Post-doc position for 2 years or even 4 years (depending on progress)
Post-doc position
A highly motivated post-doctoral
fellow is needed for a project looking at the effects of parental self-feeding
on parental activities or a project testing the effects of uncertainty on
foraging performance in sunbirds. This research will take place at the Department of Biology & the Environment, University of
Haifa at Oranim, Israel. The position is available for two years with the
possibility of renewal (up to 4 years) depending on research progress. The
position is available from 1/10/19, but the start date is flexible. The
candidate should have a strong background in behavioral ecology ideally using birds or bees as model systems. The
preferred candidate will be a post doc who is capable of developing an
innovating research line within the scope of the proposed research projects.
The selected candidate should be or become a leader in her/his field, and have
excellent communication and writing skills. If you are interested and want to
hear more details please contact: Dr Shai Markman
Interested candidates should
attach a CV and names and e-mails of three referees.