Animal Welfare Laboratory, College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University
postdoctoral or PhD position is available for to examine the welfare of cull swine marketed through buying or assembly stations in the US. This is
an observational study involving extensive travel to conduct animal welfare
assessments in cull animal buying station facilities primarily in the Midwestern US. The ideal candidate has interests
in animal welfare research and in the swine industry/livestock production, has strong organization and writing skills, timely report and manuscript preparation and works well in a team environment. Strengths in epidemiology and
experimental design preferred. The project is partially
supported by the National Pork Board, and opportunity exists to collaborate on other projects in applied ethology or epidemiology.
Expected start date is
January 2014 to
accommodate data collection during winter and summer months. To apply for this position, please submit your curriculum vitae and
contact information for 3 references to Dr.
Suzanne Millman, Associate Professor of Animal Welfare, Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ames, IA,
50011. Email: Closing date: Jan. 3, 2014 or until the position
is filled.