Carroll University has approved a tenure-track
faculty position with expertise in human-animal interactions to
contribute to our rapidly-growing major in Animal Behavior. Carroll is
an independent, co-educational comprehensive institution
located just outside Milwaukee, WI. There are approximately 100 Animal
Behavior majors in our program and recruitment of new students
continues to increase.
The successful candidate will be expected to
develop and teach or co-teach some combination of the following courses
(3 courses/semester): The Science of Animal Behavior (with lab); The
Human-Animal Bond; Animal Assisted Interventions;
Introduction to Canine Care, Behavior & Training (with lab);
Advanced Skills in Canine Management & Training (with lab); Animal
Assisted Interventions Capstone. Teaching opportunities in the
University’s general education curriculum, which has a strong emphasis
on culture, are likely. Active scholarship leading to publication
focused on areas such as animal training, the human-animal bond or
animal assisted interventions is expected. Additional responsibilities
may include supervision of Animal Behavior internships,
academic advising, program development, program assessment, and other
service to the Animal Behavior Program, the College, and the
University. A Ph.D. or other appropriate terminal degree is required.
We anticipate advertising the position formally and
beginning to receive applications within the next few weeks. In the
meantime, if you know of anyone who might be interested, feel free to
spread the word. I will be chairing the search
committee and am happy to answer any questions.