vendredi 4 janvier 2013

Reminder: Ecology & Behaviour Meeting 2013

Following its success in Chizé (2005), Strasbourg (2006), Montpellier (2007), Toulouse (2008), Lyon (2009), Tours (2010), Rennes (2011), Chizé (2012), Strasbourg has the great honour to welcome the 9th edition of the “Ecology & Behaviour” Meeting from the 23th to the 26th April 2009.

Deadline for abstract submission: the 7th January 2013.

If you are a postgraduate student or a postdoctoral researcher, and if your research is centred on Ecology and Behaviour, this meeting is for you. Come and present your results in a friendly atmosphere in front of an international audience of young researchers. No need to worry about organization, we’ll take care of everything: you only need to plan and pay for your travel ticket to Strasbourg.

Whether you are a student, a researcher or just curious, here is an opportunity to attend to an international congress, hear about the latest discoveries in Ecology and Behaviour and enjoy stimulating discussions with young researchers and guest speakers.
The program is now available on the conference website: