We are offering 4 volunteer positions to collect long-term data for the Taï Chimpanzee Project in Côte d’Ivoire, starting September / October 2020 for 12 months.
(1) Two long-term data volunteers East and South community
(2) Long-term data volunteer North community including data cleaning in Cybertracker
(3) Long-term data volunteer mangabeys including recordings of mangabey vocalizations
volunteer will be observing chimpanzees of one of our three habituated
communities of wild chimpanzees or our group of wild sooty mangabeys.
They will be trained to identify the chimpanzees / mangabeys, learn the
behaviours, and their way around the forest. After the initial training
they will work independently and collect behavioural observations (focal
and ad lib data), as well as urine and fecal samples (for hormonal,
bacteriological and virological analysis). The volunteers will
collaborate closely with local field assistants and international
students alike. They will be responsible for managing the long-term data
collection for their respective community. In addition, at the end of
their tenure they will be responsible to train their replacement.
Qualifications and Requirements:
successful applicant will need to work independently in a remote and
physically demanding habitat. Good social skills are needed to work and
life amongst a group of international colleagues with different cultural
backgrounds. The applicant needs to speak French and English. Previous
experience in animal behaviour research, especially in data collection
with Cybertracker and previous field work will be extremely beneficial.
Volunteers need to show their interest in scientific research.
Salary / Funding:
are self-funded. However, accommodation at the field site is provided
and one airfare (Germany – Côte d’Ivoire – Germany, at a reasonable
max.) as well as permit fees will be reimbursed after completed tenure.
To cover current living costs, suitable clothing, health insurance and
vaccinations, volunteers will receive a monthly fixed expense allowance
of € 200.
Start and Term of Appointment:
September 2020 (for 12 months) or as quickly as possible thereafter
including a cover letter stating experience, detailed CV, and the names
and emails of two referees should be sent electronically. Evaluation
process starts March 1, 2020 and continues till all positions are
Roman Wittig (Director of the Taï Chimpanzee Project)
Email: taichim...@eva.mpg.de