We are seeking a PhD student to join us (Prof. Anna Lindholm & Dr. Andri Manser) in a research project at the University of Zurich studying the ecological and evolutionary impact of a naturally occurring selfish genetic element (called t haplotype) on wild house mouse populations. The t haplotype is a supergene in house mice with two key characteristics. First, males that carry two copies of the gene (t/t homozygotes) are sterile. Second, males that carry only one copy of the t (+/t heterozygotes) pass the gene on to 95% of their offspring rather than the 50% expected under Mendelian inheritance (gene drive). As a result, we expect t haplotypes to genetically propagate despite its sterility inducing effect, which may have far-reaching consequences for the populations that harbour them and which could have implications for the control of invasive mouse pests.
You are motivated by “why” questions, enjoy working with animals as well as designing and implementing experiments to test your ideas. You are collaborative, enjoy communicating your research and learning new skills. Experience with data analysis, modelling, and publication experience will be viewed as a bonus. You are trained in evolutionary biology and bring a relevant MSc degree or equivalent.
What we offer
The University of Zurich offers a highly international largely English speaking environment. We offer a friendly working environment, excellent facilities, great collaborators, and strong support in developing your scientific skills and abilities. The project has four years of funding with a generous salary. Zurich offers great quality of life, consistently ranking in the top three cities worldwide.
How to apply