vendredi 3 juillet 2015

PhD student course Ecology of Animal Migration in Lund, Sweden

This November we hold our biannual PhD course on the Ecology of Animal Migration. PhD students working on animal migration and related animal movement topics are encouraged to apply.

Ecology of Animal Migration
International PhD Course
November 2nd - 13th, 2015 Lund University, Sweden

Animals move across different spatial and temporal scales either as part of their daily life or as part of seasonal migrations to exploit resources in the environment. Well known examples are the global scale seasonal migrations in birds, sea turtles, fish and mammals, such as whales and wildebeests. Also movements at smaller scales occur, such as the vertical movements in plankton, the dispersal in soil collembolans and movements of pollinating insects. But what are the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of animal movements?

During this two-week course you will get insight in a number of different methods and approaches to study the migration of birds, insects, fish, amphibians and mammals, ranging from experimental studies in the laboratory to tracking long-distance migration in wild animals. Lectures will be given by international authorities in the field as well as by researchers in the CAnMove Group at Lund University.

For further details and to apply for the course visit:

The course organizers

Anders Hedenström and Rachel Muheim

Rachel Muheim, PhD
Department of Biology
Biology Building B
Sölvegatan 35
SE-223 62 Lund

Phone: +46 46 222 31 93
Fax: +46 46 222 44 25

