lundi 4 juin 2018

PEGASE is offering a post doc position for 12 months, starting 12 th of November 2018.

Pegase ( is a joint research unit created in 2012 by Inra and Agrocampus Ouest. Pegase is the acronym for Physiology, Environment and Genetics for the Animal and Livestock Systems. Situated in Brittany, in western France, in the centre of one of the main agricultural regions in Europe, only 1h30 from Paris, Pegase employs about 120 permanent staff and 30 temporary staff and students. Pegase conducts research on animal biology and livestock systems with the ultimate goal to improve the sustainability and the competitiveness of animal production systems. 
We look for a post-doctoral scientist with a PhD in Animal Behaviour to work on the European project SOUNDWEL, funded by the ERA-Net ANIHWA. SOUNDWEL aims at developing a tool to classify porcine vocalisations according to their context and emotional content. The post doc will have to coordinate and perform experiments on pigs emotions and vocalisations, to collect data from other partners to make a general overview of the accuracy and validation of the developed tool. In addition the post doc will be in charge of developing the website of the project.
The candidate should have experience in bioacoustics and in behavioural observations in experimental conditions, in large mammals preferably. English scientific writing and oral communication skills are mandatory to communicate within the project and outside. In addition French basic knowledge or motivation to attend French courses would be appreciated for the experimental work. Motivation, enthusiasm, and organization skills are required. 
PEGASE is situated near a pig experimental farm belonging to INRA. PEGASE has full equipment for behavioural observations (cameras, The Observer) and acoustic work (microphones, recorders). Payment will depend on previous experience of the candidate.
Please send applications or ask for more information to Céline Tallet ( or phone: +33 2 23 48 50 53). Applications should include a detailed CV with publication list and one reference letter as well as a motivation letter. Deadline for application is 25th June.