Rennes, France from Monday 2 to Friday 6 May 2011.
This annual event welcomes scientists working on ecology and behaviour coming from more than 15 countries. The main objective of this meeting is to give PhD students and post-docs an opportunity to present their researches in English, in front of an international scientific audience and to encourage exchanges with confirmed researchers in the different disciplinary fields covered.
The SERL association thus supports registration fees, accommodation and meals (but not the travelling costs) for PhD students and post-docs givng a talk or presenting a poster. Permanent researchers are also encourage to come and meet these young researchers beginning their career.
Thirteen invited speakers will also give a talk on different subjects covered by six different theme sessions: Optimal Foraging, Reproductive Strategies, Chemical Ecology and Neuroethology, Biological Invasions, Spatial Ecology and Dispersal, and Group Behaviour.
Please make sure to visit our website frequently to see the latest news: Registration will start in January, and end around mid-March.