L'Allemagne a lancé une plateforme nationale pour les propositions de doctorat. Un site à explorer car de nombreuses équipes peuvent proposer des projets qui vont vous intéresser!
C'est par ici que cela se passe....
Vous venez de réussir votre master 2 éthologie, écologie, and coe, ce blog est le vôtre! Il vous permet de retrouver différentes offres de PhD, emplois, stages, et même post doc pour les "anciens"... Outil de mise en réseau des informations, ce blog offre à chacun de la liberté de participer et ainsi permettre à tous de trouver au plus vite sa prochaine étape professionnelle. Si vous avez une offre à poster, transmettez la à : marine.grandgeorge@univ-rennes1.fr
L'Allemagne a lancé une plateforme nationale pour les propositions de doctorat. Un site à explorer car de nombreuses équipes peuvent proposer des projets qui vont vous intéresser!
C'est par ici que cela se passe....
Hiring Organization:
Indiana University, Bloomington
Date Posted:
Position Description:
I am looking for five volunteer field assistants to help with the long-term monitoring of the social behavior, ecology, and genetics of a wild population of titi monkeys (Callicebus donacophilus) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Field assistants will be required to do all day follows on the various groups 5 days/week. Research assistant responsibilities include recording social and foraging behavior, mapping group movements, data entry, aiding in playback experiments, and collection of fecal samples for genetic, dietary and parasitology analyses.
Previous field work experience or graduate of a qualified field course is preferred. Volunteers should be highly motivated with a strong interest in animal behavior.
Generally, students should:
1. be in good physical and mental condition
2. be able to cope with early morning starts
3. be comfortable being away from family and friends for long periods of time
4. have a positive attitude
5. be patient and committed
No funding is available at this time.
Term of Appointment:
February 1 to May 1, 2011
Application Deadline:
Until filled
If interested in the position, please email the following to Kimberly Dingess (kdingess@indiana.edu)
1. CV including relevant coursework, research and field experience
2. Letter of interest
3. 2 letters of reference from people familiar with your academic and/or work performance.
Contact Information:
Kimberly Dingess
Department of Anthropology
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Telephone Number:
E-mail Address:
Message relayé par la Société Française d'Ecologie
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Veronique Sebille
Laboratoire de Biomathématiques - Biostatistique
Faculté de Pharmacie
EA 4275 "Biostatistique, Recherche Clinique et Mesures Subjectives en Santé"
Université de Nantes
1 rue Gaston Veil, 44035 NANTES Cedex 1
Tel: +33 (0)2 40 41 28 25
Fax: +33 (0)2 40 41 29 96
Hiring Organization:
Conservation International
Date Posted:
Position Description:
A position is available for a PhD or Masters student interested in conducting research on gibbons in Cambodia. Conservation International supports management of a field site, Veun Sai Forests, in northeastern Cambodia. The site has high biodiversity value and high densities of many threatened taxa. Of particular interest is the gibbon population which occurs at the site, which is the newly described taxon, Nomascus annamensis. One group of gibbons has been habituated at this site, and there is small scale socioecological data being collected on this group by local researchers. Phenology plots have been set up within the range of the group and more than 300 feeding trees marked to date. A trail system already exists throughout the groups range, and good data on home range size is available.
Conservation International is looking for interested researchers to conduct research with conservation implications with this group and/or beyond. Research agendas are flexible based on the applicant’s interest, but must be negotiated with the site manager, and primatologist, Dr. Ben Rawson, who will also be available in a supervisory role as appropriate.
• An undergraduate or Masters degree in a relevant discipline (Biological Anthropology, Zoology etc) and acceptance to a postgraduate course of study.
• Fieldwork experience in a non-western country.
• A strong supervisory panel.
• An ability to work in remote and difficult conditions. Applicants will need to be strong willed and self-sufficient to succeed.
Field conditions are basic and the field site is remote (approximately 1.5 days from Phnom Penh). The site has malaria, snakes, leeches (not many). Base camp accommodation is basic with hammocks and no running water (except for a nearby stream), however additional infrastructure developments are planned before the end of 2010. Vegetarians will have difficulty.
Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Conservation International will provide logistical support (e.g. permissions, office space etc), field financial support (travel to and from site, subsistence allowance) and a local counterpart to help in data collection. Additional funding needs (e.g. equipment, insurance, international travel, housing in Phnom Penh etc) will need to be covered by the researcher.
Term of Appointment:
Duration of research under existing postgraduate course of study
Application Deadline:
Expressions of interest and CV by October 31st
Contact Information:
Ben Rawson
#10, Street 420
Phnom Penh, none 0000
Telephone Number:
+855 (0)12657252