to study gestating sows under a variety of housing scenarios. Expertise in applied ethology, experimental design, and statistics is highly desirable. Please contact Tom Parsons (thd@vet.upenn.edu) if you are interested.
Stage en éthologie des primates à la Station de Primatologie de Rousset
Thème : Intentionnalité de la communication gestuelle chez le babouin olive (Papio anubis) Encadrement : Marie Bourjade, Université de Provence – Station de Primatologie de Rousset Durée : un stage d’une durée de 7 semaines est proposé du 9 janvier au 24 février 2012 Lieu : Station de Primatologie du CNRS UPS 846, 13790 Rousset
Description : Il s’agit de participer à une étude portant sur la nature des gestes communicatifs du babouin olive dans un contexte de quémande alimentaire. Le rôle du stagiaire sera de participer aux expériences (1/3 du stage), à l’analyse des vidéos recueillies lors des expériences, ainsi qu’à la saisie des données (2/3 du stage).
Qualifications : Niveau équivalent à bac + 3 minimum en biologie, psychologie ou éthologie. Etre observateur, rigoureux, et apprécier patient.
Conditions de travail : Temps plein, du lundi au vendredi Indemnité mensuelle : aucune / possibilités de logement sur le site
Contact : Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation par courrier électronique à Marie Bourjade : Marie.Bourjade@univ-provence.fr
Up to 100 positions available, University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh is making a major investment in the future of its academic staff with the appointment of prestigious tenure-track Fellowships across all disciplines. These 5-year Fellowships are intended to support outstanding candidates at the start of their independent academic career. Up to 100 positions are available.
For detailed information regarding the vacancies please check the full advert details on the www.jobs.ed.ac.uk website.
Susan Hamilton
Administrative Officer (Research)
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences Dugald Stewart Building (Room 7.03)
3 Charles Street
Direct Telephone: 0131 651 1301
Susan Hamilton
Administrative Officer (Research)
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences Dugald Stewart Building (Room 7.03)
3 Charles Street
Direct Telephone: 0131 651 1301
mercredi 7 décembre 2011
Academic Position
The Faculty of Psychology and Education at the Université catholique de Louvain invites applications for Tenure-track Faculty position starting on September 1st, 2012 :
This position consitutes exciting opportunities for psychologists committed to excellence in research and teaching to join a strong team of psychologists, educationists and speech therapists at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), based at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
We seek candidates who have the ability to make a significant contribution to the Faculty and the Research Institutes and who have the potential to develop further both their own profile and that of the University to achieve enhanced national and international recognition. Excellence in research and relevant teaching as well as the potential to further develop the work of the Research Institutes will be the main criteria for appointment.
Candidates should present a promising program of research and show a commitment to seek external funding. More senior candidates should have an established program of research and a track record in securing external funding. All candidates should have a commitment to excell in teaching (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate), and an interest in working collaboratively with other faculty, students and staff.
The Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) is a leading Research-University with an international reputation, that promotes the international mobility of people and knowledge, where innovation in the field of education is highly valued, with humanist values, both by choice and by tradition, and that actively contributes to regional development in a privileged environment. UCL offers an innovative working environment in which individual contribution is appreciated and personal development is encouraged. It provides a working climate that stimulates high-quality research collaborations and innovative projects for research and teaching.
The UCL Faculty of Psychology and Education offers an internationally renown psychology and education curriculum that is regularly ranked among the 2 best French-speaking curricula in Europe. It offers Bachelor and Masters programmes in Psychology, Education, Speech Therapy and Family Sciences. With about 2900 students enrolled in all programs, including the PhD and specialized
continuing training certificates, the Faculty of Psychology and Education is the largest in the French Community of Belgium. Teaching is in French, but some courses may be taught in English.
Faculty members’ research is organized within Research Institutes: IPSY (www.uclouvain.be/ipsy) and Iacchos (www.uclouvain.be/iacchos).
Members of these Institutes benefit from excellent research facilities, including extended laboratory space, founding quest support, subject pool, editorial, technical, administrative and statistical support.
Faculty Position starting on September 1st, 2012:
603 - Oral Language Acquisition (1 FTE)
Teaching and Research in the field of cognitive development of language, and in relationship with other fields of development such as motor control, perception, social cognition, etc. The position can be directed towards different perspectives on language acquisition, such as developmental psychology, neurosciences or psychology of education.
Tasks: The applicant will
• be responsible for teaching courses at all levels of university education (i.e. undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate), as well as in programmes of continuing education;
• supervise the diploma work of Master’s and PhD students (i.e. research theses);
• be involved in (and/or supervise, promote) research programmes;
• contribute to the international visibility of the University through teaching and research excellence ;
• contribute to activities of the University with a societal impact in the fields of the economy, socio-cultural changes or cooperation with developing countries.
Qualifications: The applicant must have
• a PhD degree in education or psychology, or equivalent qualifications;
• a significant scientific record with international publications ;
• either studied abroad for an extensive period or had substantial experience outside UCL ;
• experience in and aptitude for teaching at university level ;
• the capacity to work within a team of teachers and to integrate research findings in their courses;
• creativity and must be open to pedagogic innovation and interdisciplinarity;
• the capacities required to undertake academic research at a high level and to advise, or lead a research team ;
• a good knowledge of both spoken and written French. If this is not the case, the applicant should be willing to learn French within 2 years. Fluency in English and other languages is an additional advantage;
Useful information for international candidates:
- The university provides a range of French language training courses, especially designed for incoming foreign collaborators
- Teaching is mainly in French but some courses can be taught in English
- English can be used for most research activities (including most funding applications)
- The “Louvain International Desk” provides legal, administrative and practical information about working and living in Belgium
- Louvain-La-Neuve has very good transport connections to Brussels and is within commuting distance. It benefits from excellent international airport and TGV connections
Furthermore, the university
- contributes to the international removal costs
- subsidises French language training courses
- provides up to € 25,000 as starting grant for new academic members
Further information
Prof. Mariane FRENAY, Dean – mariane.frenay@uclouvain.be – Tél : +32(0)10 47 2560 – secr. : +32(0)10 47 4369
Job application
Applications should be received before December 15, 2011, midnight.
Professor and Lecturer, Plymouth
We have jobs at the Professor and Lecturer (Assistant Professor) level here in the School of Psychology, University of Plymouth. The application deadline is 20th Jan 2012. The ad is below.
I am not involved in the hiring but I can answer informal questions about Plymouth and the School. Otherwise I'd suggest you contact the Head of the School of Psychology, Prof Simon Handley (S.andley [ à ] plymouth.ac.uk).
Dr William Simpson
School of Psychology
University of Plymouth
Drake Circus
Plymouth, Devon PL4 8AA
phone: 011 44 1752 584 856
Faculty of Science & Technology
The School of Psychology is making two academic appointments to further strengthen its current staffing. The School's research profile places it in the top third of psychology departments in the UK, with 85% of its research activity rated at international standard. We will appoint a world-leading Professor to further strengthen this profile.
The School hosts the University-recognised Centre for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, with research groups in Neuroscience, Thinking and Reasoning, Memory, Vision, Language Development, Social Psychology and Health and Well Being. These groups are housed in recently-built dedicated research facilities, and supported by a team of technicians and scientific officers. You will strengthen one of these research groups, or help to create a new research group that complements our existing strengths.
Professor in Psychology
You will have an outstanding research track record with a publication and research funding profile that demonstrates an international standing in your field. You will be a research-leader, demonstrating both personal research excellence, and the ability to drive forward the research agenda of the School.
Location: Plymouth
Salary: Senior Manager scale
Job Reference: A2376
Closing date: 12 midnight, Friday 20 January 2012
Contract type: Full-time, Permanent
Lecturer in Psychology
You will have a strong research track record, with a publication record that demonstrates the potential for an international research profile. A track record of research funding will be advantageous. You will be qualified to PhD level or equivalent and will be able demonstrate your ability to teach Psychology at University level.
Location: Plymouth
Salary: £30,870 to £44,016 pa - Grade 7/8
Job Reference: A2377
Closing date: 12 midnight, Friday 20 January 2012
Contract type: Full-time, Permanent
To apply, please visit www.plymouth.ac.uk/jobs
A Final Salary Pension Scheme is available
Promoting Equality and Diversity
lundi 5 décembre 2011
MS/PHD OPPORTUNITIES at Old Dominion University. Website: http://www.ericlwalters.org Location: Norfolk, Virginia. Duration: variable. Job Type: Student. Application Deadline: 02/01/2012. Job Description: I am looking for at least two MS/PhD students to start in my lab in August 2012 at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia. I have recently moved to Old Dominion from Cornell University and am starting up my lab and graduate student program. I have funding to cover both tuition (tuition waiver) and a teaching assistantship ($15,000 / year) for qualified candidates. Students with other fellowships or other types of funding are also encouraged to apply and will be considered separately. Please visit my web site to learn more about my research program. http://www.ericlwalters.org I tend to wear a number of hats and am interested in having a student work in one of the following areas: behavioral ecology, animal behavior, community ecology, conservation biology, quantitative ecology, or ecological modeling. Although most of my work has involved birds or mammals, I am happy to have students work on other taxa. Whether students want to be involved in my current work with cooperatively breeding acorn woodpeckers or their own system is fine by me. If you are interested in working in my lab, please visit the "joining us" portion of my web site and follow the directions therein. Please contact me in advance of applying so we can discuss the positions. Qualifications: Candidates should be highly motivated, have an undergraduate GPA>3.5, a GRE (v+q)>1300 on old test or >316 on the revised test, and strong quantitative skills. All applicants (domestic or international) are required to have taken the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) before applying. To Apply: Application deadline: 01 Feb 2012 Contact email: (EM: jobs2012@cavitynester.org, URL: http://www.ericlwalters.org/joining.htm).
Field assistants
WATERBIRD RESEARCH ASSISTANT at Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Website: http://snr.unl.edu/necoopunit/ Location: South Dakota. Duration: 2-3 months. Job Type: Seasonal. Application Deadline: 03/28/2012. Number of Openings: 2-4. Job Description: Field assistants are sought for an ongoing study of the behavioral, demographic, and life history implications of land use and climate change on migratory waterbirds in the prairie pothole region. Field sites are located on refuges and private land holdings in northeast South Dakota. The primary objective of this project is to develop predictive models that will assist in the development of adaptive management actions that ameliorate the impacts of climate change on North American waterbirds. Field assistants will have the opportunity to gain experience in many field techniques used in avian research and have the opportunity to work and interact with graduate students conducting innovative science in the region. The field sites are located in and around rural, agricultural communities and may require tent-living (you must provide your own tent). Field assistants are expected to work a flexible schedule to be determined, which could include early mornings and possible weekends. Workers will be expected to work ~40hrs/week at $9-$11/hr depending on experience. Work will be conducted outdoors in various weather conditions. The project runs from ~15 April and ends ~1 July. The application process has already begun and will continue until positions all positions are filled. Qualifications: Field work and data collection for the project will involve surveying birds and vegetation in different habitat types, requiring considerable time spent in the field with transportation between field sites provided. Successful applicants will be highly motivated, with a strong work ethic, a passion for field work, excellent communication skills, and the ability to work both independently and in collaboration. Familiarity with avian surveys, GPS/GIS technologies, vegetation sampling, and data entry is a plus but not required. State issued drivers license required. TO APPLY: Please send as a PDF or Word attachment a letter of interest describing your experience, your resume/CV and the email addresses of 3 references to (EM: ryanstutzman@hotmail.com).
INTERNSHIPS IN AVIAN ECOLOGY(Island Scrub-Jay) – Three internships are available for an ecological study of the endemic Island Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma insularis) on Santa Cruz Island, California. Current research under the direction of S. Sillett (Smithsonian), L. Angeloni & C. Ghalambor (Colorado State University), and S. Morrison (The Nature Conservancy) focuses on the jay’s life history, population biology, and behavior. The job will involve finding and monitoring jay nests, quantifying jay behavior, mapping jay territories, measuring vegetation, assisting with jay capture and banding, and insect sampling. Qualifications: •Prior experience in finding and monitoring passerine nests necessary; •Good color vision; •Able to work alone and hike long distances in rugged and steep terrain; •Proficiency in netting, banding, and taking blood samples from passerines; •Experience with radio tracking in rugged terrain; •Able to live in a communal setting on an island with limited access to the mainland; •Valid U.S. driver’s license; •Interest in avian behavioral and population ecology; •Ability to drive a standard transmission 4x4 vehicle on steep, unimproved dirt roads a plus. Term of Appointment: Internships will last 12+ weeks, starting in mid-February through mid-March. Stipend: $400 per week. Location: The project is based on Santa Cruz Island, part of Channels Island National Park, off the coast of southern California. Housing, internet access, and utilities will be provided. To Apply: Send cover letter, CV, and the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of two references to (EM: IslandScrubJay@gmail.com).
BIO VOLUNTEER – Positions Available: 2 – 3. Duration: 7 – 8 months (mid-February to October). Location: Laysan Island, Hawaiian Islands NWR. Closing Date: 15 January 2012. Description: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking 2 – 3 volunteers for the summer field season on Laysan Island (March-September). Laysan Island is a 1000 acre coralline island located about 900 miles northwest of Oʻahu. The island is frequently referred to as the “jewel” of Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. This amazing island hosts ~ 1 million seabirds and endemic avian, plant, and marine species such as the endangered Laysan finch, the Laysan duck and Cyperus pennatiformis var. bryanii (Laysan sedge), Pritchardia remota (Laysan fan palm), Hawaiian green sea turtle, and Hawaiian monk seal. It is considered to be among the most intact terrestrial ecosystems in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and the only island with an inland lake. For more information on Laysan Island see (URL: http://papahanaumokuakea.gov/about/laysan.html). As a volunteer you will have the opportunity to travel to and live in this remote setting. You will be surrounded by birds, sea life, and native vegetation. Laysan is a remote site, only accessible by ship. It is a four day ship ride from Oahu to Laysan. On the island, all transportation is by foot. Living conditions consist of an 8’x10’ weatherport tent for personal use, and several 16’x20’ tents for communal/food storage and prep/working. Personal communications from the field are limited to “text only” e-mail (no internet). Additionally, in an effort to prevent the introduction of non-native species, the USFWS enforces a quarantine procedure for all items to be transported to the island. As part of this quarantine, all “soft” items (clothing, shoes, straps, etc.) must be purchased new and frozen 48 hours prior to departure to Laysan. All “hard” items (cameras, musical instrumental, snorkeling gear, etc.) may either be inspected and cleaned thoroughly and frozen or bug-bombed prior to departure. Volunteers are expected to work 44 hours/week. However, this does not necessarily mean 8-5 M-F, but may also include evenings and weekends. Primary responsibilities of the Summer Tour include: invasive plant monitoring and removal (majority of the time is spent working with invasive), native plant propagation, monitoring the reproductive success of Laysan and black-footed albatross, banding albatross chicks, bird surveys including Laysan duck monitoring and Laysan finch surveys, vegetation surveys, green sea turtle nest monitoring, entomological surveys, data collection and management, and weekly and summary reporting. Volunteers report directly to the lead Biological Technician on Laysan Island. Additionally volunteers will be expected to help with regular camp maintenance and chores. Requirements: Must be able to commit to the entire Tour duration; ability to work well with a small team in a professional and safe manner; be flexible upon work assignments; walk 10 miles per day; lift 50 lbs.; able to swim well in ocean conditions; capable of identifying birds by call; comfortable with herbicide use; and have full color eyesight correctable to 20/20. Prior experience in the following is preferred but not necessarily required: invasive species control and mapping, native plant propagation, waterfowl surveys, monitoring avian reproductive success, color-band resight and spotting scope use, shorebird and seabird monitoring and identification, data management, and familiarity with Word, Excel, ArcGIS, and GPS units. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will provide: housing and a living stipend while in Honolulu, transportation between Honolulu and Laysan, a stipend for quarantine clothes, and food and housing while on Laysan. Applications will be evaluated as they arrive, and these positions may be filled by the closing date. Please submit a cover letter, resume, and at least three references to: MICHELE KUTER (EM: Michele_Kuter@fws.gov).
TROPICAL NEST-SEARCHERS at Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, Costa Rica. Duration: 4 months. Job Type: Volunteer. Application Deadline: 31 Dec 2011. Number of Openings: 3. Job Description: Field assistants are needed from 1 March– 1 July 2012 for a demographic and forest fragmentation study of an understory insectivore, the Chestnut-backed Antbird, in the vicinity of La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Field duties involve nest searching, monitoring breeding activity, deploying video systems to identify nest predators, capturing/marking/resighting adults, and taking vegetation measurements. Non-field duties include data entry, transcribing video footage, and maintenance. Work involves early morning hiking/biking in a wet and hot environment where you will encounter deep mud, poisonous snakes, and mosquitoes. Expect to be immersed in work 6 days/week. At some sites, food is prepared for us, but at others we cook communally. You will have encounters diverse tropical birds and wildlife at 4 sites, opportunities to network at the La Selva Biological Station, and cultural immersion with a Costa Rican family. Station fees and shared off-site housing and food will be provided, but applicants must cover their airfare to and from San Jose, Costa Rica. Qualifications: You must be available for the entire season to be considered. Assistants must have experience nest searching, banding, and extracting birds from mist nets. No exceptions. I am looking for dependable, hard working, and enthusiastic people. This is PhD research, so flexibility and good sense of humor will be helpful! Applicants who can speak Spanish, identify snakes, have knowledge of digital technology, can drive a standard-transmission car, and can carry heavy (25 lb) batteries without whining will be preferred. To Apply: Please send as one document: your resume or CV with references and a brief cover letter that states your availability, Spanish language skills, and interests/goals to Deborah Visco (EM: dvisco AT tulane.edu). The positions will be filled as soon as suitable applicants are identified.
CARDEN FIELD ASSISTANT – ELOSH Wild Population Monitoring – Wildlife Preservation Canada is seeking one Field Assistant to assist the Carden Shrike Biologist with survey efforts and monitoring of the wild population of Eastern Loggerhead Shrike in Carden, Ontario (east of Orillia). The Eastern Loggerhead Shrike is critically endangered with a total of only 21 known pairs breeding in Ontario in 2011. The Carden Alvar is one of the two core areas where ELOSH continue to breed and the Carden wild population has been monitored since the 1970s. This position also includes assisting with activities at the field breeding and release site (~2 days per week), offering a unique opportunity to work with an endangered species and directly contribute to recovery efforts through captive breeding. Responsibilities: **Road-side and on-site (with prior permission) surveys to locate breeding pairs of Eastern Loggerhead Shrike **Wild population monitoring (nest searching, behavioural monitoring, collection of productivity data) **Vegetation data collection at ELOSH nesting sites **Landowner communication and outreach **Data management and monthly reports **Behavioural monitoring of captive birds at the field breeding site **Daily diet preparation and provision (live food fed twice daily) to captive and released shrikes **Care and maintenance of invertebrate food colonies (crickets and mealworms) and live mice **Soft-release of young; post-release monitoring and supplemental feeding **Breeding site and enclosure preparation and maintenance **Additional tasks as required. The Field Assistant may also have the opportunity to assist with the banding of captive young to be released. Qualifications: Applicants should have prior experience with bird monitoring/surveying and have completed an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline (or possess equivalent knowledge/experience). Experience with nest searching and colour band identification preferred, as is familiarity with call play-back surveys. Previous bird handling and/or banding experience is an asset as is prior experience with animal care/captive breeding. Qualified candidates must also be able to navigate in the field using a map, compass, and GPS, work independently, be willing to work long hours and live in rustic field quarters. Applicants should be physically fit, able to endure working in variable weather conditions with exposure to biting insects and enjoy living and working as part of a small team. A valid driver’s license is required and access to a vehicle for the duration of the contract is preferred. Most Eastern Loggerhead Shrikes breed on private lands, so considerable landowner contact is required. The successful candidate must have good interpersonal skills and the ability to maintain positive relationships with private landowners. Position runs from early April through late August/early September, 2012. Some opportunities for contract extension and/or supervisory positions the following field season may be available. Housing plus Cdn$1100-1500/month is provided depending on experience. To apply please send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references to: TARA IMLAY, Species Recovery Biologist, (EM: tara@wildlifepreservation.ca) or Wildlife Preservation Canada, RR#5 5420 Highway 6 North, Guelph, Ontario N1H 6J2. Email applications preferred. Please submit your application as a single PDF or MS word file and include the email subject heading “Carden Field Assistant Application”. Please apply ASAP as the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found (applications will not be considered after March 1, 2012). All applicants must be legally eligible to work in Canada.
NAPANEE FIELD ASSISTANT – ELOSH Wild Population Monitoring – Wildlife Preservation Canada is seeking one Field Assistant to assist the Napanee Shrike Biologist with survey efforts and monitoring of the wild population of Eastern Loggerhead Shrike in Napanee, Ontario. Some work may also occur in Smiths Falls, Pembroke and Renfrew. The Eastern Loggerhead Shrike is critically endangered with a total of only 21 known pairs breeding in Ontario in 2011. The greater Napanee area is one of the two core areas where ELOSH continue to breed, while ELOSH sightings in Smiths Falls and Pembroke/Renfrew have been increasing in recent years. This position also includes an opportunity to assist with the care and soft-release of groups of captive young (transferred to Napanee from one of WPC’s field breeding sites). Responsibilities: **Road-side and on-site (with prior permission) surveys to locate breeding pairs of Eastern Loggerhead Shrike **Wild population monitoring (nest searching, behavioural monitoring, collection of productivity data) **Vegetation data collection at ELOSH nesting sites **Landowner communication and outreach **Data management and monthly reports **Co-ordination of volunteers for releases of captive-reared young **Daily care and husbandry of captive young prior to release (behavioural observations and provision of live food) **Soft-release of young and post-release monitoring **Banding of young for release **Additional tasks as required. Qualifications: Applicants should have prior experience with bird monitoring/surveying and have completed an undergraduate degree in a relevant discipline (or possess equivalent knowledge/experience). Experience with nest searching and colour band identification preferred, as is familiarity with call play-back surveys. Previous experience with animal care and/or captive breeding is ideal. Bird rehabilitation experience is a major asset. Qualified candidates must also be able to navigate in the field using a map, compass, and GPS, work independently, and be willing to work long hours. Applicants should be physically fit and able to endure working in variable weather conditions with exposure to biting insects. A valid driver’s license is required and access to a vehicle and local accommodation for the duration of the contract is preferred. Most Eastern Loggerhead Shrikes breed on private lands, so considerable landowner contact is required. The successful candidate must have good interpersonal skills and the ability to maintain positive relationships with private landowners. Position runs from early April through late August/early September, 2012. Some opportunities for contract extension and/or supervisory positions the following field season may be available. Compensation is Cdn$1100-1500/month, depending on experience. WPC may also be able to subsidize housing costs if the successful candidate does not have access to local accommodation. To apply please send a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references to: Tara Imlay, tara@wildlifepreservation.ca or Wildlife Preservation Canada, RR#5 5420 Highway 6 North, Guelph, Ontario N1H 6J2. Email applications preferred. Please submit your application as a single PDF or MS word file and include the email subject heading “Napanee Field Assistant Application”. Please apply ASAP as the position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found (applications will not be considered after March 1, 2012). All applicants must be legally eligible to work in Canada.
AQUATIC WARBLER NEST MONITORING VOLUNTEER (3) needed from 15 May to 31 August 2012, to help with nest finding and monitoring of the globally threatened Aquatic Warbler in the Biebrza National Park in eastern Poland. The Aquatic Warbler is threatened by overgrowing of sedge marshes on breeding grounds, and the work will assess the benefit of a landscape-scale conservation project to increase the productivity of Aquatic Warblers. The Biebrza National Park offers amazing birding with >180 breeding species. Duties include nest finding, nest monitoring, transect counts and data entry. Aquatic Warblers have a peculiar breeding system, and nests are difficult to find as males do not visit nests. The work requires long hours of walking, waiting, and observing birds in wet, boggy environments with a high density of biting insects. Applicants must be in good physical condition, must have good bird identification skills (both visual and aural), must be able to navigate through open swamps, and should have previous nest monitoring experience. Supervision will be provided by Polish and Belarussian field experts, and either Polish or Russian language skills would be beneficial (but not mandatory). Accommodation and a daily allowance for subsistence will be provided, rail travel from Central Europe may be provided if applicant is highly qualified. For more information on the project contact MAGDALENA ZADRAG (EM: Magdalena.Zadrag@otop.org.pl), at the Polish BirdLife partner OTOP in Warszaw, Poland. To apply, send a statement of interest, CV with previous experience, and contact information of 2 references to Magdalena Zadrag. Position is open until filled.
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