samedi 12 avril 2014

Post-doc Position in Cognitive Biology

Hiring Organization:
University of Vienna

Position Description:
The department of Cognitive Biology, research group of Prof. Thomas Bugnyar, has funding available for a three year post-doc position in Socio-Cognition. The post-doc will be part of a small team lead by Dr. Jorg Massen studying the evolution of pro-social concern.

The evolution of altruistic behaviour remains a conundrum in behavioural biology. Nonetheless, other-regarding behaviour is regularly observed in a variety of species. Therefore, the aim of this project is to investigate the evolutionary origins of pro-social behaviour. By testing several species from two phylogenetic very distant orders (i.e. primates and corvids) the project will allow testing clear hypotheses regarding convergent evolution and several specific socio-ecological pressures that may have led to the evolution of pro-sociality. The project will involve several behavioural experiments on a total of 5 species: i.e. human children, common marmosets, long-tailed macaques, common ravens and azure-winged magpies.

Required qualifications
•     A Ph.D. in Behavioural Biology or a related field
•     Excellent knowledge of English
•     Experience with designing and conducting behavioural experiments
•     Knowledge of theories about the evolution of socio-positive behaviours
•     Strong knowledge of (non-parametric) statistics
•     Independence
•     Endurance

Beneficial qualifications
•     Experience with working with corvids
•     Experience with working with primates
•     Experience with working with human children
•     Experience with supervising students

The 3-year post-doc position is fully paid (40 hours/week) by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF, Project Number P-26806) and is based at the University of Vienna, Austria (

Support provided for internship/volunteer positions (travel, meals, lodging):

Term of Appointment:
01 July 2014 - 30 June 2017

Application Deadline:
15 May 2014

Letters of application including CV, photograph, publication list, 2-3 letters of recommendation and a statement of research interests should be sent to Mrs. Petra Pesak, MSc. by E-mail ( until May 15th, 2014. Planned interview dates are at the start of June, 2014. Planned starting date is July 1st, 2014.

The University of Vienna promotes the employment of women in fields of work in which they are underrepresented and therefore encourages qualified women to apply to this opening. Disabled people will be preferentially treated if qualified.

Contact Information:
Petra Pesak
Althanstrasse 14
Vienna, none 1090

Telephone Number:
+43 1 427776101


E-mail Address: