We propose a 2-year post-doctoral position at URECA, Lille 3 University, funded by the Agence National de la Recherche and starting in the fall. The project focuses on the relationships between action representations and object semantic knowledge in the global embodied cognition framework. We use a pluridisciplinary approach involving behavioral, eye-tracking, and EEG experiments with healthy adults, elementary school children and brain-damaged patients. URECA is a vibrant collaborative research community interested in cognitive sciences and neurocognition. URECA is also an active partner in the iCAVS project (International Center for the Advancement of Visual Studies), which is associated with an exceptional technical platform that provides high-level experimental and neuroimaging equipment (iDIVE). The project is coordinated by Dr Solène Kalénine and supervised by Dr S. Kalénine and Pr Y. Coello (URECA Director). We are seeking a motivated post-doctoral researcher to take the lead on the neuroscience axis of the project. He/she will also have the opportunity to work in collaboration with other researchers and project partners at URECA. The successful candidate will have a PhD in cognitive psychology, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, or related field. Excellent experimental and analytical skills in human behavior are required. Expertise in experimental programming and statistical analysis is also necessary. Previous experience with EEG/ERP recording is highly desirable.
Contact: Applications (CV+cover letter) can be sent to Solène Kalénine: solene.kalenine [ à ] gmail.com
Deadline: August 31, 2012