jeudi 29 septembre 2022

Postdoc and RA jobs - The role of Feral Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Biodiversity Conservation

 The Role of Feral Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) in Biodiversity Conservation 

Postdoc (First appointment for 12 months; possible extension up to 3 years for the total project).

This project aims to assess the impact of buffalo on biodiversity conservation for Lantau Island, Hong Kong. The research will determine the buffalo population size, age structure and growth rate; and for wet and dry seasons, estimate food consumption, home range sizes, and sustainable population size. These contain the basics of what is needed for the 3-year project, but there is lots of scope for the research to be developed further by the postdoc who is recruited.

Research Assistant (Appointment for 14.5 months)

This project will assess human attitudes toward buffalo as conservation agents on Lantau Island, Hong Kong. The appointee will use a social sciences approach to understand the substantial interactions between buffalo and the human population so that the role of buffalo in biodiversity conservation can be optimised.

For some further impressions of Hong Kong feral buffalo, see:

Expected start date for both jobs: January 2023

Funding: Lantau Conservation Fund,

Postdoctoral position

 The SwarmLab at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in animal behavior and lab experimentation to join an NSF-funded research project led by Dr. Simon Garnier (NJIT), in collaboration with Prof. Maurizio Porfiri (NYU), Dr. Nicole Abaid (Virginia Tech), Dr. Mike Rubenstein (Northwestern University), and Dr. James Waters (Providence College). This project brings together biologists, theoreticians, and engineers to study distributed energetic regulation in ant colonies. The objectives of the project are (1) to increase the overall understanding of emergent regulation networks in social systems and (2) to derive general principles for applications such as autonomous robotic swarms.

More specifically, the postdoctoral researcher will investigate whether biological collectives exhibit energetic regulation in response to both weak and strong variations in energy demand and availability, and how this impacts their biological productivity. To this end, the postdoctoral researcher will mainly perform behavioral experimentation and physiological measurements with colonies of clonal raider ants, Ooceraea biroi, to determine:
   1. the physiological correlates of the activity of ant colonies as their size, energetic demand, and environmental conditions are experimentally manipulated;
   2. the individual and collective behaviors of ants as the size, energetic demand, and environmental conditions of the colony are modified.

The postdoctoral researcher will also be given ample opportunity to participate in collaborative activities with the other teams involved in the project. In particular, the postdoctoral researcher may participate in the creation and analysis of dynamical models of collective energetic regulation and their application to swarm robotics.

The position can start as early as September 1st, 2022, and is expected to be filled no later than January 1, 2023, to respect the terms of the NSF URoL grant. The position is for 3 years but may be extended if additional funding is secured during the project. In addition, the PI and the other senior researchers involved in the project will work with the postdoctoral researcher toward securing independent funds for their future career.

Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Simon Garnier ( to discuss the details of the project and learn more about the position. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. The application period will remain open until filled.


1. Profile

We are seeking candidates with the following profile:
   - A strong interest in conducting collaborative research. In particular, candidates should be willing to engage in collaborative activities outside their primary discipline.
   - Experience with and/or strong desire for working in an interdisciplinary environment.
   - Knowledge and experience in lab experimentation, animal behavior, and/or social insect biology. Experience in all these areas at once is not required, but the candidates should at least demonstrate an interest in engaging in all of them.
   - A willingness to travel regularly (typically 3-4 times a year) to the laboratories of the other teams involved in the project (in particular, the group of Dr. James Waters) to coordinate the research activity.
   - While not essential for the position, knowledge and experience in using modern statistical tools (e.g. GLMMs), and/or machine learning techniques (e.g. ANNs, classifiers), and/or agent-based modeling methods, and/or mathematical modeling approaches is a plus.


2. Essential functions

The successful candidate will be expected to fulfill the following essential functions:
   - Lead the preparation, execution, and analysis of the experimental portion of the project in collaboration with the research group of Dr. James Waters.
   - Contribute to or lead lab publications, conference submissions, as well as grant proposals.
   - Act as a mentor to diverse and ambitious students in the SwarmLab and the laboratories of the other teams involved in the project, as well as collaborate effectively with colleagues and support staff.
   - Through mentorship and strategic planning with the PI, develop additional skills and experience valuable to long-term career goals.

While the functions of the successful candidate will be primarily focused on the goals of the NSF-funded research project, there will be opportunities to develop independent projects as well as participate in other ongoing lab initiatives.


3. Mentoring

The successful candidate will receive direct guidance in mentoring students, the development of new scientific skill sets, and career planning. In addition, funding is available to attend development workshops and conferences. Part of the project planning will include a roadmap for generating products that correspond with the candidate’s long-term career goals.

The full postdoctoral mentoring plan associated with this research project is available upon request.


4. The lab

The SwarmLab is an interdisciplinary research lab that studies the mechanisms underlying the coordination of large animal groups, such as ant colonies or human crowds, and their applications to complex problems such as the organization of pedestrian traffic or the control of robotic swarms. We study how information is exchanged and transformed during interactions between the members of a group, and how this can lead to the emergence of successful or catastrophic group behaviors.

In this project, the SwarmLab is associated with the research groups of Prof. Maurizio Porfiri (NYU), Dr. Nicole Abaid (Virginia Tech), Dr. Mike Rubenstein (Northwestern University), and Dr. James Waters (Providence College).


5. The department

The SwarmLab is part of the Department of Biological Sciences at NJIT. Located in NJIT’s urban campus in Newark, the lab is part of a vibrant and active research department, with strengths in ecology, systematics, animal behavior, functional morphology, as well as cellular and neurobiology. In addition, NJIT has strong research groups in engineering, computer science, and mathematics, and is situated in the very academically-dense New York City metro area, with universities like Columbia, NYU, CUNY, Rockefeller, Princeton, Rutgers, and more within an hour range.


6. Application material

Please send a cover letter motivating your application for the position (2 pages max), a CV including contact information for 3 references (the references will be contacted directly by us if necessary), and the link to your Google Scholar page. All material should be addressed to Alternatively, you can submit your application material directly at

mercredi 28 septembre 2022



Le ZooParc de Beauval recherche un stagiaire pour étudier la prise alimentaire et l’impact de l’ajout de feuilles séchées dans la ration alimentaire sur le budget temps des girafes réticulées (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) et des okapis (Okapia johnstoni) en période hivernale au ZooParc de Beauval. Ce stagiaire aura en charge : l’élaboration du protocole, la réalisation des observations, l’analyse des données, la rédaction d’un rapport de stage ainsi que la présentation de l’étude finale aux équipes du ZooParc de Beauval.

Durée du stage : 2 mois (octobre-novembre ou novembre-décembre 2022).
Formation : Master 1 éthologie, L3 option éthologie
Présence : possible le week-end 
Stage non rémunéré conformément à la loi en vigueur 
Poste basé : à Saint-Aignan (41) 




Le ZooParc de Beauval recherche un stagiaire pour étudier l’impact de la présence de Tamarins-lions à tête dorée (Leontopithecus chrysomelas) sur le comportement de différentes espèces de Callitrichidae hébergées à proximité, Tamarin de Goeldi (Callimico goeldii), Tamarin empereur (Saguinus imperator), Ouistiti argenté (Mico argentatus).
Ce stagiaire aura en charge : l’élaboration du protocole, la réalisation des observations, l’analyse des données, la rédaction d’un rapport de stage ainsi que la présentation de l’étude finale aux équipes du ZooParc de Beauval.

Durée du stage : 2 mois (octobre-novembre ou novembre-décembre 2022).
Formation : Master 1 éthologie
Présence : possible le week-end µ
Stage non rémunéré conformément à la loi en vigueur 
Poste basé : à Saint-Aignan (41) 
Pour postuler :


 Intitulé : Stage en éthologie sur la relation Homme-Animal. Unité de Recherche : Laboratoire Éthologie Cognition Développement, Université Paris Nanterre Encadrement : Annaëlle Surreault-Châble (doctorante), Gérard Leboucher (Professeur émérite) Durée du stage : 2 mois, entre Octobre 2022 et Février 2023 (à définir avec le/la candidat.e) Rémunération : stage conventionné non rémunéré Cadre scientifique de l'étude : Pour l’éléphant captif, le soigneur est une source de connaissance importante sur le milieu et participe activement aux soins et donc au bienêtre de l’éléphant via l’entrainement médical. L’entrainement médical vise à entrainer l’éléphant à répondre aux demandes du soigneur afin qu’il puisse l’entrainer et/ou prodiguer les soins quotidiens. Cet entrainement est basé sur le renforcement positif et la collaboration de l’éléphant pour accomplir la tâche. Ce stage propose d’étudier différents aspects de la relation soigneur-éléphant dans différents contextes. Le (la) stagiaire recruté(e) sera initié(e) en particulier - à l'enregistrement audio et vidéo sur le terrain, - et à l'analyse audio et vidéo. Profil et compétences attendues : Étudiant.e en Licence Biologie ou équivalent, Césure, ou stage libre conventionné via la Mission locale ou Pôle emploi. Nous recherchons une personne hautement motivée à faire de la recherche fondamentale, rigoureuse avec une bonne capacité d'organisation et capable de fournir un travail autonome. Une expérience préalable en codage vidéo et en bioacoustique est appréciée. Merci d'envoyer CV, lettre de motivation (mentionnant la période à laquelle vous seriez disponible) et relevés de notes à : Annaëlle Surreault-Châble Les candidatures seront évaluées au fur et à mesure et la date limite pour postuler est le 15 octobre 2022

mardi 27 septembre 2022

Stage terrain F/H - Capture-marquage-recapture Marmottes Alpines - Savoie (73) - Mai à Juillet 2023

 Stage terrain F/H - Capture-marquage-recapture Marmottes Alpines - Savoie (73) - Mai à Juillet 2023

Type de contrat : Stage Niveau d’études : BAC+2 minimum Localisation : Réserve naturelle de la Grande Sassière, Tignes, Savoie (73) Durée : 44 jours maximum, du 10 mai au 2 juin 2023 ET du 12 juin au 17 juillet 2023

Description de l’offre :

L'équipe Écologie Evolution Adaptation et Comportement du Laboratoire de Biométrie et Biologie Évolutive (Université Claude Bernard-Lyon1) suit une population de marmottes alpines depuis plus de 30 ans. Nous sommes à la recherche de stagiaires pour participer à la campagne annuelle de terrain.

Le travail consistera à participer à un suivi à long terme (initié en 1990) d'une population de marmottes alpines située dans la réserve de la Grande Sassière (2400m d'altitude, Vanoise) dans les Alpes françaises entre les communes de Tignes et Val d'Isère (Savoie 73).

Ce suivi combine, un protocole de capture-marquage-recapture, des mesures biométriques, un protocole de comptage et des protocoles d'observations comportementales, dans l'objectif d'acquérir des données visant à répondre à la fois à des questions de biologie évolutive et de dynamique des populations.

Durant le stage, l'étudiant/e acquerra de nombreuses compétences de terrain telles que les techniques de capture, de manipulation et d'observations de la faune sauvage. Il/elle sera encadré/e par les technicien/nes de terrains responsables de l’équipe sur place. Attention, il s'agit ici uniquement de travail de terrain, pas de stage pouvant conduire à de l'analyse de données ou à la rédaction d'un rapport (impossible d’y allouer du temps sur le terrain, possible éventuellement au cas par cas en autonomie hors-terrain).

Pour en savoir plus sur les thématiques de recherche :

Mission :

La mission des stagiaires consistera en un travail de recherche de terrain : capture-marquage-recapture des individus, gestion des cages-pièges, des captures et des relâcher, aide à la manipulation des marmottes (mesures biométriques, prélèvements biologiques...), comptage et observations comportementales.

Profil candidat/e :

Nous ne pouvons prendre que des étudiant/es car une convention de stage est OBLIGATOIRE. Nous recherchons des étudiant/es de filières biologie-écologie-environnement ayant un niveau d’étude supérieur ou égale à un BAC+2.

→ Motivation : Il s'agit d'un travail difficile, qui ne laisse pas (ou peu) de temps pour soi. Les journées sont longues et le travail paraît souvent répétitif.

→ Rigueur, adaptation, disponibilité et flexibilité : le travail implique des animaux sauvages, les horaires de travail dépendent donc des marmottes et du climat.

→ Aimer le travail en équipe, être facile à vivre et aimer la vie en communauté.

→ Apprécier la montagne et la nature : le travail implique d'être dehors toute la journée, le froid et les conditions de vie rudimentaires ne doivent pas faire peur.

Indemnisation :

Le stage n’est pas indemnisé, mais le transport depuis Lyon, la nourriture, et l’hébergement sont pris en charge.

Conditions de travail :

Durée maximum de 44j de travail effectif, avec des dates approximatives (décision en fonction des conditions climatiques hivernales, variable à quelques jours près) du 10/05 au 02/06 et du 12/06 au 17/07 (la première période permet la capture des adultes, la secondes des jeunes de l’année, la présence des stagiaires sur l’ensemble des 2 périodes est indispensable).

Il n'y a pas d'horaires fixes, les heures de travail dépendent des animaux et sont conséquents.

Vous serez intégré à une équipe de 6 personnes sur le terrain, hébergée ensemble dans un chalet d’alpage, où l’eau, l’électricité et le réseau sont des denrées rares et précieuses.

ATTENTION : Les conditions de ce stage de terrain sont difficiles, à cause du climat montagnard, de la charge de travail importante, de la promiscuité au quotidien avec les autres membres de l’équipe et des conditions rudimentaires de l’hébergement.

Contact :

Si vous êtes intéressé/e par ce stage, adressez votre candidature à Rébecca Garcia (objet : « Assistant de terrain Sassière ») à l’adresse suivante : avec une lettre de motivation et un CV en pièces jointes, et ce jusqu’au 17 novembre inclus. Merci d’indiquer vos motivations personnelles pour un tel stage et ce que vous en attendez. Entretiens prévus les 21 et 22 novembre.

Entreprise :

Nom : Laboratoire de Biologie et Biométrie Evolutive

Thématique : Recherche et environnement

Adresse : LBBE - UMR5558 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 Bâtiment Grégoire Mendel 43 bd du 11 novembre 1918 69622 Villeurbanne cedex

Site web :

Diffusion d'offres de PhD et de Post-Doc à Hong Kong

Offre de Doctorat:

Nous recherchons des candidats pour un doctorat financé par le "Hong Kong PhD Fellowship scheme". 

Ce financement inclue un salaire annuel de HK$325,200 (environ US$41,690), ainsi qu'un fond de conférence et de voyage d'affaires à hauteur de HK$13,600 (environ US$1,740) par an par doctorant pour une période de trois ans. 300 candidats recevront ce financement pour 2023/2024. 

Le doctorant fera partie de notre équipe de chercheurs travaillant sur le comportement, la santé et le bien-être des populations de vaches férales et de buffles de Hong Kong. Si vous êtes intéressé, envoyez un plan de vos intérêts de recherches et un CV de 2-pages. Le CV doit inclure les résultats académiques, ces derniers étant requis par le système administratif de City University of Hong Kong. 

Le candidat devra être interviewé et sélectionné au moins 3 semaines avant la date limite de candidature pour le financement, soit 3 semaines minimum avant le 1er décembre 2022. 

Offre de Post-doc:

Notre équipe recherche un Post-doc pour étudier le rôle des buffles dans la conservation de la biodiversité. D'avantages d'informations peut être trouver aux liens suivants :

Pour toute informations complémentaires sur l'équipe de recherche et les populations concernées, consultez le compte Twitter @AMCELL. 



Offre de stage M1

 Offre de deux stages de M1 en éthologie cognitive Description du stage : Nous proposons deux sujets de stage de M1 pour une étude qui porte sur la synchronisation locomotrice du chien de compagnie en fonction du nombre d’agents humains modèles. Les deux stagiaires participeront à la collecte des données et seront modèles humains dans l’expérience. Celle-ci est effectuée grâce à des dispositifs GPS portés par le chien et les humains modèles (synchronisation locomotrice) et des enregistrements vidéo (comportements canins de référencement social). Ainsi, un stagiaire sera premier juge sur le codage des comportements à partir des vidéos et analysera ces données comportementales. L’autre stagiaire sera second juge sur le codage des comportements à partir des vidéos et analysera les données GPS. Nous recherchons des étudiants en M1 assidus, rigoureux et à l’aise avec les chiens. Des compétences en statistiques avec le logiciel R et un goût pour le travail en équipe sont appréciées. Période et durée du stage : Stage d’un mois non rémunéré à temps plein durant le printemps 2023, avril en principe. Lieu du stage : Le travail de terrain aura lieu dans un espace public extérieur au nord-est de Toulouse. Encadrement et laboratoire d’accueil : Florence Gaunet (chargée de recherche) et Angélique Lamontagne (doctorante), Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive, Université Aix-Marseille, CNRS. L’expérience est réalisée dans le cadre d’une thèse Cifre co-financée par l’Association Agir pour la Vie Animale dirigée par le Dr Thierry Bedossa. Ce travail est effectué en partenariat avec Thierry Legou, ingénieur de recherche au Laboratoire Parole et Langage. Merci d'envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation dans un mail commun adressé aux deux encadrantes : et

Post doc

 Application portal: 

Position Summary:
The SwarmLab at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher with expertise in animal behavior and lab experimentation to join an NSF-funded research project led by Dr. Simon Garnier (NJIT), in collaboration with Prof. Maurizio Porfiri (NYU), Dr. Nicole Abaid (Virginia Tech), Dr. Mike Rubenstein (Northwestern University), and Dr. James Waters (Providence College). This project brings together biologists, theoreticians, and engineers to study distributed energetic regulation in ant colonies. The objectives of the project are (1) to increase the overall understanding of emergent regulation networks in social systems and (2) to derive general principles for applications such as autonomous robotic swarms.

More specifically, the postdoctoral researcher will investigate whether biological collectives exhibit energetic regulation in response to both weak and strong variations in energy demand and availability, and how this impacts their biological productivity. To this end, the postdoctoral researcher will mainly perform behavioral experimentation and physiological measurements with colonies of clonal raider ants, Ooceraea biroi, to determine:
the physiological correlates of the activity of ant colonies as their size, energetic demand, and environmental conditions are experimentally manipulated; the individual and collective behaviors of ants as the size, energetic demand, and environmental conditions of the colony are modified.

The postdoctoral researcher will also be given ample opportunity to participate in collaborative activities with the other teams involved in the project. In particular, the postdoctoral researcher may participate in the creation and analysis of dynamical models of collective energetic regulation and their application to swarm robotics. Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to contact Simon Garnier ( to discuss the details of the project and learn more about the position. Applications will be reviewed as they are received. The application period will remain open until filled.

Essential Functions:
The successful candidate will be expected to fulfill the following essential functions:
  • Lead the preparation, execution, and analysis of the experimental portion of the project in collaboration with the research group of Dr. James Waters.
  • Contribute to or lead lab publications, conference submissions, as well as grant proposals.
  • Act as a mentor to diverse and ambitious students in the SwarmLab and in the laboratories of the other teams involved in the project, as well as collaborate effectively with colleagues and support staff.
  • Through mentorship and strategic planning with the PI, develop additional skills and experience valuable to long-term career goals.
  • While the functions of the successful candidate will be primarily focused on the goals of the NSF-funded research project, there will be opportunities to develop independent projects as well as participate in other ongoing lab initiatives.

The successful candidate will receive direct guidance in mentoring students, developing of new scientific skill sets, and career planning. In addition, funding is available to attend development workshops and conferences. Part of the project planning will include a roadmap for generating products that correspond with the candidate’s long-term career goals.

The lab: 
The SwarmLab is an interdisciplinary research lab that studies the mechanisms underlying the coordination of large animal groups, such as ant colonies or human crowds, and their applications to complex problems such as the organization of pedestrian traffic or the control of robotic swarms. We study how information is exchanged and transformed during interactions between the members of a group, and how this can lead to the emergence of successful or catastrophic group behaviors.

In this project, the SwarmLab is associated with the research groups of Prof. Maurizio Porfiri (NYU), Dr. Nicole Abaid (Virginia Tech), Dr. Mike Rubenstein (Northwestern University), and Dr. James Waters (Providence College). Details on the research interests and activities of these research groups can be found in the provided links. 

The department:
The SwarmLab is part of the Department of Biological Sciences at NJIT. Located in NJIT’s urban campus in Newark, the lab is part of a vibrant and active research department, with strengths in ecology, systematics, animal behavior, functional morphology, as well as cellular and neurobiology. In addition, NJIT has strong research groups in engineering, computer science, and mathematics, and is situated in the very academically-dense New York City metro area, with universities like Columbia, NYU, CUNY, Rockefeller, Princeton, Rutgers, and more.

Prerequisite Qualifications:
We are seeking candidates with the following profile:
  • A strong interest in conducting collaborative research. In particular, candidates should be willing to engage in collaborative activities outside their primary discipline.
  • Experience with and/or strong desire for working in an interdisciplinary environment.
  • Knowledge and experience in lab experimentation, animal behavior, and/or social insect biology. Experience in all these areas at once is not required, but the candidates should at least demonstrate an interest in engaging in all of them.
  • A willingness to travel regularly (typically 3-4 times a year) to the laboratories of the other teams involved in the project (in particular, the group of Dr. James Waters) to coordinate the research activity.
  • While not essential for the position, knowledge, and experience in using modern statistical tools (e.g. GLMMs), and/or machine learning techniques (e.g. ANNs, classifiers), and/or agent-based modeling methods, and/or mathematical modeling approaches is a plus.
At the university's discretion, the education and experience prerequisites may be exempted where the candidate can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the university, an equivalent combination of education and experience specifically preparing the candidate for success in the position.

Special Instructions to Applicants:
Please send a cover letter motivating your application for the position (2 pages max), a CV including contact information for 3 references (the references will be contacted directly by us if necessary), and the link to your Google Scholar page. All material should be addressed to

Job Opportunity- Audubon Zoo

 This position is a Zookeeper at the Audubon Zoo, this position will encompass a skilled professional that provides technical work in the daily care of specific animals and exhibits.  Reporting directly to the Assistant Curator of an assigned area, and under the general supervision of the Curator. Zookeeper’s: perform routine zookeeper duties; work under minimal supervision in a wide range of functions; may supervisor volunteer staff; initiates and participate in training and behavioral enrichment. With 6 years of relevant experience candidate may qualify for a Senior Keeper level position. This position works directly with a breeding group of Bornean Orangutans, including infants, breeding Mandrills, breeding White and Black Ruffed Lemurs, Siamangs, Wolf Guenons, breeding Colobus, small New World Primates, and gorillas. This is an exciting opportunity to join a dynamic team that is focusing on welfare initiatives, breeding, and mixed species management. A few perks include relocation package, professional development opportunities and a fun and easy-going work environment!



To deliver on the Audubon mission, the Zookeeper will: 


Provide a guest experience of outstanding quality.


• A strong willingness to engage our guests about the Audubon Zoo’s mission statement. Looks to have genuine conversations about conservation, wildlife, and take-home messages.

• Ability to exercise sound judgment to evaluate and respond to any emergency situations that arise with our guests.



Weave quality entertainment through the guest experience.


• Willingness to present highly engaging educational programs as assigned.

• Participates in shows/chats/feeds for our guests daily.

• Conducts behind-the-scenes tours for VIP’s, donors, and Audubon Education programs as scheduled.

• Extensive interaction with the public which may include on and off grounds educational and media presentations.

Enhance the care and survival of wildlife through welfare initiatives and research


• Identifies and corrects minor or routine maintenance problems and reports other maintenance needs directly to supervisor(s).

• Performs and initiates behavior modification and behavioral enrichment programs in assigned areas as designated by supervisor(s).

• Observes general animal health and behavior on a daily basis and reports any abnormal situations to a supervisor(s).

• Maintains daily records of health and behavior status of animals in designated area as directed.

• Prepares and follows prescribed diets and feeding procedures as directed by supervisor(s).

• Will assist in training new personnel in methods of animal care consistent with policies and procedures. 

• Will value the contribution of every team member. 

• May assist in the selection, training, supervision, evaluation, and assignment of volunteers as needed.

• May assist in developing new facilities and improving existing ones as assigned by supervisor(s).

• Composes technical reports on various aspects of captive animal management and exhibition as assigned by supervisor(s).

• Participates in capturing, restraining, and moving animals and shares techniques with other team members.

• Assists veterinary and curatorial staff in treating animals as assigned and prescribed.

• Makes decisions consistent with Audubon policies and procedures when required.

• Performs daily duties in all sections of assigned department as required.

• Strong skills in time management.

• Ability to stay flexible with team, supervisor(s), animals, and daily routine.

• Willingness to participate in AZA programs as assigned by supervisor(s).

• Takes initiative by leading co-workers, Interns and Volunteers in coordinating and leading group projects.

• Brings a positive attitude and is accountable for their actions.

• Takes personal responsibility for their surroundings.

• Displays actions that are moral and ethical.

• Looks to provide alternate solutions whenever possible.

• Maintain empathic behavior towards team members.  

• Willingness to receive and give feedback with team members and supervisor(s).  

The above listed duties are general statements of required major duties and responsibilities performed on a regular and continuous basis.  They do not exclude other duties as assigned.



To deliver on the Audubon service promise, the Zookeeper will:




• Makes eye contact with every customer encounter, smile at every person, offer friendly phrases and greetings.

• Wears identification badge and follows dress code. Maintains a camera-ready appearance. 

• Walks guests to destination instead of pointing; offer assistance to people whenever possible.

• Assumes ownership of potential safety hazards and park appearance (wipe-up spill, pick up trash).  




• Engages team members and guests in a positive manner at all times. 

• Utilizes the power of teamwork to give excellent service.

• Knows when to involve the management team. 





• Strives to share their passion and experiences for the conservation of wildlife.

• Empowered to take ownership of opportunities to exceed expectations.








• Diverse and strong knowledge of the principles of captive primate management. Great Ape experience preferred. 

• Working knowledge of breeding, hand rearing animal transport and introductions preferred. 

• Strong knowledge of zoonotic diseases and prevention.

• Strong ability to exercise sound judgment to evaluate each animal’s health, diet, behavior, and any emergency situations that arise.

• Considerable experience in the care, restraint, and handling of exotic animals.

• Excellent safety track record, especially with Great Apes. 

• Working knowledge of USDA and AZA requirements.  

• Strong knowledge on exhibitory techniques, such as perching.

• Strong knowledge of animal training and application.

• Must have the ability to be cross trained in all aspects of the Primate Department. 

• With 6+ years of experience, individual can qualify for a Senior Keeper position. Additional benchmarks would need to be met and/or a timeline created in order to achieve benchmarks. 




• High School degree or equivalent

• Accurate oral and written communication skills

• College credits in Biology or related field

• Bachelor’s degree in related field preferred

• Ability to take required webinar courses. 



• Must maintain a valid La. Driver’s License

• Must be fully Covid vaccinated

• Current TB test

• Current Tetanus shot

• Current rabies vaccinations as required by department

• Ability to obtain Incident Command System 100 and 200


Software Requirements:  


• Proficiency in computer processing


Machinery/Tools/Equipment Requirements:  


• Ability to learn and operate medium and heavy equipment as needed.

• Ability and willingness to operate power tools, lawn equipment, etc.

• Ability and willingness to operate complex pump systems.

Physical Requirements:


• Ability to work outdoors in extreme weather patterns, including heat, humidity and heavy rain.

• Sitting or standing, bending, stooping, and per OSHA regulations:  Heavy work involving lifting no more than 100 pounds at a time with frequent lifting or carrying objects weighing up to 50 pounds.  

• Risk periodic exposure to fairly predictable and controllable hazards associated with wild animal and zoonotic diseases.

Environmental/Working Conditions:


• Ability to work effectively and positively on a team and with volunteers.

• Daily cleaning of animal habitats and grounds.

• Maintains off-exhibit areas in a clean and organized manner. 

• Ability to work weekends and holidays, including overtime and be available based on special needs/circumstances on a 24- hour basis.

• Willing to perform Pest Control duties, as necessary.

• Willingness to serve on the zoo’s Hurricane Team, if needed.

• Must be comfortable with basic paddle boat operation and working around water.

• Ensures work area is free of food, drink, socialization, and personal business.

How to Apply

Audubon Nature Institute
6500 Magazine street
New Orleans, LA 70118

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Competitive PhD funding, Hong Kong, August 2023 start

 we are seeking top candidates for competitive PhD funding via the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship scheme.

Fellowship Award

The Fellowship provides an annual stipend of HK$325,200 (approximately US$41,690) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,600 (approximately US$1,740) per year for each awardee for a period up to three years. 300 PhD Fellowships will be awarded in the 2023/24 academic year.

We are aiming to add to our team of researchers who are currently working on the behavioural ecology, health and welfare of feral cattle and water buffalo populations in Hong Kong. If interested, please send me an outline of your research interests, and a short 2-page CV.  Please note that CVs must include grade information (e.g. GPA scores), because they are a requirement of the graduate school admissions system of City University of Hong Kong.

For photos of our study animals and sites, find us on twitter: @amcell & @kate_flay

Candidates will be interviewed in early November, for selection before the final application date, which is Dec 1st, 2022.

Best regards,