vendredi 24 mai 2013

Postdoctoral Research Assistant/Associate in Fish Life History Trade-offs

Salary range £32,267 - £36,298 depending on experience
This postdoctoral position is part of a project entitled ‘Environmental effects on growth; consequences for parents and offspring’, funded by a grant from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to Neil B. Metcalfe, Pat Monaghan and Paul G. Shiels. The overall aim of the project is to test whether adverse and favourable environmental conditions encountered early in life can leave a physiological imprint that influences both the rate at which the organism starts to senescence later in life, and potentially the fate of its offspring, using the three-spined stickleback as a study system.
The postholder will be the main person in charge of designing and implementing the experimental work on fish, and analysing the resulting data. S/he will work closely with animal care technicians and a research technician who will primarily be involved in running the lab assays.
For informal enquiries, please contact Professor Neil Metcalfe, email
To obtain further details and to apply, go to the ‘current vacancies’ at and quote reference number 003997.
This post is funded for 3 years. Closing date 9th June 2013, starting date October 2013.
Prof. N.B. Metcalfe FRSE
Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine

Graham Kerr Building, College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences
University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ   UK
Tel.:  (0)141 330 5968 (or 0141 330 5975  for secretary) 

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