Post-doc position available to study audience effects in a cooperative breeder
post-doc position in Behavioural Ecology is available from
mid-September for 1.5 years to study experimentally whether cooperative
behaviour is influenced by sex-specific audience effects. The project
will integrate a broader research program which investigates the
potential role of social and sexual selection in the evolution and
maintenance of cooperation in a colonial cooperative bird from Southern
Africa, the sociable weaver. The successful post-doc candidate will
integrate an international research group based in Portugal, France and
South Africa and will be working closely with Rita Covas (CIBIO,
University of Porto, Portugal), Claire Doutrelant (CEFE-CNRS, France)
and Fanny Rybak (University of Paris-Sud, France). The project is based
on acoustic and behavioural field experiments and requires spending an
initial period of 4-6 months in the field. Previous experience with
fieldwork, behavioural work and acoustics, as well as motivation to
conduct behavioural experiments in field conditions are therefore
essential prerequisites. Candidates are equally required to have solid
knowledge of evolutionary ecology and preferably of cooperation and
social evolution. Pre-application enquiries are encouraged and should be
sent to , and . More information about the project can be found at;;;
The application deadline is 14 July 2017. Applications must include Curriculum Vitae (CV), motivation letter, copy of academic certificates, and contact details of two references, sent to: