Sperm Whales and Tourism - Kaikoura, New ZealandI am currently seeking two Ph.D. students to investigate interactions between sperm whales and tourism off Kaikoura New Zealand over the next 2.5 years (field research to begin August, 2009). Both positions include logistical support, equipment, housing, and a modest expense budget for field work.
Position 1 will be a research vessel-based project, focusing on photo-identification and surface behavioral responses of whales to tour vessels.
Position 2 will combine shore- based monitoring and monitoring from onboard tour vessels and aircraft to examine behavior and movements.
Minimum Qualifications (both positions):
1. Bachelor's degree and relevant scientific research experience.
2. Ability to work effectively, both independently and cooperatively, as a member of a research team.
3. Ability to take responsibility as a research leader.
4. Ability to communicate and work effectively, responsibly, and respectfully with a diverse group of community stakeholders.
5. Ability to conduct physically demanding field work at sea and on land.
Preferred Qualifications (both positions):
1. Master's degree in a relevant field*
2. Demonstrated academic excellence
3. Experience with GIS, database, and statistical software
Additional Qualifications:
Position 1 (vessel-based research)
Additional Minimum Qualifications
1. Extensive boating experience, including a minimum of 6 months (750+ hours) working on commercial vessels and/or 3,000+ hours on recreational vessels
2. Ability to conduct research from a small vessel on the open sea.
Position 1 (vessel-based research)
Additional Preferred Qualifications:
1. Skipper Certifications: New Zealand MSA Boat Master, Local Launch Operator, Inshore Launch Master, or equivalent.
2. New Zealand Radiotelephone Operator's Certificate or equivalent
3. Water safety, first aid certifications
4. Photo-identification experience and/or other high-speed SLR photography experience5. Experience studying cetaceans from a research vessel.
Position 2 (shore-based research)
Additional Preferred qualifications:
1. Experience with shore-based monitoring of cetaceans
2. Experience with a survey's theodolite
To apply, send an email with your last name in the subject line and the following attachments to:
Dr. Tim MarkowitzSperm Whales and Tourism Research Team Leader,
Kaikoura, New ZealandSchool of Biological Sciences,
University of Canterburye
mail: swatkaikoura@yahoo.com
1. A letter which clearly states which position(s) you are interested in, and summarizes your academic and scientific background, work experience, research interests, and how you meet the qualifications listed above
2. A copy of your CV
3. A list of at least 3 professional references with contact information4. Unofficial undergraduate and graduate transcripts and/or a list of university courses taken and grades.
Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until two candidates have been selected.