mercredi 15 novembre 2023

Offre de Stage M2

 We are offering a 6-month M2 internship on THE EFFECT OF FAMILIARITY ON THE RESPONSE TO TICKLING IN BONOBOS Approximate period: January to June 2024 In humans, heavy tickling induces a complex behavioural response that includes withdrawing from the actor, sheltering the ticklish areas, wriggling and laughing uncontrollably. Such response is socially modulated as tickling can be perceived as either pleasant or unpleasant depending on the relationship quality shared between the players. For this reason, in our species, heavy tickling has been linked to the emergence of self-other distinction and primary intersubjectivity. Although heavy tickling has been reported in great apes, this behaviour has received scarce attention and the little information available is restricted to chimpanzees. The aim of this study is to investigate in bonobos (Pan paniscus) whether the response to tickling varies as a function of the level of familiarity they share with the subject performing such playful action, possibly informing about the presence/extent of intersubjective abilities in this species. Particular importance will be given to the expression of communicative signals (e.g., gestures, facial expressions, vocalizations). More specifically, the trainee will address the following research question: IS BONOBOS’ RESPONSE TO TICKLING AFFECTED BY THE STRENGTH OF THE SOCIAL BOND? The successful candidate will be based at the ENES Bioacoustics Research Lab, Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne ( The work will consist in coding of video and audio recordings that were collected at the Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary (Kinshasa, DR Congo) in summer 2023. The trainee will develop skills in ethological observations (BORIS software) of social behaviour and bioacoustics (PRAAT software). We are seeking for a highly motivated, patient and meticulous student (video- and audiocoding can be challenging!). This internship is part of the “LET’S PLAY!” project funded by the LabEX ASLAN of the CNRS - University of Lyon. More info here: This offer will run until a good candidate is found. So don't wait to apply. First come, first served! Any interested candidates, please email your CV and letter of motivation to both: - Elisa Demuru: - Florence Levréro: Feel free to distribute widely