mercredi 25 janvier 2023

Cross-cultural survey on odor perception in humans

 We are researchers interested in how we perceive odors and if there are cross-cultural variations of these perceptions.

This collaborative project is pre-registered and coordinated by researchers of Università di Padova (Italy). It further involves researchers from Université de Bourgogne (France), Université de Louvain-la-neuve (Belgium), Temple University (USA), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), Radboud University (the Netherlands), Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen (Germany), University of Graz and Medical University of Vienna (Austria), and Southern Medical University (China).
We are looking for 18-to-35 year-old participants (identifying as woman, man or nonbinary), currently without smell/taste disorder, or a chronic respiratory illness (e.g. asthma).
The questionnaire (anonymous*) should take roughly 20 min to fill:
On the first page you will be asked to pick the language you feel the most comfortable with, among :
- English
- German
- Italian
- Swedish
- French : only men needed (recruitment is complete for French-speaking women)
If you are speaking Chinese, please contact us, the form will soon be ready in this language.
Also, don't hesitate to contact us directly if you have any question about the survey or if you encounter technical difficulty: .
Thank you very much for your consideration and your help in this exciting project!
Feel free to share this message with anyone who could be interested in this research!