samedi 20 juin 2009

Lecturer in Behavioural Ecology, University of Auckland

Location: Auckland City Campus
Full/Part Time: Full-TimeRegular/Temporary: Permanent
Position OverviewThe School of Biological Sciences invites applications for a tenure-trackposition as Lecturer in Behavioural Ecology. Applicants should have a strongrecord of research and teaching, with interests both in theoretical andapplied aspects of behavioural ecology.
You will be expected to collaborate with other researchers within andoutside the university as well as establishing your own research portfoliothat attracts funding and graduate students. Any area of behavioural ecologywill be considered and ideally it will relate to contemporary issuesrelevant to New Zealand. You will also be expected to teach in The School'sacademic programme at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
The School of Biological Sciences currently employs 180 staff and supervises 120 PhD students. The School has modern laboratories and facilities (see SBSweb site:, and the appointee will have readyaccess to a wide range of New Zealand's unique biota and habitats.Applications for this position will close on the 31st July 2009.