vendredi 28 mars 2014

Assistant Ingénieur en Neurosciences Comportementales

Laboratoire Psy-NCA, EA4700
Université de Rouen
Contact :

Une position d’assistant ingénieur en comportement animal est ouverte pour le 1er juin 2014 pour une durée de 6 mois. Le poste sera rattaché au laboratoire de Psychologie et Neurosciences de la Cognition et de l’Affectivité (Psy-NCA, EA4700) de l’université de Rouen et financé par un projet FEDER intitulé « Analyses Comportementales de Modèles Animaux du Handicap Neurologique » (Responsable Vincent Roy). Le projet concernera en particulier des études sur la mesure de l'impact de lésions cérébrales néonatales. 
Le candidat devra posséder un M2R dans le domaine des Sciences du Comportement et une expérience en matière d’analyse comportementale chez l'animal. Un niveau en expérimentation animale est souhaité mais n'est pas une nécessité. 
Rémunération : Le contrat de recrutement sera signé avec l'université de Rouen, sur une durée de 6 mois, et le paiement assuré par un financement FEDER. Le salaire correspondra à la grille salariale d'un Assistant Ingénieur au 1er échelon (Indice Nouveau Majoré 339, salaire net estimé à 1282,61€).
Demande de renseignements et candidature par voie électronique (curriculum vitae, lettre de motivation, lettre de recomandation) auprès de Vincent Roy.

Vincent Roy
Email :
Laboratoire Psychologie et Neurosciences de la Cognition et de l’Affectivité, EA4700
Faculté des Sciences, Université de Rouen
76130 Mont-Saint-Aignan Cedex

SERVICE CIVIQUE : Participez aux inventaires de terrain de la faune

Au sein du Service Études du Patrimoine Naturel de la LPO, en Charente-Maritime vous aiderez à actualiser la plateforme naturaliste
Pour cela vous participerez aux inventaires de terrain en vous formant aux différentes techniques sur des thématiques variées (oiseaux, chauves-souris, loutre et vison…).
Vous contribuerez notamment à l’étude en cours sur les chiroptères du pays savinois, où vous participerez à la recherche des gîtes en milieu bâti, au suivi télémétrique des animaux en chasse et à la réalisation de points d’écoute au détecteur d’ultrasons.
Il vous sera aussi possible de prendre part aux inventaires ornithologiques menés sur l’île de Ré.
En parallèle vous participerez à l’actualisation des fiches espèces et des pages d’information et la promotion de la valorisation des données (analyses thématiques et cartographiques).
Ce Service Civique est fait pour vous à partir du 2 mai 2014
• Durée du service Civique : 12 mois.
• Durée hebdomadaire : 28 heures.
• Indemnité service Civique : 573.65€.

Merci d’adresser votre candidature avant le 14 avril 2014
Réf. 3IC14012 à Isabelle Chesnot :

SERVICE CIVIQUE – ANIMATEUR « VIE ASSOCIATIVE » à l’antenne Haute-Loire du CEN Auvergne

Thématique: Environnement
Date de début: 1er avril 2014
Durée – statut : 8 mois de service civique
Lieu : Chavaniac-Lafayette (43)
Structure: Conservatoire d’Espaces Naturels d’Auvergne
Nombre de postes proposés: 1
Temps de travail : 35 h/semaine
Indemnité mensuelle : environ 570€ (467,34 (indemnisation état) + 105 € (indemnisation état pour le CEN Auvergne reversée au volontaire))
Permis B indispensable (véhicule de service)
Présentation de la structure :
Membre régional du réseau des conservatoires d’espaces naturels, le Conservatoire d’espaces naturels d’Auvergne intervient en faveur de la préservation du patrimoine naturel en Auvergne via la gestion d’un réseau de sites, l’accompagnement des politiques publiques et des actions de développement de la connaissance et sensibilisation à la biodiversité. Il est basé à Riom dans le Puy-de-Dôme. Il possède une antenne à Chavaniac-Lafayette en Haute Loire et une à Murat dans le Cantal. Ses actions reposent sur un conseil scientifique de 20 scientifiques bénévoles, 360 adhérents et une équipe salariée de 25 personnes.
La mission :
1. Relayer le développement de la vie associative dans le département de Haute Loire en lien avec la responsable salariée de l’antenne et les activités développées au siège de l’association à Riom
2. Participer au développement de la notoriété du CEN Auvergne en Haute Loire (présence dans des manifestations locales, renforcement des liens avec les associations départementales, développement des partenariats techniques et pédagogiques avec les établissements d’enseignement supérieur agricoles ou environnementaux de la région, organisation de manifestations sur les sites du CEN en Haute-Loire)
3. Contribuer au développement de la connaissance naturaliste dans le département et à celui du réseau de sites du CEN
Adresser CV et lettre de motivation, par mail de préférence à : ou par courrier
à Aurélie SOISSONS
Le bourg
04 71 74 62 21

PhD in Modelling Collective Behaviour

From Cells to People: Modelling Collective Behaviour & Hierarchical Systems

Closing date: 26th April 2014

This PhD studentship aims to identify unifying principles that describe essential aspects of emergent collective behaviour and hierarchical systems across different spatiotemporal scales. The PhD studentship will be based in Swansea University's College of Engineering (supervised by Dr Rowan Brown: and College of Science (Dr Andrew King: 

The student will make use of research and training facilities in both Colleges, including the new £1.35 million Swansea Lab for Animal Movement (SLAM) which incorporates an electronic wall and computer cluster for high-speed processing and visualisation of data.

The student will start by analysing and making sense of experimental or observational data from one or more of the following systems on which the research team works: mammalian cells/tissues, insects, fish, birds, primates, and humans. The student will then measure, track and mathematically describe the movement and behaviour of individuals within these collectives. This will, in turn, allow spatial and temporal correlations to be deduced, i.e. identification of localised dynamics (leader-follower, wave-fronts), providing a basis to further correlate individual dynamics, and biological function to emergent macroscale phenomena such as concerted motion.

There will also be opportunity for the student to conduct biological experiments in one or more of the systems with which the supervisors work, and visit other laboratories and institutions with whom the supervisors collaborate.

Academic Requirements:
  • 2.1 honours degree minimum in mathematics, physics, engineering, computer science or theoretical biology.
  • Experience in using programming languages such as MATLAB, FORTRAN and C
Candidates should show an enthusiasm for attacking a variety of fundamental biological and evolutionary research questions. Training in biology is not essential and biologists wishing to apply must demonstrate exceptional quantitative and analytical skills.
Residential Requirements:
This studentship is open to UK/EU students.
The studentship covers the full cost of UK/EU tuition fees, plus a stipend of £13,863 p.a. for three years.
To apply:

Dr Andrew King
+44(0)1792 606991

PhD Vacancies - Novel biomimetic acoustic sensors inspired by insect hearing

The Project:
Applications are invited for three fully funded PhD positions to work on an exciting inter-disciplinary project. The project aims to investigate the hearing organs of various insects, and use this biological knowledge to inspire the development of novel acoustic sensors with biomimetic properties.

The focus of this project is the development of new micro-scale acoustic sensors, which is a growing area of research that seeks to produce innovative designs for use in a huge variety of applications including mobile phones, and portable and wearable computing. This engineering development and innovation will take inspiration from the micro-sized hearing organs found in many insects. A large number of insect ears are known to have interesting properties currently not exploited in industrial or commercial sensor products. Such properties will then expand and enhance the function of artificial acoustic sensors.

The project will involve working in an inter-disciplinary team, combining experimental and theoretical investigations of different insect ears with the development of new artificial acoustic sensors. The three students will each focus on a specific aspect of the project, relating to their own degree experience (i.e. from biology/engineering/physics/mathematics). However, this project will allow the PhD students to gain training and experience in the tools and techniques used in the other disciplines, extending their skill set and experience base.

The tools and techniques to be utilised within the project include the very latest equipment to undertake microscopy, vibrational measurements, and design and create new sensors. The project team also includes two postdoctoral research staff with high levels of experience in this area, who will provide help to the PhD students. Finally, there will be lots of opportunities for all students to travel internationally, both to conferences and to visit other laboratories.

Entry Requirements:
A 2.1 and above degree in Biology, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics or a related discipline.

These are all 3.5 year fully funded studentships, and applications are welcomed from UK and EU applicants. An annual tax-free stipend of £14,200 is available to the successful candidates.

Dr James Windmill -

Dr James Windmill
Senior Lecturer
Centre for Ultrasonic Engineering
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
University of Strathclyde
Royal College Building
204 George Street
G1 1XW

Tel. +44 (0)141 548 2694
Fax. +44 (0)141 548 2950

mercredi 26 mars 2014

Proposition de thèse

L’équipe DAC (Domestication en Aquaculture Continentale) de l’UR AFPA (USC N°340 INRA et Université de Lorraine) propose une bourse de thèse dans le cadre de la réalisation d’un projet européen (DIVERSIFY FP7-KBBE-2013-7) d’une durée de cinq ans (2013 à 2018).

Intitulé de la thèse : Etude du cannibalisme chez le sandre (Sander Lucioperca) dans le cadre d’une approche multifactorielle du développement larvaire.

Objectifs :
- Etude « in vivo » du cannibalisme en lien avec certaines caractéristiques des individus sous diverses conditions environnementales (variations de facteurs de l’environnement, comme la température, la photopériode, l’alimentation). Il s’agit d’obtenir des informations sur la phase du développement durant laquelle le cannibalisme se met en place, sur le taux de cannibalisme et les caractéristiques (traits morphologiques, physiologiques (consommation de proies vivantes), sensoriels des individus impliqués (cannibales ou cannibalisés). L’étude de ces traits sera développée en collaboration avec d’autres acteurs du consortium du programme européen (IRTA - Espagne, DTU - Danemark).
- Etude expérimentale des traits de personnalités des différentes catégories (cannibale ou non) de larves. Il s’agit d’une étude éthologique pour mettre en évidence « la personnalité » de chaque poisson en fonction de son statut (cannibale ou non). Cette étude s’appuiera sur deux volets : un volet social où l’on analysera la structure des groupes de sandres (analyse des distances entre les individus), et les relations sociales (agressions, cannibalisme) et un volet individuel où l’on déterminera le profil comportemental (trait de personnalité) des larves de sandre en utilisant des tests classiques (labyrinthe, objet nouveau, miroir). Le but de l’étude est de connecter les traits de personnalité et le statut (cannibale ou non cannibale) des larves de sandre.

Directeur de thèse : Dr. Alain PASQUET co-directeur : Prof. Pascal FONTAINE
Début de la thèse : Octobre 2014
Durée : 3 ans

Lieu de travail : UR AFPA, Equipe « Domestication en Aquaculture Continentale »
Université de Lorraine – Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex – France
Site Web de l’unité :

Compétences du candidat : Titulaire d’un master au plus tard en Juin 2014. Le candidat devra posséder une formation en éthologie avec si possible une expérience en enregistrement et analyse de séquences comportementales. Une connaissance de l’approche multifactorielle des phénomènes biologiques sera un plus. Compétences en statistiques bienvenues.

Site web de l’unité de recherche :
Documents demandés : CV, lettre de motivation, Notes et classement du master, lettres de référence (2)
Date limite de candidature : 31 mai 2014
Contact :, tel. 03 83 68 48 95, tel. 03 83 68 56 00

DAC (“Domestication in Continental Aquaculture”) is a team of the unit UR AFPA (USC N° 340 INRA and University of Lorraine): we set a grant for a PhD thesis within the framework of a European project (DIVERSIFY N° FP7-KBBE-2013-7) that will run for five years (from 2013 to 2018).

PhD title: Populational and behavioural study using multifactorial design of the cannibalism in larvae of the fresh water fish Sander lucioperca.

Objectives: the study includes two complementary parts:
- A study “in vivo” of the cannibalism in relation to fish characteristics under different environmental controlled conditions (temperature, phototoperiod, feeding). The candidate will have to obtain data on the rate of cannibalism in different situations, on the level of development at which cannibalism takes place, and on characteristics (morphological and physiological – consumption of living prey - traits of the larvae, and also sensorial abilities) of the two fish categories (cannibal and non-cannibal). The study of the traits will be done in collaboration with other teams implied in this European consortium (IRTA - Espagne, DTU – Danemark).
- An experimental study of the personality traits of the cannibal and non-cannibal fishes. In this ethological study, the candidate will analyse the social structure of the different groups of fish larvae (by using the distances between the individuals in the group) and the social relationships between larvae (aggressions, cannibalism). A second part of the ethological study will be to determine the behavioural profiles of each type of fishes (cannibal and non-cannibal) by using classical tests (labyrinth, novel object, mirror). The aim is to evaluate whether the personality traits are linked to the cannibal or non-cannibal status.

PhD supervisor: Dr. Alain PASQUET co-supervisor: Prof. Pascal FONTAINE
Starting date: October 2014
Duration: 3 years
Working place: UR AFPA, Equipe « Domestication en Aquaculture Continentale »
Université de Lorraine – Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex – France

Competences of the candidate: Master diploma before June 2014. University education in ethology with experience in video recording and in analysis of behavioural sequences will be necessary. Knowledge of the multifactor approach of studies in biology, and skills in statistics will be welcomed.

Web site of the research unit:
Request documents: CV, motivation letter, Master ranking, reference letters (2)
Application deadline: 31 Mai 2014
Contact:, tel. 03 83 68 48 95, tel. 03 83 68 56 00

Offre de thèse

Interactions signal – contexte dans le comportement d’orientation olfactive chez l’insecte

L’odorat joue un rôle fondamental pour de très nombreux organismes. Les insectes sont des modèles particulièrement appropriés en neuroéthologie de l’olfaction car leur système olfactif est analogue à celui des mammifères et sous-tend des comportements bien caractérisés. Ainsi, chez les papillons, les femelles émettent une phéromone sexuelle attractive pour les mâles ; de même, les odeurs de plantes permettent la localisation et la reconnaissance de l’hôte végétal. Ces deux types de signaux odorants sont traités par des voies distinctes, y compris au niveau de l’antenne et du lobe antennaire, le premier relais de l’information olfactive. Cependant, ces deux voies interagissent : il a été montré que les odeurs de plantes peuvent moduler l’attraction des mâles par la phéromone sexuelle. Ce résultat montre que la réponse à une odeur spécifique n’est pas indépendante du contexte odorant. Cependant on sait peu de choses sur la façon dont les insectes gèrent la présence simultanée de plusieurs odeurs ayant des significations fonctionnelles distinctes et libérées par des sources différentes. Elles peuvent être spatialement congruentes, la femelle émettant sa phéromone au contact de la plante hôte, mais aussi varier indépendamment (perte de congruence), ou même créer un conflit (cas d’une odeur phéromonale perçue en même temps qu’une odeur aversive). Selon le contexte, les interactions pourront donc favoriser ou gêner la recherche du partenaire et l’animal devra opérer une intégration pour optimiser sa recherche de ressources vitales.

L’objectif de cette thèse sera d’analyser par quels mécanismes l’insecte intègre le signal phéromonal dans un contexte odorant plus ou moins congruent en étudiant : (axe 1) les processus comportementaux qui permettent à l’insecte de s’adapter à des variations de ce contexte ; (axe 2) les bases neuronales associées. Ce travail sera mené sur le papillon nocturne Agrotis ipsilon, un ravageur polyphage. La réponse du mâle à la phéromone est stéréotypée et a été bien caractérisée à l’aide d’approches comportementales et neurophysiologiques maîtrisées au sein de notre équipe.

Dans l’axe 1) l’animal sera confronté à une odeur non phéromonale lors d’expériences de suivi de la phéromone par trajectométrie dans un tunnel de vol ou dans un compensateur de locomotion. Ces dispositifs permettent d’enregistrer les trajectoires des animaux vers des sources odorantes, et de mettre en évidence toute modification de leur stratégie d’orientation. On évaluera l’effet d’une odeur contextuelle sur la réponse à la phéromone, en fonction de sa signification. Cette signification peut être une association positive ou négative avec la phéromone : si un mâle suit une phéromone en présence d’une odeur de plante, l’animal continuera-t-il à suivre l’odeur si la phéromone n’est plus perçue ? À l’inverse, si une odeur est présente uniquement lors de la suppression de la phéromone, l’animal apprendra-t-il à l’éviter ? D’autre part, la signification de l’odeur contextuelle peut provenir de l’expérience alimentaire des animaux ; on peut associer une odeur à de la nourriture ou à un stimulus aversif (quinine). L’effet de l’odeur sur la phéromone changera-t-il avec sa signification positive ou négative ?

L’axe 2) abordera les bases neurophysiologiques de la perception des mélanges phéromone/odeur contextuelle. Pour cela, nous étudierons par imagerie calcique l’effet d’odeurs contextuelles sur le codage de la phéromone au sein du lobe antennaire, le premier site d’intégration de l’information olfactive dans le cerveau des insectes. En effet, il est bien établi que des phénomènes de plasticité associative peuvent s’y produire lors d’exposition aux odeurs. La réponse neuronale lors de protocoles d’exposition aux odeurs correspondants à ceux de l’axe 1) sera étudiée lors d’enregistrements en imagerie calcique.

Cette thèse est directement issue des résultats acquis au cours du projet ANR blanc 2011-2014 POPIs et s’inscrit dans la stratégie à long terme des recherches du laboratoire. Du fait du statut de ravageur d’Agrotis ipsilon il est pertinent en agroécologie. La problématique est d’actualité dans un contexte de besoin en connaissances intégrées comme le montrent les appels d’offres nationaux et européens. Les approches proposées sont réalisables dans le contexte d’une thèse et devraient amener des résultats directement publiables comme l’attestent les articles produits par nos doctorants précédents.

Encadrants et informations complémentaires :
Michel RENOU (DR INRA) 01 30 83 32 32
Matthieu DACHER (MCU UPMC/Paris 6) 01 30 83 33 99

Ces recherches auront lieu dans les locaux de l’INRA de Versailles au sein de l’Institut d’Écologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris (IEES Paris), département d’Écologie Sensorielle. La personne retenue devra soumettre sa candidature à l’école doctorale Cerveau, Comportement, Cognition de l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6) entre la mi-avril et le 2 juin, puis défendre le projet lors d’une audition organisée à Paris entre le 2 et le 5 juillet 2014.

Plus d’information sur le site de l’école doctorale :
Et sur les recherches du laboratoire :

Strategies for individual feeding of concentrate to dairy cows – effects on production, health and welfare

Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship/scholarship at Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark, within the Animal Science programme. The position is available from 1 August 2014 or later.


Strategies for individual feeding of concentrate to dairy cows – effects on production, health and welfare

Research area and project description:

A number of traits that can be used to characterize the status of high producing dairy cows such as behaviour and yield can be recorded automatically. Thus there is basic for development of new feeding strategies that take advantage of the genetic potential for milk yield at individual cow level. However, changing the concentrate delivery can change the intake of the basal ration (forage) which in turn may increase the risk of productions diseases. Furthermore, dynamic regulation of concentrate delivery at the individual level may influence behaviour, production and health of the cows. The aim of this PhD project is to investigate how different strategies for individual feeding of concentrate based on automatically recorded information about the individual animal affect production and welfare.
The research will be done at a research farm with many options for automatically recordings and special equipment for recording of feeding behaviour and feed intake. The Phd project is conducted as an integrated part of an interdisciplinary research project, and will relate to both nutrition and behaviour of dairy cows.

Qualifications and specific competences:

Applicants must have a relevant Master Degree in animal science or in veterinary science.

Place of Employment and Place of Work:

The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is Research Center Foulum, Blichers Alle 20, 8830 Tjele Denmark


Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact:
Professor, Head of research Unit, Lene Munksgaard, Dept. of Animal Science Tel. +458715953, e-mail or Senior Scientist, Martin Riis Weisbjerg, Dept. of Animal Science, Tel.+4587158046, e-mail
Application procedures:

Before you apply:

Information and attachments:

Please be aware that you must have all relevant appendices, attachments, addresses for referees, etc. ready when you apply, as the entire application must be uploaded to the system in one go.

Documentation of language skills:

If English is a secondary language it is required that your English qualifications are documented. The English language requirement at Graduates School of Science and Technology is comparable to an “English B level” in the Danish upper secondary school (“gymnasium”).
English language qualifications comparable to an “English B level” is documented by one of the following tests:
·         TOEFL test, minimum score: 560 (paper-based test) or 83 (internet-based test)
·         IELTS (academic) test, minimum average score: 6.5 points
·         Cambridge ESOL Examinations:
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency (CPE)
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

When to take the test and how to upload the documentation:
The test result must not be more than two years old at the time of application.
The English language test should be taken before applying for admission and uploaded under “language skills documentation” in the online application form.
It is possible to apply for admission before you have taken the test. In this case documentation stating that you have signed up for a test (please state expected submission date) must be uploaded. If the test result is not part of the original application the test result is to be sent to later than one month after the application deadline.
The following applicants are exempted from documenting their English qualifications/taking a test:
·         Applicants from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, or one of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden).
·         Applicants with a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme completed in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, or United States.
·         Applicants able to document that English was the language of instruction during their Bachelor’s and/or Master’s programme. This must be documented by uploading an official document from the institution stating this under “language skills documentation”.
The programme committee may request further information or invite the applicant to attend an interview.

How to apply:

1) Find the application form:

Choose May 2014 Call with deadline 1 May 2014 at 11.59 PM MET.
You will be directed to the call, and must choose the programme 'Animal Science'
2) Fill in the following information:
·         Personal information
·         Academic background
·         Admission
·         Financing (if any)
·         Study: In the dropdown menu you must choose the project: "Strategies for individual feeding of concentrate to dairy cows – effects on production, health and welfare"
·         Source (how you found out about the call)
3) Application attachments:
Please be aware that you cannot submit the application if one or several of these documents have not been uploaded.
As a minimum you must upload the following application material (pdf-files only, max. 20 MB, no zip):
·         Reference letter (as a minimum 1 must be uploaded)
·         Curriculum vitae
·         Motivation (max. 1 page)
·         One merged file with scanned copies of diploma(s) and transcript(s) of records for all university degrees. Please include the original documents as well as a certified English translation, if the original is not in Scandinavian or English. Please enter your unweighted grade average calculated according to the national grading scale for BSc and MSc separately.
·         Project description (½-4 pages). For technical reasons, you must upload a project description. When - as here - you apply for a specific project, please simply copy the project description above, and upload it as a PDF in the application. If you wish to, you can indicate an URL where further information can be found. Please note that we reserve the right to remove scientific papers, large reports, theses and the like.
·         Documentation of language skills if required.
Please note:
The programme committee may request further information or invite the applicant to attend an interview.
Please note that the project will only be initiated if final funding (from GSST/the faculty) is secured.

Green forages for milk production

Applications are invited for a PhD fellowship/scholarship at Graduate School of Science and Technology, Aarhus University, Denmark, within the Animal Science programme. The position is available from 1 August 2014 or later.


Green forages for milk production

Research area and project description:

Green forages as grasses and legumes are major in dairy cow nutrition, both as sole forages and as supplements to whole crops as maize silage. Both within grasses and legumes different types and varieties are used for dairy cows, but the use change over the years, and seldom different types are compared within trial. Most forage used for intensive milk production is conserved as silage. The value of forages for milk production depends mainly on their digestibility and their trait for cows feed intake, and on their protein content and protein quality.
The aim of this PhD project is to investigate feed intake and milk production when cows are fed different forage types sole or in mixes, and to assess the impact of degree of prewilting before ensiling on the protein value of silages.
The research will be done in research barns using both intact cows for assessing feed intake and milk production, and cows fistulated in the rumen and intestine for assessing the protein value. The PhD project will be part of the project ‘Optimal milk production using grass and legumes’.

Qualifications and specific competences:

Applicants to the PhD position must have a relevant Master’s degree in animal science.

Place of Employment and Place of Work:

The place of employment is Aarhus University, and the place of work is AU Foulum, Blichers Alle 20, DK-8830 Tjele, Denmark.


Applicants seeking further information are invited to contact:
Martin Riis Weisbjerg
Senior Scientist
Department of Animal Science, AU

Application procedures:

Before you apply:

Information and attachments:

Please be aware that you must have all relevant appendices, attachments, addresses for referees, etc. ready when you apply, as the entire application must be uploaded to the system in one go.

Documentation of language skills:

If English is a secondary language it is required that your English qualifications are documented. The English language requirement at Graduates School of Science and Technology is comparable to an “English B level” in the Danish upper secondary school (“gymnasium”).
English language qualifications comparable to an “English B level” is documented by one of the following tests:
·         TOEFL test, minimum score: 560 (paper-based test) or 83 (internet-based test)
·         IELTS (academic) test, minimum average score: 6.5 points
·         Cambridge ESOL Examinations:
Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency (CPE)
Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)

When to take the test and how to upload the documentation:
The test result must not be more than two years old at the time of application.
The English language test should be taken before applying for admission and uploaded under “language skills documentation” in the online application form.
It is possible to apply for admission before you have taken the test. In this case documentation stating that you have signed up for a test (please state expected submission date) must be uploaded. If the test result is not part of the original application the test result is to be sent to later than one month after the application deadline.
The following applicants are exempted from documenting their English qualifications/taking a test:
·         Applicants from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States, or one of the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden).
·         Applicants with a Bachelor’s or Master’s programme completed in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, or United States.
·         Applicants able to document that English was the language of instruction during their Bachelor’s and/or Master’s programme. This must be documented by uploading an official document from the institution stating this under “language skills documentation”.
The programme committee may request further information or invite the applicant to attend an interview.

How to apply:

1) Find the application form:

Choose May 2014 Call with deadline 1 May 2014 at 11.59 PM MET.
You will be directed to the call, and must choose the programme 'Animal Science'
2) Fill in the following information:
·         Personal information
·         Academic background
·         Admission
·         Financing (if any)
·         Study: In the dropdown menu you must choose the project: " Green forages for milk production"
·         Source (how you found out about the call)
3) Application attachments:
Please be aware that you cannot submit the application if one or several of these documents have not been uploaded.
As a minimum you must upload the following application material (pdf-files only, max. 20 MB, no zip):
·         Reference letter (as a minimum 1 must be uploaded)
·         Curriculum vitae
·         Motivation (max. 1 page)
·         One merged file with scanned copies of diploma(s) and transcript(s) of records for all university degrees. Please include the original documents as well as a certified English translation, if the original is not in Scandinavian or English. Please enter your unweighted grade average calculated according to the national grading scale for BSc and MSc separately.
·         Project description (½-4 pages). For technical reasons, you must upload a project description. When - as here - you apply for a specific project, please simply copy the project description above, and upload it as a PDF in the application. If you wish to, you can indicate an URL where further information can be found. Please note that we reserve the right to remove scientific papers, large reports, theses and the like.
·         Documentation of language skills if required.
Please note:
The programme committee may request further information or invite the applicant to attend an interview.

PhD position available

Using a “Focus Farm” approach to increase knowledge and improve dairy cow welfare 

Currently we have funding through the Canadian Dairy Research Cluster program to support a PhD studentship for 3 years. Beginning as soon as possible, the student will be registered in the Department of Population Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Canada. The successful candidate will work in the areas of epidemiology, animal welfare science, and both quantitative and qualitative research methods. 

Are you interested in helping dairy farmers to connect with one another, share their collective knowledge, and learn about important new research findings that will help them improve the comfort of their animals? This research project will explore the use of a facilitated “Focus Farm” extension process (farmer-led training) to sharing and transferring knowledge, in order to promote the continuous improvement of cow comfort on dairy farms in Ontario. 

Read a brief summary of the project-at-large: 

The preferred candidate qualifications include ● A degree in veterinary medicine, animal science, animal biology, or social science ● A Masters degree from one of these fields of study ● Strong academic achievement ● The ability to communicate and work well with others ● A valid driver’s license ● Knowledge about the dairy industry would be a great asset. 

For further information about the academic admission requirements for graduate studies in the Department of Population Medicine, tuition costs, etc., potential applicants should visit the University of Guelph website and contact the, Graduate Program Assistant, Tel: (+1) 519-824-4120, Ext. 54780 or E-mail: 

This position will remain open until it is filled. For further information, please contact: 

Dr Derek HALEY 
 2539 Stewart Building 
Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph 
Guelph, Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada 
 (+1) 519-824-4120, Ext. 53677 
 (+1) 519-763-8621 

Offre d’allocation doctorale (3 ans), Université de Saint-­‐Etienne

vendredi 14 mars 2014

Post Doc in epidemiology and animal welfare.

For the project ‘Using data collected as part of official animal welfare control in animal welfare research’ we are advertising a postdoctoral/researcher position at the Department of Animal Environment and Health.
Since 2009, data from official animal welfare control in Sweden has been collected according to standardised species specific checklists for all categories of animals and consists of animal, resource and management-based measures. The resulting unique database is coordinated by the Swedish Board of Agriculture, but it has not yet been explored to assess its potential as a source of information about current welfare problems, the risk for future problems, or to help guide further harmonised data collection nationally or internationally. These questions are interesting from an international animal welfare research perspective as well as from a national practical point of view. With regard to farm animals, there is also the potential to extract information from industry databases for joint analysis with information from the official animal welfare control database. The research project is part of the Centre of Excellence in Animal Welfare Science, a strong research environment platform supported by the Swedish research council Formas.
Duties: To check the database for completeness, correctness and consistency, in consultation with the scientific team, and to contribute to the timely completion of the project. The applicant will take full responsibility for specific aspects of the analysis and the subsequent scientific publications. The applicant should also be active in helping promote further research in this area, including participating in writing research applications. There is the opportunity to supervise MSc students in related animal welfare research projects if the applicant wants to expand his/her teaching experience.
Qualifications: The position requires a PhD in Epidemiology, or an equivalent subject, and experience of working independently with large databases. An undergraduate degree in an animal related discipline (e.g. animal science, veterinary medicine, biology) is a merit as it will help with the interpretation of the animal welfare implications of the data. Knowledge of Swedish animal husbandry, animal welfare authority work and official animal welfare control can be an advantage, but will be weighed against other skills, such as long term potential to expand research in this area and contribute to strengthening our research profile in animal welfare science and policy.
Place of work: Uppsala
Form of employment: Temporary employment, 2 years
Extent: 100 %
Starting date: By agreement
We welcome your application marked with Ref no. SLU ua 781/2014

Please submit your application to the Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden or no later than March 31, 2014.

SLU is an equal opportunity employer.