Trent University, in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, is assessing the structure and sustainability of large-scale population dynamics of Canada lynx. This project is part of a larger Strategic NSERC grant modeling long-term viability of lynx populations, especially in their southern range. The PDF will undertake extensive and unprecedented analysis of fur harvest records of carnivores across North America to evaluate 1- the occurrence of lynx population cycles, cyclic asynchrony, and cyclic decoupling across space and time, 2- whether lynx population dynamics are related to putative dispersal barriers associated with unsuitable habitat, and 3- whether exploitative competition with coyotes and bobcats, as evidenced by cyclic dynamics concordant with those of snowshoe hares, may limit southern lynx populations. The PDF position may also involve stable isotope analysis to help identify diet overlap and potential exploitative competition. The PDF will have opportunity to collaborate with team members addressing related topics via population genetics and landscape ecology, and may develop their own research program within the context of the grant. This work is the logical continuation of our previous research efforts examining lynx population ecology and sustainability (Murray et al. 2008. J. Wildl. Manage. 72:1463-1472; Roth et al. 2007. Ecology 88:2736-2743; Steury and Murray 2004.Biol. Conserv. 117:127-141).
Application Procedures
Applicants should hold a PhD in population ecology, landscape ecology, or a related area. The successful candidate should have expertise in population and/or landscape analysis and modeling, and experience with GIS or population time series data. The successful applicant will have demonstrated publishing success.
Candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, and names and contact information for three references to Dennis Murray, Department of Biology, Trent University (dennismurray „at‰; Applications will be reviewed immediately and the position will close as soon as a suitable candidate is found. The successful applicant will receive $45,000 annually, + benefits, and the two-year term should start no later than June 2011.