Après un M2 étho, éco, and coe
Vous venez de réussir votre master 2 éthologie, écologie, and coe, ce blog est le vôtre! Il vous permet de retrouver différentes offres de PhD, emplois, stages, et même post doc pour les "anciens"... Outil de mise en réseau des informations, ce blog offre à chacun de la liberté de participer et ainsi permettre à tous de trouver au plus vite sa prochaine étape professionnelle. Si vous avez une offre à poster, transmettez la à : marine.grandgeorge@univ-rennes1.fr
lundi 6 janvier 2025
PhD position in Bird Migration and Breeding Ecology
We are a research campus with a strong tradition in biosciences focused on complex ecological, evolutionary & developmental aspects of LIFE.
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic is seeking qualified applicants for PhD position in Bird Migration and Breeding Ecology
The recently established research group Global Life-history, Ornithology & Behavioural Ecology (GLOBE) – https://GLOBEresearchgroup.com new webpages will be launched soon – focuses on ecology, behaviour, life-history strategies and population dynamics of wild animals, particularly birds, including impacts and consequences of recent environmental changes. The GLOBE research group is led by Vojtěch Kubelka from the Department of Zoology and Centre for Polar Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia in the Czech Republic and has been recently awarded a prestigious ERC CZ grant: Animal migrations in a changing world – still advantageous strategy or maladaptive behaviour? for years 2024–2029.
Animal migrations represent one of the greatest spectacles in nature, providing crucial ecosystem services as well as resources for human communities. Why do animals migrate? It has been thought that animals migrate to reproduce at higher latitudes, taking advantage of lower predation pressure, fewer parasites and
seasonally high pulses in food supply. However, it has been highlighted that recent climate change and human pressure impacts can erode such benefits and migratory animals are declining globally with poorly understood underlying mechanisms.
We strive to tackle pressing issues: Are there still latitudinal gradients in predation, parasitism and seasonal food availability, supporting the benefits of migratory behaviour? How are migratory animals able to cope with environmental changes? What are the most important drivers and life stages limiting populations of migratory animals? To achieve this, we are executing a comprehensive research of migration profitability, combining experimental, observational and comparative approaches – investigating latitudinal gradients in predation, parasites, food supply and whole life- cycles of tracked shorebirds, suitable model taxon with intra-specific variability in migratory strategies and exposed ground nests – at 16 study sites from the Arctic to Patagonia.
We seek to appoint a PhD student to contribute to this new project. The particular targeting of the PhD project will be developed together with the successful applicant within the framework of the ERC CZ project.
What would be your main responsibilities:
• Study PhD at the Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic in the Zoology programme
• Execute ornithological fieldwork at selected study sites across Western Palearctic and South America in association with international collaborators
• Combine experimental and observational fieldwork with a comparative approach based on extracting relevant information from published literature
• Prepare and write manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals
• Optional activities include engaging in the supervision of undergraduate students and participation in funding applications for research in collaboration with other team members
• Participate in conservation activities
• Present and promote the results at conferences and seminars and disseminate the project outputs
What we offer:
• A four-year position combining employment on the ERC CZ project and governmental financial support during the course of the PhD study
• English-speaking, stimulating and friendly international research environment in the multicultural GLOBE research group
• Extensive international networking and mentoring opportunities with 100+ collaborators of the GLOBE research group worldwide
• Fieldwork at the ERC CZ project study sites and access to the datasets obtained along latitudinal gradients from Morocco to the Arctic and from tropical South America to Patagonia
• Excellent instruments, equipment and multiple research platforms within the GLOBE research group and Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
• Full logistical support for own follow-up research funding applications
• Flexible working time, full health insurance, student benefits
• Professional administration support and assistance with all personal, economic or logistical needs including the relocation and settlement in CZ
• Meals allowance, special mobile services, university kindergarten
• Work-life balance in a historical middle-sized university city, budejce.cz/en/, offering multiple opportunities for outdoor, sport & cultural activities.
Competitive candidates are expected to have:
• Master’s degree or equivalent in ecology, or relevant field of life sciences
• A foundation of knowledge in two or more fields: evolutionary ecology, climate change biology, demography and population dynamics, predator-prey interactions and animal migration
• Experience in conducting/participating in international research projects
• Hands-on experience for 2+ years in field research, with preference for experience with fieldwork in remote areas, including tropical or polar locations
• Ornithological fieldwork experience including bird handling and ringing (bird ringing licence is welcomed but not necessary)
• Good skills in statistical modelling, advanced level in using R
• Evidence of success conducting research and scholarly activities, including publications in peer-reviewed journals
• Experience working with analyses and presentation of large data sets
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate within a team-based environment, ability to work effectively both in a team and independently
• Valid driving licence
Representative publications of our research
Kubelka V., Šálek M., Tomkovich P., Végvári Z., Freckleton R. P. & Székely T. 2018: Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted by climate change in shorebirds. Science 362: 680–683.
Zámečník V., Kubelka V. & Šálek M. 2018: Visible marking of
wader nests to avoid damage by farmers does not increase
nest predation. Bird Conservation International 28: 293–301.
Halimubieke N., Kupán K., Valdebenito J. O., Kubelka V., other 19 authors,
& Székely T. 2020: Successful breeding predict divorce in plovers. Scientific
Reports 10: 15576 (1–13).
Koleček J., Reif J., Šálek M., Hanzelka J., Sottas C. & Kubelka V.
2021: Global population trends in shorebirds: migratory
behaviour makes species at risk. The Science of Nature 108:
Kubelka V., Sandercock B., Székely T. & Freckleton R. P. 2022:
Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes
and increasing threats. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37:
Székely T., Carmona-Isunza M. C., Engel N., Halimubieke N., Jones W., Kubelka V.,
Rice R., Tanner C. E., Tóth Z., Valdebenito J. O., Wanders K. & McDonald G.
C. 2024: The causes and implications of sex role diversity in shorebird breeding
systems. Ibis 166: 560–569.
Cooke S. J., Piczak M. L., Singh N. J., Åkesson S., Ford A. T., Chowdhury S.,
Mitchell G. W., Norris D. R., Hardesty-Moore M., McCauley D., Hammerschlag
N., Tucker M. A., Joshua J. Horns, Reisinger R. R., Kubelka V. & Lennox R. J.
2024: Animal Migration in the Anthropocene: Threats and Mitigation
Options. Biological Reviews 99: 1242–1260.
Interested candidates should contact Vojtěch Kubelka (vkubelka@prf.jcu.cz).
Applications should include: i) letter of interest (max 2 pages) – describing how the applicant’s qualifications address the terms of the position as well as explaining the motivation of the applicant; curriculum vitae (max 4 pages) – including education, relevant research experience and major achievements; iii) contact information for at least two references. Three documents in English should be sent to Vojtěch Kubelka before the deadline. The online interviews with selected candidates will follow up soon after the deadline. Applicants from all countries are eligible.
Deadline for applications: 10 January 2025.
Position start: Start dates are negotiable but could be as early as March 2025.
Location description
České Budějovice is a vibrant medium-sized city and centre of South Bohemian region with an international university community. The University of South Bohemia is the biggest higher education institution in the region with more than 9,000 students, numerous leading departments in natural sciences and field research stations at Svalbard or Papua New Guinea. Five institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences are situated on the same campus, forming the Biological Centre and representing outstanding cooperation opportunities. The surrounding of České Budějovice has diverse natural and cultural landscapes, including Šumava National Park, two UNESCO biosphere reserves and numerous protected areas with impressive wildlife.
samedi 21 décembre 2024
Offre de stage de Master 1
Research project title: Evaluation of the behaviour of rainbow trout in the face of
Internship supervisors : Émilie Réalis-Doyelle, Carmen González-Fernández
Host laboratory : Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et
l'environnement (INRAE).
Important information: the stay will take place at the Station INRAE d'Hydrobiologie lacustre
de Thonon-les-Bains (75bis Av. de Corzent, 74200 Thonon-les-Bains). However, shared room
accommodation is covered by INRAE on the premises and the student will be able to enjoy a
reduced rate for access to catering during meals. The facilities include a communal kitchen and
Duration of the internship: 2 months, starting possible from February 2025
Keywords: Behaviour, pollution, trout, biomarkers
Objective: The aim of the project is to study the behaviour of animals when they are exposed
to a toxicant.
The fish´s behaviour is a direct indication of whether they are subjected to a source of stress.
Trout are social animals, and the presence of contaminants can alter their behaviour exposing
the animals to several risks: being attacked by a predator, malnutrition, high energy expenditure,
reproductive problems, etc… We will study, under controlled laboratory conditions, how trout
react to two different pollutants. We will test the fish using different systems to prove their
reactivity, speed, recognition, and general movement to evaluate the effect of toxicant on fish
The student's responsibilities will include:
To analyse the videos resulting from the different tests performed (LOGITRACK).
To analyse the data obtained from the video recording.
To keep up to date with recent literature in the field.
Write a formal report including the results.
Prepare an oral presentation for his/her M1 evaluation and the team.
Required profile:
Master student interested in animal physiology, fish behaviour and statistics
Highly motivated; good communication skills and who like to work with others;
How to apply: Send a CV and a motivation letter to emilie.realis@inrae.fr and
carmen.gonzalez-fernandez@inrae.fr .
Applications received by 31 Janvier 2025 will receive full consideration but the position will
remain open until filled.
Titre du projet de recherche : Evaluation du comportement de la truite arc-en-ciel face aux
Responsables du stage : Émilie Réalis-Doyelle, Carmen González-Fernández
Laboratoire d'accueil : Institut national de recherche pour l'agriculture, l'alimentation et
l'environnement (INRAE).
Information importante : le séjour se déroulera à la Station INRAE d'Hydrobiologie lacustre
de Thonon-les-Bains (75bis Av. de Corzent, 74200 Thonon-les-Bains). Toutefois,
l'hébergement en chambre partagée est pris en charge par l'INRAE sur place et l'étudiant pourra
bénéficier d'un tarif réduit pour l'accès à la restauration lors des repas. Les installations
comprennent une cuisine et une salle de bain communes.
Durée du stage : 2 mois, démarrage possible à partir de février 2025.
Mots-clés : Comportement, pollution, truite, biomarqueurs
Objectif : L'objectif du projet est d'étudier le comportement des animaux lorsqu'ils sont
exposés à un toxique.
Contexte : Le comportement du poisson indique directement s'il est soumis à une source de
stress. Les truites sont des animaux sociaux et la présence de contaminants peut altérer leur
comportement et les exposer à plusieurs risques : attaque par un prédateur, malnutrition,
dépenses énergétiques élevées, problèmes de reproduction, etc... Nous étudierons, dans des
conditions de laboratoire contrôlées, comment les truites réagissent à deux polluants différents.
Nous testerons les poissons à l'aide de différents systèmes pour prouver leur réactivité, leur
vitesse, leur reconnaissance et leur mouvement général afin d'évaluer l'effet du toxique sur le
comportement des poissons.
Les responsabilités de l'étudiant seront les suivantes
Analyser les vidéos résultant des différents tests effectués (LOGITRACK).
Analyser les données obtenues à partir de l'enregistrement vidéo.
Se tenir au courant de la littérature récente dans le domaine.
Rédiger un rapport formel incluant les résultats.
Préparer une présentation orale pour son évaluation M1 et l'équipe.
Profil requis:
Étudiant en master intéressé par la physiologie animale, le comportement des
poissons et les statistiques.
Très motivé(e), bon(ne) communicateur(trice) et aimant travailler avec les
autres ;
Comment postuler ? Envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation à emilie.realis@inrae.fr et
carmen.gonzalez-fernandez@inrae.fr .
Les candidatures reçues avant le 31 Janvier 2025 seront pleinement prises en considération,
mais le poste restera ouvert jusqu'à ce qu'il soit pourvu
recherche service civique
pour une étude comportementale des Gravelots à collier interrompu dans le Finistère sud pour une durée de 6 mois,
du 31 mars au 29 septembre 2025
Description de l’offre
Bretagne Vivante est une association naturaliste de loi 1901. En partenariat avec les Communauté de Communes et les
mairies du Finistere Sud (de la baie d’Audierne à Trégunc), Bretagne-Vivante organise le suivi et le gardiennage des
gravelots à collier interrompu et mène une étude comportementale sur les nicheurs. La personne recrutée sera amenée
à travailler avec le reste de l’équipe de gardiens de gravelot.
Le suivi des gravelots nicheurs se déroule de la mi-avril à début août. Le temps restant est consacré à la restitution des
observations de terrain (saisie informatique des données et rédaction d’un bilan).
Vous bénéficierez d'un accompagnement hebdomadaire pour faciliter le déroulement de votre mission. Vous serez en relation
avec le responsable local, le coordinateur régional, les bénévoles de l’association.
Mission principale
La mission est à réaliser sur les territoires de la baie d’Audierne, Mousterlin, l’archipel des Glénan et Trégunc.
Participation au suivi comportemental des oiseaux nicheurs selon le protocole en vigueur (rythme d’activité, focal
Participation à la réalisation de focales deux fois par jour sur les nicheurs (matin et après-midi),
Participation au suivi des rassemblements postnuptiaux,
Participation à la réalisation de focales lors des rassemblements postnuptiaux,
Participation à la saisie des observations,
Participation à la sensibilisation des usagers des plages,
Participation à la rédaction d’un bilan en fin de saison.
Missions secondaire
Participation à la prospection des sites et suivi de la nidification,
Participation aux contrôles et suivi des oiseaux bagués,
Localisation des postes
Commune de Trégunc ou de la baie d’Audierne (à déterminer),
Avoir une voiture serait un atout
Condition de travail
Les contrats sont des services civiques (www.service-civique.gouv.fr), il faut être âgé de 18 à 25 ans.
Activités le week-end et les jours fériés, 28h/semaine.
La mission se déroule en lien étroit avec les autres membres de l’équipe, principalement en extérieur par tout temps, demande
une part d’autonomie et en même temps de savoir se coordonner avec le reste de l’équipe. L’ensemble. Possibilités de
participer au suivi sur d’autres sites proches et à d’autres activités.
Interactions avec les bénévoles de l’association et le personnel des communautés de communes.
Bretagne Vivante sepnb
19 rue de Gouesnou Accès parking et livraison :
BP 62132 Espace associatif de Pen ar Creac'h
29221 Brest Cedex 2 Rue de Pen ar Creac'h
tél. 02 98 49 07 18
fax 02 98 49 95 80
SIRET 777 509 639 000 20 / Code APE 913 E
l’association. Prise en charge des frais de déplacements à hauteur de 150 euros et des frais de mission.
Logement à la charge du volontaire.
Début du contrat au plus tard le 31 mars.
Contact : Adresser votre lettre de motivation et votre CV pour le 15 janvier 2025 par mail en indiquant dans le sujet : "suivi
comportemental GCI2025": david.hemery@bretagne-vivante.org
PhD position in Bird Migration and Breeding Ecology
We are a research campus with a strong tradition in biosciences focused on complex ecological, evolutionary & developmental aspects of LIFE.
Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Czech Republic is seeking qualified applicants for
The recently established research group Global Life-history, Ornithology
& Behavioural Ecology (GLOBE) – https://GLOBEresearchgroup.com new
webpages will be launched soon – focuses on ecology, behaviour, life-history
strategies and population dynamics of wild animals, particularly birds, including
impacts and consequences of recent environmental changes. The GLOBE research
group is led by Vojtěch Kubelka from the Department of Zoology and Centre for
Polar Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia in the Czech
Republic and has been recently awarded a prestigious ERC CZ grant: Animal
migrations in a changing world – still advantageous strategy or maladaptive
behaviour? for years 2024–2029.
Animal migrations represent one of the greatest spectacles in nature, providing
crucial ecosystem services as well as resources for human communities. Why do
animals migrate? It has been thought that animals migrate to reproduce at higher
latitudes, taking advantage of lower predation pressure, fewer parasites and
seasonally high pulses in food supply. However, it has been highlighted that recent
climate change and human pressure impacts can erode such benefits and migratory
animals are declining globally with poorly understood underlying mechanisms.
We strive to tackle pressing issues: Are there still latitudinal gradients in predation,
parasitism and seasonal food availability, supporting the benefits of migratory
behaviour? How are migratory animals able to cope with environmental changes?
What are the most important drivers and life stages limiting populations of migratory
animals? To achieve this, we are executing a comprehensive research of migration
profitability, combining experimental, observational and comparative approaches –
investigating latitudinal gradients in predation, parasites, food supply and whole life-
cycles of tracked shorebirds, suitable model taxon with intra-specific variability
in migratory strategies and exposed ground nests – at 16 study sites from the Arctic
to Patagonia.
We seek to appoint a PhD student to contribute to this new project. The particular
targeting of the PhD project will be developed together with the successful applicant
within the framework of the ERC CZ project.
What would be your main responsibilities:
• Study PhD at the Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia in České
Budějovice, Czech Republic in the Zoology programme
• Execute ornithological fieldwork at selected study sites across Western
Palearctic and South America in association with international collaborators
• Combine experimental and observational fieldwork with a comparative
approach based on extracting relevant information from published literature
• Prepare and write manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed journals
• Optional activities include engaging in the supervision of undergraduate
students and participation in funding applications for research in collaboration
with other team members
• Participate in conservation activities
• Present and promote the results at conferences and seminars and
disseminate the project outputs
What we offer:
• A four-year position combining employment on the ERC CZ project and
governmental financial support during the course of the PhD study
• English-speaking, stimulating and friendly international research environment
in the multicultural GLOBE research group
• Extensive international networking and mentoring opportunities with 100+
collaborators of the GLOBE research group worldwide
• Fieldwork at the ERC CZ project study sites and access to the datasets
obtained along latitudinal gradients from Morocco to the Arctic and from
tropical South America to Patagonia
• Excellent instruments, equipment and multiple research platforms within the
GLOBE research group and Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia
in České Budějovice, Czech Republic
• Full logistical support for own follow-up research funding applications
• Flexible working time, full health insurance, student benefits
• Professional administration support and assistance with all personal,
economic or logistical needs including the relocation and settlement in CZ
• Meals allowance, special mobile services, university kindergarten
• Work-life balance in a historical middle-sized university city, budejce.cz/en/,
offering multiple opportunities for outdoor, sport & cultural activities.
Competitive candidates are expected to have:
• Master’s degree or equivalent in ecology, or relevant field of life sciences
• A foundation of knowledge in two or more fields: evolutionary ecology, climate
change biology, demography and population dynamics, predator-prey
interactions and animal migration
• Experience in conducting/participating in international research projects
• Hands-on experience for 2+ years in field research, with preference for
experience with fieldwork in remote areas, including tropical or polar locations
• Ornithological fieldwork experience including bird handling and ringing (bird
ringing licence is welcomed but not necessary)
• Good skills in statistical modelling, advanced level in using R
• Evidence of success conducting research and scholarly activities, including
publications in peer-reviewed journals
• Experience working with analyses and presentation of large data sets
• Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to collaborate within a team-based
environment, ability to work effectively both in a team and independently
• Valid driving licence
Representative publications of our research
Kubelka V., Šálek M., Tomkovich P., Végvári Z., Freckleton R. P. &
Székely T. 2018: Global pattern of nest predation is disrupted
by climate change in shorebirds. Science 362: 680–683.
Zámečník V., Kubelka V. & Šálek M. 2018: Visible marking of
wader nests to avoid damage by farmers does not increase
nest predation. Bird Conservation International 28: 293–301.
Halimubieke N., Kupán K., Valdebenito J. O., Kubelka V., other 19 authors,
& Székely T. 2020: Successful breeding predict divorce in plovers. Scientific
Reports 10: 15576 (1–13).
Koleček J., Reif J., Šálek M., Hanzelka J., Sottas C. & Kubelka V.
2021: Global population trends in shorebirds: migratory
behaviour makes species at risk. The Science of Nature 108:
Kubelka V., Sandercock B., Székely T. & Freckleton R. P. 2022:
Animal migration to northern latitudes: environmental changes
and increasing threats. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37:
Székely T., Carmona-Isunza M. C., Engel N., Halimubieke N., Jones W., Kubelka V.,
Rice R., Tanner C. E., Tóth Z., Valdebenito J. O., Wanders K. & McDonald G.
C. 2024: The causes and implications of sex role diversity in shorebird breeding
systems. Ibis 166: 560–569.
Cooke S. J., Piczak M. L., Singh N. J., Åkesson S., Ford A. T., Chowdhury S.,
Mitchell G. W., Norris D. R., Hardesty-Moore M., McCauley D., Hammerschlag
N., Tucker M. A., Joshua J. Horns, Reisinger R. R., Kubelka V. & Lennox R. J.
2024: Animal Migration in the Anthropocene: Threats and Mitigation
Options. Biological Reviews 99: 1242–1260.
Interested candidates should contact Vojtěch Kubelka (vkubelka@prf.jcu.cz).
Applications should include: i) letter of interest (max 2 pages) – describing how the
applicant’s qualifications address the terms of the position as well as explaining the
motivation of the applicant; curriculum vitae (max 4 pages) – including education,
relevant research experience and major achievements; iii) contact information for
at least two references. Three documents in English should be sent to Vojtěch
Kubelka before the deadline. The online interviews with selected candidates will
follow up soon after the deadline. Applicants from all countries are eligible.
Deadline for applications: 10 January 2025.
Position start: Start dates are negotiable but could be as early as March 2025.
Location description
České Budějovice is a vibrant medium-sized city and centre of South Bohemian
region with an international university community. The University of South Bohemia is
the biggest higher education institution in the region with more than 9,000 students,
numerous leading departments in natural sciences and field research stations
at Svalbard or Papua New Guinea. Five institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences
are situated on the same campus, forming the Biological Centre and representing
outstanding cooperation opportunities. The surrounding of České Budějovice has
diverse natural and cultural landscapes, including Šumava National Park, two
UNESCO biosphere reserves and numerous protected areas with impressive wildlife.
PhD project: Social and ecological drivers of parental care
Essential skills: the ideal candidate will hold a first class Bachelor degree and a Masters in biology, ecology, zoology or related discipline; strong quantitative skills, outstanding organisational skills, excellent attention to detail, independence and creativity.