mercredi 8 novembre 2023

Internship at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Intelligence, campus Seewiesen, (Germany) on behavioural plasticity in courtship behaviour in ruffs (Calidris pugnax).

We are looking for a student/intern to join our team at the Max-Planck-Institute for Biological Intelligence under the supervision of Dr. Clemens Küpper (team leader) and Dr. Giovanni Spezie (postdoc). The project focuses on the courtship behaviour of a captive population of ruffs (Calidris pugnax) held at our facilities. Ruffs are a unique and fascinating model system for the study of courtship behaviour, as male ruffs exhibit three morphs with distinct phenotypes and reproductive strategies (Independent, Satellite, Faeder males). The aim of the project is to investigate whether the social environment plays an important role in regulating the expression of courtship behaviours of the three male reproductive morphs in this species.


Duration: 2-3 months; start date should be no later than 25th-30th April 2024.

Activities: the intern will participate in an experiment that will take place between April and July 2024 at the Seewiesen campus (Eberhard-Gwinner-Straße, 82319 Starnberg, Germania). The intern will be trained to handle the birds, release them into the experimental units, operate the synchronized video-camera system to record their courtship behaviour and social interactions in the aviaries. It is highly recommended that the student stays at the guesthouse of the campus, as the experiments start early in the day (6:00 am) in order to release the birds into the experimental units, as connections via public transport is not available in the early morning. Experimental activities are however limited to the morning hours.

Costs: the expenses for travel and accommodation will have to be covered by the intern. We do however encourage the candidate to apply for funding through the Erasmus program.

Requirements: there are no particular requirements; prior experience with bird handling is preferred.


In case of interest, please contact and send a brief CV to: Giovanni Spezie;