A postdoc position is available in the Wright Lab at New Mexico State University to study function and mechanisms of vocal learning in adult budgerigars. The aims of this NIH-funded project include testing hypothesis for call sharing in social groups of budgerigars, examining the role of corticosterone in vocal learning, and examining learning-related patterns of gene expression in parrot vocal learning centers. The project is a collaboration with Stephanie White (UCLA) and Dennis Hallford (NMSU).
The postdoc researcher will be involved in all aspects of research and will have scope for designing their own experimental direction. I am looking for a highly-motivated and talented individual with expertise in behavioral observations, sound analysis, avian endocrinology and/or molecular genetics. Strong communication skills, good work ethic and evidence of a productive research career are all essential. The position is available immediately with funding for two years. A PhD in Biology or related field must be completed before hiring.
New Mexico State hosts an active and growing group of researchers in behavior and neurobiology. Opportunities exist to participate in an HHMI-funded Preparing Future Faculty program and for mentoring students through our NIH-funded BRAiN undergrad research program in neurobiology and behavior. Las Cruces is a large and culturally diverse town with awesome outdoor activities in the surrounding Rio Grande valley, Chihuahua desert and mountains.
To apply please send a single pdf containing 1) A cover letter indicating availability and contact information for two references, 2) a CV, and 3) a brief (1-2 page) summary of professional interests to . Candidates from diverse backgrounds are highly encouraged to apply. Review of applications will begin 25 June, 2012 and continue until the position is filled.