Project EXCL/BIA-ANM/0549/2012
The application to a Post-Doc Fellowship is open under the Project EXCL/BIA-ANM/0549/2012, with the title “Molecular mechanisms and evolutionary implications of social plasticity” funded by Portuguese National Science Foundation (FCT) in the following conditions:
1. Duration: The Post-Doc Fellowship will have the duration of 12 months with the possibility of an extension up to 36 months, starting on 1st July 2013, in exclusiveness regime, as regulated by the human resources of FCT ( apoios/formacao/ambitoprojectos).
2. Subject of Activities: The main aim of this project is to study the genetic basis and the evolution of social behavior and behavioral plasticity. The work of the post-doc will be in the area of computational biology and bioinformatics related to behavioral analysis and genomics across the different tasks of the project (e.g. design and analysis of experiments using microarrays and RNAseq; developing algorithms for automated behavioral analysis).
3. Scientific Orientation: Rui Oliveira.
4. Selecting Criteria: Ph.D. degree in Computational Biology, Bioinformatics or equivalent. Preferential consideration will be given to candidates with previous experience in genomics or behavioral analysis.
5. Month Stipend: According the regulations of the FCT Scientific Fellowships in Portugal ( net salary, €1.495,00/month wich will be paid monthly by bank transfer. The fellow will protected by accident insurance and can adere voluntarily to social security system according to Decreto-Lei n.º 40/89, de 1 de Fevereiro.
6. Selection Procedure: A two-step selection procedure will be used. First, candidates will be ranked based on their personal merit as assessed by Curriculum Vitae (50%), Letter of Motivation (20%) and references (30%). The top five candidates will be selected for a second phase, which consists in an interview in order to assess the candidates in the following dimensions: motivation, creativity, independence, commitment and critical thinking. The final score for each candidate selected for the second phase will be expressed in a 20 points scale.
7. Jury selection: Chairman: Rui Oliveira; member 1: Emanuel Gonçalves; member 2: Manuel Eduardo dos Santos. Substitutes: Marta Soares and Paulo Catry.
8. Form of advertising / notification of results: The final evaluation results will be publicized through the ordered list by final points obtained public and visible location. The approved candidate will be noticed by email.
9. Application Period: From May 22, 2013 to June 10, 2013.
10. Application Documents: Curriculum Vitae, contacts of previous supervisors, and a Letter of Motivation should be sent by e-mail to the following address or to by postal mail addressed to ISPA- Instituto Universitário – Centro de Investigação - Rua Jardim do Tabaco 34, 1149-041 Lisboa.