dimanche 10 décembre 2017

4-year PhD studentships

Two 4-year PhD studentships on wild spider monkeys

Two 4-year PhD studentships are available to carry out projects on the behaviour of wild spider monkeys at Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico) under the supervision of experienced researchers. Potential applicants should email me (
faureli@uv.mx) and mention which of the two research topics they are interested in.

Hormonal underpinnings of social interactions in spider monkeys
(in collaboration with Dr. Pedro Dias, Universidad Veracruzana)

Grooming reciprocity and negotiation in spider monkeys
(in collaboration with Dr. Gabriele Schino, CNR, Italian Research Council)
Potential applicants should have a Masters degree in a relevant field and have some knowledge of Spanish. The PhD thesis can be written in English, but knowledge of Spanish is important to navigate the bureaucracy. Specific qualifications will be asked after receiving the email expressing the research topic of interest.

Contact should be made as soon as possible as applicants need to submit a research protocol developed with the potential supervisor during the application process.

Information about the application process and the PhD program can be found at the following links (it is the information for last application round; it will be updated in 2018):