A PhD Graduate Student Research Assistantship is currently available in the Hines Lab at Pennsylvania State University to study the evolutionary genetics and developmental mechanisms underlying mimetic color variation in bumble bees. This project is highly integrative, including potential training in the areas of genetics, genomics, developmental biology, pigment chemistry, systematics, and entomology, and will likely involve bee rearing and field research. Additional research directions may be possible in other topics of interest in the lab, including study of mimicry, insect pigmentation, bee systematics, bee conservation, and bee behavior. Enrollment for this position can take place either through the Entomology (http://ento.psu.edu/), MCIBS (http://www.huck.psu.edu/content/graduate-programs/molecular_cellular_integrative_biosciences/about), or Biology (http://bio.psu.edu/) graduate programs. Desired start dates range from Spring 2016 through Fall 2016.
For more information on current research directions in the lab visit www.hineslab.org. Interested students should email Dr. Heather Hines (hmh19@psu.edu) with a statement of interest and a curriculum vitae that includes GPA and GRE scores.