jeudi 21 octobre 2010

Postdoctoral Position in Retinal Neurophysiology, Arizona, fin : 30 oct. 2010

Postdoctoral Position in Retinal Neurophysiology A postdoctoral position is available to study the synaptic, cellular and network properties of retinal inhibition in the Departments of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Arizona. Seeking a highly motivated PhD with a solid publication record and experience in electrophysiology, biophysics or neuroscience. The retina is a unique system to study the roles of inhibition because the roles of synaptic factors can be investigated in an intact system with physiological stimulation – light. Additionally, inhibition in the inner retina plays several important roles in retinal signal processing, as it both comprises part of the center-surround receptive field spatial organization of the retina and affects the gain and temporal processing of retinal signaling. Possible projects include determining how neurotransmitter release timing temporally shapes inhibition in the retina and investigating the spatial sensitivity of different components of retinal inhibition. All projects will primarily use electrophysiological techniques, as well as imaging.
For more details on recent research see .

To apply, please send cover letter detailing your past research and interest in the position, curriculum vitae, and list of references to Erika Eggers at eeggers [ à ]

Dr. Erika Eggers
Departments of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering
University of Arizona
eeggers [ à ]