lundi 27 mai 2013

Offre de stage

Ethologie appliquée au bien-être des primates non humains

Thème : Enrichissement du milieu chez dix espèces de primates non humains

Benjamin Gourdol, Welfare Manager
Hélène Meunier, Ph.D., Ethologue-Primatologue

Durée : Stages de huit semaines, comprises entre le 26 août 2013 au 31 janvier 2014
Lieu : Centre de Primatologie de l’Université de Strasbourg, Fort Foch, 67207 Niederhausbergen

- Enrichissement du milieu d'animaux élevés dans différentes conditions de captivité (réalisation et mise en place des dispositifs, suivi comportemental des animaux).
- Gestion des colonies et du maintien de l’équilibre des groupes sociaux (gestion des transferts, suivi comportemental des animaux).
- Entraînement des animaux à coopérer pour différentes manipulations à partir de techniques de conditionnement opérant (clicker training) dans le cadre du programme européen Euprimnet II ; une étude quantitative de nouvelles méthodes pour l’amélioration de l’efficacité de l’entraînement est en cours et sera à poursuivre.

Profil requis
Etudiant en Biologie, spécialisé en éthologie ou technicien animalier formé ou en cours de formation.
Nous recherchons une personne observatrice, rigoureuse, patiente, autonome, très motivée, et appréciant le contact avec les animaux. 

Conditions de travail
Temps plein, du lundi au vendredi sans indemnité.

Envoyer CV et lettre de motivation par courrier électronique à :
Benjamin Gourdol -
Avec CC à Hélène Meunier -

vendredi 24 mai 2013

Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate in Fish Life History Trade-offs

Salary range £32,267 - £36,298 depending on experience
This postdoctoral position is part of a project entitled ‘Environmental effects on growth; consequences for parents and offspring’, funded by a grant from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to Neil B. Metcalfe, Pat Monaghan and Paul G. Shiels. The overall aim of the project is to test whether adverse and favourable environmental conditions encountered early in life can leave a physiological imprint that influences both the rate at which the organism starts to senescence later in life, and potentially the fate of its offspring, using the three-spined stickleback as a study system.
The postholder will be the main person in charge of designing and implementing the experimental work on fish, and analysing the resulting data. S/he will work closely with animal care technicians and a research technician who will primarily be involved in running the lab assays.
For informal enquiries, please contact Professor Neil Metcalfe, email
To obtain further details and to apply, go to the ‘current vacancies’ at and quote reference number 003997.
This post is funded for 3 years. Closing date 9th June 2013, starting date October 2013.
Prof. N.B. Metcalfe FRSE
Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine

Graham Kerr Building, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences
University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ   UK
Tel.:  (0)141 330 5968 (or 0141 330 5975  for secretary) 

Google Scholar profile:

Research Assistant/Associate, Animal Welfare Science

College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA

 A successful Research Assistant/Associate in this position provides organizational leadership as part of a diverse team of professionals dedicated to offering science-based, socially-relevant information as part of the Animal Welfare and Environment Initiative of Penn State Extension.  The Assistant/Associate is expected to be a leader in the development and coordination of state-wide Extension programs on farm and food animal welfare issues relating to agriculture, safety, and the environment. Animal welfare education and research program needs include:
·         Attributes of current and proposed animal management practices on animal welfare, behavior, and health;
·         The impact on the environment of animal welfare practices within agricultural systems and associated societal changes;
·         Economic, food safety, human health, and agricultural viability related to current and proposed welfare practices;
·         Strategies for managing new animal welfare practices and their benefits/costs;
·         Entrepreneurial opportunities associated with animal welfare practices in Pennsylvania; and
·         Expanding the ability for agricultural community members to include science-based input into animal welfare decisions at the local, state and national levels

Responsibilities include: 1. Work closely with faculty, Extension/research Associates and Extension Educators in preparing proposals for outside funding and managing the resultant applied research projects. 2. Conduct program evaluations, prepare traditional and electronic educational materials, teach in non-formal settings, and other aspects of program delivery.  3. Maintain and build partnerships with other organizations for developing and implementing relevant animal welfare programs for diverse audiences, including producers, activists, agribusinesses, technical service providers, citizens, government officials, community leaders, regulatory agency staff, and representatives of non-governmental organizations. 

Position requires a Master’s Degree (Research Assistant) or PhD (Research Associate) in agricultural/biological engineering, animal sciences, veterinary science or equivalent. Credentials outside these science-technology-based agricultural degrees will be considered when associated with relevant experience or on-farm agricultural background. Excellent communication ability is essential (written, electronic, oral, interpersonal) along with teaching, organizational, and problem-solving skills.  The job will involve in-state travel and some evening work along with potential for national and international participation in educational events. 

Candidate must have an ability to work in a collaborative leadership role as part of a large team comprised of members from various disciplines, perspectives and animal care backgrounds. Experience with social media is necessary to aid timely communication of current animal welfare discussions. Prowess using computers (word processing, spreadsheets, web pages), distance learning, and electronic communication will be useful for success in the position.  Knowledge of needs assessment, Extension program evaluation and data collection/analysis methods is desired, but training will be provided.  Experience with educational methods for addressing multiple sides of controversial issues and with agricultural or activist organizations is desired.  Experience with diverse populations is desirable.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, and names of at least three professional references (including address, telephone and e-mail address) to: Dorcas Holt, 249 Agricultural Engineering Building, University Park, PA 16802 Email: Applications will be viewed beginning May 1, 2013 until position is filled. This position requires that you operate a motor vehicle as part of your job duties. A valid driver's license and successful completion of a motor vehicle records check will be required in addition to standard background check. This is a fixed-term appointment funded for one year from date of hire with excellent possibility of re-funding. Employment will require successful completion of background check(s) in accordance with University policies.  Job Number 39387.  [6 May 2013]

Penn State is committee to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

mercredi 22 mai 2013

Proposition de thèse

Titre : Les relations parentales chez les fourmis : expression et évolution des signaux larvaires impliqués dans la sollicitation alimentaire.

Discipline : Ethologie.

Financement : Allocation de thèse de l’Ecole Doctorale Galilée (Université Paris 13) pour trois ans, à partir d’octobre 2013.

Lieu : Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée (EA 4443), Université Paris 13.

Contexte scientifique et objectifs : Les comportements de sollicitation alimentaire des jeunes (begging behaviours) permettent de réguler les soins parentaux. Largement étudiés chez les oiseaux et les mammifères, ils sont moins connus chez les insectes et en particulier les hyménoptères sociaux. Ces derniers représentent, pourtant, un modèle particulièrement intéressant du fait de l’altruisme de reproduction où les décisions sont prises par des individus non‐reproducteurs, les ouvrières, et de la complexité de l’environnement social dans lequel les jeunes se développent. Des études récentes menées sur la fourmi Ectatomma tuberculatum suggèrent que les larves communiquent leurs besoins alimentaires par le biais de mouvements et de signaux chimiques volatiles ; les ouvrières y répondent en modifiant leur comportement de soins et de fourragement. De plus, chez les fourmis, le déterminisme des castes dépend en partie de l’approvisionnement en nourriture au cours du développement larvaire. Ceci peut générer des conflits d’intérêt entre jeunes (notamment de lignées génétiques différentes) et pose la question de l’honnêteté du signal larvaire.

L’objectif de cette thèse est donc double : (1) Identifier et caractériser les signaux larvaires impliqués dans la sollicitation alimentaire chez les fourmis. L’étude sera menée sur des espèces différentes de fourmis selon une approche comparée et évolutive. (2) Tester l’honnêteté des signaux larvaires. Ces signaux ainsi que les réponses des ouvrières seront étudiés selon l’état physiologique des larves et le contexte social afin de rechercher l’effet possible d’une rivalité entre jeunes sur leur expression.

Encadrement : Cette thèse est co‐dirigée par Renée Fénéron (MC), Fabrice Savarit (MC) et Dominique Fresneau (Pr).

Profil du candidat : Le candidat devra présenter une solide formation en Ethologie. Il devra être motivé pour travailler sur le modèle Insectes, avec si possible une expérience préalable sur les Fourmis. Des connaissances en analyse chimique seront appréciées. 

Modalités de recrutement : Le dossier doit comporter un CV et une lettre de motivation du candidat, ainsi que deux lettres de recommandation. Il devra être envoyée à Renée Fénéron (feneron@leec.univ‐ et Fabrice Savarit (savarit@leec.univ‐ au plus tard le jeudi 6 juin. Une copie du dossier devra également être déposée à l’Ecole Doctorale Galilée (Univ. Paris 13). La sélection des candidats se fera d’abord sur dossier, puis des auditions auront lieu durant la semaine du 17 juin.

Contacts : Renée Fénéron (feneron@leec.univ‐, Fabrice Savarit (

PhD thesis proposal

Title: Parent‐offspring interactions in ants: expression and evolution of the larval begging signals.

Discipline: Behavioural Sciences.

Founding: Ecole Doctorale Galilée (University Paris 13) during three years, from October 2013.

Location: Laboratoire d’Ethologie Expérimentale et Comparée (LEEC, EA 4443), University Paris 13.

Scientific context and objectives: Begging behaviours are used to regulate parental care. Wellstudied in birds and mammals, they are less known in insects and especially in social hymenoptera. These insects, however, are of great interest because the decisions on food allocation are devoted to non‐reproductive individuals, the workers, and because of the complexity of social environment where the larvae are growing. Recent studies on Ectatomma tuberculatum ant suggest that larvae used swaying movements and volatile chemical compounds to communicate their needs; the workers respond to them by modulating brood care and food provisioning. Moreover, caste determination in ants partly depends on food provisioning during larval development. This could generate conflicts between larvae (especially if they are from different genetic lineages) raising the question on the honest signalling of needs.

This thesis aims to: (1) Identify and characterize the larval begging signals in ants. This study will be conducted on different ant species using a comparative and evolutionary approach. (2) Determine whether larval begging signals are honest. These signals and the workers’ responses will be investigated by controlling the physiological state of the larvae and the social context in order to test a possible effect of young rivalry on the expression of the begging signals.

Supervisors: This thesis will be co‐directed by Renée Fénéron (MC), Fabrice Savarit (MC) and Dominique Fresneau (Pr).

Applicant profile: The applicant will have a strong background on the concepts and methods used in Behavioural Sciences. She/he will be motivated to work on Insects, if possible with a previous experience on Ants. Practical knowledge on chemical analyses will be greatly appreciated.

To apply: The applicant has to provide a curriculum vitae, a letter of motivation and two letters of reference. These documents have to be addressed to Renée Fénéron ( and Fabrice Savarit (savarit@leec.univ‐ on Thursday, June 6th at the latest. A copy has also to be addressed to the Ecole Doctorale Galilée (Univ. Paris 13). The applicants will be first selected through the examination of their file, and then by an interview which will take place during the week of June 17 th.

Contacts: Renée Fénéron (feneron@leec.univ‐, Fabrice Savarit (

mardi 21 mai 2013

Diffusion d’une offre de Post-Doc au RU (Univ. East Anglia) : Mechanisms and drivers of changing migratory behaviour

Mechanisms and drivers of changing migratory behaviour
£30,424 to £36,298 per annum
A Senior Research Associate is required for a NERC funded collaborative project exploring the mechanisms and drivers of changing migratory behaviour in birds. The project is based at the UEA and has two project partners, the British Trust for Ornithology and the Estacion Biologica de Donana in Spain. The focus of the work is to identify the mechanisms that underlie changes in bird migratory behaviour and explore the consequences of these changes for migratory populations and their potential role in ongoing population declines.
You must have a PhD in ecology, environmental sciences or a relevant biological discipline and fulfil all essential elements of the person specification. This full time position is available from 1 September 2013 for 36 months.
Closing date: 12 noon on 7 June 2013
Further particulars and an application form are available on our website: or Tel. 01603 593493

Rôle des invertébrés dans le comportement alimentaire de la truite marbrée (Salmo marmoratus)

Contexte :
La truite marbrée (Salmo marmoratus) est une espèce de Salmonidé protégée et endémique du bassin adriatique. Actuellement, sept populations génétiquement pures persistent dans le bassin adriatique slovène mais l’écologie trophique de cette espèce reste inconnue. Dans cette étude nous avons caractérisé le régime alimentaire de la truite marbrée à l’aide de l’analyses des isotopes stables afin d’améliorer et de compléter les modèles de dynamique des populations de cette espèce.
Description du stage :
Le stage se déroulera en trois temps durant les mois de Juin et Juillet :
- Familiarisation avec la faune slovène en labo (2 semaines)
- Prélèvement des invertébrés aquatiques nécessaires pour estimer la biomasse en invertébrés dans les différentes stations ainsi que pour l’isotopie (2 semaines)
- Tri des échantillons récoltés sur le terrain (4 semaines)
Compétences souhaitées :
- Utilisation d’une clé de détermination
- Intérêt pour l’écologie aquatique
- Fort intérêt pour l’entomologie
- Connaissances requises pour le tri des invertébrés aquatiques
- Autonomie
- Terrain
Contact :
Envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation à l’adresse suivante :
Laboratoire Ecolab,

Eco volontaire « Sensibiliser les publics et participer à l’inventaire marin au cœur de la RN de Moëze-Oléron» Réf : 3LMC 13036

Association de protection de la nature et de l’environnement
La ligue pour le Protection des oiseaux, Association environnementale de protection des oiseaux et des écosystèmes (150 salariés, 46.000 adhérents) est aujourd’hui l’une des premières organisations de protection de la nature en France. Organisée en réseau d’associations locales autour de l’association Nationale, elle intervient dans la gestion des espaces naturels protégés, la protection des espèces sauvages et menacées et sensibilise le public à la découverte et la défense de la nature recherche dans le cadre d’un Service Civique
« Sensibiliser les publics et participer à l’inventaire marin au cœur de la réserve naturelle de Moëze-Oléron» Réf : 3LMC 13036
Au cœur de la réserve naturelle de Moëze-Oléron, vous conseillerez et informerez les adhérents et le grand public sur les missions de la réserve naturelle, et plus généralement sur les actions de la LPO.
Vous serez l’un des ambassadeurs de la LPO et participerez à la mission d’accueil de la réserve en développant des outils de communication, et vous serez amené à encadrer des animations. Vous aimez le lien social, la nature vous avez envie de communiquer pour convaincre le plus grand nombre de protéger la nature, ce service civique est fait pour vous.
Une 2ème mission vous sera confiée en participant à l’inventaire des espèces marines
Durée du Service civique : 8 mois – à compter du 1er juin 2013.
Durée hebdomadaire : 28 heures dont 18h pour la mission sensibilisation, et 10h pour l’inventaire marin.
Indemnité service civique : 573.65€
Merci d’adresser votre candidature avant le 26/05/2013 à – Réserve Naturelle de Moëze-Oléron, Grange à Noureau, 17 780 Saint-Froult

PHD POSITION + CAMP MANAGER at the Tai Chimpanzee Project

Hiring Organization:
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology

Date Posted:

Position Description:

We are offering a PhD fellowship working on how the ranging pattern of chimpanzees is influenced by neighboring groups and human activity in the forest. In addition the PhD candidate will be responsible for the management of the Taï Chimpanzee Project (50% of working time). The position will start in October 2013 and requires the successful candidate to stay in Taï for 3 years. 

Our general interest is to understand if neighboring chimpanzee communities influence each other’s ranging pattern and what effect intergroup encounter have on the ranging of chimpanzees. We like to know how intergroup competition, especially with large food trees in the overlapping zones, impacts on the use of these areas for both communities and which are the affecting factors of inter-community dominance. We also want to know if human activity (illegal and legal) changes the ranging pattern of our three habituated and 2 unhabituated chimpanzee communities.

MSc (or comparable degree) in Biology, Evolutionary Anthropology or Conservation Biology. Good knowledge in evolutionary biology, animal behavior and ecology are crucial for a successful application. Previous experience to work with GPS data and large data sets (data bank) are of advantage. The PhD candidate will need to work independently in a remote and physically demanding tropical forest habitat. Good social skills are important to work and live amongst a group of international colleagues with different cultural backgrounds.

The successful candidate is fluent in French and English and has some management experience. Previous experience with field work (as researcher and/or in a management position) will be beneficial to the application.

Supported by a MPI EVA PhD stipend. In addition the successful candidate will write a research proposal to apply for grant money.

Term of Appointment:
Starting October 2013 (3 consecutive years in Tai to oversee data collection and manage the Taï Chimpanzee Project). Tenure of the position is four years (+ one year extension).

Application Deadline:
The evaluation of applications will start on June 3, 2013, and application will be accepted until the position is filled.

Applications include a cover letter stating research experience, field experience and experience of managing field sites, a detailed curriculum vitae, and the names and e-mail addresses of three referees. The application documents should be sent electronically to

Contact Information:
Deutscher Platz 6
Leipzig 04103

Telephone Number:
+49 341 3550 204

Fax Number:
+49 341 3550 299


E-mail Address:

Field team leader, simian malaria study

Hiring Organization:
Danau Girang Field Centre

Date Posted:

Position Description:
Two (2) Field Leaders are needed in the study of wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) in Pulau Banggi and/or in the Kudat area, Sabah, Malaysia. This job is part of a larger inter-disciplinary project aiming to investigate the risk factors associated with the emergence of Plasmodium knowlesi (a simian malaria parasite) in an area of decreasing forest cover. P. knowlesi malaria has become a substantial public health problem in Malaysia.
The field leader will be responsible for: 
(a) Preliminary census of long-tail macaques and other primate species in the area;
(b) Repeated collection of non-invasive samples from focal troops 
(c) Radio-telemetry tracking of GPS-collared long-tail macaques;
(d) Conducting full-day behavioural observations of GPS-collared focal macaque troops;
(e) Conducting vegetation monitoring and habitat quality assessments;
(f) Walking repeated census transects;
(g) Entry of daily data collected into database;
(h) Data analyses, and
(i) Coordination of day-to-day activities and supervision of 2 field assistants.
This position might have the opportunity to become a post-graduate degree research project.

•An undergraduate or postgraduate degree in biology or a related field. 
•Be Physically and mentally fit
•Be comfortable with minimal living conditions and spending long periods of time away from developed areas 
•Have good communication skills, able to lead and work in a team. 
•Field experience (GPS usage, navigation, trekking) is mandatory. 
•Be proficient with computers and spreadsheets. 
•Proficiency in Bahasa Malaysia or B. Indonesia is preferred; written and oral English is compulsory.

MYR 2000.00/month

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
Accommodation and transportation to/from site is provided by the project. Food is not included.

Term of Appointment:
June 2013 to August 2014 (with a possibility to extend two more months)

Application Deadline:
Positions will remain open until filled

To apply, please submit (1) a letter of interest stating how and why this position satisfies your interest and future career or education goals, explaining your suitability for this project, plus a time frame during which you are available to work, (2) a CV or resume detailing relevant experience, and (3) contact information for at least two references, preferably at least one academic reference. The subject heading of the email message should read: “Application for MonkeyBar position”. Please email the application materials to Dr. Milena Salgado Lynn (

Contact Information:
c/o Sabah Wildlife Department, 5th Floor, Block B, Wisma Muis
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 88100

Telephone Number:

Fax Number:


E-mail Address:

lundi 20 mai 2013

POSTES de "demi-ATER", Université de Saint-Etienne

POSTES de "demi-ATER", Université de Saint-Etienne Thèmatique : Communications acoustiques animales et humaines L'Equipe de Neuro-Ethologie Sensorielle (ENES-CNPS UMR 8195) de l'Université de Saint-Etienne est susceptible de proposer deux postes de demi-ATER pour l'année 2013-2014. Les candidats devront avoir soutenu leur thèse dans le domaine de l'éthologie animale ou humaine (préférentiellement les communications acoustiques) avant le 1er septembre 2013. Une attention particulière sera portée aux publications et à la motivation des candidats.
Les demi-ATERs enseigneront pour l'un à l'IUT de Saint-Etienne (écologie), pour l'autre à la Faculté des Sciences (biologie animale).
Ils seront fortement impliqués dans des programmes de recherche de l'ENES (thèmes possibles: 1) Etude des pleurs des bébés humains (enregistrement de bébés, analyse des signaux, expériences de psycho-acoustique sur les parents); 2) divers sujets portant sur les communications acoustiques chez les vertébrés (crocodiles, poissons, oiseaux).
Les candidats peuvent avoir la nationalité française ou étrangère (la maîtrise de la langue française est indispensable).
Les candidat/e/s intéressé/e/s sont prié/e/s de contacter Nicolas Mathevon (

dimanche 19 mai 2013

Research Assistant/Associate, Animal Welfare Science

College of Agricultural Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA

 A successful Research Assistant/Associate in this position provides organizational leadership as part of a diverse team of professionals dedicated to offering science-based, socially-relevant information as part of the Animal Welfare and Environment Initiative of Penn State Extension.  The Assistant/Associate is expected to be a leader in the development and coordination of state-wide Extension programs on farm and food animal welfare issues relating to agriculture, safety, and the environment. Animal welfare education and research program needs include:
·         Attributes of current and proposed animal management practices on animal welfare, behavior, and health;
·         The impact on the environment of animal welfare practices within agricultural systems and associated societal changes;
·         Economic, food safety, human health, and agricultural viability related to current and proposed welfare practices;
·         Strategies for managing new animal welfare practices and their benefits/costs;
·         Entrepreneurial opportunities associated with animal welfare practices in Pennsylvania; and
·         Expanding the ability for agricultural community members to include science-based input into animal welfare decisions at the local, state and national levels

Responsibilities include: 1. Work closely with faculty, Extension/research Associates and Extension Educators in preparing proposals for outside funding and managing the resultant applied research projects. 2. Conduct program evaluations, prepare traditional and electronic educational materials, teach in non-formal settings, and other aspects of program delivery.  3. Maintain and build partnerships with other organizations for developing and implementing relevant animal welfare programs for diverse audiences, including producers, activists, agribusinesses, technical service providers, citizens, government officials, community leaders, regulatory agency staff, and representatives of non-governmental organizations. 

Position requires a Master’s Degree (Research Assistant) or PhD (Research Associate) in agricultural/biological engineering, animal sciences, veterinary science or equivalent. Credentials outside these science-technology-based agricultural degrees will be considered when associated with relevant experience or on-farm agricultural background. Excellent communication ability is essential (written, electronic, oral, interpersonal) along with teaching, organizational, and problem-solving skills.  The job will involve in-state travel and some evening work along with potential for national and international participation in educational events. 

Candidate must have an ability to work in a collaborative leadership role as part of a large team comprised of members from various disciplines, perspectives and animal care backgrounds. Experience with social media is necessary to aid timely communication of current animal welfare discussions. Prowess using computers (word processing, spreadsheets, web pages), distance learning, and electronic communication will be useful for success in the position.  Knowledge of needs assessment, Extension program evaluation and data collection/analysis methods is desired, but training will be provided.  Experience with educational methods for addressing multiple sides of controversial issues and with agricultural or activist organizations is desired.  Experience with diverse populations is desirable.

Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, academic transcripts, and names of at least three professional references (including address, telephone and e-mail address) to: Dorcas Holt, 249 Agricultural Engineering Building, University Park, PA 16802 Email: Applications will be viewed beginning May 1, 2013 until position is filled. This position requires that you operate a motor vehicle as part of your job duties. A valid driver's license and successful completion of a motor vehicle records check will be required in addition to standard background check. This is a fixed-term appointment funded for one year from date of hire with excellent possibility of re-funding. Employment will require successful completion of background check(s) in accordance with University policies.  Job Number 39387.  [6 May 2013]

Penn State is committee to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

mercredi 15 mai 2013



Mechanisms and Drivers of Changing Migratory Behaviour
Further Particulars (REF: RA957)

A Postdoctoral Research Associate is required to work on a research project based at the University of East Anglia (UEA) lead by Dr. Aldina Franco and Dr. Jenny Gill. This NERC funded collaborative project involves UEA, the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) and the Donana Biological Station (EBD) in Spain. The focus of the work is to identify the mechanisms that underlie changes in bird migratory behaviour and explore the consequences of these changes for migratory populations and their potential role in ongoing population declines.

The main duties of the postholder will be to carry out experimental fieldwork to identify determinants of migratory behaviour, explore relationships with environmental variables and analyse these to model fitness consequences of migration and residency. Models will be used to investigate changes in population growth rates of migrant and resident birds in response to the future predicted changes in the environment. The postholder will coordinate field work campaigns (in November 2014 and 2015 and from March to July 2014 and 2015) and field assistants in Spain, will collaborate with our project partner Dr. Javier Bustamante (EBD) in Spain, will be involved in analysing the field data at UEA, and will help develop population models with our project partner Dr. Phil Atkinson at the British Trust for Ornithology.

The successful candidate will have a first degree and a PhD in ecology, environmental sciences or a relevant biological discipline. Excellent skills in organising and carrying out ecological field work are essential. Demonstrated skills in statistical analysis, experience in analysing spatially explicit individual tag data, modelling population dynamics and in survival analyses are an advantage. Previous knowledge of bird biology, experience with stable isotope analyses, experience of publishing scientific research and ability to communicate in Spanish are desirable. We are looking for a dynamic person with good communication and organizational skills.

The School

The School of Environmental Sciences is one of the largest and longest established academic departments in Europe to focus on the study of the global environment.  We have 240 research, teaching, and support staff in the fields of marine and atmospheric sciences, climate sciences, geosciences, environmental biology, social sciences and economics. Our success is built on high achievement within these disciplines, coupled with enthusiasm for collaboration between them and high ambitions for deepening integration.  In the Research Assessment Exercise 2008, we were assessed with the Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences departments, and the School was the highest ranked Environmental Sciences department in the UK with 25% of our activity classed as world leading (4*) and 70% as internationally excellent (3* and 4*). Our current teaching rating is “excellent” - the highest possible rating.

In line with its strong interdisciplinary ethos, the School has no formal sectors or subdivisions by discipline, and research collaborations occur within and between the subject grouping mentioned above, together with common membership.  Some elements of the School are organised into Centres, which also have strong collaborations and joint membership across their loose boundaries. The School’s outreach activity includes the weather forecasting company, WeatherQuest, the Community Carbon Reduction Project, CRed, and the HEIF-funded Carbon Connections programme, promoting technological innovations for carbon reductions.  These latter organisations have recently combined to form the Low Carbon Innovation Centre.

The School runs a number of Masters Degree programmes, including MSc programmes in Environmental Sciences, Climate Change, Atmospheric Sciences, and Environmental Impact Assessment, Auditing and Management Systems (full-time and part-time). BSc programmes include Environmental Sciences, Environmental Earth Sciences, Geophysical Sciences, and Meteorology and Oceanography (all also offered with a year in a number of other countries, or with a year in industry).  Several BSc Degree programmes are taught jointly with other Schools: Environmental Chemistry, Ecology, Meteorology and Oceanography, and Geophysical Sciences.

Informal Discussions

Informal enquiries (with CV) may be made to Dr. Aldina Franco ( or Dr. Jenny Gill (

Person Specification

The person specification for this post is attached as Appendix A.



Salary will be £30,424 to £36,298 per annum, on Grade 7 on the single salary spine. The normal expectation is that starting salary will be at the minimum of the advertised salary scale.

Starting date

The post is available from 1 September 2013 on a full-time basis for a fixed term period 36 months.

Terms and Conditions of Appointment

Full details of terms and conditions of employment for Research and Analogous Staff will be made available to the candidate to whom the appointment is offered.

Annual Leave Entitlement

There is an annual holiday entitlement of six weeks plus statutory (8 days) and customary (6 days) holidays.


The post is superannuable under the Universities Superannuation Scheme.

Proof of Qualifications

The person specification for this post lists qualifications that are essential and/or desirable and you may hold some or all of these qualifications.  Please note that if you are offered the appointment you will be asked to provide original certificates of these educational and professional qualifications. Please DO NOT provide these with your application.

Entitlement to Work in the United Kingdom

If you are shortlisted for interview you will be asked to bring to interview original documentary evidence of permission to work in the UK. Candidates invited to interview will be provided with a list of appropriate documents that can be provided as evidence. Please DO NOT provide this with your application.

Due to the nature of this role and the level of qualifications required, please note that immigration legislation allows the University to apply for a sponsorship certificate for this post.  Where appropriate, the University will apply for a sponsorship certificate from the Home Office UK Immigration and Visa Service on behalf of the candidate offered employment. The individual will be required to supply original documents and certificates to support this application.

Workers from outside of the EU who do not have current residency status within the UK and will require entry clearance or leave to remain approval from the Borders Agency should familiarise themselves with Tier 2 (General) of the Points Based System operated by the Home Office.  Details are available at

Occupational Health Assessment

Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Occupational Health Assessment to be carried out by the University’s Occupational Health Service.

Occupational Health Assessment

Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Occupational Health Assessment to be carried out by the University’s Occupational Health Service.

Your completed application form should quote reference code RA957 and be returned by not later than 12 noon on 7 June 2013 in one of the following ways:

·         accessed via the relevant vacancy details at then downloaded in Word format to be completed electronically then saved and sent as an email attachment to or

·         accessed via the relevant vacancy details from then downloaded in Word format to be completed electronically, then printed and posted to the
Human Resources Division,
University of East Anglia,
Norwich, NR4 7TJ, or

·         accessed via the relevant vacancy details from and downloaded in PDF format and printed, to be completed by hand and returned by post to the Human Resources Division at the address shown above or

·         forms received by post from the Human Resources Division should be completed by hand or typed and returned by post to the above address.

·         Postal applications will not be acknowledged unless a stamped addressed
envelope/postcard is supplied.

·         For paper submissions please ensure you add the correct postage to your
application pack as failure to do so will considerably delay receipt by this office and may jeopardise your application for this post.

·         Please note that applications received after the closing date will not
normally be accepted.  If you are submitting an application by post immediately prior to the closing date please contact the Human Resources Division on 01603 593034 to let us know that your application has been posted, and if possible also send a copy by fax to 01603 593522 or by email to in order that we receive these by the closing date.

·         Please note that feedback will not normally be provided to those applicants who are not shortlisted for this post

Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

Please note that an Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form must be completed and returned with ALL applications, whether submitted by post or by email.   If submitted by email, the Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form must be sent as a separate document/attachment to the Application Form.

The Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form will be detached from the received application before short-listing takes place and will not form any part of either the short-listing or decision making process.


In naming referees in your application, you are requested to give only those who can immediately be approached and one of these must be your current employer, or if not employed your most recent employer.


It is anticipated that interviews will take place during the week commencing 26 June 2013 and candidates who have not heard by the 26 June 2013 should assume their application has been unsuccessful. 

Successful shortlisted candidates may be notified of their interview times by telephone and/or e-mail and it is therefore essential you include both of these in your application.

This document is available in alternative formats e.g. large print, disc and on-line.  If you need this document in an alternative format please contact us on 01603 593034, fax 01603 593522, or email


Post: Senior Post Doctoral Research Associate
Ref: RA957
School/Division: ENV
Dr Aldina Franco

Date: 05/2013



Education, experience and achievements

·         BSc and PhD in Ecology, Environmental Sciences or relevant biological discipline.
·         MSc in Ecology Env. Sciences or relevant biological discipline.
·         Relevant peer reviewed publications.
Skills and knowledge

·         Field work experience in ecology.

·         Good communication skills.
·         Being able to communicate in Spanish.
·         Excellent skills in statistical analysis.
·         Experience with population modelling and survival analyses (e.g. using Matlab or R).
·         Bird ringing and handling experience, (with lesser kestrels is an advantage).
·         Experience coordinating other people/research assistants;
·         Experience with stable isotope analyses.
·         Experience in use of tags for tracking individual birds and analysis of spatially explicit data.
Personal attributes

·         Good interpersonal skills.

·         Good organisational skills, including personal initiative and time-management.
Special circumstances

·         Ability to travel to do field work in Spain for several months.

lundi 13 mai 2013

Volunteers – Wild olive baboons, Nigeria

Hiring Organization:
Université de Neuchâtel

Date Posted:

Position Description:
We are looking for a volunteer to work on communication in wild olive baboons (Papio anubis) to explore the evolutionary origins of audience-aware communication, a prevalent feature in human language. Our goal is to investigate how olive baboons take others into account during acts of communication. The research is carried out at the Gashaka Primate Project (GPP, in Northwestern Nigeria. The appointment is for a period of 6 months and will consist of helping with data collection and carrying out playbacks experiments. Work at the field site is physically demanding with temperatures varying between 5º and 40 ºC. Living conditions are very basic, although there is electricity. The study is funded by a SNF grant on audience awareness in primates to Klaus Zuberbühler.

The main responsibilities of this position are:
1) Individually recognizing monkeys
2) Running playback experiments and collecting focal animal and scan sampling data 
3) Entering and managing data for subsequent analyses

• Background and interest in animal behavior
• Open-minded and independent
• Ability to adapt to living in a foreign culture and work in a team
• Fluent in English
• Previous field experience is plus

No salary is provided.

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):
We will be able to cover for the accommodation fees at GPP ($300 per month), a return flight ticket to Nigeria and costs for local travel. This will be on a reimbursement basis, after successful completion of fieldwork. The applicant will be responsible for all other costs, including health insurance and vaccinations.

Term of Appointment:
This position is for 6 months, starting mid-June 2013

Application Deadline:
24th May 2013

To apply please email a one-page cover letter, CV, and 1-2 letters of reference to Yaëlle Bouquet.

Contact Information:
Rue Emile-Argand 11
Neuchâtel, none 2000

Telephone Number:
+41 32 718 24 69


E-mail Address: