Department of Animal and Range Sciences, New Mexico State
University, and USDA ARS Jornada Experimental Range
A Graduate Research
Assistantship (PhD) to study impacts of Criollo cattle grazing
patterns on Chihuahuan Desert ecosystems is currently available. We are
seeking to attract a highly motivated individual interested in studying habitat
selection and movement ecology of livestock. Applicants
must have earned a Master of Science degree in Rangeland Ecology, Animal
Science (livestock behavior), Wildlife Science, Ecology, or a related
discipline with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Outstanding writing skills and knowledge of GPS/GIS
are required. Spatial data analysis skills and proven ability to publish in
peer-reviewed journals are highly desirable.
Preferred starting date
is August 1, 2014 but is negotiable. The
assistantship includes an annual salary of US$ 22,220.00, waiver of
out-of-state tuition, health insurance benefit program, and the possibility of
obtaining a tuition fellowship (waiver) from the Graduate School at New Mexico
State University for highly qualified individuals. Interested applicants are encouraged to send:
1) a letter stating interests and goals; 2) a current CV; 3) unofficial copies
of transcripts and GRE scores (if available); and 4) contact information for 3
Applications will be
accepted until June 30, 2014 or until suitable candidate is found. Please send
application materials via email to Dr. Rick Estell ( or Dr. Andres Cibils (