mercredi 9 octobre 2019

Max Planck Research Group Leader - MPI Animal Behavior, Radolfzell/Konstanz

we have an open position for an Independent Max Planck Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior ( We are particularly interested in applicants who can advance theoretical and/or field research in our institute, in any field of animal behaviour. These positions come with independence and considerable financial and Institutional support. 

General information
The standard setting and contract conditions for Max Planck Research Groups are as follows:
  • the group leader position (W2; approximately equivalent to assistant or associate professor position without tenure)
  • Postdoc position(s)
  • PhD positions
  • Technical Assistant position(s) as far as necessary
  • internationally competitive start-up package for equipment
  • adequate budget for consumables and running costs
The Max-Planck-Gesellschaft offers high flexibility in the use of the allotted money, allowing the group leaders to assign their budget individually according to need. The contract will be for 5 years plus a possible start-up phase. Limited extensions are possible after positive evaluation.

I should be very grateful if you could forward this to your colleagues and am happy to be contacted by prospective candidates.