Vous venez de réussir votre master 2 éthologie, écologie, and coe, ce blog est le vôtre! Il vous permet de retrouver différentes offres de PhD, emplois, stages, et même post doc pour les "anciens"... Outil de mise en réseau des informations, ce blog offre à chacun de la liberté de participer et ainsi permettre à tous de trouver au plus vite sa prochaine étape professionnelle. Si vous avez une offre à poster, transmettez la à : marine.grandgeorge@univ-rennes1.fr
mardi 20 décembre 2022
lundi 19 décembre 2022
Offre de stage
Analyse des expressions faciales chez l’Homme et le cheval (Equus caballus) Contexte du stage : Ce stage entre dans le cadre du doctorat Lucy-Anne de Selliers (Etude de l’effet de la relation Homme-animal à la santé humaine). Le travail portera sur l’étude des expressions faciales et notamment des micro-expressions faciales chez l’Homme et le cheval exprimées lors d’interactions tactiles entre un propriétaire adulte sain et son cheval. Les expressions faciales et notamment les micro-expressions faciales peuvent témoigner des états émotionnels, attentionnels et intentionnels des individus. Elles sont mesurées à partir des Action facial Coding Systems qui ont été développés pour l’Homme mais également pour plusieurs espèces animales dont le cheval (EquiFACS). Les micro-expressions faciales ont une durée inférieure à 500 msec et expriment de manière non-consciente les intentions et émotions des individus. Elles permettent d’appréhender les états mentaux de manière indépendante et observationnelle. Description du stage proposé : le/la stagiaire sera responsable de l’acquisition et de l’analyse des données pour les expressions faciales chez l’Homme et le cheval au cours d’une interaction tactile propriétaire/cheval: (1) Relevé des expressions et micro-expressions faciales à l’aide d’enregistrements vidéo ; (2) codage de ces expressions sur le logiciel d’analyse BORIS et (3) analyses statistiques des résultats. Durée et période du stage : 6 mois, commençant courant janvier 2023 Profil recherché : Nous recherchons une personne en master 2 scientifique, ayant un intérêt pour la relation Homme-animal et de l’expérience dans la manipulation des chevaux serait également un atout. Informations pratiques : o Lieu du stage : Campus Erasme de la Faculté de Médecine, Université Libre de Bruxelles (BELGIQUE) o Stage rémunéré : Les sources de financements possibles seront évoquées o Rythme de stage : 40h/semaine ; durant les périodes de terrain, il est possible que le/la stagiaire reste tard au laboratoire ou travaille le WE en fonction des disponibilités des propriétaires. o Un permis voire une voiture est un plus, bien qu’il soit possible de faire du covoiturage. Contact : Claude Tomberg : claude.tomberg@ulb.be et Lucy de Selliers : lucyanne.de.selliers.de.moranville@ulb.be
Post-doctoral position at AFBI, Ireland
Post-doc researcher sustainable alternative pig production, Northern Ireland (re-advertised, new deadline 13 January 2023)
*** This post is re-advertised with adapted eligibility criteria ***
AFBI is currently looking for a post-doc researcher to work on a project on alternative pig production systems (21 month contract, start date Feb/March 2023).
The post-doc will design, conduct and analyse two trials and create scientific and popular outputs based on the results.
In the first trial pigs will be integrated into an agroforestry system, to study the effects of trees on paddock quality and thus pig welfare and environmental impact.
The second trial will focus on the effect of different bedding materials on pig welfare kept in intensive conditions.
The post-doc will work in the Animal Welfare Unit of AFBI’s Livestock Production Sciences Branch, with further support from the Monogastric Unit and the Agri-Environment Branch.
The project sits within the larger project ONEWELPIG which is carried out in collaboration with Teagasc, Queen’s university Belfast and University College Dublin.
Detailed information is provided through the link below. This link can also be used to submit your online application.
Full information: Current Job Vacancies | Higher Scientific Officer – Researcher Sustainable Alternative Pig Production - 21 Month Fixed Term Contract (nigov.net)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AFBI_Hills/status/1602282793018576899
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=10229675991464586&set=a.1955352444008
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7008045235075186688/
Behavior Specialist Chimp Haven
Chimp Haven, the world's largest chimpanzee sanctuary, has an opening for a full time Behavior Specialist as well positions open in many other departments!
We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
mardi 13 décembre 2022
International Fieldwork Coordinator at the Dept. ‘Ecology of Animal Societies’
The newly founded Department for the Ecology of Animal Societies led by Prof. Meg Crofoot is a joint institution of the University of Konstanz with the nearby Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior and has an open position for an
International Fieldwork Coordinator (part-time 50 % - fulltime, E 13 TV-L).
The department embraces an explicitly collaborative approach to scientific exploration. Its multidisciplinary team works together to develop new ways of measuring, analyzing and interpreting the behaviour of socially complex animal species in ecologically and evolutionarily relevant field settings. To understand the causes and consequences of social variation, the department takes comparative approach, analyzing social interactions—from dyad to group to population—within and between species. Our working language is English and consequently applicants must be fluent in this language. We are searching for an International Fieldwork Coordinator who will work with members of the department to facilitate our field-based research. The successful candidate will be the central contact person for all international field research activities and animal experiments and will support department scientists in research planning, permissions, logistics and reporting. In addition to the coordination and organization of the departmental activities at the different international field sites, she/he will be responsible for implementing safety trainings and protocols and ensuring compliance with national and international regulatory requirements. We seek a candidate who is committed to supporting and potentiating our worldclass research programme, has strong organizational skills, and has a demonstrated capacity for effective cross-cultural communication. Prior experience with international, field-based research in ecology, animal behaviour or related fields is desirable, as are Spanish, French and/or Swahili language skills.
Your Responsibilities
- Coordination of the departmental activities at international field sites
- Support in planning and organizing animal experiments and field trips, including required licenses and ethical approvals
- Ensuring compliance with international and national regulatory requirements
- Supporting the drafting of international collaboration agreements
- First point of contact for international partners
- Coordination of safety trainings, implementation of safety protocols and fieldwork emergency support response
- Support in export control including logistics
- Documentation and archiving of research records and experimental data
- Coordinate workshops (e.g., ethics, safety)
- Manage the research equipment inventory and deployment
- Assist in the development of collaborative agreements and serve as the primary liaison between the various international field sites and the University of Konstanz and the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
Your Competencies
- Graduate degree (Master or PhD level) in biology, ecology, anthropology, or a related field
- Excellent interpersonal and intercultural skills, and a desire to work as part of a service oriented team
- Ability to work with the Director as part of a leadership team
- Strong organizational and communication skills
- Experience in international field work and/or environment
- Knowledge of animal ethics beneficial
- Excellent English and German skills in speaking and writing
We Offer
- A vibrant, interdisciplinary research community
- A global hotspot for the integrated study of animal behaviour across a wide range of species and across scales of organi-zation
- Good development opportunities, extensive training and an attractive remuneration package
- Classification according to the tariff regulations of TV-L (depending on the personal prerequisites up to pay group E 13 TV-L)
For further information please see:
vendredi 9 décembre 2022
Funded PhD Studentships in Animal Behaviour at Liverpool John Moores Unversity
We currently have 12 Funded PhD Studentships advertised for the School of Biological and Environmental Science at Liverpool John Moores University.
PhD position:
PhD opportunities
The School of Biological & Environmental Sciences at Liverpool John Moores University is currently advertising 12 PhD studentships.
Several are in the areas of Behavioural Ecology / Animal Behaviour, and we highly encourage all interested students to get in touch!
For full details and information on how to apply, check out our webpage:
Current PhD positions available | Liverpool John Moores University (ljmu.ac.uk)
lundi 5 décembre 2022
PhD in Behavioural & Developmental Plasticity
About the Project
In the last two decades, there has been a big leap in our understanding about the health and fitness benefits of social bonds in humans and other animals. However, a major outstanding question is why some individuals become isolated in societies, while others develop large networks of positive relationships. Recent evidence suggests genetics play a minor role in shaping social tendencies, with parental or environmental factors potentially more important, although often challenging to quantify, especially in humans. Non-human primates are ideal for addressing these issues given the continuity between human and non-human socio-cognition. Furthermore, human-derived changes to the environment are disrupting social structures for many primates, potentially disrupting the dynamics that allow individuals to build health-mediating relationships. How individuals form social tendencies is of key interest to ecological and evolutionary theory, while quantifying human disruption to these dynamics is fundamental to conservation efforts.
This project will use a study site with an unusually large number of wild, habituated groups of endangered macaques, to address how parents, group-level factors and human disturbance influence the development of social skills and relationships. Working with experienced researchers with expertise on social cognition, network analysis, and behavioural endocrinology, this project will combine data from non-invasive behavioural observations, field experiments, and hormone monitoring to generate a holistic insight into how social phenotypes emerge, and the vulnerability of these processes to human disturbance. The project will be broadly of interest and impactful in the fields of anthropology, psychology, and behavioural ecology.
The PhD student will join our flourishing School of Biological & Environmental Sciences, at Liverpool John Moores University and work under the supervisory team of Drs Patrick Tkaczynski, Nicola Koyama, and Emily Bethell, as well as external supervision from Liz Campbell (Atlas Golden Wolf Project, University of Oxford).
The PhD research will involve two field seasons (approximately 4 months each) and around 4 months of laboratory work analysing glucocorticoid concentrations from collected faecal samples. The field work is physically and mentally demanding, therefore, interested individuals should either have prior experience working with wild primates or related field work.
Stage L3, M1 ou césure
Offre de stage en écophysiologie comportementale Titre : Influence des conditions de développement sur l’acquisition d’indépendance et les comportements sociaux chez une espèce d’oiseau Lieu : Centre d’Études Biologiques de Chizé, CNRS-La Rochelle Université (Villiers en Bois, 79360) Période: Janvier-Mars 2023 Durée approximative: 2 mois Domaine : Écologie comportementale Niveau académique : Licence 3, Master 1 ou équivalent Objectif : Comprendre l’impact du stress social vécu pendant l’adolescence sur l’acquisition d’indépendance et les comportements sociaux des poussins de diamants mandarins. Les objectifs scientifiques de ce stage sont multiples: (1) Estimer l’importance du stress social sur les interactions sociales (agonistiques, affiliatifs et sexuels) entre poussins et parents. (2) Évaluer l’impact du stress social sur l’envol, l’indépendance alimentaire et le conflits parent/enfants. Le stagiaire participera très activement aux soins des oiseaux, au visionnement de vidéos et à la prise, le traitement et l’analyse statistiques des données afin de tester les hypothèses associées à ce projet. Méthodes : Suivi des individus, prise de données sur vidéos. Compétences requises : Volonté de travailler sur des animaux, capacité d’organisation et d’indépendance, connaissance en écologie/comportement, maitrise de l’anglais et des outils statistiques Compétences appréciées : Expérience de travail avec les animaux (manipulation d’oiseaux), observation comportementale, capacité d’organisation, d’indépendance et de communication. Valorisation : Expérience de recherche, récolte de données comportementales, analyses statistiques. Encadrement : Le stagiaire travaillera en étroite collaboration avec une post-doctorante et un chercheur du Centre d’Études Biologiques de Chizé (Marie Barou-Dagues & Frédéric Angelier). Rémunération : stage non rémunéré mais possibilité d’un logement sur place pour 90 à 110 euros par mois. Date limite de candidature : Les candidatures seront examinées au fur à mesure de leur réception. Pour plus de détails et pour faire acte de candidature, transmettre un CV et une lettre de motivation aux adresses suivantes : marie.barou-dagues@cebc.cnrs.fr (Marie Barou-Dagues) et frederic.angelier06@gmail.com (Frédéric Angelier)
PhD candidate on precision aquaculture
I am looking for a strong PhD candidate to apply for a very competitive fellowship with the willingness to join my team. The proposed thesis project deals with “precision aquaculture” in the Mediterranean, and if granted, the candidate would work with me in Mallorca. So I am looking for a student (MSc), with a good CV, who meet the requirements of the scholarship and who could be interested in this offer. More details below.
Pablo Arechavala-Lopez
LaCaixa PhD fellowship call:
Phd Position:
Precision aquaculture: monitoring fish behavior and welfare in captive conditions.| IMEDEA - CSIC - Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados
IMEDEA - CSIC - Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados
AREA OF KNOWLEDGE: Life Sciences Panel
GROUP OF DISCIPLINE: Agriculture, Veterinary Studies, Animal Production, Forest Sciences
GROUP LEADER: Dr. Pablo Arechavala-Lopez (arechavala@imedea.uib-csic.es)
The Marine Research in Ecological and Social Systems group (MARES) aims to understand the functioning, structure and dynamics of marine living resources and essential habitats, and assess their stability and resilience to cope with future changes due to anthropogenic activities, such as fisheries and aquaculture.
Research Project / Research Group Description
Aquaculture production of finfish has seen rapid growth in production volume and economic yield over the last decades, and is today a key provider of seafood. As the scale of production increases, so does the likelihood that the industry will face emerging biological, economic and social challenges that may influence the ability to maintain ethically sound, productive and environmentally friendly production of fish. It is therefore important that the industry aspires to monitor and control the effects of these challenges to avoid also upscaling potential problems when upscaling production. The application of control-engineering principles to fish production, thereby improving the farmer's ability to monitor, control and document biological processes in fish farms, it is called Precision Aquaculture.
Precision Aquaculture contributes to moving commercial aquaculture from the traditional experience-based to a knowledge-based production regime, through the use of emerging technologies and automated systems. The proposed research plan implies the development, application and validation of advanced technologies (i.e. sensors and other observing technologies) to provide data-driven insight and decision that promotes sustainable and responsible Mediterranean aquaculture activities. In particular, the work is mainly focused on monitoring the behavior and movement of fish in captivity, key elements of fish welfare, since represents a reaction to the environment as fish perceive it. In addition to advanced monitoring systems, the application of modelling, prediction, and analysis tools are also seen as fundamental part in the project. Precision aquaculture has the potential to improve operations, and alleviate challenges facing the industry, such as ensuring good fish welfare. Therefore, the project combines partners from industry, technology, and academia.
Job position description
The PhD student will be a member of the Marine Research in Ecological and Social Systems group (MARES) at the Mediterranean Institute of Advanced Studies (IMEDEA-CSIC). In particular, the student will join the multidisciplinary and dynamic group focused on studying the ecology, behavior and welfare of fish in aquaculture environments. The work will be divided between IMEDEA's head-quarters and the marine research and aquaculture laboratory (LIMIA), both in Mallorca, Spain.
We are looking for a PhD candidate with a collaborative, enthusiastic and motivated attitude towards fish behavior, welfare and applied science and technology. Candidates with background on aquaculture, technology or modelling is desirable. The student should have good communication skills, and be particularly proficient in fish rearing or experimentation, as well as in advanced technologies and scientific writing.
stage et bénévolat ONG Akatia conservation
AKATIA recrute des stagiaires ou bénévoles pour travailler avec les chimpanzés du centre de conservation.
english version below
Les chimpanzés d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Pan troglodytes verus) sont en danger critique d'extinction en raison de la disparition alarmante de leur habitat, du trafic illégal de leur viande et de leurs bébés. En Côte d'Ivoire, les chimpanzés sont victimes de l'expansion humaine mais aussi d'un trafic criminel organisé de bébés chimpanzés qui sont vendus principalement à l'étranger.
Les chimpanzés sont entièrement protégés par les lois internationales et ivoiriennes.
Akatia est une organisation ivoirienne visant à protéger les chimpanzés et les primates et en train de créer un sanctuaire pour les orphelins confisqués. Akatia est actuellement à la recherche de volontaires enthousiastes et motivés pour acquérir une expérience unique dans une organisation de conservation in situ tout en apportant leurs compétences au projet.
Nos missions de base de bénévolat comprennent:
1 . Aide à la réhabilitation des chimpanzés:
Etre dans la forêt avec les chimpanzés toute la journée, nourrir, soigner
Nettoyez les cages de nuit et lavez les doudous des plus jeunes chimpanzés
Aide à la prise en charge des bébés nouvellement arrivés
2. Participation à la vie quotidienne du projet:
Préparation des repas pour l'équipe de bénévoles, nettoyage des parties communes, entretien du camp, etc.
Sorties shopping pour les chimpanzés et les volontaires
Participation si nécessaire à l'entretien des structures et au développement des infrastructures pour les chimpanzés et le camp
Participation à tout autre projet particulier en cours en cours selon les compétences telles que la création du nouveau site du sanctuaire et la supervision des projets de construction
Profil requis :
Disponible immédiatement
Être motivé et enthousiaste pour découvrir et participer à un projet unique de conservation d'une espèce en voie de disparition
Idéalement entre 24 et 50 ans
Être en excellente forme physique et mentale
Avoir un niveau de conversation en français parlé (et lu) afin de travailler avec l'équipe et la communauté locale
Diplôme et / ou expérience dans les domaines suivants:
Experience avec les primates, en captivité ou à l'état sauvage
Experience avec la faune, en captivité ou à l'état sauvage
Gestion de la nature, conservation
Compétences manuelles spécifiques maçonnerie, électricité, soudure, connaissance des enceintes électrifiées, constructions ... un plus
Etre aventureux et ne pas avoir peur d'une vie au milieu de la brousse et loin de la civilisation, sans contact avec le monde, au sein d'une micro-société
Être ouvert à une nouvelle culture, patient, curieux, mais respectueux des habitudes et du projet locaux
Un voyage de plusieurs mois et / ou une expérience de travail en Afrique est un gros plus
Termes de la mission des volontaires:
Mission de 6 mois minimum
Les hébergements à Abidjan et sur place (camping) sont fournis
Transport d'Abidjan au site
Aux frais du volontaire:
Voyage de l'aéroport à notre hébergement à Abidjan (aller-retour)
Billet d'avion pour la Côte d'Ivoire, Visa, assurance et vaccination
A Abidjan, les frais de nourriture sont a la charge du benevole
Sur le site une allocation alimentaire de 10000 CFA / semaineTous les frais personnels supplémentaires pendant le séjour (boissons, cigarettes, nourriture supplémentaire, communication)
Conditions de rendez-vous: ASAP
Contact: akatiavolontaires@gmail.com
Plus d'informations: www.akatia.org et sur le réseau social (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
(Possibilité de prise en charge sous le statut de volontaire service civique sous condition d'avoir 25 ans ou moins le jour de la signature du contrat et de ne pas avoir déjà fait de volontariat en service civique .)
West African chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus ) are critically endangered due to the alarming disappearance of their habitat, the illegal trafficking of their meat and babies. In Cote d'Ivoire, chimpanzees are victims of human expansion but also of an organized criminal trafficking of baby chimpanzees that are sold mostly abroad.
Chimpanzees are fully protected by international and Ivoirian laws.
Akatia is an Ivoirian organization aiming to protect chimpanzees and primates and in the process of creating a sanctuary for confiscated orphans.
Akatia is currently looking for enthusiastic and motivated volunteers to gain unique experience in an in-situ conservation organization while bringing their skills to the project.
Our basic Volunteer missions Include :
1 . Help with the rehabilitation of chimpanzees :
Bush walks in the forest with the chimpanzees all day
Clean the night cages and wash the youngest chimpanzees doudous
Help in the care of newly arrived babies
2 . Participation in the daily life of the project :
Preparing meals for the volunteer team, cleaning communal areas, camp maintenance, etc.
Shopping trips for the chimps and volunteers
Participation if necessary in the maintenance of structures and development of the infrastructures for the chimpanzees and the camp
Participation in any other particular on-going project in progress according to the skills such as the creation of the new sanctuary site and supervising construction projects
Required profile :
Available immediately
Be motivated and enthusiastic to discover and participate in a unique project to conserve an endangered species
Ideally between 24 and 50 years
Being in excellent physical and mental shape
Have a conversation level of French spoken (and read) in order to work with the team and the local community
Diploma and / or experience in the following fields :
Working with primates, in captivity or in the wild
Working with wildlife, in captivity or in the wild
Nature management, conservation
Specific manual skills masonry, electricity, welding, electrified enclosure knowledge, constructions ...
Being adventurous and not scared by a life in the middle of the bush and far from civilization, without contact with the world, within a micro-society
Being open to a new culture, patient, curious, but respectful of local habits and project
A multi-month travel and / or work experience in Africa is a big plus
Terms of volunteers mission :
Mission of 6 months minimum
Accommodations in Abidjan and on site (camping) are provided
Transportation from Abidjan to Site
At the volunteer’s expenses :
Travel from the airport to our accommodation in Abidjan (round trip)
Airfare to Cote d'Ivoire, Visa, insurance and vaccination
In Abidjan , At the site food allowance of 10,000 CFA/weeks
Any extra personal costs during the stay (drinks, cigarettes, extra food, communication)
Terms of Appointment: ASAP
Contact: akatiavolontaires@gmail.com
More information: www.akatia.org and on social network (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)