we have a large number of open Ph.D. positions in
collective behaviour, and associated fields, in our International Max
Planck Research School for Organismal Biology at the University of
Konstanz and Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, including:
Social Complexity and Communication Systems in Birds
Keywords social complexity, cultural evolution, vocal learning, social systems, parrots, birds
[more]The interaction between social behaviour and physical structures in coral reef fishes
Keywords coral
reef fish, social behaviour, ecological engineering, physical structure,
SCUBA, machine-learning, animal tracking, social network analysis
Main supervisor Alex
Jordan, MPI for Ornithology
Quantitative comparison of behavioural evolution in social fishes
Keywords cichlid
fishes, social behaviour, socio-cognitive skills, SCUBA,
machine-learning, animal tracking, social network analysis, Lake
Main supervisor Alex
Jordan, MPI for Ornithology
[more]Communication and collective movement in coati groups
Keywords. Collective behaviour, vocal communication, movement coordination, GPS, computational analysis, group coordination
Supervisors. Prof.
Meg Crofoot and Dr.
Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin, University of Konstanz
[more]Collective sensing of the resource landscape in migratory fruit bats
Keywords: migration, animal tracking, GPS, foraging, energetic expenditure, sensory networks
Advisors: Teague
O'Mara, Dina
Dechmann and Martin
Wikelski, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Radolfzell
[more]Collective migration in a long-distance social migrant
Keywords white storks, collective migration, animal tracking, group coordination, flight energetics
Main supervisor Andrea
Flack, MPI for Ornithology
[more]Computational Approaches to the Experimental Study of Animal Collectives
Keywords self-organization, swarm,
school, behavior, information, automated tracking, machine learning,
virtual reality, inverse methodologies.
Main adviser Iain
Couzin, MPI for Ornithology + University of Konstanz
[more]Collective Animal Behaviour
Keywords self-organization,
swarm, schooling, behavior, information, fish, locusts, birds,
tracking, computer vision, virtual reality, self-organization,
decision-making, individual differences, evolution
Main adviser Iain
Couzin, MPI for Ornithology + University of Konstanz
[more]3 positions - the neurobiological and behavioural basis of swarming in locusts
Keywords: Locust swarm, virtual reality, collective behaviour, sensory coding, active sensing, olfaction, decision making
Main advisors:
Giovanni Galizia, University of Konstanz
Einat Couzin-Fuchs, University of Konstanz
Iain Couzin, University of Konstanz + MPI for Ornithology [more]
Main advisors:
Giovanni Galizia, University of Konstanz
Einat Couzin-Fuchs, University of Konstanz
Iain Couzin, University of Konstanz + MPI for Ornithology [more]
Social contagion of stress responses and consequences for collective action in birds
Keywords: animal
social networks, collective behaviour, group-living, indirect effects,
social evolution, social resilience, stress physiology
Main advisors: Damien Farine(University of Konstanz and MPI) and Neeltje Boogert (University of Exeter) [more]
Main advisors: Damien Farine(University of Konstanz and MPI) and Neeltje Boogert (University of Exeter) [more]
Social learning and cultural inheritance in birds, Parus major
Keywords: collective behaviour, social learning, animal culture, birds, cognitive ecology
Main advisor: Lucy Aplin, MPI for Ornithology
[more]Main advisor: Lucy Aplin, MPI for Ornithology
Further details, and information as to how to apply can be found here: http://www.orn.mpg.de/projects