lundi 26 août 2024

Associate Prof in Companion Animal

 College | Management Unit: UCD College of Health and Agriculture Sciences
School | Unit: UCD School of Veterinary Medicine
Post Title & Subject Area (if relevant) Associate Professor in Companion Animal Health & Welfare Surveillance
Post Duration: 5 Years
Grade: Associate Professor
Line Manager Head of School or Nominee
Competition Ref. N⁰ 017602
HR Administrator Nadia Tarpey
Relocation Expenses Will not apply
Garda Vetting Will not apply
PPoossiittiioonn SSuummmmaarryy::
The UCD School of Veterinary Medicine is a constituent school in the ‘One Health’ College of Health and
Agricultural Sciences (CHAS) and is ranked in the top 50 World QS-rankings for its discipline. UCD is a
research-intensive university, with an emphasis on excellence and the delivery of impact that addresses
major global challenges. The School’s undergraduate (MVB) programme in veterinary medicine is
accredited by professional bodies including the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the
Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC), the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS), the
European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education (EAEVE) and the Veterinary Council of
Ireland (VCI). The School’s BSc programme in veterinary nursing is internationally accredited by the
Accreditation Committee for Veterinary Nurse Education (ACOVENE).
The portfolio of educational offerings includes both undergraduate and graduate entry streams to
veterinary medicine, a veterinary nursing degree programme, an expanding range of taught graduate
programmes, structured and thematic PhD programmes, specialist clinical training (residency
programmes) and continuing professional development offerings. These programmes maintain the
highest educational standards and are recognised for their quality nationally and internationally. A wide
variety of pedagogical approaches are employed, including enquiry- based learning, blended and online
learning and small group teaching.
Research in veterinary medicine is a key part of our mission, and is a major factor in maintaining the
international reputation of the School. The School has research strengths across a range of disciplines
and programmes, including a number of significant research groups, with international impact. Supports
are available, both within the School and the broader University, to assist earlier-career staff to establish
vibrant programmes of research.
We are seeking an exceptional veterinary scientist with demonstrable drive and ambition to develop a
robust national animal health & welfare surveillance system in Ireland based on data routinely collected
by commercial veterinary practices. Similar systems have been established elsewhere, including
VetCompass in the UK. Utilising this system and in collaboration with others, the candidate will lead and
© UCD Human Resources Job Description Template 017602
facilitate a diverse programme of research on the health & welfare of the companion animal population
in Ireland. It is expected that research emphasis will be placed on areas of particular importance to
national policy-makers, including companion animal demography, health surveillance, animal welfare,
and antimicrobial stewardship.
Key stakeholders in this initiative include clinicians within the UCD Veterinary Hospital, commercial
veterinary practices, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM, including those DAFM
Divisions with responsibility for animal health surveillance, animal welfare, and antimicrobial usage), and
the UCD Centre for Veterinary Epidemiology and Risk Analysis (CVERA).
It is expected that the successful candidate will collaborate closely with all key stakeholders and
collaborate with colleagues associated with similar initiatives in other countries. The candidate will be
closely aligned with CVERA, and more broadly with colleagues in the School, College and University.
Relevant cognate Schools within UCD include the School of Computer Science (with expertise including
data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning) and the School of Public Health, Physiology and
Sports Science (with expertise including public health, epidemiology, biostatistics).
Principal Duties and Responsibilities:
• Establish a national system for companion animal (primarily dogs, cats and horses) health &
welfare surveillance in Ireland based on data that are routinely collected by commercial
veterinary practices
• Utilising this system and in collaboration with others, lead and facilitate a rich and diverse
programme of research on the health & welfare of the companion animal population in Ireland,
with an emphasis on areas of particular importance to government policy-makers
• Engage actively in initiatives to successfully attract research funding
• Disseminate high-impact research outputs in international peer-reviewed academic journals and
by other appropriate means
• Supervise and manage undergraduate and postgraduate student research projects as well as
postdoctoral researchers
• Work closely with collaborating partners where applicable
• Teach on undergraduate and/or postgraduate courses relevant to area(s) of research
• Design and implement a range of appropriate methods of teaching and assessment
• Engage in programme and curriculum design and review
• Provide academic counselling and advice to students
• Maintain the highest professional standards to enhance School, College and University
• Contribute to the academic life of the Subject Area, School, College and University and to the
wider educational community
• Participate in and show leadership in the academic administration of the School and appropriate
University bodies
• Undertake specific roles and functions in the School and other University bodies as may be
reasonably requested
• Undertake other such duties as directed by the Head of School in line with the contract of
© UCD Human Resources Job Description Template 017602
SSuupppplleemmeennttaarryy iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn::
The University:
UCD Strategy 2020-2024: Rising to the Future
Salary: 95 Associate Professor (7941) €80,896 - €114,243 per annum
Appointment will be made on scale and in accordance with the Department of Finance guidelines.
Details on eligibility to compete and pension information is available at
UCD welcomes applications from everyone. We are committed to creating an environment where diversity is
celebrated and everyone is afforded equality of opportunity. Learn more about Diversity at
SSeelleeccttiioonn CCrriitteerriiaa::
Selection criteria outline the qualifications, skills, knowledge and/or experience that the successful candidate would
need to demonstrate for successful discharge of the responsibilities of the post. Applications will be assessed on
the basis of how well candidates satisfy these criteria.
• A Veterinary Degree registerable with the Veterinary Council of Ireland
• PhD or equivalent specialist Diploma e.g. Diplomate of the European/American College of
Veterinary Public Health
• Skills and experience with data management & analysis and/or quantitative epidemiological
• Skills and experience in the leadership and management of complex research projects
• A high-impact publication record, commensurate with career path and experience
• A record of obtaining and managing research funding, and an ability to raise future research
• Evidence of commitment to high-quality university-level teaching, learning and student support
• Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
• Candidates must demonstrate how they can positively contribute to fostering an inclusive
environment and a level of awareness of equality, diversity and agenda
• Prior experience with national animal health & welfare systems
• Evidence of research and publication(s) in support of policy decision-making
• Clinical experience with companion animals
• Knowledge of and experience in companion animal health & welfare surveillance
• Track record of building and leading an effective research group, including mentoring of early
career researchers
© UCD Human Resources Job Description Template 017602
The College/Management Unit:
The School/Programme Office/Unit:
Other (Please specify):
Equality Diversity and Inclusion at UCD
Name: Carmel T Mooney
Title: Professor, Clinical Director
Email address: